-ore- As one who bag been keeping a home for years I have knowledge of the value of sharing expert prices with other whether over the back fence the veranda or through other accepted means of IvJjbtd communication Some of 3he best pointers ever learned about housekeeping came front neighbors in this way and I like to feel that I have able to pass on the odd good tip time to time Perhaps you wonder what fence have to do hospitals answer Is plenty The actual back fence course is not a prop employ- by hospitals but the sharing information and experiences a regular hospital activity 3wt try to imagine your com munity hospital isolating from other hospitals Immedi ately you can see what would happen Your hospital would soon be behind the times from almost every standpoint facili ties efficiency and economy This of course would never do To make sure that there is a continuous flow of information and cooperation among hospi tals for the advancement of all hospitals have organized them selves locally and nationally But local hospital cooperation is the prop that makes the other organizations strong I think it would be safe to say that when ever two or more hospitals have been situated close to each other there always has existed a measure of cooperation and sharing It is not until recent years however that hospitals across Ontario were completely organized into regions for the purpose of bringing local coop eration and sharing to a very high standard of attainment It will readily be seen that or ganizing all hospitals of Ontario A TOPCOATS Reg iJ PANTSRcg Reg nylon reinforced Reg Reg 495 and cotton mix Reg gabs corduroys etc Keg ft blue wine Reg 125 Reg 395 io nog to 1093 ARROW SHIRTS Reg 95 39e MS 4 si v ft Ft V to Reg 398 ifcOWiJEANS tan or blue Reg 395 stripes or colore Reg 198 Reg Jiipvitogto 8 to red sole to Si- v 12 to Reg Reg to m i V fc Ti 44 to Reg fore ilea to rand to iit to Reg Reg to 100 I S KCi PIES jJ34 2 piece Reg Reg doz Reg 8188 pink blue Reg 39c iiifo woolReg to 29 4 aife Wi Reg 49c yd yd led Reg Mo BO fetiS kZIl ERAL STORES WILL EN- PASS US THE Tfi -t-iw- into cen tral leadership This provided by the hospitals provincial body the Ontario Hospital Association The pro vince was divided into geo graphical regions each of which elected Its own officers adopted its own constitutions and became known as a Regional Hospital Council of the Ontario Hospital Association Each Council is an entity unto but is identified with the Ontario Hospital Association for the purpose of broader relation ships with other regional coun cils through this body The On tario Hospital Association of course endeavors to provide suitable leadership to assure the maximum of beneficial results for the member hospitals of each region The general aims and objects of the Regional Hospital Coun cils are to maintain a high stand ard of hospital service to foster cooperation among hospitals and other health agencies and to educate the public on the func tions and problems of commun ity hospitals Councils meet at intervals throughout the year usually quarterly and reports of their meetings are forwarded to the parent association to enable it to make a survey of hospital activi ties throughout the province Much valuable information is thus available for vital problems which hospitals have to meet and the sharing of ideas and infor mation from the Regional meet ings greatly assists the Ontario Hospital Association in its role as spokesman and counsellor for its member hospitals Since the introduction of Re gional Hospital Councils there has been a definite upsweep in enthusiasm and results for the improvement of hospital care for the people of Ontario One out standing example of this is the fact that the annual conven tion of the Ontario Hospital As sociation held at the end of Oc tober was the largest ever with some three thousand hospital delegates visitors and exhibi tors attending A look at some of the subjects discussed by the Regional Coun cils shows that they really mean business Such areas of hospital administration as purchasing and stores control the cost of operat ing schools of nursing hospital accreditation the meeting of the high standards necessary to be an accredited hospital the cost of providing hospital care for Indigent patients accounting nursing service interdepart mental knowledge fire insur ance womens hospital auxili aries public relations payments for indigent patients hospital housekeeping relations with me dical staff and Blue Cross are but a crosssection of the many subjects that Regional Hospital Councils discuss thoroughly In addition to the group dis cussions of course there is a s- And God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness Genesis Light might well be good since it sprang from that fiat of good ness Let there be light who enjoy it should be more grateful for It than we arc and sec more of God in it and by it Light physical is said by Solomon to bo sweet but the light of the Gospel is Infinitely more precious It reveals eternal things and min isters to our immortal natures When the Holy Spirit gives us spiritual light and opens our eyes to behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ we behold sin in its true colors and ourselves in our true position we see the Mast Holy God as He reveals Himself the plan of mercy as He propounds it and the world to come as Ho describes it Spiritual light has many beams and prismatic colors but whether they be knowledge joy holiness or life they all divinely good If the light received be thus good what must the essential Light be and how glorious be place where Ho dwells Oh Lord If light bo good give us more and more of it and more of Thyself the true Light No sooner than is a good thing In the world than a division Is necessary Light and darkness no commun ion God has divided thorn let us not confound them Sons of light hove no fellowship with the unfruitful works of dark ness children of tho day must bo sober honest and bold in tho Lords work leaving the works of darkness to those who will live In it forever Our chur ches should by discipline divide the light from darkness and we by our distinct separation from world do tho same In judgment in action in hear ing in teaching in association wo must discern between precious and the vile and main Hair the great distinction that the on that first day Mr and Mrs J VanLuyk have returned home from a trip Florida Mr and Mrs T Visser and entail