vs fa- ViHi Tmmh SODoJSfa wornoof all of ff ii Or i3 jf J HEALTH UNIT CIVIL DBBIK IN RURAL AREAS OUT Meshs effort going at til of get ling Ma am to That why I keep of my form with Kruscfaeo MM much I can heap on a dime In my breakout coffee Sbc the dally Kruschen routine no more morning got more pep all day Thats because Kruscben not only effective laalivc action diuretic coo it You will amazed how much belter feci STORK r FAMILY wu ftVi i In brilliant BRONZE A MOTORS y I Amy CoAMtan M Army flW0 Or mm taUng In eovrw for two yarn nd Appftmtic Hum yor a TroWog plan Apprntic Ml My to your s jgaaVOTrtas Messiah shall be cut off hut not for Himself Dan us thank that there was no cause of death in Jesus Christ Neither original or actual sin had defiled Him and there fore death had no claim upon Him No man could have taken His life from Him justly for fie had done no wrong- No man could have taken Him by force and slain Him unless He had been willing to yield Himself to die But to one sins and Another suffers Justice was offended by us but found Its satisfaction in Him Rivers of tears mountains of offerings seas of the blood of bullocks and hills of sense could not have availed for the removal of sin Jesus was cut off for us and the cause of wrath was cut off for ever for sfn was put away Here in is wisdom whereby substitu tion the sure and speedy way of atonement was devised Herein is condescension which brought Messiah the Prince to wear a crown of thorns and die upon a Cross Herein Is love which let the Redeemer to lay down His life for His enemies It is not enough however to admire the spectacle of the inno cent bleeding for the guilty we must make sure of our interest therm The special object of the Messiahs death was the salva tion of His church have we a and a lot among those for whom He died Did the Lord stand as our representative Are we healed by His stripes It would be terrible indeed if we should come short of a portion in His sacrifice It were better for lis if we had never been born Solemn as the question is it is a joyful circum stance that it is one that may be answered clearly and without mistake To all who believe on Him the Lord Jesus Is a present I Saviour and upon them all the Blood of atonement has been sprinkled Let all who trust in the merit of Messiahs death be Joyful at every remembrance of Him and let their holy lead them to the fullest consecra tion to His cause The airplane is blamed for bringing war to the civilian pop of countries In the past the cities were considered the only areas in real danger The hydrogen bomb however un imaginable the idea may be has extended this threat to even the most remote farm area until a bomb is dropped- It important therefore to know every protective measure that can be taken before such a dis aster takes place This is one case In which Ignorance would be anything but bliss That is why civil defence has become as im portant to the farmer as to any Is Your Child Nervous bale of hay- The expression a nervous child has different meanings for different people To many it means the nail biter or the child with twitching habits Why Docs He Bite Nails A child bites his nails to get relief from some pressure or an xiety Twisting a strand of hair or biting the lips are simi lar actions The tendency in a child past the age of infancy to bile and chew things is a com mon signal of inner tensions It takes patience and understand ing on your part to help vour child overcome his habit Try This Course Of Action Check on his general physi cal condition reviewing his eat ing and sleeping habits Your family physician can help you here 2 Build up your childs self- confidence by making him feel that he can do things himself and that when he really needs help you are ready to give it Dont expect too much of him It may be something in his school situation facing work that is continually too difficult or a school environment that is too severe Too much excitement is bad Set an example of happy behaviour in the home Exces sive bossing nagging scolding The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May 10 Page take their toll Use the services of your family physician or the health units child health conference to help prevent the development of such problems The Womans Christian Tem perance Union met at the home of Mrs with the presi dent Mrs Beckett in the chair The devotions were in charge of Mrs J Shier A repot- was given of the county convention held at New Toronto the sec retary Those who attended were Mrs Hooker Mrs Creed Mrs Beckett and Miss Starr Mrs sang a solo Bible references on drinking were given by Mrs Hooker Mrs J Shier Mrs P Pitt Mrs G Keay Mrs Meads Mrs and Mrs Rose A social time was spent with the hostess serving refreshments CLINIC The wellbaby clinic for tine examinations will be at the York County Health Unit office Main St Newmarket on Friday May from 130 to pm The clinic is sponsored by the Womens Institute Era and Express Classified Bring Results It is this vast almost able new danger that has posed the two main problems before Canadas civil defence planners how to save the population of the cities and how to save the rest of the population The only answer for cities Is evacuation The main solution for rural people Is to provide adequate shelter The farmers chief danger from an attack arises from its radioactive