Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 17 May 1956, p. 1

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i CIRCULATION For three months ending December 31 1955 Newmarket 2008 Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PAID Aurora and the Rural Districts of North York NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 17 1956 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Here and There Around Town Grant Morton Smoke Rings captain and winner of the Dr Warren Coates Memorial Trophy his award to Bill The Trophy donated by Mrs Murray Jelley is an annual award player judged most valuable to his team The trophy was presented at the Smoke Rings honor night banquet Photo by Stefan ink moke Rings Honored Champions Banquet Ontario Hockey association officials Town and York County dignitaries and hockey greats and present attended New market Smoke Kings Honor id Presentation held at the Legion hall Thursday The honor was well deserved as the Smoke Rings brought this com munity its first junior champion ship since and established an amazing record of succes sive wins in playoff competition Following the banquet chair man Ed Wrightman introduced Frank Auckland presi dent who extended the associa tions congratulations Bill business man ager followed vith a presenta tion of championship medals to each member of the team Hap Emms Flyers coach and Harold Cotton chief scout of Boston Bruins also had la brief innings III the speech de- department congratulating the players manager Peter Gorman coach Herb Cain Mr Cot was particularly praise- worthy of the way coach Cain had brought along the team to championship peak Club sponsor Peter Gorman expressed thanks to coach Cain Hap Emms Harold Cot- ion J George Toronto press Webb Tracy Stan Smith Francis tailings worth busman Larry Needier to John Victor for the free skate sharpening and to Messrs Ed and Alex Hands who provided the orchestra for the dance that followed pres entation ceremonies Mr Gor man presented each player a Jeff Smith presented each member of the team team pictures Mr McMurchie York County warden extended the countys congratulations His Worship M presented each player with a club bag a gift from the town of Newmarket Grant Morion accepted the gifts on behalf of his team mates and expressed the players thanks for the gifts and support throughout the sea son Coach Herb Cain received a plaque from the players pre sented by George Davis and Peter Gorman was similarly hon ored with Don Booth the pre senter Grant Morton voted by his learn mates as the teams most valuable player received the Dr Warren Memorial trophy Mayor K J Henderson of Au rora made the presentation on behalf of Mrs Murray trophy donator The trophy will bo presented each year to the junior player judged the most valuable to his team Says Police Costs Are Enormous Councillor Gladstone termed the expenses of Newmar kets police department enorm ous when approval was given at the May 14 meeting of coun cil to the employing of an addi tional constable He said that the step jus tified only if there vas a better control of the traffic One member of council in de fending the present police force at Monday nights meeting from attacks by other councillors said that Newmarket was fortunate In having such a good depart ment Deputyreeve Violet said that she disap proved of the constant criticisms levelled at the police officers The speaker repeated a con versation she had had with a To ronto police inspector who had told her that the situation was desperate in the city and that for every officer hired two resigned Another member of council noted for his associations with figures and ledgers Immediately agreed that such a situation would be a cause for concern for it would be a mathematical im possibility for it to continue for any length of time Council Accepts Bring In Tobacco Factory Says Town Committee Did Not Follow Council Recommendation It is a sad reflection on Newmarkets citizens when it is newsworthy that attended a public meeting of the elected municipal representatives There should bo that many or more at the majority of the councils sessions did they come Were they expecting a fight or where they truly interested in their towns wellbeing Municipal affairs are big business They demand great sacrifices in time and energy from those publicminded peo ple who are willing to assume the heavy responsibilities associ ated vith the tasks Frequently weeks pass with out a single member of the gen eral public in attendance at the council meetings About the time that anyone is pres ent at a public school board meeting is when he has com plaint or a request to make But all these regular meetings are open to the public Property Committee Chairman Violet was criti cized by Councillor Alex at the May meeting for pre senting a motion from her com mittee without having given a committee report on the situa tion He charged that the com mittee had not followed the re commendations made by council Mr asked why Milton a local taxpayer had had no reply to his letter written more than four weeks ago He had requested an answer by May to his offer to purchase from the town property oft the south west corner of Davis Drive West and Niagara He doesnt know whether his offer has been accepted or rejected Mr said A motion refusing both Mr offer and one from Ar thur A ins ley for the same pro perty