I EVANS Wishes to customers of Evans Fuels lis for support Mr Evsns hits turned over the business to Mr Bowman formerly of Toronto now of who carry on the same business operation the some staff wider the same name draw on IS GUEST SPEAKER A draw on a quilt will be made on June at the York County j Hospital Womens auxiliary cheon at Briars Golf club Jack sons Point The is the handiwork of Mrs Ritchie dietician at the hospital who do nated it to the auxiliary The entire proceeds will be used for the group in its hospital work V iJ AND WOOD PHONE 5 WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS F A t aa I r mm ssr May 21 JR LADIES AID HOLDS MEETING The Junior Ladies aid of the Christian Baptist New market met in the Sunday school room on Tuesday May Mrs Smart presided and report ed on the successful tea which the group had sponsored the pre vious week Mrs Godson was in charge of the She was assisted by Mrs Gordon Cook At the conclusion of the busi ness session a social time was spent Refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses Mrs Gorley Edwards Mrs Jack Mac Arthur Mrs Norman Fry and Mrs Ern est Winter Busy Winter In Florida Reported By Mrs Bowman Mrs J Bowman was the at the Clothesline show an out- guest speaker at the door display of pictures in the J tefw 8 PM Si TO I lt- 0 arc e p i r i May 19 J is- fe e a a v Jrir A Jr 1 ns rfX- Modern Ladies i KING The King Spring Thaw a var iety entertainment by children will be presented finder the aus pices of King City Lions in Mem orial park pavilion Friday even ing May 25 About children will display local talent A Peter is the producer and Vic will be the Baby Christened at St Andrews Donald Philip John McCallum five months son of Mr and Mrs Donald King city was baptized by Rev J- Shepherd on Mothers Day at St Andrews Presbyterian church Strange Baskets of flowers dec orated the church and the mo ther wore a corsage the gift of the babys father Among the guests at the christening supper at the home were the Mr and Mrs Reginald Toronto Rev Mr Shep herd and his wife were also guests Miss who was a director of library school of was a visitor at the opening of King Memorial Library May She was a week end guest of Mrs Henry Borden Miss Barbara Coutts and Miss Betty Cunningham of King City high school students entertained for their friends attending the Aurora high school cadet dance last Friday night Receives Oil Fainting At the May meeting of King Womens Institute Mrs Colin Stewart was the recipient of an oil painting the work of Mrs Arnold Peter the president The presentation was made by Mrs Doris in apprecia tion of Mrs Stewarts three years as secretary of the branch and over two years as the treas urer She expects to leave the community this month Mills Home and School associa tion on Tuesday May Mrs Bowman who returned to New market after spending the winter at Lake Worth Florida reported an active eason having continued her interest in painting photog raphy and crafts while away Mrs Bowman spoke to the Home and School on her work with handicapped and retarded children She showed pictures taken at local schools for such children Mrs Bowman acted as corres- Square Palm Beach by the Artists guild Another highlight of her win ter in Florida was a twoday trip to Nassau The Camera club of which Mrs Bowman is a mem ber chartered a plan with more than 30 taking the trip A sale home bilking will ta hold under tho of the Prince Chin lea Homo find on Friday pm til lure Mftln fit Iruceedtt from the will ho Used by tin In lift work lit Prince Charles MISSION CIRCLE The Mission Circle of the Christian Baptist church will meet on Thursday May at 230 in the Sunday school ponding secretary for the Lake hall Will the ladies kindly Worth Art league an organiza tion with a membership of over She will be vice president of the group next winter Mrs Bowman entered an exhi bit of oils photo graphs and enamel on copper costume jewelry in the leagues show at the Strait Museum Lake Worth She won two first prizes for her colored slides the first time in the history of the organi zation that one member had tak en two firsts One was entered in the human interest class and the other was an abstract With the Palm Beach Art league Mrs Bowman entered an exhibit at the Norton Gallery in West Palm Beach She also had entries in the exhibition and sale bring their birthday money at this meeting LADY EATON PRESENTS CHURCH CHOIR GOWNS Kettleby United church was the scene of an impressive ser vice on Sunday evening May when Lady Eaton presented 30 choir gowns to the United church congregations of Snow and and a pulpit gown to the minister Rev Robert Gra ham The gifts were received and dedicated by Mr Graham who spoke of the generosity of the donor The choir gowns are a maroon color with white collars and tabs The combined choirs of both