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Newmarket Era and Express, 3 May 1956, p. 2

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1 ages from Notebook ft are days which are dull and tedious for an editor arc fraught with interesting happenings One day this week something happened that was completely refreshing v A note was dropped on our desk and we quote it here sub stituting ficticious names George and Jim Green have been charged for fishing Dont print their names in the paper By John Green The father signed the note and left it with the girl in the office He had said If I put order on that its right that you cant print it isnt it Mr Frank van who op erates a service station at Ham iltons Corners just outside Newmarket is oh a trip to Hol land We know this to be true because we received a card from him last week This is the firecracker season and we wince every time we see some little scamp lighting one in the street Its not that we are opposed to firecrackers in spirit We recall the day when we rigged one under the hood of the school principals car so that it fired by electrical contact when the motor started Its not that Rather we are From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago concerned about little childrens eyes The Newmarket Lions club this year is holding a commun ity fireworks well su pervised at the fair grounds on Monday holiday May Writes Lion Fred Gardiner We all know every year too many children are hurt by lighting firecrackers and it is our earnest wish that every child will come to see the dis play we have arranged and thus forego buying fireworks of their own This program is designed to attract the parents too because if we can get them to the fair grounds where there is lots of free parking perhaps they wont bother fireworks at all Instead of spending a few dollars as individual parents Lions are putting the same amount into the fireworks kit ty along with club funds so that they will have a good dis play There will be additional items on the program So maybe we can talk the children out of having their own firecrackers by promising to take them to the Lions affair We think the club has a good idea and that the effort will be valuable to the community L May Newmarket Inter Church Softball League lite meeting on Saturday night at the home of Rev Frank Guyatt establish ed an InterChurch Softball league for this summer- Six churches sent representatives or agreed to have a team in the Newmarket Inter Church Softball League The churches to enter were the Presbyterian Christian United Anglican Catholic and Quaker Johnnie Jones one of New markets most enthusiastic sport fans has donated a tro phy for the league The church winning it for three consecu tive seasons may call it their own Miss Margaret Strang of To ronto a sister of Mrs H was in Newmarket on Thursday evening to see Las sies and Lads Mrs Herbert Green of Dig- by Nova Scotia is visiting at the home of her son Mr It Greene in town Mrs Cook returned a short time ago from St Peters burg Florida where she spent an enjoyable winter and is now visiting at her home at Mr Cornell of Pick ering visited his cousin Mr C S Scott for three days this week Mr and Mrs Cole were visitors with Mr and Mrs Frank Guyatt Sunday- Miss Mildred Hose whose parents Mr and Mrs Rose have recently mover from Newmarket to Stay per is com pleting the spring term at and Maying at Comfort Lodge Visitors from Toronto last Friday included Mr- Thos Armstrong Dr Roy Belfry Mr Monty Mr Montgom ery Mrs Shaw Mrs David Lloyd Mr Alan Mr Harold Mr and Mr and Mrs George Beck Among those from Aurora were Mr Will Belfry Mr and Mrs J M Salton Mr Flu- cry and Mr Mr Frank has return ed to Plymouth Mich after spending his vacation with his parents Mr and Mr J no May The season for speckled trout commenced last Tuesday and will end September 14 Now hunt up your fishing tackle Commendable Clean yards and wellkept lawns are as commendable and necessary as clean and wellkept streets During the summer months a great many visitors are in town and it behoves everyone to make the town as attractive as possible Let it be the aim of every citizen this year to have a wellkept lot and surround ings Quite a number are al ready brightening their prem ises with a coat of paint Victoria Day Celebration The Newmarket La crosse club have arrangements about completed for a grand celebration to be held at the exhibition grounds Newmar ket on May Among the at tractions will be a football match at oclock between the famous Davis Leather Foot ball team and the Eureka club of Toronto champions of the city league At the local baseball nine will play against the century team of the I C U champions of the Sun light league After the base ball game a grand lacrosse match will take place between the good old and the Young of the In termediate series The Newmarket Military Band has been engaged and will furnish music during the afternoon Everybody reserve the date and take in the sports The club have engaged the services of the famous Firth Eaton Concert Company to give a very highclass profes sional concert in the town hall on the night of the The talent is well known through out Canada and the United States and will give the best concert that has ever been On in Newmarket The comp any have with thorn