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Newmarket Era and Express, 24 May 1956, p. 8

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or roc A ZEPHYR The of Zephyr United church holding a er- vice on Sunday June at Dr Margaret Arklnatall will be guest speaker Special music will be provided by Mr Irene St John of Vroomanton soloist and by the Brother and Gordon of with their bass Instrument top Son Stone i rf- I J ar Free I r J A tfff SV i v I j3yiyrffF 5 SS V A I Mi If MEAT 1vr lb gcx VAIK w ISC ff WE BEST QUALITY BEST QUALITY 7 fiw ae loaded from trailer and Ah end of the first ties- First the boat must be day weekend of the and just in time for I doubt that moat people could hove lasted through another day of rest at the cottage With calloused hands barked shins and aching backs all proof of the softening influence of a winter in town you settle back into the comfort of an upholstered chair At least that ordeal is over the cottage is opened for this year There is one thing hat can be said in favor of spending a spring weekend at cottage After that everything at home no matter how shabby or drab takes on a hew air of elegance and luxury If you make that visit early enough it will save endless hours of work at home No longer will you be dissatisfied with the dining room draperies or feel that the living room needs to be redecorated You will sigh softly grateful that you have draperies None of the springs in the chesterfield jab you when you fall into it so what more is wanted you reason Yes you will say to your self as you raise your weary head and gaze around This room is just fine the way it is I wonder why I thought it need- alterations this spring The first holiday weekend falls into four parts First there is the preparation This phase can take anywhere from a few days to several months There are the outofdoors enthusiasts who be gin planning the spring opening shortly after they close the cot tage in the fall They make de tailed plans of alterations to the cottage This type doesnt have a fiveyear plan but one from here to eternity They list the necessary provisions and spend the intervening time dreaming about last summers fun and planning for this summer This first phase includes such activities as the demotlvballing of quilts and blankets after winter storage The provision of at least three types of ward robes for each member of the family is a minimum require ment This early in the season you must be ready for anything from snow to swimming and of course there ever a holi day weekend in camp without some rain Next comes the second stage the trip to the cottage For some this is nothing more than hop ping into the car if there is still room for any passengers For others it requires the load ing of a trailer and a boat for the long haul Regardless of the organization given to the first phase it usually requires much manipulating of children dog and bundles to fit everything into its space Invari ably on the first few trips each spring before the routine has become established the entour age leaves the driveway minus at hast one necessity He turning for that everyone again waves gaily the neigh bor children or at least thoir dog if there Is no one else pres ent for the voyage party Farewells are said to the garden and everything else that comes to the childrens attention and away you go again Any thing forgotten by this time re mains quietly at home for the weekend Again this second phage can be for rather uneventful and brief for those who must complete their trip those are Next it be loaded with the hundreds of as sorted bundles and parcels which filled the luggage compartment trailer and every spare nook of the car Finally the trip across lake must be made to the cottage Safe ashore once more the un initiated might sigh with relief thinking Well at least that is over You have arrived But have you There is still the task of unloading the boat and carrying everything up the hill to the cottage After the eighth or ninth trip with boxes and duffle bags far from having be come accustomed to it you arc toying with the idea of leaping from the nearest cliff or refusing to budge unless someone carries you up the hill Just then some one says that everything is in camp You dont have to go down to the boat for another load But before you have time to rejoice someone suggests that you can either cut wood for the fire or bring up a pail of water Your restful weekend in camp has begun The third phase of the holiday has arrived and re gardless of your attitude of mind at that moment you are stuck with it You are in camp and there you will remain for the weekend The weekend stretches into nightmare of activity from that moment The docks have to be put into place tho boat varnish more wood cut more watcx hauled and the cottage dont forget it It has been complete ly and all in one weekend Hut fortunately there are some pleasant aspects to this holiday weekend There is tho annual meeting of the cottage owners association where constructive thinking is done on such com munity projects as the improving of the parking lot or the road Into the lake There is the to renew acquaint ances with other properly own ers at the lake whom you have nt seen since last season There is time for walks in the woods with the new growth showing a soft misty green on the poplars and birch and the trilliums making patches of color on the carpet of moss There is the rustling sound of leaves as you tramp back to the beaver meadows and the exhilaration of being alone in your boat you across the lake The final phase of the week end the trip home is a quiet one Everyone