was introduced by Mrs a Councillor Gladstone idler It was tabled Mr said that when Mr letter was received it was referred to Mrs committee with the recom mendation that the planning chairman attend a meeting to Mr Keffer would he in vited to outline his plans Keffer never asked to do this Mr said When a large concern wants an early reply from council extra meetings are held to accommo date the firm But when an was called to the im portant part played in the situation growth of York County hospital on Mam a situation which he by Mr Kenneth Stiver at the considered deplorable and meeting of the Hospital Mr said that he didnt believe the story that people had to be permitted to double park to encourage them not to go somewhere else to shop Deputyreeve Violet Naughton said that she lives in the south end of town No one is in a belter position than my self to see if anything is vrong I never see any of this conges tion she said Mrs ton blamed the trouble on New markets narrow Main St and said that the police were doing a good job in traffic control Mr suggested that the only reason for hiring the new constable is to attempt to im prove the situation If my is shopping and has the car said Reeve Edward and comes out to find a ticket on it there will be something doing he warned mens auxiliary He resigned as chairman of the Hospital Board of Directors a short lime before the new wings were officially opened It the chairman in any or ganization who holds the strings coordinating the efforts of all members On him rests the re sponsibilities for the smooth op eration of the group as a team That the York County hospital board was so successful in its public relations with the Wo mens auxiliary medical and nursing staff and general public was due in no small measure to the time given to this work by Mr Stiver Mr Stiver has been a member of the hospital board since his return from overseas service in World War Ho has been suc ceeded in the office of chairman by Mr Alex Spears dividual makes a request he docs not receive an answer for over four weeks Mr charged We should try to make money from our property he added but it should be our aim to help our taxpayers make their living Mr Keffer should at least re ceive that much consideration that he has the opportunity to explain what he plans to do with that property as council directed the committee to provide Councillor Alex Hands said that the property was not large enough for an industrial site and that council should sell it It is high time we got some taxes from that land said Mr Hands I bought vacant land when I came to town and Ive paid 3700 in taxes since then Reeve w a agreed with Mr and Mr Hands that a local taxpayer should have the opportunity of buying the land and first of ex plaining what he planned to do Mr and Mr explained that they con sidered that the price offered for the land was too low Mr lcr told of property on Main St North which would require con siderable fill as will this lot and that the owner was asking an aero for it to table the mo tion until Mr would have an opportunity of outlining his plans to the property committee Robert Martin Honor Night I Tribute To Scouts Friend The way was paved by town council at a special meeting on Tuesday night for the establish ment of a manufacturing plant for Pall Mall cigarettes in New market The resolution was in troduced by Councillors Glad stone and Robert and received the support of coun cil with the exception of Coun cillors Alex and Alex Hands According m to the resolution council conces sions to Lciihardt once this factory has been established here with a minimum square foot area of square feet and the por tion of the proposed site which is now within the township of Whitchurch being annexed to the town No mention was made in the resolution of the number of employees at the new plant Concessions The concessions include appro val of residential sub division on the Lewis farm no limit was set to its area or the number of houses it would con tain the granting of water and sewer connections for Shell Service station on the subdivision the approval of a building permit for the erection of a second service station this one on Davis Drive East and the provision of water for an addi tional 150 houses on the subdivision Permission pre viously was granted for the re maining houses in this sub division as a concession for Len- retention of ionics in Newmarket The approval of the residential subdivision within the town lim its- is subject to the subdivision regulations in force in Newmar ket The granting of water and sewer connections for the Shell station are under the approval and direction of the town engin eer and the provision of water for the subdivision is to be at the discretion of the council The town will receive capital expenditure levy of Attend Spring Rally isr York Guides Brownies the more than COO guides brownie and leaders in attend ees at the York Division spring rally were from Newmarket The annual rally was held at the fair grounds on Satur day May Mrs ranger cap tain for the central division con- evened the program which was based on guide and brownie badge work and took the form Coming Events THURSDAY MAY Special bingo in Aurora Legion hall pm Top line numbers called won badges Yvonne WO Jackpot 100 and numbers received her needlework badge called Share the wealth Susan won her toy maker MAV The