Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 17 May 1956, p. 6

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K v m lip HOUSE FOR SALE know that the rent yon paying cadi month will now home on basis Full price only Inquire today Thompson Holland Landing phone New new low on Grace St Modern kitchen tile bath vanity Phono Newmarket REAL ESTATE FOR SALE piece bungalow living room new school aikI Office plant good terms Nell Fatld phono Newmarket HOUSE FOR RENT house all con- dencos And le will rent as a whole suitable for apartments one Newmarket ftvs about and several acres whore factory he erected one mile of Public school TrAnipATl railway pickup be Write Express CHARLES EBOYD REALTOR clapboard bungalow locate on high nicely landscap ed lot Hugo modern kitchen with dhmctte targe living room hit go bedrooms about years old bathroom full base ment wh oil furnace a comfortable home Asking Terms bungalow located with in a block of main street shopp ing churches and schools mod ern kitchen large bedrooms room furnace bathroom would make excellent home for a retired couple Full price cash clapboard bungalow located on beautifully landscap ed lot owner seriously home must he sold huge modem kit chen dining room bedrooms bathroom Full basement with oil furnace and laundry Priced below Its value at REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STORE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 2 HT1Y offices with all service up- at nee Phone New space in on Main St ideal for lawyer dentist chartered ac countant etc approximately ft Well divide to tenant Reasonable rent Phone Newmarket or Toronto storey home first floor kitchen large bedrooms nc with toilet second has bedrooms bathroom lot GO value Price 12000 terms VALVK VALUE i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GORDON STOUTT LTD DOWN hrlck in new residential area of town blocks from school Ultra mod- era kitchen bright tile bathroom air condi tioned oil heating situated on large landscaped lot This house carries for 75 monthly taxes on mortgage Full price REDUCED NEWMARKET FRAME bungalow on lovely corner lot In residential area forced to sell due to Ill ness Low down payment Full price APPROVED LOTS NOW available full size level lots ready for spring Act now for 1ks1 choice Full price NEWMARKET BEDROOM modern home over looking town spacious living- room bright extra modern kitchen 2 bath rooms oil heated attached age situated on a ed lot exceptionally priced at with low down payment stucco home years old located on acre landscap ed lot has modem kitchen bright spacious living with brick fireplace fev4rooms and 4 piece bath second floor has 2 huge bedrooms This homo be sold by Tune as owner is to Vancouver Asking price Terms- LIVE RENTFREE home with apartment over double has bright spacious room modern with dinette bedroom on main floor second floor has bedroom and bathroom apartment is complete with Its own bathroom separate entrance Rents for monthly with oil heating Owner out of town so house must sold Price Terms SHARON 5ROOM clapboard bungalow in Sharon on large and sealed lot Huge modern kitchen living room with dinette 2 huge bedrooms bathroom hotwater with oil heating divided basement garage contact Stevens 21707 ROCHES POINT clapboard home rooms on first floor and rooms on second floor bedrooms full basement Immediate possession Full price down Owner- wants to sell give us an offer HOLLAND LANDING DOWN bath family size kitchen wllh ample cupboards large mom Willi brick fireplace picture window hardwood throughout equipped with oil furnace laundry tubs and brick double garage Reasonable am ount down Terms home bedrooms bath upstairs downstairs contains large dining room family size living room modem kitchen with plenty of cupboards divided basement laundry tubs supply equipped with storms and screens and attached garage located near school church and main shopping district Nominal down payment- oh easy terms BEAUTIFUL bungalow two with cunlioaivis 4piece bath extra living room- modern kit- latest heating with oil full cellar laundry tubs builtin garage lids is a lovely borne situated on a lot Reasonable down payment Terms LOCATED in the resi dential area of Newmarket family home solid brick two kitchens 3piece ath family size living room targe room equipped with new oil furnace hardwood floors situated close to schools and main shopping Low down terms MOUNT ALBERT frame house in very repair large kitchen livingroom family size kitchen plus a downstairs bed room upstairs contains larcre bedrooms good water supply pressure on cistern full basement lot acre This is a good home for this low price Low down pay ment- Terms ALEX DOAK LTD REALTOR NEWMARKET Opposite Loblaws