is exhausted the children and the dog are asleep Now you have time to think back over the past few days No oilier weekend in the sea son is quite like this one There vill be rain on the roof in the of the night There he dancing on the lakes surface There he more heaver and racoons sighted There will be the eerie call of the loon and whippoor wills repetitive Time and time again these experiences be repeated during the sea son but they are all so new on the first weekend after a winter In town thai they are compensa tion for the bruises and bumps of the long holiday weekend HOME AND SCHOOL SPONSORS DANCE Approximately was raised at the Old dance by the Stuart Scott Homo and School association on Friday May Mrs Held Atkinson was the gen eral convener Music was provided by Charlie and his orchestra The party which was a family affair with the parents and the prcteeners participat ing was by profes sional square dunce director Mrs Da vies Hough of Mrs J A Hundley and Mrs Howard Morton were In charge of the ticket sales The refresh ment booths were convened by Mrs and Mrs John Macphcrson MRS ARMSTRONG IS GUEST SPEAKER Mrs Elton Armstrong was guest speaker when the Women association of St Andrews Pres byterian church Newmarket met at the home of Mrs James Faris on Tuesday May Miss Harriet was the guest pianist The devotionals wore conduct ed by Mrs S Johnston and Mrs George Wilson Mrs Arm strong read a poem on spring She spoke on interesting quota tions from the Bible and had the members read selected verses to illustrate points in her talk Arrangements were completed for the to cater at the Dis trict Annual meeting of the Wo mens Institute It will be held in the Sunday school room on June Preliminary plans were made for the annual St An drews tea and sate of handwork and home baking The date was set for Friday Nov 30 A social time followed Re freshments were served with the hostess being assisted by Mrs K Atkinson Mr and Mrs J Smith Mr and Mis Hex Smith and Mrs J Smith attended the Convoca tion for the Faculty of Applied Science in Queens University at Kingston on Saturday May where Mr Douglas Smith gradu ated as a Chemical Mrs Hall Of Elected Deanery Of WA AFTERNOON PLANS WORK DAY The Afternoon auxiliary Trinity United church Newmarket will meet in the church hall on Friday June at pm Members are requested to note change of date The afternoon will bo spent In packing the bale mem ber is requested to bring a gift suitable for a 13 or 14 year old boy or girl to this meeting Mrs M Hall of Sharon was reelected president of the Dean ery of York North at the annual conference at St Mary Magdalene church an Thursday May Special speaker was Canon A Davis field secretary of the Missionary society of the church in Canada The Afternoon and Evening branches of St Pauls at tended the conference as well as delegates from the other Angli can churches in North York The morning session opened with Holy Communion The rector was the rector Dr Abbott Mrs of the Schomberg welcomed the guests Re ports were presented on the years work by each branch in the deanery At the afternoon session Mrs Schuyler of Oak Ridges Diocesan WA president chaired a question period Mrs introduced the study book East from Burma Can on Davis reported on his recent world tour He made the trip to study Anglican missions Next years conference wilt be hold at Youth Week Starts May 27 In Sutton Starting on May 27 and carry- on until June I a Christian Fellowship week will be held in Sutton This will be under the auspices and leadership of a group of young Christians from the area and the ac tual meet inns will be held alter nately in the Anglican and Unit ed church Sunday school halls There will be a wide variety of meetings with singing and instru mental music Choral groups and bands will come from the area and films will be shown on various nights The first meeting will be held in the Ang lican parish hall on Sunday May at i pm and the other meet ings will be held alternately in the two church halls each even ing at pm starting on Monday May in the United church hall All young people will be wel come at these meetings brant and was assisted by a for- St James church Sutton Era and Express Classifieds 6et Results v Mrs Named President Alexander Muir Home School boat NOW BEING TAKEN m Hi TERM THE V- 1 sii tegssv y l MM AND AFTfSKNOON CLASHES Mrs Noble was nam ed president of the Alexander Home anil School associa tion when the annual meeting was held on Tuesday May Mrs Howard Morton a past president of the Newmarket Home and School conducted the installation ceremony A program of songs by all members of the school was pre sented under the direction of the music supervisor Mr K rons Mr Hugh Grant school principal introduced him Mi outlined the levels of musical education achieved at each grade and illustrated his remarks with the childrens choral work It included a double quartet solos and rounds and two three fourpart and unison singing by the various classes The program was varied as to contents as well in the man ner of its presentation Folk songs sea chanties gay and non sense rhymes were included as well as more serious selections Mrs A Cameron moved the vote of thanks to Mr and the singers W A Hurst presided Mrs Gladstone presented the annual financial statement and Mrs Nelson Ion gave a resume of the years activities Mr Hurst presented the nominations report in the absence of the chairman Mrs Arthur Stephens Mr Hurst spoke briefly on the aims and objectives of Home School He thanked the parents teachers and members of his ex ecutive for their cooperation during his term of office Mr moved the vote