mad r ft j- ft- WINNIES SERIES Anne Stephenson of Richmond Hilt on the Winners scries of Opportunity Knocks from Montreal on Mon day night NAME J MALCOLM PRESIDENT Jack Malcolm was named president of the Newmarket arid District Association for Retard ed children at the groups April Ho succeeds William The annual meeting with the presentation of reports of the flats activities and installation officers will be held at the on Wednesday May at 830 The school is located the Friends Meeting House I Those elected to office for include past Mr Mr Malcolm iLvflrst vice Mrs Warden second vice Mrs Jack Holder of Aurora Mrs recording see Mrs George Walker of Aurora sec Mrs J Miller Bulletin editor Mrs of Aurora librarian Mr Hodgson committer chairmen social Mrs Malcolm social Mrs J Daly transports Villon Mr Holder of Aurora ex- members Mrs Gaines Mrs- Daly arid Mrs J Morton of Holland Landing Chairmen have been pointed to head the committees of and means education v membership and program to assist with this work are needed urgently p- Anyone Interested in the work retarded children in this area is requested to contact the president or secretary for fur- ther naviculars- The meeting on Wednesday May is open to the public REAFFILIATES WITH TRINITY The reaffiliation service the with the Womens Missionary society will be held at the regular monthly meeting of the Evangeline auxiliary MS of Trinity United church Newmarket on Tuesday May at pm Mrs Howard Cane will be the guest speaker Mrs Earl Walton and Mrs John are in charge of the meeting The devotional period will be under the direc tion of the group Mrs Howard Cane will speak on Historic Churches of the West Coast and California The guest pianist will be Rut- ledge A short film strip on Community Friendship will complete the program f i i MOTHERS GROUP SPONSORS BANQUET The first major project of the Mothers auxiliary of the New market Recreation commission the banquet for the Little NHL players coaches and sponsors was a success It was held in Trinity United church hall on Tuesday April The Mothers auxiliary which was organized recently to assist the Recreation commission spon sored and catered for the ban quet Mothers of the boys who participated in the Little NHL league prepared the meal and served it as well as collecting financial donations for the pur chase of trophies and awards Coconveners of the undertak ing were Mrs Clarence Burling the auxiliarys president and Mrs Donald Warner chairman of the social committee The auxiliary wishes to thank all who assisted and helped make the banquet so successful ITS A Womans By Caroline Ion BUBAL RAIL rally for the Wo mens Missionary societies of the United church will be held nt church on Wednes day May The program Will begin at and continue til 3 pm The regular monthly meeting of he afternoon group of the Ladies Aid of the Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs John Groves Pros pect on Thursday May to hit pm IC Women have played a promin ent part in the news this past week Several of them includ ing Mile of Montreal Mrs J of Brampton and Miss Irene of East England have scored firsts in their particular field of endeavor For this trio this is nothing now Mile an attrac tive 30year old FrenchCana dian became the first woman to serve in national office in the Canadian labor movement when she was elected vicepresident of the Canadian Labor Congress in Toronto last Thursday She became an organizer of Packing house Workers in 1953 Since then Mile has gain ed the reputation of being a mili tant labor leader as well as a chic woman with the proportions of a model Mile organizes men and women in the meat in dustry into the United Packing house Workers She assists them in negotiations with the management and in set tag the members grievances When asked whether she had encountered any difficulties in her work because of her sex Mile recalled a lew situations which had required special measures of diplomacy She said that usually the rank and file members of the union accept a woman but some lend ers company managers require convincing that a woman is at the meetings to do more thaw provide a decorative touch to toe scenery who for Mrs of Brampton is wellknown in this area her Womens Institute work vcs named a director of the CBC thi3 week the first woman in Canada to bo named to such a post Mrs attended ses sions of the General Assembly in New York last fall as a Canadian representative Mrs was president of the Ontario Womens Liberal as sociation for two weeks a post from which she retired on Fri day She served for five years with the Hope Commission on Education Among her past accomplish ments are included many yeas in WI work and in the interest of the She has served on the national board of the lat ter organization Mrs is remembered lo cally as Central Ontario Area chairman She was convener of the standing committee on citi zenship and education for the province of Ontario and con vener of citizenship for the Fed- crated Womens Institutes of Canada When the met in Canada in Mrs took charge of the entertaining and billetting of the hundreds of guests from all over the world It is a horticulturist that occu pies the spot a young manman from England who has the exciting task of developing a setting of fragrances for those who can no longer enjoy the visual beauties of nature She is Miss Irene On Friday Misss visit- CROSS SEWERS More workers are needed to with the sewing and quilt- inn program of the Newmarket Cross The group will meet at the workroom Trinity United chtmh hull oil