coholics Anonymous the mythical man in the who knows how alco holics behave may have lon to wonder how the society of with almost as sorted exproblem drinkers ever manages to hang together There is however no denying the fact that has flourished since its founding in Today there over local groups of ten and women who share sir experience strength and with each other that they solve their common prob and help others to recover alcoholism- These groups are in conn- in nearly every section of globe Each year seems new groups come I being What keeps these once irresponsible often hope less people from being enmesh ed in the kind of problems so cial and organizational that from their very nature other so cieties have face The first most pertinent an swer is that AA is not really an organization There is no hierarchy no government even at the local level one not even the members with the long est periods of sobriety ever hold authority as an international fel lowship has never had a single rule although occasionally a lo cal group may experiment with a minor regulation or two The only true rulemaker in A might be called John Barleycorn Mr Alcohol himself For the members of this unique fellow ship have observed oyer the years that if they happen to get too far out of line in their think ing and acting about the business of staying sober some one Is apt to get drunk Since every member is in the society for the express purpose of not being drunk it is gener ally agreed that it doesnt make much sense to defy the fund of common sense experience that has been accumulated over the years This experience culled from observation of oper ations in thousands of groups has been reduced to simple statements known as the Twelve Traditions They are regarded as helpful guides to the continuing survival of the looselyknit group structure Briefly stated the Twelve Traditions read follows Our common welfare should come first personal recovery de pends on AA unity 2 For our group purpose there but one ultimate auth ority a loving God as He may express Himself in our Group Conscience Our leaders are but trusted servants they do not govern 3 The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking Each group should be au tonomous except in matters af fecting other groups or as a whole Each group has but one primary purpose to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers An group ought never to endorse finance or lend the AA name to any related facil ity or outside enterprise lest problems of money property and prestige divert us from our prim ary spiritual aim Every group ought to be fully declin ing outside contributions Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever nonpro fessional but our service centers may employ special workers as such ought never to be organized but we may create service boards or committees di rectly responsible to those serve Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues hence the name ought never be drawn into public contro versy Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level press radio and films Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions ever reminding us to place prin ciples above personalities The mere existence of these Traditions of course provides no assurance that they are followed to the letter in every AA group In practice however groups that face a ticklish dilemma at any time usually wind up by refer ring back to the Traditions for guidance If a dissident minor ity still does not agree with the Traditions it is perfectly free to pack up and start its own new group Oldtimers in regard such recurring phenomena with tol erance The only thing that real ly counts they point out is the continued sobriety of the Newmarket Era Thursday Oct IMS Fate member and the contin uing availability of AA to help the who may one day turn to it for help A typical group naturally requires some informal service organization A small commit tee is usually elected to arrange for a meeting place provide the coffee and snacks that are the hallmarks of an AA meeting lino up speakers for the meet ings take up the collection and handle other minor chores But this committee in no sense runs the group and the practice Is to rotate these officers at frequent intervals The Twelve Traditions parallel the Twelve Suggested Steps of the program of personal recovery from alcoholism Both are key- i See l SEDAN Just arrived fa Youll love the way of operating Dodgo Automatic transmission Its all done with buttons press a button for forward reverse neutral Wonder fill youll say when you try this new Dodge feature Its the higgest advance in driving convenience since the invention of the automatic transmission Powcrrlitc transmission with pushbutton con trol available at extra cost FlightSweep StylingA view of that other motorist will often see in this broad rear deck accented by tall tubular high at the back dip 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Corpomtion qJ Canada Limited GREAT NEW DODGEDESOTO DEALERS NOW J PHONE 1649 exclusively to experience Beth allow ample room for Indi vidual Interpretation Both are Intended basically guides to the survival of alcoholics per sonally and in the group struc ture of Time naturally is the only true test of any tradition The thousands of men and women who have found a new way of life in groups that adhere to the Twelve Traditions confident that time will only en the value of their volun tarilyadopted principles for group survival is the fourth of a series of articles outlining what Alcohol ics Anonymous is arid how it Is meeting the challenge of the worlds number four public health problem The Newmar ket group of meets every Wednesday night at pm In the St Andrews Presbyterian Church Sunday School room If you have a drinking problem or would like to have further in formation about please write to Alcoholics Anonymous In care of the Era and Express- Now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation Someone asked the Pulpiteer a question that perhaps many have thought of If the dying thief could be saved at the last minute of life why do we need to be so urgent about getting saved Why cant enjoy life to its full and then at the last minute Jesus to save me The answer is obvious The dying thief evidently had no other opportunity to be saved Tills was his first and only chance The Bible says that ho that being often reproved and his neck shall sud denly be cut off and that with out remedy There is no promise in the Word of God that in any way allows for a man to presume on the mercy of Cod When God speaks to you He expects you to answer Him He may not speak again Your death may come at a mo ment of extreme emergency such as a car accident or a heart attack and you will be ushered into eternity without any chance all of repenting The ques tion also suggests that the life of sin is better than a life lived under the blessing of God The only full life and the only fully enjoyable life is that lived for Jesus Christ No man knows what true en joyment is until he has trusted Jesus The writer would cer tainly choose the Christian life even though there was no after life The only life of real peace and contentment here is that which is under His care and keeping So nothing is to be gained by putting off your deci sion for Christ until the last Finally why choose way of the thief on the cross There are a host of others whose records arc in the Scriptures who were happy In the love of Christ early in their life Think of any of the disciples of young Timothy or Titus or the great Apostle Paul who gladly heard the call of God and responded quickly to find tho only true way of eternal happiness You had better trust Christ today SsMTf a rt a f i i tat khr w Womn Teachers Meet At Sharon Public School A dinner meeting of the Feder ation of Women Teachers of York I was held on Wednesday evening Oct in Sharon com munity hall The president Mrs Hope Thompson of Sutton West pre sided Honored guests included M Dunn inspector of Public Schools York Mrs Dunn Mrs Kilgour BEd Toronto and Mrs Helen Keefer execu tive secretary of Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario guest speaker of evening Musical numbers were provid ed by pupils of Sharon public school under the direction of their teacher Mrs Bade After reviewing the Federations theme for 105556 Federation Our Business the president stated that during her term of office objectives would be fel lowship and percent attend ance at meeting In a thoughtprovoking speech Mrs Keefer stressed the import ance of each teachers tion and cooperation in Federa tion and teaching business Be ing a person of deep understand ing of human problems speaker message was most in spiring twai J In the first six months of this year Canada admitted migrants compared to ad mitted In the first half of L