t v- a a Newmarket of the York campaign to for the addi tion feaa kee a In the of the campaign tte state- the openta of the v- He 5 TV the extension of York Is m it win rf Mr a- 7 I- the out by Mr the member The ke of fcu the vuioaK levels have of course part ia funds The of oar own York representing pi of the area ttw fcoopttal has been the ones Bat apart from such assist- would not have been to what has been done without whole hearted of the service fraternal and other of the most without the help of who have contributed amounts both large and small to financing of the York County hospital is now completing its third step in a building and expansion program The original building was op ened in the late and pro- accommodation for about patients The facilities pro vided at that time Included an operating room with one operat ing table one delivery room a small xray department a kit chen and a laundry located in the basement of the main build ing The second step was taken in 1945 when the Margaret Davis Memorial Wing was added- This wing increased the rated capa city of hospital to adult beds and a nursery with accom modation for bassinettes At this time new delivery room facilities were provided in the new building A new xray de partment a fracture room and small laboratory were establish ed on the ground floor A new heating plant was installed and the laundry was moved to a sep arate building where modern laundry equipment was install ed Space occupied by the delivr room in the old building was converted to a minor operating room Dug lack of funds kit chen facilities were not en larged The third step was started early in when architects were engaged and preparation of expansion plans were commenc ed The steady growth in the population of the surrounding community and the increased demands on the hospital had made it apparent for three or four years that additional facili ties were vitally necessary Sev eral plans were considered and after many discussions with ar chitects officials of the Provin cial Department- of Health me dical and hospital staffs the present plana were approved and the building contract signed Construction commenced in the spring of it was thought that about beds would be ade quate The original aim has been surpassed and when the present building has been completed the size of the hospital will be more than doubled This will raise the hospitals classification from Class C to Class There will be beds for adults and for pediatrics and bassinettes with separate sec tions for medical surgical and obstetrical cases Bathroom fa cilities have been provided in all new rooms Although the size of a hospital is usually indicated by the rated bed capacity adequate facilities for diagnosis and treatment must also be provided if the hospital is to be of most value to the community Consequently in planning the expansion of the bed capacity it was essential that operating room delivery room xray laboratory emergency de partment nurses stations cen tral supply and sterilizers office kitchen and laundry facilities be adequate to meet the needs of the increased number of pa tients A new operating suite has been located on the third floor of the new building and includes two major and one minor oper ating room and five recovery beds Oxygen and suction have been piped to the rooms and the floors are of electrically conduc tive material A new kitchen and cafeteria have been located on the ground floor The kitchen has been equipped with a conveyor belt system for serving meals and a special food elevator carries the meals to the various floors Re frigeration has been provided for the storage of perishable foods The xray department has been enlarged and a new xray ma chine has been installed The ca pacity of the department has been more than doubled Laboratory space has been in creased and extra services added An emergency department has been provided on the ground floor of the extension to the west immediately adjoining the xray department and consists of an examining room resuscitation room and a major operating room with both oxygen and suction piped in The emergency department is equipped to treat any probable emergencies In the maternity section a new delivery room suite has been added providing two delivery rooms six labour beds and ade quate auxiliary services The nursery includes separate cubicles for babies with six incubators These changes have required considerable alterations in the old buildings occasioned by the removal of the old operating room delivery rooms and kitch en to new areas and the reloca tion of nurseries and bed space in the maternity wing A new entrance has been pro vided on the cast side and the location of the switchboard and office lias been changed In the old building the stair way and an old elevator will be removed and the space put to other use Space occupied by the old operating room will be con verted to a bed pediatric ward and the old kitchen to a new central supply Alterations in the old building have been mini mized because the old building has become obsolete and may be replaced in the near future A new boiler has been added and the system has been convert ed to high pressure steam requir ed for sterilizing and cooking A driven generator has been installed to provide in stantaneous electrical power in the case of a power failure The total cost of construction and installation of equipment will amount to approximately and includes for heating and electrical changes for elevators 23000 for kitchen equipment 16000 for an xray machine for sterilizing equipment and for operating instruments lights and equipment Farther expansion is anticipat ed in the near future and with this in mind services particu larly operating rooms and kit chens were located in areas where they would not have to be moved when new buildings are added Provision has been made for enlarging these depart ments in their present locations to serve a hospital from two to three times the size of the pres ent institution All departments have been fully equipped with the most modern equipment and on com pletion of this building program York County hospital will be