Ah I Sf v- S j Around corner Main south savings on Mens Womens Childrens fe clothing and footwear Satisfied or Money Refunded r ELDING INSPECTOR FOB AURORA A bylaw to appoint a perman ent building inspector was intro duced at Mondays council meet ing at Aurora Samuel King who has been acting Inspector was appointed at a of 200 a year plus a car allowance of In addition he is to re ceive percent of all building permit fees for alterations and additions and 50 percent of all permit fees but no payment will exceed on any one permit District Postpone Lions Hall Decission Await Referendum In Aurora THE DUTCH MARKET ON HIGHWAY NEAR FEDERAL FARMS is open now to supply you FLOWER AND VEGETABLE PLANTS FOR YOUR HOME GARDEN PLUMBING and HEATING CONTACT NEWMARKET PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Any decision by the town of Aurora to purchase the Lions Hall will be postponed until a referendum can be held and the views of the citfzons obtained Aurora council decided at Mon days meeting An acceptance of a town coun cil offer to purchase for 6000 was presented to the council The letter also stated that if the council desired to retain the hall as a community centre the Lions club would cooperate in every respect Mayor Henderson was against purchasing hall at this time Its too much for us to under take he said It would cost and another one or two thousand a year to maintain Council Inspects Model Signs For Town Entrances Members of Aurora Coun cil were shown models of pro posed Street signs to be erected at each end of the town at the last meeting of the council Councillor William Davidson who met with mem bers of the Legion and Rotary to design the signs asked that if the signswere purchased by these clubs would the coun cil be interested enough to pro vide the lights The signs will be about feet long and eight feet high The name Aurora is in red I letters on a gold background and the names of the service clubs appear in gold circles on a blue bar I think the colors are very eyecatching said Coun cillor Davidson- Members of the council agreed thai the signs would be prefer able to the clutter of small signs at the entrances to the Reeve Clarence Davis and Councillors AH Child and Cliff Corbet sided with the Mayor but Councillor Bill Bailey objected We made them an offer and they accepted it he stated There was no time limit on the offer and I dont see how we can get out of it I think we should buy it back and Resell It- If you wait for a referendum youre just putting off the evil day lie added I think the wisest course would be the Lions operating the until the end of the year until a referendum can be held said Councillor William David son The mayor said that they have sufficient funds to operate the hall until the end of the year We made them an offer and we should stick with it replied Councillor Keith but on the consideration that we resell it The building itself is something of a white elephant The Lions have rented only three times this year and twice it was to the town On a motion by Councillor Child seconded by Councillor William it was decided that the Lions should retain the hall until a referendum can be held TO GRADE STREETS The town of Aurora will hire a power grader to grade mil view Tyler St and Kennedy St where necessary The con tract which the town had with a construction firm has lapsed and council decided that the work will be done under the sup ervision of the town foreman man USE TOWN FACILITIES Two requests for the use of town property were granted by the Aurora council Monday night The Aurora Legion was granted permission to use Street to hold a street dance on August 22 if permission con be obtained from the department of highways The Aurora branch of Youth for Christ will be al lowed the use town park for Sunday evening open air services during the summer months Contracts Awarded For Two Bridges At Holland Marsh OWNER OPPOSES PLAN TO PROVIDE PARK IN AURORA The Aurora planning board has recommended that the town council give consideration to the purchase of a park site for the future hut their choke of the properly for this purpose met with sharp objections from the owner In a letter to the council Mr protested that the BUILDING PERMIT FEES The scale of building permit fees was revised at the last meeting of the Aurora council The new scale is as follows For new buildings for each or part S3 for each additional 1- up to and for each 1000 over that cents For alterations and additions not exceeding the fee is and for each additional or part SI Removal or demolition is a flat 2 A onecar garage is and a double garage is S3 Advertising devices are 2 and the indemnity is town dont think youll have ion to include his property with- any trouble at the north