fallout the dust of pulverized cities that settles over large areas following the blast This danger extends not only to the farmer and his family but to his livestock and even his crops as well There are ways juarrt against this fall out danger The first step is to he warned in time that it is This can only be done effectively through a wellorganized civil defence setup that takes in every farmer in the district It is impossible to predict the size and location of a fallout able Or that information on its danger bo available from radia tion detection units in the near est village or town so that a farm family will know when it is safe to come out again Civil defence planning before such dis aster comes is the only means of assuring the farmer this will be available The farmer he called on to his city neighbors too so that his place in civil defence is not just to learn how he may other citizen civil defence train- himself but also how to help can provide the farmer with others less fortunate in disaster knowledge that is power to pro tect himself Radioactive fallout can con- laminate animals crops and foods It can contamin ate houses cars yards and fields It can contaminate water sup plies so that they should not be until they are decontamin ated The only safe thing to do if fallout occurs is to take shelter The actual strength of the shel ter is not important The mater ial and the thickness of the walls and roof determine the degree of protection A farmer can provide his stock protection by keeping them in Since the from fallout might last hours or more this means someone should stay in the barn all this time to avoid walking back and forth from the house for feeding and watering It is necessary too that means of determining the strength of radiation in the fall out be avail- If large cities are wiped out his crops and livestock his milk and eggs and butter would be come a vital necessity to the life of the whole country Ills sun- plies would he needed to help feed the refugees from the cities His house and even may he needed to help shel ter them Even his his tractors trucks and even horses if ho has them could he urgently useful- Rut they would be useless if he was caught unprepared and all was contaminated And dead farmers themselves are not or useless Civil defence in Canada to achieve maximum results must extend to every no how small P Worth- Federal Civil Defence Co ordinator has It is organized as a result on an area basis comprising number of town and communities And said the Coordinator It must also embrace means of and warning farmers in isolate places m A I True happiness springs from I up Moderation A Che I of Seagram Men who of tomorrow practice moderation today Mrs Hayes Commissioner Mrs Hayes of Newmar ket has been appointed District Guide commissioner for the town Mrs Hayes is an execu tive member of the Ontario Girl Guide council and Brown of the Second Brownie pack of Newmarket Mrs Hayes entered guide- brownie work in when she became Mrs Ray as sistant with the First Brownie pack She has maintained her active role as a leader since then while carrying on other com munity and church work Since its organization Mrs Hayes lias been convener of the Well Baby clinic sponsored in town by the Womens Institute She relinquished this duty this year She was a member of the Trinity United church choir for more than eight years and serv ed for several years on the ex ecutive of the Evangeline auxiliary of which she is a mem ber Mrs Hayes takes an active part in the Newmarket Horticul tural society assisting her hus band with displays at the regu lar flower shows and working with the group in its many pro jects She is a group leader in Trinity Womans association he wheel of for the Both Drivers Blamed For For the first time in the his tory of the Newmarket court both drivers involved in an ac cident were convicted of care less driving Each was fined and costs Charles Baker of Toronto was travelling south on Highway No II on Tuesday April when he pulled into the passing lane of the highway to pass the car ahead of him At the same time so Constable Walter Farmer of the Bond detachment testified Clif ford of Kes wick who was travelling north did the same thing A heavy fog made visibility extremely poor The cars met In headon crash each leaving skid marks of more than feet Constable Farmer said He testified that neither should have attempted to pass In the dense fog accident occurred at Elgin Mills This is tho first time in my experience that both drivers in an accident have been found equally guilty commented Crown Attorney Arlelgh Arm strong In many cases both drivers I share responsibility for the accident replied Magistrate More and more people are stepping into the exciting of a Mercury and losing heir hearts to its BIG performance Mercury long low lines fairly shout their eagerness for action And BIG notion all the whether yon drive a Montclair Monterey or Custom Smooth silken power sweeps you hills or past slowmoving traffic with triggerfast pickup for safer control Mercury feels BIG and rides BIG over any road Youll revel in the ease of MercOMatio noshift driving and the convenience of all the power assists so popular with Mercury owners Find ont what only a drive can show you That the big Mercury with SafetyFirst Design is the really BIG performer of YOULL BE SURPRISED