Mr Francis Firth the eminent baritone and composer S Homer Eaton of Boston Ameri cas greatest impersonator also Miss Jackson one of the greatest soprano soloists of this country Miss flattie Anderson of Salt Jike City Utah spending a few weeks with her aunt Mrs ft BECAME TEACHER BY ONE DAY I in Ontario proves the province She turned rules the department have been Ineligible to teach If her the Slmcoe school r V fys iiV V J- J 1 NEWSPAPER r Strving Aurora and rural districts of North York Newmarket Era f Express Herald Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription 600 for two years tor one year la advance Single copies are each Member of A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa V OHM Managing ION Womens ice Cot Reports Catnips By Ginger A LITTLE NONSENSE NOW AND THEN IS RELISHED THE WISEST MEN Jvl ANON Editor LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and THE EDITORI AL PAGE THURSDAY THE THIRD DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSIX THE RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN OF ALL THE charitable organizations it seems to us that the Salvation Army takes first place It is for this reason that we make special mention of the appeal for funds now being made in the Newmarket area It is not that there are one or two specific reasons why we think the Army is so important to a community like Newmarket But one is that the Sal vation Army workers are persons who are devoting their lives to serve others and the provisions of salaries for nonactive personnel is not a concern of the Red Shield campaigners Another is that Army personnel are stationed in this community and their work goes on no matter what the time of day or night During the past year one of the greatest demands upon the local officers has been the arranging for the entry of unmarried mothers into the Salvation Army home Toronto The amount of work and the statis tics on this problem possibly would iso many citizens In addition to this local Salvationists have looked after transients fire victims persons involved in court cases needy families and the tracing of missing persons We are sunt that the people of the Newmarket district will want this work to continue and will support the Salvation Army campaign for funds today FREE TRIAL OFFER FOUND IN A wheelbarrow load of mail over the past week including publicity releases government and political propaganda free feature articles commer cial news stories and recipes for soup companies was Ihs interest ft piece of editorial offering Free Trial Offer American Way Cartoon Mais The promoter George Peck f in Florida wrote the following note to this newspaper The American Way cartoons have found favor with millions of newspaper readers throughout the nation One editor puts it firmly believe these cartoons are the most effective in strument yet devised to combat the march of insidious socialism Im proud and happy to cany them in my newspaper If you are not completely satisfied that you are doing everything possible in your newspaper to help maintain and preserve the American Way why not add the American Way cartoons In the first place we wondered what the American Way was doing up in Canada Then wo recalled a quotation in this newspaper last fall indicating that well known US political leaders were themselves wondering what the American Way really was We could write our cartoon friend and ask him if he refers to Crockett or the twoparty system Maybe we are wrong Maybe tins brave new world requires cartoons and posters and slogans The one editor he quotes apparently has made up his mind that socialism is insidious But what really discourages us is that he believes that the most effective instrument yet devised to combat it is a cheap looking editorial OUR SIDE OF THE STORY cartoon of the kind that us to buy more crispy- cereal in the handy package for better break- fasts In the American Way sound thinking no longer seems to be the most effective instrument according lo our friend We wonder how near or far from correct he is FAULTY CEMENT CONCRETE sidewalks laid in Newmarket during the past year or two have been and crumbling Faulty mixing of cement might be blamed for poor con- work The salt used on roads during the- winter has been suggested as the cause Where automobile wheels pass over the sidewalks the trouble seems worse According to reports from Aurora the same diffi culties in concrete work have been encountered The salt theory has been thoroughly put forward but against that is the fact that sidewalks laid and years ago are not being affected It would seem that manufac turers of cement should respond to demands from muni for an answer lo problem TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS OPERATORS OF motor vehicles for the Bell Tele phone Company received safe driving awards at a recent banquet held in Newmarket and comments on company records indicated that it is becoming more and more difficult to avoid accidents One company official pointed to the increasing number of vehicles in the Tor onto district Add to this the fact that auto manufac turers are stepping up the horse power of engines and we have another reason for the high accident rate he said But a veteran of many years of service with the Ontario Provincial police speaking at the banquet