Wy Notice of annual conventions were received by council at its last meeting The welfare con vention will be held from June to inclusive Welfare chair man Robert Wonch will repre sent the town there The annual conference for I mayor and reeves will meet in Hamilton on August to 23- Mayor Herbert and Reeve Edward will attend A training course for fire chiefs will be held on April to at the University of Toron to The matter was referred to the Fire and Police committee to check with Newmarkets fire chief regarding his attendance at the course It when it comes to springtime needs like getting your car in paying bills home repairs the kind Of money problems that are always sprouting up this time of year you need look no further than the nearest HFC office for sound sensible money help The men tod women at Household Finance are specialists in putting budgets back sound basis At HFC you can get as much as usually in one day or less If you have a steady income and can meet the convenient monthly payments you can borrow without endorsers To get that money problem off your mind simply phone or drop in at HFC today HOUSEHOLD FINANCE I K A floor phono itoo f pm Betty Jean Hagan To Perform In Local Concert On April 26 CM Defence Propvs By Province As part of Ontarios civil de fence program approximately nurse have been- trained in meeting problems which would result from nuclear or bio logical warfare Planning and Development Minister William announced- Members of the local Registered Nurses association wore among the first In the province to com plete this training Mr under whose auth ority the Ontario Civil Defence and Disaster committee func tions also revealed that 500 vol untary policemen have been trained and uniformed through the defence program An other are at present In train Another of the program the hose standardization pro gram was completed last Novem ber at a cost of of which the provincial government paid twothirds and the federal government onethird Mr announced that the civil defence program is estab lishing reserves of and of medical supplies in gen eral Is a substitute for plasma Canadas brilliant young vio linist BettyJean will be guest artist at the third concert in the series presented by the Newmarket Concert Associa tion on Thursday April in the high school auditorium- Born In Edmonton in BettyJean has become BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Keith Edward Wright Aurora to yearn old on Friday April George Sheridan New- market years old on Friday April IS Shirley Dennis Aurora yean old on Saturday April Joan Km- wick years old a Saturday April Jam William Eyes a years old on Sun day April Dike Newmarket 3 years old on Sun day April Terry Kirbyaon Holland Land ing years old on Sunday April Donald Edward Glenn New market years old on Monday April Audrey Sheridan Newmarket 6 years old on Tuesday April Terry Grant New market years old on Wednes day April Wendy Ann 3 Newmarket years old on Wed nesday April 18 Bonnie Lee Allen years old on Wednesday April John Raymond Newmarket 6 years old on Thursday April Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club well known for her recitals and solo concerts with orchestras in North America and Europe From childhood she was des tined for a career of music At sg von years of age she won first prizes at the Alberta Music Fes tival The following year she went to study at the Chicago Conservatory of Music on a double scholarship in piano and violin She was awarded a scho larship in IMG and came to Tor onto where she studied under Greza Kresz This was followed by a further scholarship from the Toronto Music Club for the highest marks at a wants Music Festi val the Harriet Cohen medal in and the Carl award in London in 1953 BettyJean Is the first Canadian violinist to win both the Award in New York and the Prize in Paris She thus drew the attention of the world to her self and her violin On winning the Harriet Cohen medal of Bri tain she was nominated the outstanding woman of the year In the British Commonwealth At that time she was 21 years of age BettyJean has been soloist with leading orchestras in Toronto Vancouver Calgary and Edmonton and in toured for two months in Europe playing four and five concerts a week She has just received word that she will ho playing a concerto with the New York Philharmonic this coming fall Following the concert in New market a luncheon will be serv ed for all the members of the Concert Association Pro Increases Aid m To Needy Pensioners Supplementary assistance to old age pensioners by the Ontar io government is being increased to 12 a month effective April Public Welfare Minister Louis announced this week Since these payments will match on a basis assistance from municipalities it will make it possible for a pensioner to re ceive a total of a month in special assistance Until new ruling assistance payments were being made on a 5050 basis up to a total of monthly This special assistance is pro vided by municipalities when the requirements of a means test have been satisfied Only needy and disabled pensioners are en titled to it- Last November the last month for which complete fig ures are available there were close to such pensioners being assisted throughout the province Of these 1210 lived in Toronto The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Apr Page Refuse lions Request Councillor Alex Hands inquir ed at the April meeting why the Lions club had been refused the use of the towns public park ing lot for its annual summer carnival The