Open until pm ROOMS FOR RENT STORE suitable for small busi ness or office Phone or Newmarket PROPERTY FOR SALE AN IDEAL HOME BEDROOM bungalow hard wood floors on good lot and large garden one block from Yongo St on St vacant possession private sale Phone PA Aurora INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ACRES in one of the best locations in York County 30 mites north of Toronto Level land sandy loam good drainage no mud good roads connection villi No 11 highway water supply and sewage disposal un der your own control Railway near property railway assemb ly yards radius miles customs of entry Office located Newmarket new half million factory on next property For appointment write Era and Express box OPPORTUNITIES SNACK Bar for rent Fishing tackie bait complete stock now on hand established business Main comer Apply Roy Davis Point FURNISHED room new home central abstainers preferred Phone Newmarket ARTICLES j ROOMS private bath hydro heavv wiring kitchen cupboards small Child welcome Apply St Newmar lw2Q ROOM with board and laundry Phone 279M Newmarket FURNISHED hcdsittinj room 123 Prospect St or Newmarket ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms rented separately or to gether in new home near hospi tal and bus continuous hotwater cooking facilities if desired Phone Newmarket after pm or weekends COSY room grill electric refrigerator large yard Hock from Main St Plume Newmarket crlw20 COMFORTABLY furnished room centrally located Main St or phone 22Bw Newmarket evenings tf6 COOKSTOVE ftfjufpfKd burner and 4r oil Phone beds brand complete snrlnflllerl three only North Toronto City Limits phone Hudson J DIAMOND 29 If the householder take this ad to the Theatre Monday May together with identifica tion This person will he admit ted as our theatre guest any one evening Monday through Friday VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone or apply Harold Craddock Ontario St Newmarket if if ftfitt infi I a s with AM of Fro Jmf Toronto St and A effvf- or for and ARTICLES SALE COMMERCIAL sign business in cluding house for USA Sacrifice for sale Write PO box Tack- soils Point PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE Good pasture with plenty of shade and water for rent season per head Farm phone Newmarket PASTURE for rent Phone WANTED TO RENT opposite post office Newmarket by expert Burns moth holes tears Brio your trouble also your alterations Phone I A with some jiM Writ Era and box Newmarket SALESMAN DRAPERY READY made draperies 81 or inches long pair You may buy as many pairs as you rtW Many different materials CAR radio from condition Phone New St Newmarket market after pm RUG brand new and pad wine condition 18- Phone New market MATTRESS double bed size lust rebuilt Mrs Lecuyer or phone Queens vilte WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of ail kindj Vincent Prop 51IBKTAXTAH commission on of poultry oquipment with ex ceptional opportunity in iarrins and advancement to men Phone or 9 LOW DOWN PAYMENT SPACIOUS at a low cost iWfd room area parage on landscaped lot town Full STOUTT LTD ESTATE BROKERS KM PA stucco home located on lot living room kitch en dining room and bedrooms inside conveniences Immediate possession Full price 6000 balance on monthly payments Contact J Mount Albert CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Phone Open till pm HOME KEN mm Timothy Sirwt West Newmarket the Bus Terminal mi LEO CULL above householder will this ad to the Theatre by Monday with aMbttir on will be ad mit red M our theatre any one through listings on sum- and business proper invite local listings typo of deal In ALEX LTD REALTOR 7r frame bungalow containing livingroom I kitch en tile floor modern builtin cup boards and bath situated in nice part town on lot close to schools and shopp ing About down Easy payments on balance bungalow with in basement upstairs large bed- rooms bathroom family size livingroom with cut stone fireplace large kitchen tiled floor ample amount of cup hoards with latest type furnace with oil situated on a lot x ISO This is a new home well built Income from apartment would carry this home Low cash down Kasy terms A beautiful bungalow almost new size bed rooms bath a large mod ern kitchen with ample amounts of modern cupboards and stor age- space large bright hard worn floors through out divided basement hot water supply laundry tubs modern oil heating This home situated on a beautiful landscaped lot x an assortment of fruit trees raspberries grapes etc Reasonable amount down Terms BEAUTIFUL clapboard bungalow about two years old bedrooms bath tiled largo living room largo modern kitchen plus eating area hardwood floors throughout equipped with aluminum storms and screens oil furnace