said he felt that the trend towards more power in engines is a small factor compared with human failures The human factor is what the police department is concentrating on during its program to cut down accidents But recent records show that the highway police are up against a tough challenge There was an increase March over February in the number of high way in the Ontario Provincial police depart ments number five district which includes York County Fatalities decreased percent but that is not an indi cation of improvement in highway safety when com pared with the number of accidents Whether or not someone is lucky enough to survive an accident is not too significant in a safety campaign the hope is to prevent all kinds of accidents The following figures show that although police efforts are increasing accidents are not decreasing accidents March Feb fatal accidents March Feb JJ9 killed March 12 Feb injured March Feb 5fii vehicles checked March Feb warnings March Feb charges laid March Feb 10010 Figures show that there were more convictions for driving while intoxicated and driving with ability impaired Slim Culvert and myself open ed the trout season last week end up at a few miles cast of Corn ers The water was too cold and the crock was too high for good fishing but we did man age to get three good sized ones We all went up to the crock in Pierce Arrow the first good run since Slim got her off after winter storage Listen to that there motor just like hew said Slim did a valve job on tier and shes ever Since we opened the trout season Slim thought we should also open the ball season Hut since of us had to work yesterday afternoon only and Gorge the sports writer and Lou of the Kast Sweatshirts last years hardball champions of the AUaspore- league set for the stadium noticed a suspicious haze of blue smoke belching out of the Pierce Arrow when they pulled out of town aboit noon hour It turned out that they a south of Richmond Hill and to take the bus the rest of the way Theres al ways something happens when we take along This it was a gakttVaid From then on they had ins but had hick Ve didnt realize that never the city before Appear he was i brought at game and hed ride up and- down the subway the after- noon then what happened I asked Well me and took a cab to the stadium and arrived just as they put up the sign that there werent no game on account of ruin We spent the rest of the afternoon hunt in that halfwit Sumhcnd Wo finally found him at the bus station nut of money We gut back itp and got the Arrow towed to a where I took the motor down and put on new and we finally arrived home at midnight sure wis a poor way to open the ball season I and the lust tune- I ever that Sinn- head anywheres He belongs to Amber Hill up in and thats he should stay The city sure i too much him Do you think he was tainted- by the contact with the I asked- Couldnt say But he to o back and visit some down on Yon if he was In whores nil his money dor think ftver be the i I J i with that Amber Hill ihtei that part iwjniry the theyd beer out on township he has he txsitl ftri far told to or to the than tine At teftst Mis Shes president of the Civic Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches I a by Harvey A government report on foreign investment in Can ada has called forth a surpris ing burst of alarmist comment Journals that are usually well informed carry headlines such as The Great American Flood One think that wo were about to bo drowned in this American money Now what are the facts ARE WE LOSING CONTROL OF OUR COUNTRY ductively Canada Is riding the crest of a wave of prosperity American capital is contributing im mensely to that prosperity American investments are be- our balance of trade Hut that made In fastgrowing adjustment can be effected Hues Our com- through the exchange rate Our A possible cause for concern over a big capital inflow lies in the fact that it must slop some day and if it were to stop sud denly we might have some in convenience in our balance of payments Our imports from the United States greatly ex ceed our exports to that coun try and the difference is made up out of the money that is coming in for investments If the capital flow stops we shall have to make adjustments in men tutor seem to resert this ability of the Americans to choose good Investments We need to be reminded that investment like trade is regu larly beneficial to both to the transaction The rapid development of the United States in the century and of Canada today can be attrib uted largely to the inflow of foreign capital The Idea that payment for the use of capital Is a form of tribute is a modern version of the ancient objection to u- It is rooted in the all- tire to distinguish productive capital from a loan made to Home corrupt despot to enable him to spend money faster than he could squeeze it out of his people American capital by contrast is being Invested pro dollar will drop to a discount in terms of the United Stale dol lar That discount will stimu late our exports and check im ports until a balance is re idl ed Much of the current alarm scorns to be due to the fact that American interests are corning into control of important seg ment of our industry fact is that the ultimate con trol over all investments in Canada rests with the