collator FRIDAY MAY A nw Newmarket town hall sponsored by Stuart Scott Home and School oclock Admission tickets at door FRIDAY MAY From pm to pm bake sale at Newmar ket iirnUtire and Klcctrlc store sponsored by Prince Charles SATURDAY MAY 19 St Johns TH US DAY MAY Bingo bingo in Newmarket town hail Newmarket Veterans Assn jackpot At pm Free town hall pm All cash prizes Share The Wealth- games door prizes Jack awarded Abbott To Change Fire Alum To The Station An inquiry was made at Mon day nights council meeting by llfome and School of competitive games Guide Councillor Alex Hands as to were present from Holland Lending Richmond Hill Mark- King and Newmarket Mrs district commissioner was in charge of the brownie program Guide Svinners of competitions received Shields First prize went to bcc- company and sec- gind prize to second Richmond company won third Third Richmond Hill Brownie pack won the first brownies Second went to Writ Richmond Hill pack find to Second pack brownies placed In the rally Tho New- guides took sixth place competition certificate wot receiv ed by Newmarket their handwork project made A model childrens ground a picture why the fire alarm system hud not been moved from the water works to the police station when the decision to do that hod been made months Deputyreeve Violet Mac chairman of the po lice and fire committee said that it had been discussed hi the fi nance committee and that it had been decided to hold over the al teration until the dial system had been installed in town by the Roll Telephone company AH calls go to 100 now It would be just as easy to have them transferred to com mented Reeve Edward Whether it was discussed or not it Isnt up to the finance committee or any other commit tee to reach a decision Council did not hear any report said Councillor Alex The matter was referred to the Police and Fire committee Little Red Riding Hood man to consult the engineer and brownie bring In report FRIDAY MAY And every Friday at Cedar Cliff Man or ml leg east of Jack sons round and square dancing fea turing musk by the Top Hats orchestra STARTING SATURDAY MAY This shop will bo closed on I ii rd a and remain through the week Including Wednesdays for your conven ience Mary Reauly Salon St Aurora SUNDAY MAY Anyone wishing to go to Niagara Falls kindly phono Mrs Dobbin Newmarket for Information WED MAY 2 At pm a play Aunt Cindy Clonus up to presented vollore Junior Farmers In Sharon Hall under Ihc auspices of Sharon Hope Friendship Circle AdhRs WEDNESDAY MAY Whit church Conservation club annual banquet speaker Rev A Young Tickets avail able at the Time pm pot number called Admission cards Proceeds Veterans benevolent fund Please note change Thursday- not Wednes day FRIDAY MAY King Lions will present The King Spring Thaw pm variety entertainment by children King Memorial Park Adults children SATURDAY MAY 2 Anyone interested in a trip to Buffalo phone Newmarket or see Cecil Andrews for Information MAY Month ly meeting of Kingcrafts at Kingcrafts House pm Open House for members and their friends sate of garden plants FRIDAY JUNK Home baking sale ill Hots ford St Newmar ket pm under auspices of the c3w20 SATURDAY JUNK Aurora show The annual con signment sale of the County Yorkshire Breeders will bo held at Barrio Fair Grounds at pm on Juno Ten boars and bred unci open sows Boar premium policy will ap ply to all boars For catalogues contact J Keith ton MOSS I NCI TON dancing every Sat r a y night Carl Blacks Round and square dancing Fortysix years of unselfish service to scouting by popular citizen Robert Martin was recog nized by Boy Scout associa tion and town officials at a Rob ert Martin Honor Night held last night The occasion marked Mr Martins retirement as group chairman of the local Boy Scout association Following the banquet held in conjunction with the honor night Horace introduced Charles Pilling Field Commis sioner of the Hoy Scout associa tion Mr Pilling stated that this was the first time an affair of this typo had ever been held in Newmarket and perhaps the first of its kind in Canada Mr Pilling remarked on Mr Martins long and unselfish ser vice to scouting and said that he could not recall any man who had served scouting so ably and so long Mr Pilling presented Mr Mortin with the Scoutemas Tack medal Bert on behalf of local Scout committee present ed a clock gift to Mr Martin Mr said that Mr Martin had come to the assist ance of the local Scout move ment here during its difficult period in the and had worked diligently on behalf of scouting ever since He was in strumental in securing the pres ent Scout hall for the local troop Overwhelmed by the honors bestowed on him Mr Martin could only say thank you Mayor a long time friend of Mr Martins said it was a privilege and honor to be present on this occasion Rev Aurora Rev Stewart Johnston and Rich ard Edmunds Richmond Hill York County Boy Scout Com missioner spoke in a similar vein of Mr Martins service to scouting Terry Doan guest soloist sang several songs appro priate to the occasion Mr Rudy Hoydens was the accompanist Mr Pilling gave this outline of Mr Martins contribution to scouting Mr Martin has been actively interested in Scouting since its inception He never held a Scolders rank but has partici pated as organizer group com mittee executive district secre tary and finance chairman in four countries Now at years of he has