club had asked for the lot for a Saturday even ing Property Chairman Violet said that the com mittee had considered the request and had decided against establishing a precedent if you lot one group have it she said you must let all of them use it Since the end of World War IT Canada has advanced more than four billion dollars in financial aid to foreign countries Gifts to other countries have amount ed to or nearly half the foreign aid total in the period The manufacturing and service industries employ percent of Canadas labor force while the primary industries agriculture forestry fishing and trapping mining quarrying and oil wells employ the remaining per cent Engineer Reports On Proposed Pitting Lot The town engineer said that two entrances could be provided for a parking lot behind the York County Health Unit The site had been suggested as a location for another public parking lot by the Chamber of Commerce The matter had been referred to Mr when It had come be fore council last month Coun cillor Robert asked for a progress report Mr- said that the town would have to purchase additional land to provide an entrance to the site from Bruce St A 10foot rightofway for another entrance Is owned by the town and additional land is available to widen strip To provide this entrance con siderable fill would be required and no estimate of the cost has been made Mr said V This allnew door combines convenience wideoj View and dramatic styling with all the builtin protection of Meteors exclusive Safeguard the newest and smartest of fourdoor All now in with low A view unhampered by centre better visibility nil around Kiwy inandout convenience for both front rind rear seat passenger A honey for looks its powered for notion with the liveliest tower over delivered for the money thats instant and unhesitating for liner control in every speed range As in nil models youve choice of superior V8 Up and full range of assists for effortless control You feel safer safer Meteor Safeguard steering wheel Doublegrip door latches and safety- beam headlamps too are standard equipment Front seat belts and Safeguard padded instrument panel unci sun visors cost less than extra expanded Meteor lino of 23 models includes Niagara and Meteor series now offering both V8 and engines See and drivo Meteor week You wont find a smarter buy anywhere i7 VlSW V MILES AHEAD WITH fr is v Tl fj Channel ft PRICED LOWEST- i- A FROM Of CANADA fi8as- t fellH 1 fif3SyrJ iT ii skip s fc fr J A y- i Kvi I te MERCURY LINCOLN and MEtEOR and MERCURY TRUCKS l Wrir cyLJto rxJ FOR A Y YOUR Si OR ATKINSON DRUGS 98 Main St Newmarket Phone 209 r was and called on the Lord and said Thou has given this great deliverance into the hand of Thy servant and now shall I die for thirst Judges 18 Samson was thirsty and ready to die The difficulty was to- tally different from any which the hero had met with before Merely to get thirsty and to he granted relief from that thirst was nothing like so great a mat as to be delivered from a thousand Philistines But when the thirst was upon Samson felt that little present difficulty more weighty than the past diffi culty out of which he had been so remarkably delivered It is very useful for Gods people to know when they have en joyed a great deliverance a liUle trouble may loom very great for them And sometimes it appears too big for them to cope with Samson slays a thou sand Philistines and piles them up in heaps and then faints for a little water Jacob wrestles with God at and over- comes Omnipotence itself and then goes halting on his thigh Strange there must be a shrink ing of the sinew whenever we win the day As if the Lord must teach us our littleness our nothingness in order to keep us within our bounds Samson boasted right loudly when he said have slain a thousand men His boastful throat soon grew hoarse with thirst and he betook him self to prayer God has many ways of humbling His people If after great mercy you are laid low do not think your ease an unusual one When David had mounted the throne of Is- he said am this day weak though king You must expect to feel weakest when you are enjoying your greatest triumph If God wrought for you great deliverance In the past your present difficulty is only like Samsons thirst and the Lord will not let you faint nor suffer your enemy to triumph over you The road of sorrow is the road to heaven but there are wells of refreshing water all along the route So cheer up brother and take heart with Sam sons words and rest assured that God will deliver you ere long KEf Too OH ft i4Mor Too eat Drift DODOS KiONEY PILLS 50 FOR BRASS CHROME t Not since I learned about I didnt find it any too soon either My job was get ting too much for when I got homo night I was surly as a with my family A chap at work put me on to Knehen and be without it Just little in my morning coffee when needed sets me up for day Of course is a gentle laxative and diuretic too It goes to work fast any fizzing or bub Get a package today and start enjoying life again KRUSCHEN Alt lt to have a tqhrc by the at night Extend telephone convenience to any part of your home FOR EASY LIVING FOR PRIVACY Take run out of naming your home have a telephone within easy reach ail over ilia house Just SI month for each additional tele phone in small centres And where your telephone part of the decor theres a bright choice of red beige or ivory You can have your telephones installed in no time merely call your Telephone Business Ollice The charge for installation is only SI more for color mm V i r