end said Mayor Henderson but I think we should mark time at the south end until Annexation Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The D HESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel PA Calls Telephone PA Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone PA For Friendly Personal Service AURORA in a conservation area was de priving him of valuable land for building purposes that had been in his family since The planning board considered that the property some acres was useless for building purposes Its a natural park site com mented Mayor E- J Henderson The letter was referred to the planning board for considera tion and future of a have equal wide network and today we are the mad to is in thin SALES SERVICE a VVv YOU perhaps are the man to you we offer ft Package deal for Prosperity iiiiii A complete line made in Canada for Canadian farming A consignment contract requiring a low capital investment Big national advertising and sales promotion campaign i I Onthespot sales assistance Extensive market and product research plus a dealer educational sales program designed to keep you out in front with the latest In Information and selling techniques vji franchise write wire or telephone to the below and a company executive will contact you Immediately Complete Park Benches For Streets In Aurora Councillor William Davidson the Aurora council at Mondays- meeting that of the street and park benches authorized by the council for placement In the town had been completed by the water works and asked council to authorize the expenditure of to finish the seats It was also suggested to the council that advertising space on the hacks of the scats be sold to local merchants Councillor Keith directed the coun cils attention to the seats used in WiNowdalo The seats are varnished and the lettering is green I think it Is quite attrac tive he stated Councillor Cliff told the council that the seats would he taken to his home where he would round off the front edges of benches ami oil them prepara tory to painting Hender son moved a vote of thanks to Councillor for his efforts Members of the recreation commission were directed to con tact merchants regarding the signs r Svyfarsg KIM i v I is jsirv tf Police Spread Parting Met Drive Over The Whole Week The of the Aurora Police Department in regard to overtime parking came under fire at Mondays meeting of the council Its coming to my ears that the police are riding the cars on Saturdays said Mayor Mender- son People are stopping me on the street and complaining that ears are left overtime during tho week hut that five minutes over time on Sat It d a y means a ticket I dont think that is true said Councillor Hill Hal ley because I have been tagged during the week Then I think we could nay that enthusiasm for tagging seems to be much stronger on Saturdays replied Mayor Hen derson I would like direction from the council to the effect that this enthusiasm he spread more evenly over the week I hesitate to dampen tho ard our of the police on Saturday but I would like to see a more even distribution said Councillor William A motion was introduced by the mayor to the effect that the police make more thorough check during the week Instead of concentrating on Saturdays Members of the council Indicated that they were In agreement with the mayors position I have no criticism of Satur days said Councillor but think other days should bo checked Just as thoroughly Subject to the approval of the department of highways King township council has awarded four separate contracts on two bridges in the Holland Marsh costing a total of which was about 2000 more than the estimate drawn up by the town ship engineer Had the work been done last year before the price of steel in creased the township would have saved the reeve said There is an percent govern ment subsidy on bridges The locations are the South bridge above the can al third concession and the ham sideroad bridge The latter is In bad shape as it is sliding road superintendent Chum Black told council Council ac cepted the tender of and Davis Ltd for reinforcing steel ot a contract price of The structural steel contract was awarded to John Hep burn His price on the South bridge was and on the Graham bridge on the training canal was The creosote timber and hardware contract went to Northern Wood Preservatives South bridge and Gra ham bridge The construction contract went to Robert South bridge and Graham Mr- is ex pected to start construction July 1 When John called at the council chambers on Monday he advised councillors to order cul verts by June The present price of culverts will hold until something to steel which is destined to take a jump in price this summer ho said Mr is a