9ff5 -i- f- V W5K it ANY AND IT LOOKS IF WED V J V iTVSaSEKffi According to the mart recent Issue of an Imperial Oil publica tion The Sarnie Refiner W John Johnston son of Mr and Mrs Ben Johnston Keswick has had p move up In the firm with his appointment to take charge of the operation of the Phenol Plant Biological tion Plant Asphalt Plant and the Plant in Born in Sutton he received his elementary and secondary edu cation at Sutton and Newmarket A veteran of World War Two Mr Johnston served with the Royal Canadian Artillery and Engineers Following the end of hostilities he entered the Uni versity of Toronto graduating in April with the degree of BSc in chemical engineering Following graduation Mr Johnston joined Imperial Oil as junior chemist in the inspec tion laboratory at the re finery In he was to the staff of the opera tion analysis department where he remained until his recent ap pointment iava p Soa nil Oil belter- C60Mtris oil natures penetrating oil flub or to loo agaat home for VMM Mount Albert WJ Holds Annual Banquet IF The Mount Albert Womens In stitute held its annual banquet in the United church on Friday evening March About members husbands and friends enjoyed a bounteous meal under the of Mrs Elsie Crozier The president Mrs Herb Har mon was the chairman for the evening She described the high lights of the work carried on during the year The guest speaker for the ing was Mrs Armstrong introduced by Ma Harmon Mr Terry sang several Irish solos Mrs Bruce Rolling ex pressed the appreciation of the Womens Institute to Mrs Ann- strong and Mr No At County Park For Metropolitan Residents A I Contrary to a report about the acre York County Park Lake Simcoe which appeared in a Toronto morning paper last week the amount suggested as an admission to the park for any Metro resident is not 2 At a recent meeting of York County council in Newmarket the parks committee chaired by the reeve of East Longford recommended to council that 10000 be the Parks Committees budget for The committee also recommended that the admission fee be for ve hicles only cents to be the charge for an automobile for a truck and for a bus This is the same plan as was in effect last year with the ex ception that taxpayers in the County of York last season car ried a pass entitling free admis sion for cars Pedestrians have never been charged and it is not planned that they will be I Some of the county council members opposed this years levy of 10000 as they feel the park could be selfsupporting Last years take in admissions was over 5000 and this years will be more if county taxpayers are compelled to pay also The recommendations of the parks committee were passed by county council and it is probable they will go into affect this sum mer The parks committee is com prised of Reeve of East Gwillim Longford chairman DeputyReeve of Markham town ship Clark secretary utyReeve of Aurora Victor Jones of Georgina township Ernest Deputy- Reeve of North Gwillimbury Clark Martin and DeputyReeve of Whitchurch township George Richardson VSii a AT P -ri-7- MOUNT ALBERT MAIN ST a REFRESHMENTS PM feS- Baseline j mm VI Fire Monday morning gutted the farm home of Ben Johnston Jr on the baseline of North GwiUimbury township Shortly after am a Raven- shoe man Jack Stephens who was motoring along the base line noticed flames leaping from the roof of the Johnston home and summoned the Sutton fire brigade The North fire brigade was called about a half hour later and the tvo depart ments fought the which completely destroyed the roof of the stone house and the second and third floors The brigade held the fire in check long enough to permit the removal of all the furniture from the first floor rooms By the time this was completed the flames had eaten their way through the floor of the second storey A light favorable wind helped I to confine the fire to the one building A partially completed double garage and a nearby barn were untouched Cause of the fire is undeter mined but Sutton fire chief Phil Snooks said a spark from the chimney could have set the roof afire Mrs Johnston was the only homo when the blaze was discovered but Mr Johnston was soon called from Willow Beach where he was working Loss estimated in the neighbor hood of 