garage and asphalt drive way See this beautiful home now Terms FULL price down payment solid brick house partly furnished heavy wiring garage acres of good land bam and drilled well Call Fred Daniels Queensville For CO LTD Toronto JOSEPH REALTOR 9000 bedrooms kit chen hardwood and tile floors down furnace fully insulated piece bath garage very central residential down solid brick maple linoleum floors fur nace garage bath large shaded lot central sewers good garden Terms room brick house furn ace bath a r w o floors down large shaded lot central Terms CONTACT KEN GROVES PHONE EVENINGS JOSEPH REALTOR Opposite the Bus Terminal TWO or three bedroom house reliable tenants required July Newmarket preferred- Write Era and Express box TEACHER wants house in New- market Phone Lennox Toronto ROOM AND BOARD FREE room and board with food for lady pensioner or widow on pension to care for girl 8 years old hours daily Phone Garfield APARTMENT FOR RENT 4ROOM apartment heated 50 month apartment heated month JOSEPH REALTOR Phone Newmarket SINGLE door wardrobe wood- fireplace prate kitchen suite chrome suite childs desk nearly new aro matic gas rane large Kitchen buffet oak china cabinet bed and 3plece bedroom suite electric ran get to bookcase walnut host of drawers enamel too tables new chrome table rockers babys chair Mon arch Oak roll too desk kitchen table and chairs radios wicker chairs din ette chairs mirrors all sires Cedar chests lamps china lass all kinds of house hold articles Fred Hirst lljlG- FROST Icebox kitchen table Phone Newmarket HEAVY duty rangette in good condition Phono 1179m Newmarket WANTED TO BUY BUDGIE cage and stand Phone Mount Albert TWO babys chairs in good condition Phone Newmar ket PERSONAL MOTHERS helper for encral household duties or mornings- per wvek or equivalent full days Permanent Phone PA Aurora PRODUCE FEW bushels of potatoes Phone 20G SERVICES AVAILABLE FTLL time waitress and irl for weekends for Cousins Bar Newmarket No Tablets are effect- r live 3 weeks supply weeks lw2n So at Atkinsons Bests Drua st iam stores HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TO train A3 SUMMER HELP m HILLTOP LUNCH MERCHANDISE ABOUT TOO fence posts From to S across- Chester Colas Bradford phone Bradford LADYS royal blue suit size Excellent condition Phone Newmarket a t dininqroom suite chairs large extension table long buffet and china cab inet in Rood condition for quick sale Apnly 20 Spruce St or phone PA Aurora GOOD used tricycle large size Phone Newmarket range in excellent condition high speed elements FARM WANTED WANTED to rent or option of buying Few acres to raise stock on and have market gar den Write Era and Express box BUSINESS FOR RENT A I It a In Newmarket Apply in writing to Cousins Dairy Co Aurora BUILDINGS FOR SALE FRAME building 21 22 Phone Newmarket LOTS FOR SALE NEWMARKET IWxW level lot IM level SI ISO St 15000 200 CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket APARTMENT for rent Apply Bros Real Estate Charlie Pondi St a pa rt central location Venetian blinds verandah hardwood floors oil healing large grounds Available at once Stove and refrigerator Phone New market ROOM duplex with porch pri vate entrance reasonable rent Half mile from St South Road Lake Wilcox Name Mr AIFO on Mall box tROOM apartment garage month Elderly couple Must have reference Thompson Holland Land ing or phone Newmarket 2ROOMED apartment and bath separate entrance lights water and heal Phone or New ma apartment selfcontain ed furnished children welcome Phone Newmarket MODERN selfcontained heated a par me refrigerator and Move garage Central Adults Phono Newmarket Era and Express Bring broiler and large oven Phone Newmarket 75 PULLOUT couch springs in pood condition Phone WW Mount STlw20 coal and wood stove with reservoir warming oven front and hot- water tank Also electric range with warming oven Phone Newmar ket CM bicycle balloon tires Minnie motor Phone New market BLUE baby carriage small crib and mattress In good condition complete Phone Now- market LADYS bicycle with motor attached in excellent condition complete Phono New market after pm LEARN TO DRIVE SAFELY THOMPSONS DRIVING SCHOOL to BRADFORD surraunding territory Dual controlled cars Years of Students picked up at their own home DAY OR EVENING Phone Aurora PA Home Office Thornhill AV HODGSON AND MAC AND SHOP Watch Repairs Work Guaranteed Timothy St Newmarket LAWNS cut rotary power mow- Phone Newmarket TRIANGLE GARAGE SPECIALIZING In and repair on nil EUROPEAN And CANADIAN cars Sports and standard models Phone Newmaiket Corner of Yonge and Eagle St INTERIOR and exterior paint ing Paper hanging Free estim ates Robert Townsley Pros pect St or phone Newmar ket SUBURBAN BUILDERS PHONE OR MOUNT