Tuesday May It from to to pm Lunch will be The Scout auxiliary ill the Scon pm on May ft Mr Arthur Tiro will filing Mothers of ill ftWtM fire hritcd HONOR BRIDEELECT AT SHOWER PARTY A miscellaneous shower was held the homo of Mrs A on Friday April in honor of Miss Marilyn Lee is a of June were present was by Mrs It and her daughter Holland Landing serving refrrjchrnens The reeetvi many beautiful f to Light refreshments will hi served BROS LTD Mount Phone SPECIAL stir low lt SPECIAL SI COACH Mixmatch these pretty blouses Jed her garden for the first time with ail your summer skirts is located the new CNIB make ft wardrobe of fashions to centre on wear every day Smooth classic I V- l iff mf J r I w ar- j Y y 1 1 and Miss Beeton will supervise its planting this season This is the first garden of this kind to be located anywhere in the world on the property of a home for the blind The scents of the flowers will be the key note to the landscaping plan Miss a graduate in general horticulture from Stud- ley college will use her know ledge in a new form of therapy for the blind Before she leaves to return to England she Will have taught a group of blind persons to carry on work in Canadas first fragrant garden for the sightless I CHOICE CHOICE 2 20 Hits 39c 2 20 tins 29c SOLO MARGARINE 1 lb carton 25c KKIXOOiS RICE KRISPIES A 15 tins 14 oi FRUIT VEGETABLES 1 RIPE ffj fSsSS fc j AP APPLES 3 lb bag 39c SOLID LiTTUCE size 24s NOW large size 220s down lb 7c AT FLAVOR PEAK I SHIR RIFFS WHITE CAKE MIX lb 25c CHOCOLATE CARAMELS 14 KRAFT CHEESE mfld colored cut CORNED BEEF 12 tin 35c AFTERNOON WA PACKS ANNUAL BALE The Afternoon A of St auls Anglican church packed a bale for the Prince Albert In dian residential school at its meeting on April The hale consisted of a complete outfit for a girl in attendance at the school A couple of cartons of good used clothing were packed by the group They have been for warded to House Toronto A guest at the meeting was Norman of Scar- a former president of St Pauls styles mandarin collar airy open neck little high collar Sleeveless or short sleeved Pattern Misses Sizes li 10- Size upper version yards inch middle version yards low er vards This easytouse pattern Hives perfect fit Complete illustrated Sew Charts shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of The Newmar ket Era and Express Pattern Newmarket SIZES mo Keep baby looking cool and cute ail summer in these ador able little For hoys and girls three different tops matching pants with bib if you wish Use noiron fabrics thrifty remnants sew them all in jiffy time Pattern For boy and jlri babies IS months Top pants bib in 12month size take 14 yards 35inch Trans fer This easytouse pattern ifives perfect fit Complete illustrated Chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot he accepted for this pattern Print SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER- Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Era and Express Pattern Dept- Newmar ket SPECIAL SEDAN shape METEOR COACH Repainted good tires SEDAN Air conditioning good tires top shape SPECIALS575 FORD COACH J Heater radio spotlight SPECIAL 395 CHEVROLET SEDAN Air conditioning radio signals window washers SPECIAL 895 a 1958 SEDAN DELIVERY 1st class shape SPECIAL CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY 1st class shape OPEN EVENINGS TILL SATURDAY 6 SWIFTS PARI QUALITY MEATS 15 lb lb SEASONS MILK BONELESS VEAL FRONT ROLLS MILD COTTAGE ROLLS RUHNS IIAISY SIK SIDE BACON rind on 1 lb pkg 39c SLICK PORKUVER lb COOKED HAM 39c I f i ANNUAL COOKIE DAY IS SUCCESSFUL The guides ant brownies of Newmarket sold boxes of cookies in their annual Cookie Day on April Prior to that the Kirls called on home- makers in town to place orders for the The leaders join with the guides and brownies in thanking those who supported their an nual y raising project The proceeds from tho sale of cookies is used locally to support work of the guide movement WOMEN LIBERALS AT OTTAWA The biennial convention of National Federation of Women is held in Ottawa this week Attending from To and Region Women Liberals association are the president Mrs of Mrs Steph enson of Richmond Hill Mrs Mrs Shaw Mrs Stephenson Mrs P Greenwood of Toronto a others The Ontario were entertained at luncheon by Ontario member of the Federal house Prime Minister SI Laurent addressed the main banquet Mrs St Laurent a reception for A full of sessions and a of the National Gal leries completed the agenda A MOTORS VAUIE FEATURES tins 33c RASPBERRIES FANCY ROSES IS TOPIC TALK AND SLIDES Am illustrated talk on Urnest will be In the members and friends of society at Trinity United church hall on day May will promptly ft pm Mr of Willow dab a whose garthwts are the envy of all rose lovers will hi- the guest speaker Mr had one bush with roses on It last summer- Mr- Is the past direct or of District Five and of Judges for this district He is member of CNR Judges committee for the annual flower show Mr I ayes Is in charge of program Mr will his talk with col ored slides Refreshments will ho served Once again Olds sets the trend for tomorrow with a Intagrille Bumper design I to our showroom right now Give a for detail demand in vur urn car Youll find Old out ahead every way Stunning styling the functional beauty of new OP VAMII TODAY Bumper jfrttenTlfsi iiolh modern grille and a fulbdepth bumper And yon 1Mb action of the new Rocket and for New the splibw0l HydraMalic Then pel set for the surprise of all I Jet our price I See its today make your to rocket away 7- discover