of thanks to the retiring officers on behalf of the general membership The meeting closed with a social halfhour Those named to office for are past Mr Hurst Mrs vice- Mrs Ion and Dr D A Hutchison treasurer Mrs John corresponding secre tary Mrs Ray record ing sec Mrs Leslie Taylor ex ecutive members Mrs Hurst Mrs Fred Mrs Mr John and Mrs Warner The com mittee chairmen will be named later Newmarket Social News ft YEARS TO OF AGE TO T X T ftT lJ J I i J Sx j mi HOSPITAL WOMEN PL AN DRAW ON BOND A draw on a bond be held by the York County Hospi tal Womens auxiliary at the luncheon meeting on Wednesday June a Only a limited number Of tickets is being sold The luncheon be held at the Briars club Jacksons Point at am The guest speaker Will be Mrs J Cross of Toronto Mrs Cross is con vener of the tuck shop at Toron to Genera hospital Maws The branch will meet on Wednesday May SO at pm in Die basement of the United church Motto The Joy of his when you have Hummed all up is found in the making of friends Reply Mrs J I Smith Roll call Ex change of plants Program Union Street will be Mr J rep resenting the York County hos pital The May meeting of Zephyr branch was in the commun ity hall on Wednesday evening May at Ten to the Army ap peal Holland was for friendship coun try Mm Jean Mrs were the hew hull Dele fur lie annual were appointed Mr M had a new took book Mrs K gave a report of trip recently Mn Profit ok charge of I ha program Horner Walker Arnold ang a duel on thu piano by Mm Karen Pickering ploy a piano year American exports to totalled billion Han Mm to gWIA- Items for the Social and Per sonal column must reach the Express office not later than ft in each Tuesday Send them by mail or telephone or Mrs Charles of Winnipeg has returned home af ter having spent the past week at Hie home of Mr ami Mrs Heft During her stay Mrs ami Mr and Mrs visited other relatives in Peter- Mr and Mrs William Young spent the holiday weekend at Halt the guests of Mr and Mrs A Members of St Pauls Angli can church attended the annual Deanery service St James Cathedral in Toronto on May la Mr and Mrs Bruce Andrews and sons and Mr Ted Andrews holiday weekend at Blake over the holiday weekend at the home Mr and Mrs Frank Daniels included Mr Donald Fry of Trenton Mr and Mi Scott Mr James Dulton Mr Murray of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Malar and family of A group of local residents visited Niagara Falls on Sunday hits the trip Mr and J and family were Sunday guests of Mr Freeman of Mr and Mrs Daniels and family will move to their new home on Millard Ave on The Seoul Mother auxiliary catered for the held In holier of Mr by Hie Scout droop on May Ifl Ms of spend- a few in Mr- and Mrs Johnson nf Mario were guests at Hie home of Mr Harry Fee last Mr- Aubrey Wat son John and Peter and Mr and Sam were Sun day Mr and Mrs of Zephyr Mra was a wedding at Trinity Angli can church on Saturday May and visiting Dr and Mrs of Mr Cameron Smart has re turned home from Toronto Gen eral hospital Mr and Mrs Roy Meads spent the holiday visiting their cousins Mr and Mrs Charles and Mr and Mrs Harold of Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Hoy Meads had dinner Monday night with Mr and Mia Cliff Woods of Oak- ville Mr anil Mrs Charles en of Toronto visited Mrs A on Sunday Mrs Michael lingers of Cheltenham England arrived on Tuesday via New York on the United States to spend the summer with her mother Mrs A Mrs Vera Arnold spent sev eral days visiting In Ottawa last week a guest at Mrs Haw- tin Mr and Mrs Spent the weekend in Woodstock with their and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Lyman Hue ami granddaughter Carol Ann Mrs Howard Me- and Mr and Mrs Bert Mi Curium attended gradua tion ceremonies at Vet erinary College on May IB when Howard Hud received Ids Doctor Vet erinary Surgeons degree Miss McCarnan Toronto spent weekend with her parent Mr and Mrs Mctarnun Miss spent Sunday guest of Mr Mis Bert Mrs A Carter has re turned home after spending past two in Kltclionar the guest of son and daughter- inlaw Mr- and Mrs Erie Carter Mr and Mrs V of lwUhurg holi daying in town the guests of Mr and Mrs Cutting anil family Mr and Reginald of spent the holiday At the home of ami Hart v Canadian manufacturer with sales office in Newmarket is offering outstanding opportunity to a man to act as dealer in Newmarket and territory m man we want must have initiative and be interested in making it career in sales and service lie must be willing to take training to equip him to organize and train a direct selling force Write full particulars including age marital status etc to and Express box 5 I Pharmacists f THE MARK OF A REALLY SMART PERSON i The of a really person it not a college 4i4oma or a Phi Kapa key might be a record f actions To know it all would be Wonderful if absorb that much knowledge in a Next best is to seek and accept the advice of experts particularly your Doctor v Visit frequently Follow bis directions carefully Iking your to us to be filled take the medicine he prescribes regularly Such cooperation is the best course for preservation of your health and it marks you as a really L ft I PHARMACISTS A 108 Main St Newmarket Phone BE LABELLED But ttaft fcwlMM ta out boa pom eoratftiit to tUly Of voik out In iu a Ml libil tun ftCCtdtaU fc r 111 loll Mjrcfltuctoa Re Smith WW RICHMOND HIM- J- R- Savage MAPI A KINO Victor A Hall ft Rlnf Mnria AURORA A K PA Alex MacLeod Agency Rla UN ION VIMK Harvey Stanley MeNell Limited BRADFORD Fred Cook Aubrey Stewar I47W F MeDetuld SlnclxlrCoeknora 1 ft Aasodates BA

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