MPS j Newmarket Aurora and the Rural Districts of North York ERA 104TH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO 18 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH tfitr INS Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Tbil science baa found a new with the to shrink hemorrhoids and Thousands have without resort to surgery In case after case while gently pain actual redaction shrink- took place Most of all were that mad atatementa like Pile to be a te a of Institute you can new healing suppository or farm called Ask for at or refund Estimate Cost Of Wafer Projects At One BtlSon More than will have to bo spent on municipal projects In the province in the next years A Snider of Waterloo chairman of the Ontario Water Resources and Supply committee said at London on April 25 He told the Canadian section of the American Water Works association that 700000000 will be needed for waterworks pro jects and another for feeder pipe lines pumping installations and irrigation feed er lines Mr Snider said that multipur pose storage lakes behind control dams similar to Londons Fan- Dam might be the main source of water for communities in short supply He also saw the possibility of water from the Great Lakes or utilizing underground supplies close to needy munici palities Pipelines from storapc lakes he said are Just as costly per foot as those from the Great Lakes But in areas where a real shortage exists no reason able cost will be a deterrent to securing an abundance of good Park Furniture St water National Health Plan Described At Annual Convention The Federal Willi last year proceed with its national hospi tal insurance scheme only if A recent public opinion poll showed that twothirds of the enough provinces including people interviewed wanted to either Ontario or Quebec are prepared to participate Federal Health Minister Martin told the Ontario Liberal Womens assoc iation in Toronto on Friday April Representatives were present from Womens Liberal groups throughout the province Attend ing from the York North were Mrs H Hooker Miss Starr and Mrs C Stephen son The convention was held at the Royal York hotel Since the hospital insurance plan was presented to the prov inces in January Mr Martin said British Columbia and Sask atchewan have agreed to parti cipate Quebec authorities said that they are careful study to the proposal and I am hoping that the government of the largest and wealthiest prov ince Ontario will take a posi tion consistent with the interest shown by its premier when he favored action on this matter WGQ44G a I rVvTjjCX fcSi- Mi ook of Leadership If If I ft i New Automatic Electric 7 DcFrost Shelf Full Width True Freezer Locker MoistCold Deep Door Design DoubleDeck Bottle Bar in Door Meat Drawer Interior Styling Shelves uickRcleasc Ice Trays i t TO TO CUBIC FEET ON DISPLAY see a government operated hos pital plan Inaugurated Mr Mar tin said The sentiment in fav or of hospital insurance at the present time is as great as the support accorded to any other major social measure before it was put into effect including family allowances The Federal government has put forth its plan because action by the only national public auth ority is necessary to bring ade quate hospital care reach of all Canadians regardless of financial circumstances the min ister said But before it proceeds the government wants to be assured of the support of most of the provinces representing a major ity of the population While great expenditures for defense are necessary Mr Mar tin said the lonterm way to preserve peace is to demonstrate to the world and especially Asia that the free life is preferable to the ruthless system of com munism This can be done by paying attention to matters af fecting human welfare We want to meet the full measure of our responsibility for the health and welfare of the people of Canada within consti tutional limits he added The OLWA passed a resolu tion suggesting changes in the Succession Duty Act Hie wifes contribution to the marriage partnership and to the building of the family estate should be recognized up to by exempting onehalf of a hus bands estate passing to ins widow the resolution said Also only onehalf of the value of a gift from husband to wife should be subject to tax It was also suggested that a life interest or pension be not subject to succession duty as well as to income tax and that more funds be made available to dependents while an estate is being settled Hie OWL A asked the Federal government consider national scholarships and bursaries for Students at university level in financial wed ft suggested oral and provincial governments should encourage training of more nurses by giving grants to hospitals to cover training costs and by giving subsidies to train ees to encourage potential nurs es to enter the profession TUBE IS A CR0SLEY SHELVADOR REFMGRATOR MADE TO MEASURE FOR YOUR FAMILY i from M in It 1 STREET WIRING SALES SERVICE PUPPYS BARKING AWAKENS FAMILY HOUSE ON FIRE A twomonth old puppy Ginger was credited with sav ing the lives of three children and mother early Monday morn when fire broke out in then home two miles south of Aurora- Mrs Frank Adamac woke when she heard puppy and found the house filled with smoke She ran to tin bedroom where her three children Car man Dorothy and John were sleeping and awakened them- Mr Is working in west ern Canada on a construction project Mrs bundled the children and pup into the car She then ran to a neighbors house and called the firemen The Aurora volunteer brigade confined the blaze to the base ment of the house Chief Harry Jones estimated the damage mostly from smoke under The family were able to return to the house ft rtv t