govern ments of Canada and of the provinces The American In vestor are giving hostages They are putting their capital whore we win tax it or regu late it in any way wo fit idea that foreign invest ments make tin foreign inves tors the real rulers of the coun try is merely another example of outdated communist clap trap There was a tune when conn- tries were expected to pay their debts when it was even considered justifiable for gov ernments to help their collect money owed to them front abroad That day with the incorporation into In ternational Law of the Dm go Doctrine according to which is not considered right to use force lo collect debts or hi defend properly rights Un der the shelter of that doctrine any significant dictator like can seize the proper ty of foreigners with complete impunity American holders Alberta bonds wore helpless when Aberhart stopped paying them their due The position of the interna tional creditor today was pic tured iu a cartoon that appear ed at the time that Finland was the only country making pay on its debt to the United States A bill collector was given a cheery brushoff with the remark Who do you think am Finland Investment counsellors are now advising Canadians to put their money into growth in dustries Instead of govern ment bonds But oven If wo take that advice foreign capi tal will still come in Unless there is great increase hi to tal Canadian saving needed is not so much a runs- l of funds from bomb to stock as transfer from con sumption to savings from tele vision sets and to pro duct investments And the savings must be made by the middleincome groups The welfare state means that taxes are taking so much of the incomes of the very wealthy that they simply have not enough money left to supply all the capital requirements of our expanding economy present high incomes of the middleincome groups dally of employees give to the people in those categories a new opportunity to share in the ownership of the country and to augment their future In comes by interest from invest ments Most of us are to get- hold of American money one observer said wo would naturally prefer to have Americans drive up to the and throw their across to us but human being what it Is must ourselves lo letting Americans acquire some as sets in return for their money The point is that it Is stilt money We do not need to afraid wilt not Somebody must have spent some sleepless nights over the present hearing at Otrawa hi front of the Supreme court concerning the validity of the marketing legislation Reports have been very sketchy but at point the representative of the Ontario government the assistant attorney general ad mitted that he didnt know how it worked In other worth ho didnt understand how leg islation devised by his govern ment and defended by him as being legal actually effected the marketing of farm produce It may be splitting hairs but it seems to us that this prepos terous statement is equivalent to a car designer admitting that he didnt know how the car worked or a manufacturer of machine toots admitting to a man interested in buy tug one that he didnt know what it would accomplish This of attitude makes one wonder if the concern vf the government of Ontario for the farmers is anything more than a pious pretense and wish- thanking and it makes one further wonder if is reason able for any government to act for the farmers Maybe the in itiative should from the farm organizations After all is this such a mys terious and almost thing marketing legisli Hon Is it hot simply a set of regulations that define the pur pose and method of mar keting farm produce one ever find this deep soul searching when somebody wants to sell toothpaste to crocodiles or collect union dues Anil supposing that the su- court finds That this little understood by its own parents and a child of mystery turns out to be not according to What happens next Can people who couldnt do it in the first place do better the second time And supposing they do and let us give them the benefit the doubt that they will have learned something long will it be before the new leg islation goes through the same slow and deliberate steps These are very disquieting thoughts and really one shouldnt blame farmers if they get impatient After alt this is a tough year The season is late prices are poor and the feed will be running short in some places- The income not up and the price squeeze is than ever Implements are up six to seven percent this spring- Farm labor is by and large nonexistent some pretty fancy wages Maybe our tears are and maybe who i represent tho Ontario govern ment in Ottawa wilt learn be fere this hearing is over how this legislation works After all thousands of farmers all over the province will have to know how works and while U ate a a rule brighter city people we expect I that even people in the taw will understand legislation written by them- the meantime wo help being discouraged and let down But then again things are bound to get better as comes closer to the next GRUBSTAKE BECOMES The state is the servant not the master of the people th state i their guarantee against infringement oh their rights their agent in international and it is not the function of the estate to assume the individual m C W

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