equipped to render excellent ser vice to the community and will be an institution of which every resident of York County may be proud Members of the board and seated are Robert Martin Miss Thom K Sliver J business administrator Standing left to right are A Mayor Herbert Ross Linton o Stevens P J Dr Arkinstall representatives fro the medical staff Harry Aurora and Frank Keswick Members of the board not in the picture are FT secretary treasurer William S James C S Evans of Bradford Dr Williams of Aurora an A Statement From The Board History Of York County Starts With Doctors Hospital In By Dr J Edwards Newmarket a To all of them go thanks c Wtttre ike Board of Governors jfe mm atari of the hospital tort very far from least are fcelp the ooa been valuable both art by Like many another hospital this institution was started by a doctor who felt that he could best serve his patients by bringing them into his home where he could give more constant atten tion to the very sick Being by training and inclination particu larly interested in surgery and obstetrics it was natural that this doctor began right away to do operations and since he was by nature generous as all doctors are of course he invited his colleagues to do their surgery in the same building with him and occasionally great surgeons from the city below us came also to perform their works of art was in the early It was soon apparent that some system was needed to care for these surgical and other cases and since the versatile doctor was fast to move he set up a training school for nurses calling the institution the York County Hospital About this time the hospital was fortunate in obtain ing the services of a very fine woman as Superintendent and she stayed with the hospital many years Her graduates were few in number but they were of the best of quality and one at least became an operating room nurse who was the envy of all visiting surgeons or rather the doctors here who had this girl as a scrub nurse were the envy of all visiting surgeons This was at a time when only large hospitals had autoclaves and even they were not reliable Sterilizing was done by boiling or by baking in a hot oven A few of the older doctors here will remember putting on wet gloves that had just been boiled and sometimes in on emergency even gowns were boiled and put wet Happily this situation did not last very long The doctor who started the hospital in his home quickly found as so many others had done before huh that he could not afford to run a hospi tal so he threatened to close up At this point a number of very able and farseeing citizens real ized that tins community could not get along without a hospital and they formed a Hospital Asso ciation and elected a Hospital Board eventually becoming in corporated as a business organi zation running a hospital under bylaws approved by Order in Council The new Hospital Board con tinued to operate the hospital in todkt horrid but they present building They built the nucleus of our present in stitution and were open for busi ness in it in 1927 The new hospital of would be what we now often refer to as a Cottage Hospital It con tained patient beds staff quar ters kitchen operating room and an obstetrical room Xray equip ment had also been installed This marked the beginning how ever of an entirely new era in our hospital Sterilizing equip ment was installed and gradually the place grew Up to this time only emergency type surgery was done such as appendectomies an occasional gall bladder or hernia operation and of course tonsil operations had always been done With the better preparation of patients and better sterilization of equip ment the variety of surgery quickly expanded until elective surgery such as gynaecology orthopaedic and even some chest surgery was done These broader fields of en deavor brought with them in turn their added dangers and it was then that intravenous medication and blood transfusions were star ted The early intravenous treat ments were homemade being The fact that there Is a hospi tal in can be credit ed to the pioneering done by Dr Lowell Dales In the twen ties Dr Dale saw the need for patient care and started a pri vate hospital at his home 150 Main St at the top of the hilt Nurses were trained his hos pital and from this beginning a public hospital compounded of table salt and boiled water Blood transfusions were done by withdrawing blood from the donor and immediately transferring it to the recipient in what was called direct trans fusion A need was also seen for improved anaesthetic meth ods and three doctors went to Toronto to learn and bring back the latest ideas of administering anaesthetics This was probably the begin ning of better surgery because without good anaesthetics being well administered and without intravenous therapy or blood transfusions there would indeed have been Utile progress in sur gery At this time the hospital was again most fortunate in hav ing well qualified operating room supervisor who guided the work of surgery very smoothly and very efficiently and actually with still very little equipment to do this The York County Hospital has perhaps been very little different from most other hospitals in that the push for expansion often came more from surgery than any other department unless it were obstetrics In any event it was not long until the nurses residence was pushed out of the building and it was all used as a hospital During the second Great War there was a tremendous pressure for more accommodation and then finally wo found that a family in our community rose magnificently to the occasion and built the wing known as the Dav is Memorial Wing This allowed relatively large expansion of the old part of the hospital and a second operating room was ac quired together with a new ray plant a fracture room and an emergency dressing room in the basement This was at a time when the motor car accidents increasing at an rate and we got our share of them the opening of the new obstetrical wing a crisis descend ed upon the doctors with partic ular reference lo surgery Up to this time doctor had a secret distrust of every other doctors ethical