10000 is partially cov ered by insurance Replies To Requests For More Telephones VANDORF Mr and Mrs Arnold Gard- house and family Unionville Mr and Mrs Charles Scott arid family Leaside were guests of Mr and Mrs Kingdon and Bill on Saturday evening the oc casion being Mr Kingdon3 birthday Mr and Mrs H Oliver Mr and Mrs Barber attended the York County Jersey Association social at the Agricultural rooms Newmarket on evening St Andrews Presbyterian Dramatic club Aurora will sent their play Too Many Rela tives at Vandorf hall Monday March 20 at pm Wesley is sponsoring this play The members of the are asked to bring homemade candy Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Richard Preston on the ar rival of their son at York Coun ty hospital on Sunday March 18 Mr and Mrs Wesley Sabin Stroud had supper Monday with Mr and Mrs Bert Mrs John White is home from St Michaels hospital after a re cent operation In Queensville Area At a March meeting of North township council a letter was read by Clerk Winch regarding additional telephones for residents in the Queensville exchange area The letter from the owner of the and Mount Al bert Telephone Exchanges James said they ac knowledge the need for tele phone service in this area south of Jersey River but the new office and new switchboard equipment will not give tele phone service until Mr Hammett went on to say in the letter that the ville exchange is loaded to ca pacity but it is not possible to alleviate the condition and in stall more telephones in the area until a system costing approxi mately 57400 can bo installed tinder the guidance of the On tario Telephone Authority The estimated ex penditure calls for an office costing 20000 The remainder would be the cost of equipment which includes dial phones and all automatic equipment The new office is to be located south of the Jersey River WELL BABY CLINIC The immunization clinic which was planned for the last Friday in the month will be held on Fri day March The date was changed since March is Good Friday The clinic which is sponsored by the Newmarket Womens In stitute will be held in York County Health Unit offices Newmarket from to Wedding BOND r VVh h A quiet wedding took place on Saturday February at the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce Hamilton St New market when their daughter was united in mar riage to Gerald Gordon Bond son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Bond Rex Cecil Brown on uncle of the groom performed the ceremony The bride given in marriage by her father was dressed in white nylon net over satin with Italian lace and jacket and white brocaded shoes Her fingertip veil was held with halo pleated net and sequins She carried a bouquet of red roses and white mums Miss Peggy was bridesmaid She wore a green nylon net dress and jacket and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses and white mums Miss Doris sister of the bride was flower girl She wore yellow nylon net over taffeta and a corsage of yellow white and mauve mums Mr Donald Bond brother of the groom was best man The reception was held at Sharon community hall where the brides mother received in beige brocaded taffeta with matching jacket She was assist ed by the grooms mother dress ed in blue crepe with lace trim honeymoon trip to New York the bride donned a beige wool suit with bronze ac cessories They are residing in Newmarket Identified As Meteor A ball of bluish flame seen early Thursday morning oyer the Newmarket Niagara Falls and areas was a meteorite that probably land ed in the Lake district Prof J Heard head of the Department of Astronomy at the University of Toronto said judg ing from the description given by three officers who reported the fireball near Newmarket it was travelling to miles from earth Constables Charles Case Ed ward Foster and James Stewart were travelling in a patrol car south on No 11 highway at Davis Drive when the meteorite pass ed Case said their attention was first drawn by a loud roaring Then Ihe surrounding country side was up bright as day Smaller chunks of blue flame showered the sky as the parent body hurtled through space It was a beautiful but start ling sight said the officer The meteorite appeared to land in the Sharon