representative of Drainage and Metal Pro ducts Inc The Newmarket Era Express Thurs May Page 15 4 i i i BLOSSOM TEA IS WELL ATTENDED The annual Blossom tea of the Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist Newmarket was well attended It was held in the Sunday school on Thursday May 3 Receiving the guests Mrs Smart and Mrs Fred reckon The individual tea tables were centred with spring flowers and blossoms decorated the room Aprons fancy work knitted articles were offered for sale at one booth There was a home baking table a candy sate and a touch and take booth ASSESSOR TO ATTEND ASSOCIATION MEETING Aurora council decided at Mon days meeting that Town Asses- should attend the annual meeting of the Associa tion of Assessing Officers at North Bay I attended last year said Mr Wheetock and I find that they are advantageous Its the one body that the assessors have and you are able to contact all asses sors in the country In fact would go further and say that I would like to see some of the members of the council attend as well Council members decided against attending in person but voted Mr Wheel expenses for the trip PROPOSES CHARGE ON HOUSEHOLDERS TO CLEAN SEWERS Reeve Clarence Davis has that a deposit he made by Aurora householders before the town cleans out sewers and if the fault lays with the house holder the deposit would be for feited Reeve Davis also propos ed that if Aurora did not have a sewer inspection bylaw that one should be passed He cited a recent incident where work done on a private sewero had re sulted in a blockage in the town line The contractor was lax in getting the work finished said Councillor Keith and quicksand got into the line In cases like this the contractor should be hilled for the expense Councillor Cliff Corbett sug gested the matter be left for a committee meeting and council agreed KING The 50 raised by the King United church by an after noon tea and bake sale recently under Mrs Adam Davidson will pay expenditures for sending two members of the to Camp Ashunyoong Lake Sim- this summer RECTOR CHRISTENS HIS SON AND NIECE A double christening of two three months old cousins Tim othy John Croutch and Sarah lings was performed by Rev Jack at St Georges Anglican church Pick on Sunday April 20 The first baby is the son of Rev and Mrs Croutch Mary Jane Wal ker and the other child is daughter of Mr and Mrs Billings King City Mrs and Mrs Billings are sisters Following the ceremonv the congregation of St Georges church held a reception at rectory Annual Centre York WI Meeting At Kettfeby At Kettleby United church commencing am seventh annual meeting of Centre York District Womens Institute will be held Tuesday May Thirteen branches will be represented Mrs Red- dick president for three years will preside Rev will give an address of welcome Miss Audrey Spencer depart ment representative and Mrs provincial board member will speak Las- kny club will bo repre sented by their president Mar garet Cairns n a talk and dem onstration Rowland Aurora will judge an oil pointings contest Mrs Clarence Graham Wood bridge is to judge the hope chest Mrs Ed son Johnston Ptne Or chard branch and Mrs George will re port on the secretaries conference KING CITY FLYERS TO BE FETED AT BANQUET King City Nichols Flyers winners of the Ontario Minor Hockey association juvenile championship will be feted at a victory banquet to be held to night Thursday at the King City Masonic hall Proceedings get underway at pm Among the guests will be Flyers coach Doug and team spon sor and manager Henry Davie Following dinner the players will be presented with gifts and awards won during the past season Jack Christie sec retary will be guest of honor and will present the major won by the Flyers King sportsman Gordon is in charge of banquet arrangements ITS FAMOUS OTTOS SMORGASBORD at the r HIGHLANDS GOLF CLUB AURORA i RESTAURANT OPEN SUNDAY MAY DINNER SERVED SUNDAYS PM WEEK DAYS PM SNACK BAR OPEN AM PM PHONE PA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads THE MISSES WOOD 35 St Aurora The design Years ahead automatic features Automatic gives you a perfect roast time with meat any way you it Now Automatic Timer- Clock automatic Highapced that tilt up for easy cleaning of under the unit Controls tell at a glance even kitchen which surface units are on and what heat is in use at all times Superwide Balanced Heat Ovenso big it could hold both a ham and a big turkey yet because of extra insulation cost no raoreo operate than ordinary amah ovens gives true smokeless broiling A Timed Appliance Outlet for plugin appliance and Electric Interval Timer for timing scores of cooking baking LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE ONLY ii ELECTRICAL WIRING SALES AND SERVICE YOHGE A n