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Newmarket Era and Express, 8 Mar 1956, p. 2

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1K4 T I hi Prices BOUGHT AND SOLD Comments On Our Teeth v- J y I BRADFORD v SHIT HALF to an RESTRICTIONS i A Thursday 1956 the half load trictions will be enforced on all township roads I WILLIAM HILL Chief of Police WViiSv Tractors and implements on display Movies Door Prizes Refreshments QUEENSVIUE VV v VA by Ion production of The Skin of Our Teeth by the Newmarket High School Dramatic society on Friday and Saturday March and 3 had a varied reception- Praise for the calibre of the pre sentation was high but comments on the play itself were far from complimentary This is typical of audience re action to Thornton of Our Teeth which has been described as a comic strip parody on the human race When it was presented via television to viewers from coast to coast earl ier this season the studio was deluged with complaints But on that occasion many television owners were dissatisfied with the acting direction and settings as well as the play The cast of the high school pro duction was prepared for this reception In some of the ad vance publicity which appeared in the January issue of the Era and Express there was the comment We dont guarantee that everyone who sees it will understand the play but we are certain that it will be enjoyed Every slapstick action drew its laugh as did each piece of humor ous dialogue The chuckle rose to a hearty roar on such occa sions as when Mrs portrayed by Helen McCabe was introduced as the wife of the Mammals society president and every inch a mammal herself Pat Cock as Sabina the etern al temptress was the star of the show Playing a heavy part she knew her lines well and gave an easy performance which was a pleasure to watch Helen McCabes voice deserves special mention She portrayed many emotions without showing evidence of forcing or strain Her relaxed manner helped other members of the cast whose po sition behind the footlights was a new experience for them Helen gave a convincing performance as the mother of the species and of the race The principal fault with the production was the obvious need for prompting Stage fright ac counted for a few thin voices but good casting makeup and stag ing combined with a fairly steady tempo made it an above- average production for a high school group The male lead was handled well by Bud Wilson who as Mr the provider and pro tector of the family and guardian of the cultural intellectual and spiritual life of the world sur vives major and minor Gladys and Henry the Antribus children were portray ed ably by Nancy Orton and BIRTHS John Although their roles were smaller Karl Nina Christie and Gerry pro vided strong support as they re mained in character Their voices carried well Several in the cast appeared in several roles Others in the cast were Downey Mary Agnes Kerry Peters El gin Toole David Jefferson Ken neth Cassavoy David Townsley Jane Whitfield Donna Ball Mau reen West and Tony Brookes Properties and the masks for the and mammoth were the work of art students under the direction of Mr Irving Har ris The stage settings were made by the boys of the shop classes Mr Mac Hay and Mr Cald well supervised Mrs was given a credit for making some of the costumes with Mrs Gordon Cock Mrs Robert and Mrs provide the costumes for their daugh ters Stage manager was Bob Kerr and Mr P Fish was projectionist i OF NORTH NOTICR Is hereby given that all dogs within the area of the NORTH must be inoculated dog found running at large without certificate of iatton may be impounded and the owner must pay a fee for release of dog within hours and also have the inoculated or the dog will be destroyed WINCH clerk l iter NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Cl of the town of Newmarket are notified the provisions of a Resolution relating to dogs will be strictly enforced The Resolution provides in part that dog running at large contrary lo the provi sions of this Resolution may ho seized and impounded killed or sold or otherwise disposed of by any police Nonstable or by such other persons as may duly authorized so to do where any dog is on the premises of the owner or keeper thereof any dog which is not on leash and under the immediate charge and control of a competent shall for the purposes of this ho deemed to be running at large The foregoing provisions apply whether or not l the dog iii licensed or and will he strictly enforced which impounded and not redeem ed within 1H hours will bo destroyed Dated at Newmarket tins day of March Mr and Mrs Earl roster Mark Anniversary On Wednesday evening last week a group of relatives and friends surprised Mr and Mrs Earl Foster Aurora on their 40th wedding anniversary A pleasant evening was spent Mr and Mrs Foster opened gifts Their own family presented their mother with a gold ring set with rubies and their father a wrist watch A dainty lunch was served and pictures were taken of Mr and Mrs Foster cutting the wedding cake Guests included Mr and Mrs C Greenwood Mr and Mrs W Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Foster of Vndorf Mr and Mrs Morton and of Keswick Mr and Mrs K Lee Zephyr Mr and Mrs Ireland Mrs Mr and Mrs J Brookes Aurora Mr Foster born on Ins fathers farm fifth concession of Whitchurch He and Mrs Fos ter formerly Lillian Brookes of England were married in Au rora March They farm ed until nine years ago when they moved to Aurora Besides their son and three daughters they have grandchildren At York County hospital Sunday March to Mr and Mrs daughter BLACK Mr and Mrs Bruce Black Ottawa