King YOUR CHAMBER Or IB BUILDING A COMMUNITY Scouting Open House On evening April 26 the annua open house linger First Kin scouts and cubs will be held in King City Masonic at pm There are scouts and in the cub pack- Demonstrations of work games and a parent participation game will be fol lowed by refreshments convened by Mrs J Belknap of the ladies scout committee Dr J of the scout group committee will speak On Saturday April scouts arid cubs will make their spring collection of waste paper in a door to door canvass At School Leaders of First King Guide company and Brownie pack at tending the training school at Richmond Hill April were Guide captain Mrs Marion and Lieut Mrs Jessie Ross Brown Owl Mrs Millicent Knight and Tawny Owl Mrs Joan and their assistants Mrs and Mrs Connie Dixon also King commissioner Mrs On Saturday April guides and brownies will call at viilage homos selling the official packages of Girl Guide cookies in the annual Cookie Day sale Mr and Mrs Harold Phillips Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Irving Scott St oh the weekend Mr and Mrs Harold were guests on Apr at the FletcherWest wedding at United church The bride was Kathleen West daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo West of Pottageville and the groom was Michael Fletcher Mrs attended the executive meeting of West Toronto Presbyterial held at West Toronto held at Victoria Presbyterian church Toxonto last week Speaker At At the home of Mrs Glenn Sawyer April Mrs Higginsoo wife of the United church minister Richmond Hill addressed the of the King City church- Mrs if local auxiliary presi dent was chairman Mrs was introduc ed by Mrs Irving Scott and thanked by Mrs Stewart- She spoke of her experience years ago in a northern Ontario settlement in the depression years On May the local bale will be displayed Mrs conducted the wor ship VWi A challenge to better in was the message given by Mrs W J Agar Nashville president of West Toronto when she paid her first official visit to Presbyterian mission groups Strange Ninth Line and at the home of the Strange president Mrs on April 11 Mrs Agar outlined the pro ceedings at the recent Synodical held at Harris ton We are pleased to report Mr Harold is home from the hospital and has left for three weeks convalescing with rela tives in Mr Ed OBrian shown a slight improvement in his condi tion this last week He is still in St Josephs hospital LAYMENS COUNCIL TO MEET IN KING On Friday April the Mens Council of the Toronto Centre Presbytery of the United church will hold a conference in King A Mr and Mrs Angiiss and fam ily recent newcomers to King City are living in the Gillies house King St They have been in Canada a fewonhd choir will cater About church laymen are expected Mr Cockburn statistical sec retary for the Toronto Centre Presbytery will be the speaker Lloyd Lee of Toronto is the councils president Laymen from the United churches of Maple Sehomberg Quecnsville Victoria Square and Aurora will be present GuideBrownie Banquet For Mothers Daughters I would like to thank our mothers and grandmothers for the help they have given us in supporting the First King brownies and guides and provid ing us with an opportunity to learn guiding were the words of Brownie Carolyn Parker when she proposed the toast to the mothers at the Mother and Daughter banquet at King United church April are happy to do what ever we can to assist our girls and their leaders We are grate ful for the influence of the wo men who devote their time in laying the foundation for future citizenship and friendships re plied Mrs Adam Davidson There were over at the CLUB TO HE AT CONVENTION Girls Club has been invited to demonstrate a recent project Cotton Access ories for the Club Girls Bed room at the annual conven tion of Centre York WI district to be held at Kettleby May Sponsored by Womens Institute the young girls have completed two units and have started on Meats in the Menu Their new leaders are Mrs Les lie Glass and Mrs Charles Hate- were in Toronto before coming to King City Miss Margaret has volunteered to help with the childrens story hour at Memorial library Miss Nellie Ouwendyk is wearing a diamond ring given to her by her fiancee Cyril Dug- of recently Nel lie who is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Ouwendyk of has been house keeper at the home of Mr and Mrs John Belknap King City Final WI Euchre Mrs Clyde Cairns and Miss Winifred Boys convened a eu chre under Womens In stitute in Institute hall Friday April The last euchre of the season will be held on Friday April 27 with special prizes Book Week At Library Plan Childrens Hour King Memorial Library is featuring a number of new books for adult and childrens reading in connection with Book Week in Canada April to 21 An important step is being taken by librarians to give guidance in childrens read- banquet The tables were gay ing On Saturday morning May 5 ill he the start of the Child rens Weekly Story Hour Mrs Edmund Wallas and Mrs Don Hutchinson are arranging the plan Mrs J Evans will be the story teller that day First there will be a picture hook story for little folk follow ed by a longer period for the older children One of the liter