ALBERT I CUSTOM homos summer RANGETTE flood condition cottages erected anywhere gar- for HARDWARE We deliver Phone 28 COMBINATION doors and wln- aluminum awnings shades and railings drapery tracks bamboo drapes antl hooks Venetian blinds Zeph- Co Ltd Aurora phone PA PAINT FOR HOME OR FARM PER gallon for house or bam good quality outdoor or in door paint different colors Will deliver 3 or more gallons of Zephyr phone Mount Albert 21010- WORK WANTED YOUNG married man sales office management and adver tising experience desires position with reliable firm in Newmarket or surrounding area Write Era and Express box Newmarket WILL care for child or years old Phone New market PLOWING discing and cultivat ing Phone Newmarket Mr Phone auto a 1 1 control Phono after pm McCIaiy electric ranyc good condition Phone Newmarket GENERAL electric cabinet radio Icebox white capacity lbs It Simcoe St or 5tfl Newmarket lied and double bed ood evcellnt condition Anplv Timothy St New- market Open till pm Phone IN town of Newmarket frontage sewer and water into lot lino Call Sidney Classified Advertising Rotes Three cents word of cents for each advertise ment Half when advertisement repeated on weeks Ten percent discount If advertisement Is within week of publication Comlnjc Events costs three cents a word minimum cents Sale Registers for the first for each sueeeasl of Thanks Wedding srmouneements for each snnanneement less wnta If paid within week of publication In Memoriams for pins cents line for 5 cents rfvertfcmif lefnrib Km St at The Wood Stow phone or with Advertise the null ages chimneys all types of reno vating Consult lis for free estimate and export service RAY IiVNDY HON ELECimc MOTOR SERVICE and repairs New and used motors hi stock Cliff Noble phone Sutton WINDOW Window Sendee phone Newmarket SEND vour broken furniture and articles to the North End Furniture and Fix It Shop phone res Newmarket op posite Newmarket cemetery FURS Rcstylect repaired Custom or ready made Cleaning and reglazing Storage at your own valuation RILL Millard Ave Phone ARTS GARAGE AND RADIATOR SERVICE COMPLETE repair- radiator service FOR painting decorating see phone or apply St W Newmarket GARDENS and cultivat ed with garden tractor Bruce phone ke CUSTOM trenching tlepth up to ft- Complete septic tank If Reasonable rates Call Murray Baker Now- m FENCING FARM residential Indust rial also concrete work Free estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phone Mount Albert or RA PAINTING decorating Newmarket Services Co phone WANT your radio repaired hurry guaranteed Newmarket WINDOW cleaning ket Services Co Contracts In vtted Storm window service Phone KESWICK WELL DRILLING CO HOME AND INDUSTRIAL BAKER Pump and Cement Mixer rental UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occa sional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave Newmarket- Newmarket MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART BEARS RADIO AND TEACHER No EXPERIENCED qualified teacher for modern school with approximately pupils to start September Salary 3200 to according to qualifications and experience Give qualifica tions etc ami last inspector to George Ivan Smith TRUCK driver young man with chauffeurs license for 2ton Shoe Co Aurora YOUNG man to learn and assist in parts department Preferably two years High school Must hold drivers license Apply in person to Macpherson Motors Aurora RELIABLE woman for baby sitting sow afternoons arid evenings Phone Newmar ket FULLTIME Wat kins Route available for Newmarket Over customers to serve Excel lent for right man or woman Earnings average hour For application write immediately to Granger St Roch Street Montreal Quebec SECRETARIAL positions have two openings on our staff for experienced office help Shorthand preferred some hook keeping Duties to commence immediately Salary commensur ate with experience Briars Estates Limited PO No Sutton Ontario NORMAN EG ANT 0 Millard If the above householder will take this ad to the Theatre Newmarket Monday night May together with identifica tion This person will be admit ted as our guest any one evening Monday through Friday TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines PR etc Our Information and service Is reliable Come In and talk over vour trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STOR Newmarket Phone j Mtf jj TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE NEWMARKET to Toronto ton and Leave Newmatyr am leave Toronto 5 Phone 2PnyL Newmarket after pm LEAVING Newmarket for Tor- onto and St Clair 645 am returning 515 Phone Newmarket LEAVING Newmarket ara to Yonge and St returning 5 pm Phone NewmwSr ket T USED CARS FORD radio ftift i

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