retired but still re mains keenly interested The following are some of salient features of this mans contribu tion to Scouting for boys Swe den Assisted In organising the first troop in this town Assisted in translating Into Swedish for local use the first edition of Scouting for 19141026 Rack in his native Scotland he continued the work through group committees until he was appointed secretary of the County of Midlothian Sir Henry Dundas was County Commissioner for Scouts at that time Business took him Page Col a on each single house and on each double one in this subdivision and water will be supplied at one and onehalf times the rate paid by town users Shopping Centre In an earlier resolution intro duced on Monday night the ap proval of a shopping centre was ait additional concession required by Mr lenhardt before he would consider locating the new factory in Newmarket The shopping centre was presented in ft separ ate resolution on Tuesday night which did not receive councils approval Hilt since this is the major concession sought it is unl that approval will be requested again at the next conn meeting with a different ar rangement being suggested Mr explained that the Pall Mall cigarette plant repre sented a total investment of three million dollars with the plant and equipment being valued at one million He said that the shopping centre was another one and onehalf millions He ex plained that the ratio of and industrial assessment to residential being brought to town by this agreement was five to one but since no limit was set on the residential subdivision which will be approved for Mr it is impossible to make a comparison Need Assessment Mr outlined Newmar kets need for increased indus trial and commercial assessment He explained that with the com petition underway now among municipalities to bring such de velopment to their own areas a price and sometimes a high one must be paid to achieve success Mr contended that the proposed development would use only onehalf of the water re serve outlined at an earlier meet ing by the town engineer Mr had explained at that time that the Metropoli tan Home for the Aged was us ing approximately gallons per day less than had been anti cipated That amount together with the well on the west side of town an additional per day and the Green Lane well gallons per day gave a reserve of 180000 per day Water Problem Mr Hands chairman of the water committee disagreed with Mr He said that al though no shortage of water exists now there is indi cation that it could happen He warned that the Green lme well was located in sand and not gra vel as are the three main wells of the town and so could fail at any time Mr repeated that warning That as long as the Green Lane continued to run free of sand it was a good source of water he said Hut he added that the likelihood of its failing was much greater than if it were located in gravel Price Too Mr opposition to the was in support of Mr Hands arguments and also that too high price was being paid to bring an industry to town He said that if the plant were assess ed at 12 cents a square foot the Page Col Impaired Driving Sentence Appealed For Local Man A notice of appeal against a sentence received by Prank Fitz gerald of Newmarket for im paired driving has been filed by his counsel Joseph Vale Mr Fitzgerald was released on personal bail Mr Fitzgerald was sentenced to days for impaired driving his second conviction for this of fense He received a one year license suspension Mr Fitzgerald was arrested by Newmarket police on April He was travelling cast on Davis Drive East and hit the west end of the cement bridge over the Holland River Constuble George testified Ttiere was no evidence that the accused had applied his brakes police added A blood test taken that night showed percent of alcohol The courts accept the figure of 15 percent as evidence of im paired abilities the police said Defense argued that the symptoms described by Con stable were ones of shock resulting from the injuries received by Fitzgerald and not those of intoxication Mr Fitz gerald suffered a broken nose face cuts and minor chest and leg injuries Damage to the car was estimated at How is your memoryV This picture should bring back many fond of school days Do you remember the year this Newmarket High School track and field team won the prized Trophy meet Was it or The Trophy Is emblematic of North York secondary schools supremacy in track and field athletics Since the trophy has gone rounds be tween Newmarket Aurora and Richmond Hill Newmarket won it in and Messrs George Kelly Don Carrol and Linda school athletic directors arc hoping for a repeat per- at this years meet scheduled for Aurora May The local athletes Instead of besting two other schools will have to win over three this year high school has entered the competition to make it a four school contest Here arc the available names fur above to back row Manning Principal Unite Percy King Ken Osborne Jack Dales John Lome Patterson Percy Harold Evans George Barker Harold Wnldon Mr Gordon Ough trophy Mary Clarke Miss M Lauder Ernest McCaffrey Aubrey Barker Jim Todd Herbert Squires Jack Patterson name not known Robert Dales Jack Mr J to front row Edna Tracoy Thomas McCarnan Phyllis Smith Vera Forbes Claire Lillian Watson Dorothy Watson Alico Vera Beckett May Audrey Audrey

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