congregations sang anthems Mr J of was guest solist HOSPITAL LUNCHEON PLANNED FOR JUNE Plans are made by the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary for its annual luncheon meeting at Briars Golf club Jacksons Point The date has been set for Wednesday June at pm Mrs J Cross convener of the tuck shop at the Toronto East General hospital will be the guest speaker The local organi zation is planning a tuck shop for York County hospital Those who are interested in bridge will be able to play after the luncheon Others who pre fer to spend the time visiting friends from other sections of the county will have the opportunity to do so Transportation Is be ing arranged by Mrs P J Tod Newmarket HOME AND SCHOOL HAS ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment by tin children of the school will nit of meet ing of the Klin School Metal evening will the an the annual meeting with I lo tion of officers has been post poned until the full Selections from the Empire Day program will be presented by the students Colored films will be shown imd refreshments will be served The meeting will begin at Nmmurkt Social Mr find Mrs I J of Toronto with Mr ft nil limit at fill J Mr A Mia J lttf fit Kurd Matter MutA John horn MUSIC PROGRAM FOR HOME AND SCHOOLS Alexander Home and will hold its mHtin at the school May when a music pffim presented by the km will begin pro It will of Mr up cow a A community shower was held on Friday evening in the Hall for Anderson and Melfort McCaffrey Reeve J Pollock acted as mas ter of ceremonies and Miss nice Davidson and Mr Irwin Winch convened the program Several ladies assisted with the many lovely gifts and refresh ments Miss Anderson was further honored at a personal shower given by Mrs Jack and Mrs Pollock at the latter summer home Beach on the evening of May notice in Mobile Catering I We cater to all auction sates wrtitrtttfjr jftiw or any place where it Hot and Cold Good Cot hit and Percentage of to rbl I m Call for We be there- Only 1 f yj V w ii J w- a j r virS halters f v gS T f PL PLEASANTVILLE The Community club will meet on Friday night May at the school There will be a baseball game early in the evening followed by a display of fireworks Ladies provide Mrs George Smith attended the Ontario conference for branch secretaries at last week On Saturday afternoon May at school the community and friends from Sharon Holt and Sharon had miscellaneous shower for Joyce von a bride of the month Miss Sadie McQueen of was a weekend guest at the home of Mrs Frank Wil liams Mr and Mrs Earl Toole Stu art and Elgin Toole spent part of Sunday at the homes of Mr and Mrs Hancock and Mr and Mis A Forbes Oshawa Little Master Terry Lee Mc- son of Mr and Mrs D was christened at Wesley United church on Mo thers Day Mr and Mrs of were also in attend- once for the lough baby christening having dinner at the home Mr and Mrs at tended a shower at Sharon hall on Saturday night for Mr Mur ray Allen and Miss Master Murray Robinson had the misfortune to have a fall on Monday night and broke his WI News The branch met at Mrs Ida Thompsons home Wil low Beach on May with 18 members present The District President Mrs A visited the branch and addressed the meeting briefly Mrs Selby replied to the motto and Mrs Kydd gave a demon stration on making place cards and table novelties Mrs Freeman Stephens read a paper on Home Economics and Health It was decided to hold a parcel post sale at the June meet ing Our secretary Mrs Draper is to attend the conference at Lunch was served by Mrs Huntley Mrs Thompson and Mrs CLOSE FINANCING Driving back from Florida re cently a Montreal business man pulled into a gas station at Wil mington Delaware just as a youth dashed up in an ancient jalopy which was shaking itself apart writes Napier Moore in The Financial Post The lad waved a greeting to the attendant and said just made it Whereupon he care fully put exactly worth of gas in the tank flipped the attendant a dime got back into the car and stepped on starter The jal opy failed to respond The got out of the ear lifted the hood and put worth of gas into the carburetor He climbed back into the car and the engine shuddered and came to life Waving to the at tendant he said I cant pay you today The attendant his assistant Mark it down in the book that he owes us a cent We suspect concludes Mr Moore boy was saving up to pay the next instalment on the car k I MAPLE COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL STARTING TIME PM SHARP JACKPOT NUMBERS Golden Line special and 20 numbers called WW Other Special ALL PROCEEDS FOR BENEVOLENT WORK v A- v Pi- KL J- v h J S r W aVv- i f j T A 2JV ri ii fc J t J J fc -3- -rc- OUR BASEMENT ij rf 1 1 -r- i i i Pi iHS Highest of workman oiler good d limes on from yard or more Minimum inches finished lined or K SV4- j i jr j e1 Tm