ate happy to an nounce the birth of a son on Saturday A bro ther for Sharon and third grand son for Mr and Mrs Black BOURNE Monday Feb 27 to Mr and Mrs William Bourne of San Bruno Califor nia a son Daniel Robinson A grandson for Mrs Robinson CULLEN At York County Sunday March to Mr and Mrs Bruce Cullen Rich mond Hill a son DAVY and Vera Mount Albert thank God for trie safe arrival of their son Ran del Tohn Randy on Friday Mar at York County hospital EEK At York County hospital Saturday March to Mr and Mrs John Eek Holland Landing a daughter Still born At York County hospi tal Thursday March lo Mr and Mrs William Ellis a son day March John Edwin Cronsberry of Sutton husband 1 of Annie and father of George of Virginia Vera Mrs Aubrey Timmlns and Howard of Sutton Helen Mrs Jack Mac- Donald Dora Mrs George Dunk Doris Mrs Jack and all of Toronto Service was held on Wednesday March Interment Briar Hill cemetery Sutton At the Toronto Gen eral hospital on Saturday Mar Rose Annie Atkins wife of Thomas Jenner King and mother of Mrs Rose Jones Mrs Elsie Green Percy Mrs Gladys Barnes and John of King Service was held on Tues day March Interment King cemetery Alter a long illness on Thursday March Eliza beth Bessie sister of Miss Lou and Mrs Ar thur Boyd Newmarket Funer al service was held in Friends Church Wool or Interment in Friends cemetery nearby RED CROSS SEWING ON PAGE THIS WEIR iL- Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all part of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Mara St l is The staff of the Theatre Newmarket gathered to make a presentation to- Bill theatre manager who left last week lo take over the management of a theatre in Hamilton The new manager is Geoff Jones Hear Metro Planning Officials Views On A Good Community FLOWER At York County hos Monday March 105G to Mr and Mrs Russell Flower Newmarket a daughter York County hospi tal Monday March to Mr and Mrs Bruce Grelg New market a daughter TACK AX York County Thursday March to Mr and Mrs Bruce Jack King a son JONES At York County hospi tal Tuesday March to Mr and Mrs John Jones River- drive Park a son LEONARD At York Count hospital Sunday March to Mr and Mrs Victor Leonard son At York County hospital Wednesday March to Mr and Mrs William Bradford a daughter At York Cmintv Friday March in Mr and Mrs John MacKin non Aurora a son More workers are needed for emergency sewing at the Red Cross work room Trinity United church hall for Tuesday March from am to pm Lunch will be served An extra quota of work has been accepted by the local branch to provide emerg ency supplies for work in the near east The will meet at the same time TRINITY SERVICE A service of rededication will be held at Trinity United church Newmarket on Sunday March at pm for members of the Both the Evening Wo mans association and the After noon group will participate McCaffreys A Son Flow Chief Constable Mr and Mrs Islicks Sandra and Wayne and Mr and Mrs Waller Gra ham Sharon spent Friday even ing with Mr and Mrs Garnet Meyers Mr and Mrs Norman Kay and Norma had tea Thursday even ing with Mr and Mr Kay Sutton West sympathy the- commun ity is extended to Mrs Henry Kay in Iter recent bereavement on the death of her brother and to Mrs Norman Kay in the death of her mini- Mr and Mrs Jack Toronto spent the weekend with j her pa e Jits- Mr and Mrs Jamei Nelson Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd visited her sister and Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan jCJaremont recently Mr and Mrs Win at a parly Satur day In honor of Mr fun to he In spring when tittle ran blossom out in the fouhions ever your children hem for new sprotj finery OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A COMMUNITY A i vo- A A If CI w I- INFANTS TO Teens HELP YOUR RED ftsrx- What constitutes a good com munity was the main theme of a talk by Murray Jones of Toron to when ho addressed a public meeting in the town hall on Tuesday Feb The meeting sponsored by the four Home and associations of New market Howard Morton presided over the meeting which was attended by less than It was opened with a ceremony conducted by Mrs Nelson Ion The ceremony commemorated the birthday of Home and School Prayers were led by Mrs Fred with Mrs Atkinson being the pianist the meeting J K Shu editor of the Era and presented monologue Mr Jones was introduced by Dr A Hut chison of the York County Health Unit Mr Jones is tor of planning for the Metro politan Planning board He outlined the rapid develop ment which led to the formation of the Metropolitan Area and the methods used by the Mel Planning hoard to red this growth He said that it is unwise to allow any one type I of development to expand tool much explaining hat it could lead to social as well as oinic problems to have only I houses of the same price level in a large vision j Public authority has the of deciding what kind of a community we are go- have said Mr Jones who emphasized the fact that variety is the keynote of good town planning There should be a wide range of house prices ren tals and types of rentals There should be a relationship between the open spaces housing areas shops and systems he said Explaining how good planning utilize natural land features he I showed how overplanning can also be unwise He said that no blueprint of a well designed town can he used over and over again Towns that grow up na turally are usually good plates In which live he said Referring rapidly growing areas Mr some I of the problems encountered in building a new town on lop of an old one unworkable in these days to limit the size of community but the- building of subdivisions