behaviour but also he had a secret admiration for every other doctors ability to do his work well But In Oc tober of the doctors were not so sure and they called a meeting to see what to do about it The upshot of that meeting was that the doctors formed a and elected an execu tive They organized themselves into a group with the set purpose of improving themselves and pro tecting the interest of the pa tients Last year they were reward ed when the Hospital Board caused bylaws to be passed by Order in Council authorizing the medical staff to have an execu tive and to have departments in the hospital The departments authorized were Medicine Sur gery Obstetrics and Anaesthesia This permitted each department to have supervision of work done in its respective field There was a chief appointed for each department although previous to the authorization of the staff bylaws the staff had for several years themselves vol untarily submitted to this super vision However the authoriza tion gave confidence to the ant they felt that they were perhaps at last coming of age and were fit to be recognized and to have their work and effort ack nowledged Slowly sometimes almost perceptibly the quality of sur gery improved We have been fortunate in having a very able and dedicated operating room nursing staff With the improve ment in surgery and as an The architect in charge of the new hospital project Mr Norman of the firm Sommcrvilte and Toronto has proved most courteous and coopera tive from the outset He deserves a big share of j credit for the ideal layout of the new wing and of the ex cellent manner in the old building and the Davis wing Is being renovated He worked harmoniously with the building committee and the contractors going far beyond the call of duty to facilitate the building program Mr firm has specialized In hospital architecture having recently had contracts tor new hospital Contractors Part Finally the splendid new hos pital building would not have been possible without the high calibre of workmanship provid ed by the general contractor the Construction Co of Hamilton as well by the in particular the Canadian Corns lock Co who had charge of mechanical and electrical work The best available materials and the finest workmanship have gone Into the new building and the Hon task proceeded from to finish without undue del and with a spirit and harmony prevailing throughout A Modern Hospital Thanks to the above firms well as to many others who hi a hand In the job and with the generous financial support of citizens of York and Simcoe counties and municipal and government bodies York Coun ty today has a hospital of which it may well be proud It ensures that York citizens will have the most modern hos pitalisation obtainable that hospital patients will enjoy the most attractive and comfort able surroundings and that the hospital staff and the medical staff wilt work with the most uptodate and con veniences ensuring the highest hospital and medical practice for pa at County hospital Memorial Plaques Because the renovation of the old hospital has not been completed and be- Mttse the contractors must re- move alt memorial plaques on doors and walls during renovation period time has permitted replacing these plaques Rearrangements of the old building makes it nee to place a considerable number of these plaques In new positions Time also has not permitted erection of plaques la recogni tion Of contributions to the spe cial equipment and furnishings fund was set up tor our new wing Temporary cards arc being on the doors and wherever pea- and these will be replaced plaques as seen a all the necessary details have completed The Board of Directors tia part of it the demand im mediately for improved laboratory and Xray services A few years ago the laboratory started on a shoe string that some thought would break but it he ver did and now wo are well in having firstrate la and Xray facilities ifrfvwl was started in staff held regular monthly fc BUSINESS J Ray joined the staff of York County in He is a certified general accountant and has had a varied business since Joining the Canadian Army m 1341 Mr served until the end 1313 with the Canadian Irt ish and American Forces Upon discharge from the Canadian Army in he returned to Germany with the British In telligence Team as administra tion officer In 19439 ha was administration officer for the American Military and Civilian hospital in Bremen Germany Returning to Canada in Mr Bollons became manager of Sales and Ltd In Toronto T out which good surgery cannot be done Our Hospital Board perceived what would happen with the ad dition of new and better services and they set about building this our latest addition Now we have a great expansion in surgical fa cilities We have an operating room area composed of two ma jor operating rooms on operat ing room for minor surgery and a recovery room where the most postoperative care ob tainable will be given As a department within a de partment there will be the new emergency operating rooms and fracture room in the new emer gency surgery area A few years ago one would not have believed that there would ever bo the need for such accommodation but we already are going into another cycle where we can see even at this stage at building more accommodation is going to he needed very soon what of the progress of surgery Well it is just that of surgical procedures location to eliminate mlkiogv left and Miss Johnson Hi tin lb which the- V I be VJ A out and carried out today is in proportion to the growth of this building The men doing surgery are hum ble men with perhaps a bold front but humble nevertheless The surgeon of today appreciates more than a surgeon at any pre vious time has ever appreciated that he just does not live long enough to learn all that he In one of the two major operating rooms on the third floor of York County hospitals new wing are members of the OK staff Left to right are Miss Jean Miss Anne Mulder Mrs Margaret and Miss Bertha Tunney supervisor The opera should but he does the best thai room table shown above which cost was provided he can anyway And so that r what the surgeon today la