daughter have returned home fiom a threemonth visit to the Netherlands Mr of Grand Rapids Mich conducted the services at the Christian Reform church on Sunday Mr and Mrs and small son are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs John and son Andrew are visiting Mr and Mrs VanDyke in Grand Rapids Mich Rev P conducted the services at Re form church in Lindsay on Sun day Mrs Sr and Mrs ft Matthews are still confined to their homes and we wish them a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Flacks infant son has returned home from Sick Childrens Hospital in Toronto and is well on the road to re covery distinct advantage of increased personal relationships among the key hospital personnel who take part This is where the real overthebackfence person conversation conies into the picture Yes cooperation and sharing among hospitals is vital whether it is in Metropolitan Toronto which forms Regional Council No or Regional Council No 13 which takes in such northern places as Fort William Port Arthur and Red Lake The degree of success attained at these local regions will help determine the future overall effect of the provincial association and ultimately will be reflected in the national and international hospital scene You can be sure that your hos- is not an isolated health centre It is connected in a very vital and effective manner with hospitals locally nationally and interna tionally As the Ontario Hospi tal Association Convention this year stated Good patient care is our constant aim Canadian Corps Association Do we think that because Can ada has not experienced war within its own boundaries that it will never do so Do we think that because we bear no ill will towards any country that we are immune from invasion Do we realize that behind an atomic or hydrogen bomb explosion inva sion forces in mass could strike by air and take us off balance Do we realize that what hap pened in Rumania last autumn where hundreds were killed and their bodies left in the streets as a warning to others could happen here Let us wake up and take notice of these things that are really happening to people just like ourselves people whose only wish is to live their lives in hap piness and safety but who for years have lived in the dread of what may happen to themselves and their- families at any mom ent Let us not throw up our hands and roll our eyes in hor ror at these happenings but let us do something about it Civil defense warden first aid posts traffic control and protection are four of the most pressing needs Encouragement should be to our young men to enlist in the nonperman ent as w ell as the permanent forces because if we are prepared and with our minds de termined not to panic but to hold fast to those things which we value and which we believe to be our right in this free country of Canada shall we go about the work that has to be done with the one thought above all others of helping those around us point stressed was the Royal Newfoundland Regiment It is always refreshing to hear of people taking a pride in their Unit these days for pride in their regiment means pride in the in dividual good and soldierly be havior which in turn reacts upon public opinion Believe it or not tradition is a wonderful thing when properly upheld in any of the services Dont forget the meeting on Friday March in the Dug Out its ladies night We are sorry to hear Jim Lee is ill in Sunnybrook and hope he will soon be around again There was a very interesting article on Newfoundland in The Telegram on March One ST PAULS EVENING The Evening branch of St Pauls Anglican church New market met in the Memorial room of the parish hall on Mon day March 19 Mrs John Held presided Mrs William Peters assisted Mrs with the Plans were made to make con firmation veils at the next Dor cas meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs Harold Evans Victoria St on Mon day March 26 A social halfhour was spent Refreshments were served by Mrs J Rhodes and Mrs SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT Continued from Page have the interest of the hospital at heart I also wish to thank the hos pital auxiliary for their many contributions the medical staff for their cooperation and the Hospital Board for its loyal sup port THE HOSPITAL PAYS TOO Continued from Page And so on and on we find category after category of hos pital employees all playing a part toward the care of the pa tient Today they are working eight hours the same as their friends in industry In many cases they are on a five or five and a half day week which means that the hospital has Mr and Mrs Gerald Gordon Bond were married at Newmarket on February 25 The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bruce field The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Bond Photo by Studios to increase its staff to assure 24- hour patient service Everything that is used within the hospital must be paid for hospitals cannot expect to re ceive either employee service or food supplies and equipment at prices any lower than would be paid by another type of organ ization Thinking over many things which enter your friends stay in hospital in light of to days employment and market conditions you will soon see that hospitals are doing a pretty fair job in keeping down the cost of their indispensable health ser vice which after all means to many people extra years of priceless life I h J 1 4 5 1 j 1 v j a va ta i T 1 1 J Dodge Sedan i v I t Dodge the way with mow toaturea Manv of newlike door latches Safety Seated and belts But most of them like SafetyRim wheel SafeGuard hydraulic brakes pendent parking broke have been- land a equipment for ta New ftnd V8 en- provide up to pack plenty or for safer woothor fiV automatic alon you a button en A eat all tho work Witch Start 5 J- Just glide your eyes from the eager forward- grille to the higharching rear fenders cm to seeing the long lines of styling Theres more of this car to be beautiful too Because Dodge again this year is nearly a foot longer than its largest selling And once you take the wheel youll discover Dodge is the buy in even more than beauty and size New new 6 or V8 engines a wealth of ride and comfort features make Dodge a car that not only looks big but big Beet of all this bigcar beauty and performance is priced with the lowest Come in tee the 66 Dodge today Weve a mode waiting ready to carry you high style wherever you i i GET DAVIS IN THE ICE I EL B I