ary pieces will be The Tales of Laughter by which is a volume of short stories Others who have volunteered to be the story teller lady are Miss Mar garet Mrs A Hardy and Miss Shirley Ma re hand who teaches at Sacred Heart school The new library quarters are so attractive with rows of easily- reached shelves pleasant atmo sphere and the beautiful inter ior finish and furnishings that children will find it a fine way to spend an hour on Saturday morning The tentative date for the of ficial opening of the new library is Friday May from to p and to pm If Mr An gus Mowat director of Ontario libraries is able to be on that date open house will bo held The objective of the Can adian Cancer campaign is 2- 100000 More money will be spent on research than ever be fore with bowls of sweet peas pro vided by King Womens Insti tute which catered There were 42 girls the rest being uniform ed Mrs Henry Davie president of the Guide associa tion of mothers was chairman Mrs James Kerr gave the toast to the company and pack and Guide June Knight replied Mrs Eric Abraham thanked the Institute Girl Guide Beverley Barker sang two solos and Guide Mae Shepherd was the piano ac companist At the head table were Mrs Davie district commissioner Mrs Guide Cap tain Mrs Marion and her lieutenant Mrs Jessie Ross and assistant Pat Appleyard who wears the Gold Cord the high est award in guiding Brown Owl Mrs Knight and Tawny Owl Mrs Joan their Assistants Mrs Pa- ton and Mrs Connie Dixon were present Guest speakers were di vision commissioner Mrs and Mrs Phillip ney division camp advisor Mrs spoke on the aim of the division to attain a camp site in York County Park at Sutton If this can be accom plished and we can have a per manent site in the county your chances for camp life are assur ed provided money can he rais ed to erect a building she slat ed MRS A PETER NEW PRESIDENT OF KING CITY A sfate of officers of King Wo mens Institute was unanimously elected when presented by Miss Doris chairman of the nominating committee at the annual meeting held at the home- of Mrs John April Mrs Ross Walker presided for the elections The new president is Mrs Arnold Peter who succeeds Mrs Austin Rumble after three terms in office- Mrs Verdun Gordon is first vicepresident replacing Mrs Cora Specht who is now second vicepresident The new secretarytreasurer is Mrs and her assistant is Mrs Victor Doner Mrs fills the of fice hold by Airs Colin Stewart for throe years Mrs James Pat remains the honorary presi dent Mrs Rumble is the new district director and is also the representative to King Memorial Library board A new board of directors is in office namely Mrs John Norris Mrs Rose Walker Mrs Roy Hoi- linshead and Mrs Miss Eva Dennis A J Gordon are auditors The annual reports submitted by conveners of standing com mittees were approved Present ing these reports were Mrs Ar chie Campbell Mrs Arnold Pe ter Mrs Win Mrs Norman Wade Mrs Verdun Gordon for Mrs Stan Hunted and Mrs L Rolling The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Apr Page COMPLETE PLANS ON TREND TEA IN MAY Mrs A and Mrs George Berry conveners of tVO sewing groups making cancer dressings at King City report over dressings made The central village group meet twice monthly under Mrs Kel and the Kings view subdivi sion group convened by Mrs Berry meets monthly The under Mrs Winn if red Boys have sewn over dressings By the time the Trend tea at the home of Mrs Gage Love line of King is held early in May the King district branch of the Aurora Cancer Unit will have contribut ed a substantial supply of dress ings to the Aurora headquarters At the home of Mrs G Rat- cliff April where central workers were making dressings visitors were Mrs J P dale president of the Aurora and district unit Mrs J A Car ter convener of the units dress- ing supplies Mrs Colin convener of the gift cupboard and Mrs Buchanan Aurora On April the west end workers will sew at the home of Mrs Leonard Appleyard Kings- view On April 20 the centrol worker will sew at the home of Mrs Elmer King St At The sewers met at the J home of Miss Blair Burrows- sixth of King on Monday nigh The big interest coming up la the Trend tea in King township- convened by Mrs A E A special conveners meeting was held on April 16 at the home of Mrs Love where the tea will be held in May Canadian statistics show that Canadians died of cancer in This is almost one in every six deaths MUST CLR on or BifeitiAS6SSSS Now is the time to get your next winters supply jr summer u9 fr lVv t v d I on gas Easy to buy I avalkibto with automatic 1 C i CHOOSE THE ONE YOU NEED r 1 model WT0N model has model i to1 V Compare for out-and- out valuo NEW h9hr power The right and tho right truck you time on every trip volt electrical system mentis faster starting greater capacity for accessories NEW bigger to lbs up to lbs 1 Fargo and VSa from to can bundle theeo big loads with ease Moro pay load profit trip NEW handling Shortest turning trucks of Power brakes available all models A- NEW ftural In creased capacity springs and many models bow trucks can sate money Just phone your Fargo dealer I Corporation of Canada Limited WATCH CUMAXSHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND TIME