around the towns boundaries should not be con fused with natural growth he said He warned municipalities against what he termed mar ginal subdivides those who cant afford to develop land closer to Toronto and so seek soft spots He said that such expansion was not a natural growth for an area and should he viewed with alarm Mr Jones advised those responsible for planning to consider each subdivision and industry in re lation to the full development of the area A short question period was held Mr Gladstone chairman of the towns planning and industrial committee thank ed the speaker At York hospi tal Monday March IMG to Mr and Mrs Stewart Island a son At York County hospital Tuesday March to Mr and Mrs Raymond Nettle- ton a daughter Fred find Alda Lewis Holland Landing are happy to announce arrival of a daugh ter on Thursday March at St Michaels hospital Toron to A sister for Leon Freddie Kllen and PALMER At York Count v hos pital Sunday March 4 to Mr and Mrs Palmer Tot- a son Yolk County Sunday March to Mr and Mrs John scire a daughter ers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE t m m m DREWERY FUNERAL and Service Phone Mount Albert too p Rose V Funeral Directors MAIN STREET Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY MARCH 1956 At York County hospital Monday March Man to Mr and Mrs Ted 2 New market a daughter York Count V Wednesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Jack Small- Sutton a daughter At York County hospital Friday March 1050 Mr and Mrs Harold Flgln Mills a son York County Saturday March to Mr Mrs Holland Landing a sort WATSON- At York County March I Waft Mr and Mrs Watson Aurora a daughter i t Younp man lo assist parts Will ii in all phases of automotive parts control Must in willing to learn some 1 Mi School education i t APPLY MR KEN MORTON i -i- no If OS It this and cur tain ensemble Ironon ruses in color Pal tern Directions for spread and rale curtains In make In any size PLUS washable iron on in iay combination of red and Send In coins for this pattern stamps cannot he accepted to Newmar ket Km and Household Arts Newmarket Out Print plainly NAME AD- PATIIORN Order our ALICK pajjes and paces of exciting designs m- broidery toys and novelties Send cents for your copy of this wonderful now Youll want to order every At his home on Sunday March son of the late Mr and Mrs John Abbott and brother of Service was held on Wednesday Match at her St lav wife of late and mother of Aubrey and Clifford Service was hold on Tuesday Queens vlllo on Wed- of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas llrodle and sister Florence fMrs Ruther ford Mrs Percy and I ho tale Alfred Service was hold on Friday March In terment Aurora cemetery On Monilay March at the York County hospi tal Newmarket Thomas of Keswick formerly of Lako Shore lumber husband of Janet Wilson Hamilton father of Mrs Nell Morton of New York Peter Thomas If of Keswick and late Mis Gordon Service was this afternoon Interment Prospect cemetery At the home of his daughter Mr on Sunday March Clark husband of late Mary Ann In his year Ser vice was held on March Interment Aurora At Peer Rest Home Beaver ton on VICTORY CHURCH Fellowship of Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor J Hill am Sunday School Worship Service pm service pm Young Peoples Wed pm Prayer and Bibb study meeting A warm welcome awaits yoa THE SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen St Cant and Mrs am Holiness meeting a pm Sunday school pm Salvation meeting Make the Army your church home INITKI MISSIONARY CHURCH and Ret lies Rev Minister am Broadcast Kc am Worship 1 am- Sunday 12 noon Worship mo service Welcome to our Services CHURCH OF Mount Aluott Gospel Church I pm Sunday school Frank Clark Superintendent pinKvangelistic service Rev Karl Ml FULL affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Hoy Hall rear Atkinsons Drug Store Special speaker Rev Zilch 10 am Sunday school for all Morning worship Evangelistic service Special musical talent ALL WELCOME- CHURCH OF Corner of Alain and It Coghllt Organist Miss Haines Star Mann and his Musical Messengers Solos Duets Siring Orchestra at pm service pm songfest 10 am Bible school am Morning worship Wed ft pm Prayer meeting Friday Junior meeting Friday a pm Young Peoples Itotsford Street II am Meeting for worship Burton Hill family of Gait expect to bo with us Come ami worship with us ALL WELCOME a Christian scale of values security is not the highest goal Christ offers inward peace but He also stressed the cost of dis- and risks of belong ing in His company American Friend At JAMES LEWIS SUNDAY I MIMW A CHRISTIAN St Newmarket MinUter Rev Fred Organist Mrs Win am Morning worship Sunday School A pm Evening Gospel song and worship service All welcome CHURCH Pastor tAI SUNDAY 1015 Sunday school LIS Preaching Rev Miller pm Sunday school at Kvnngelistio service Rev P Miller RKVIVAL SERVICE each night except Saturday at ffj Rev P Miller Marmora speaking INITV Rev J Aiken K irons Ministry of Music Morning worship SON am Senior school 1 primary depart men la 120 Junior Congregation Class pm Evening worship HOW THE MAKES MEN JOHN WESLEY Church tiring Lent r STUDY DAY SCHOOL- ST ANORKWS CHURCH Newmarket aiiulster Rev It Stuart Telephone Organist Mr Rudolph am Church School am Nursery yr and Beginners pm Preparatory service and reception of new members a pm Congregational social Visitors cordially welcomed METHODIST Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school am Divine worship pm Evangelistic messages 8 Prayer service pm Class Mi arc SK-i- j j wis

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