HARRYS Vfc l J jJi j i v v from from f i VjfcHj I as MATCHING TOO YES THIS IS TRUE In most regions of Canada gardeners and golfers can look forward to balmy weather for Central Press Canadian will not be so lucky however The weatherman the next 30 days to counteract the belownormal prophesies belownormal temperatures in this of the past month Southern Ontario area 600 Lot Levy For Subdivides Suggested For King Citys Policy Results of the meeting of the village trustees of King City on May indicate that subdivides will be required to pay more than per lot if schools and water services are to be financed in the future The present 300 is not enough said Chairman Smith Because industry is lacking in the village his pro- posal is for a 600 levy de pending on the opinion of the school board of S 2 At present the subdivisions within village limits pay per lot with the village receiv ing and the township Recent subdivision proposals include nearly 175 houses on the Dr Barrio farm in the Kings- cross estate development and houses in the Valentine sub division in the village Raising the lot levy is the only moans of controlling the situation unless it is counterbal ancing residential assessment with industrial assessment Mr Smith said He pointed on that houses would require a 14- room school One man lie said wants lo build houses in the community A motion by Smith and Barker gave acceptance to the Valentine subdivision subject to any subdivision levy on each lot Existing debentures are nearly Mr i vclop 20 to urban lot in the first year The trustees also conceded to rezone the western part of lot seven of the faun which is outside the vill age limits as a residential sub urban development but with lots at a minimum of feet frontage A recommendation will to township council to rezone the eastern parts of lot con cession four from ruralresiden tial to residential suburban de velopment A recommendation will be made to reduce three acre lots to onehalf acre in DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Mrs C E Stephenson was re elected vicepresident for York North at the annual meeting of the Toronto and Yorks Region Women Liberal association in Toronto on Thursday April 26f Mrs Stephenson formerly of Newmarket and Aurora now resides in Richmond Hill Arrest Pair At Sutton On Break Enter Theft and Mar tin Jackson both of Island were arrested in Sutton on Friday April by Acting Chief Brian Stephens as they attempted to sell articles believed have been stolen More than St worth of tools fishing tackle a radio and clothing were stolen from the summer cottage of Dr Ban field of Toronto The cottage is located at Lake east of Jacksons Point The pair were charged with breaking and entering and theft They wore lodged in Newmarket jail and retained In custody until f i J I J gloves flatter petticoats lips nd r some of our specialities k YOUR WINTER PURS IN FOR COMPLETE PROTECTION NEWMARKET 1 ti s- r their appearance this week at Smith Leo Valentine developer Magistrates court said Do not ask Us to for- all the school costs You are as sessing more than anywhere in Ontario and giving nothing in return You will be keeping in dustry out at the price of the house and lot Bring us industry and we will subsidize you replied Mr Smith A motion was approved allow ing Kingscross Estates to de- Impaired Driving Brings Fine Suspended license Clifford of Newmar ket was convicted of Impaired driving and having liquor in an illegal place when he appeared before Magistrate on Friday April 2 He pleaded not guilty to the first charge which had been reduced from the original one of drunk driving A charge of criminal negli gence was dismissal Mr paid a total of and costs or days in Jail on ihe two convic tions His drivers license was suspended for six months Charges were laid by Deputy Chief James feeder Mr Fogg had been taken Into custody following threemile chase through Newmarket early on the morning of March 25 at speeds up to Police testified that they noticed a car travelling at high speed near the of town It was being driven In an erratic manner they said They gave chase In a pa- trot car and overtook the car tit the double bond between Millard and Niagara Constable Glen of the East stepped from the patrol car had opened the door of the pursued auto when It sped north atom Niagara St was overtaken again north of Newmarket when Mr Pegg was taken into custody police testified When naked to explain his fiction Mr said I was Life On The Courts We hope this year with the help of ace tennis man Keith Davis to provide a weekly col umn life on the Courts In it well keep you abreast of the happenings along the tennis trail Newmarket Tennis club offi cials plan to put forth a special effort this year to interest jun iors in tennis and to increase club membership The club is now open to accept member ships If youre interested in playing tennis contact Keith Davis or Charlie Lee Sat May i- down m m A will Keith Davis North Yorks Mr Tennis says that interest seems already to be on the upgrade and there is every indication will be a banner year among district tennis enthusiasts lie has received requests fjr assist ance from AUiston and Rich mond Hill high schools with their tennis program and has consented to help George Kelly expects to com plete a Newmarket High School tennis tournament before the close of the school year To further the idea Keith Davis has offered two trophies any car UNBEATABLE VALUE MENS coats spring- soft tones tailored from nil fool cloths or Harris Tweeds styled in popular style patch pockets sizes to in blues and fawns Smart sparkle weaves r Neat splash tones A Rich tweeds on our lot must have steady n ONLY AT A f yfe tviv jraav t ight of