district The officers later checked the area and found nothing Prof Heard said the roaring sound heard by the officers was a series of shock waves normally evident to miles distant from a meteorite This he said would indicate the meteorite was the earth The largest known meteorite fell in West Central Africa It is the West and weighs tons Tie Newmarket Eta and Express Thursday March Page Mrs Arthur More President Mrs Arthur More was elected president of the New market on Monday March at the clubs dinner meeting at Country Acres Mrs Nelson Ion was guest speaker and conducted the elections Mrs Jack Hamilton presided The report of the welfare com mittee showed that groceries and medicines had been provided for a needy family last month Mrs Donald Menard presented the report of the nominations committee Those elected to of fice include past pros Mrs Hamilton Mrs More vice- pres Mrs Jack sec Mrs Arthur Hurst trcas Mrs Wilson Mrs Ion spoke on newspaper work with special reference to a weekly newspaper She illustrat ed the various points in her talk with humorous anecdotes RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale of good used clothing and other suitable ar ticles will be held in the New market town hall basement on Friday April from to pm The sale is under the aus pices of the Newmarket Mrs Ray Smith is GOING to the OLD COUNTRY m BY SHIP OR AIRPLANE Bookings and reservations or all steamship and airline Conducted and Independ ent travel In Europe Ask for free information HERBERT GOODHOOFD TRAVEL BUREAU Main St Newmarket Mil r ZEPHYR A number of ladies spent Sat- afternoon with Mrs James Galbraith on the occasion of her birthday Mr and Mis Lloyd Profit held open house Friday and Saturday in their new apartment in Au- and the ladies served lunch to over Mr and Mrs Ken Pickering and Larry spent the weekend j Mr and Mrs Cecil Harrison and Mr and Mis Case at tended the wed ding in Sutton on Saturday Mr and Mrs Clayton have moved into their new home in Market Square Opposite Police Station j FRESH PORK HOCKS 19c IB J BLUEBRAND BONELESS RUMP OR ROUND STEAK ROASTS LB HOMEMADE SMALL LINK PURE PORK SAUSA6E LB LEAN SMOKED RINDIESS BACON IB WE WILL HAVE A CHOICE SELECTION OF SMOKED HAMS BONELESS OR RONE IN OLAED PINEAPPLE HAWS OR CHERRY FOR THE EASTER HOLIDAY WEEKEND ORDER YOURS I r v rfi- i i i I Mm I j f 1 iv jrfrt V W HHS 1 J IONS t I ft In IMS Vtmlif djrl Vl lhi Ironed fir mm Canadian penny Chief Engineer laying of the ami the in I A FOR YOUSI SANOFORD IWm MESSAGE TO CANADA ACROSS THE I I l X A I i A w imM i t f I J knighted in then tunic under the Orraii in VtffoVthii of New him Guests on Saturday from To ronto at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Cody included Mr and Mrs Mr David and Mr Sparks Mr and Mrs C Moore and granddaughter Judy Moore of Toronto had Thursday tea at the homo of Mrs Miss Joyce VanLuvan spent the with friends at Oshawa Several homes on the fourth line were invaded by members of the WI Hobo gang a couple of days last week demanding lunch and cup of tea Miss Vernn visited her brother and sister at Stroud dur ing the weekend Guests for Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs McNIcol were Mr and Mrs Roy and Patsy Aurora and Mr and Mrs Tom Sheridan and Brian of New market Utile Miss Wanda attended a birthday parly for Miss Lynda Couth on Saturdav afternoon at Lyndas home Mr and Mrs David Toronto spent part of Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pres ton and Mr Leslio Harper is homo from a Toronto hospital YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Make It A Meet Your At The Two Graduate Pharmacists St Tel PA Calls Telephone M NOW BETTER THAN EVER M git way i flint and gat at prim tag YOU BIT MOREWHY PAY MOKIY valvar year aVtviagl atw Haw all ta lag ay Halt la with it all in ay Ilia via tar fiiva lag a y tiM JM r NEED THAT DRIVE IN ST IV 4s f ta v- though but of a of their ibuUtCaaai ft- aj you I bark rtk you of our p r- man to know WILLIS St The Rexali Drug StorViW Agent Tobacconist etc fiuataui Pounded Telephone PA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Greeting Cards etc THE MISSES aa a4ara Not but AU aaiH J aicaaitly r a I a a r 50 CHEV 640 105253 191218 DODGE Hi STALLED EXTRA LOW COST J 7-