STRONG FEELING EXISTS j A i Failure To Appoint Displeases Sport Followers That strong feeling exists in regard to the appoint ment of an outside director of recreation for Aurora when a capable assistant was available for promotion was voiced by a prominent citizen and sports fan to Aurora News Page Bill has served this well said this spokesman he should have had his chance at the bigger job when opening came In fact he shown that he could do the bigger job during the past few seasons There is nothing personal in this as far as the new appoint ment is concerned for I do not know nor have even seen the new director As far as I am concerned it is just a matter of simple justice and fair play and the recognizing of a young man who has proved himself very popular among the youth of the town Argued At Council The appointment of a new dir ector came before council at its meeting held on June when the recreation commission sent in a letter asking that the new ap pointment be confirmed Oppo sition to the appointment was ex pressed by DeputyReeve J Murray and Councillor Davidson Councillor Jones said council had to show confidence in the arena board recreation both being jointly responsible for the recommenda tion of the new appointee Mr Jones told council that Mr Buchanan chairman of the rec reation commission and Mr Of- who represents the Public school board on the commission journeyed to the home town of the new appointee to make enquiries into the credentials submitted with the application and had confirmed these Reeve Cook supported the view that council must place confi dence the two boards The deputyreeve asked that the ap pointment be held over for fur ther reference to the boards in view of the opposition expressed but a majority of trie ap pointment was confirmed with instructions given that a bylaw be prepared accordingly Hockey Expert If it is hockey they are in terested in the spokesman to Aurora News Page said surely Bill has proved his qualifications in that department for he succeeded in proving his abilities in being chosen to rep resent Canada in the Scottish hockey league a few years ago He also played hockey in the United States Comment has been freely heard that Mr should have been given at least a years trial appointment in recognition of his recreational and arena work during the past four yeaxs Prejudiced Position A feeling prevails that in ap pointing an outsider in present circumstances a considerable amount of prejudice will have to be overcome which would make the going hard in the case of whoever had received the ap pointment Many people assumed from the first that Bill Mundell would re ceive the appointment of director and their disappointment may show itself in a lessening Inter est both in arena and recreation commission activities Expenses Too High The situation is further aggra vated opinions expressed that recreation expenses in Aurora are getting out of hand Several members of council took this view at the June meeting in cluding some who later confirmed the new appointment at per annum by voting for it Had the directional work been consolidated into one position more than half the costs could have been eliminated Aurora News Rev Carrulhers and Mrs and Mrs Bell Toronto visited Mr and Mrs George Fish last week Mrs and Mrs Bell are sisters of Mrs Fish Councillor William Davidson and MrsDavidson were among those who attended the picnic at Sharon Temple on Saturday last sponsored by the York Pioneer and Historical Society Mr Davidsons grandfathers brother was one of the pioneers of Sharon community Mr and Mrs Archie Murray have returned to their cottage at Belmont Lake after spending a week in Aurora K Dawson Halifax visited Mrs Fish last week Mrs Dawson attend ed the Canadian Women Press Association convention at To ronto Congratulations were extend ed to Mr W on gaining a recreation directors certificate class lost week Mr is assistant director at the Aurora recreation commission arena A large gathering attended the Aurora United church congre gational meeting on Thursday of last week when Rev and Mrs acknowledged substantial presentations made to them on their departure for a new charge at ANNOUNCEMENT For The Best Deal In ALUMINUM DOORS and WINDOWS call Jack Tulloch PA FREE ESTIMATES Day or Evenings OR WRITE BOX AURORA USE AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH Our Lady of Grace Church AURORA Garden Party Yonge Maple SATURDAY JUNE 26 Supper served to BINGO and Games lost of Heating ft f true One third of every heating chimney In waste and between one el nth and one lots and safety and have and bolter cleaning reduces for this low cost dollar to fill orders scheduled later than rora News J G SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE DOAN HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA PAGE THURSDAY THE TWENTYFOURTH DAY OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR EDITORIALS 1 50 YEARS OLD According to the history books Aurora is one hun dred and fifty years old this year having originated from the hamlet of which was settled in the year We have drawn attention to a few historical details which appear to be well founded in a news story in this issue The history of the growth of a community makes fascinating reading and it is a pity that more is not known of Aurora than at best scrappy items is no overall record In existence of Auroras growth and piece the town in which a considerable in its business V old log undoubtedly Auroras oldest a pity that it was not served as a histdjML uviftfe not many memorials in Canada of early and the quality of the materials is affirmed by flfejperifc condition There is at Unionville a home built the- year had gotten into and was about to be demolish4S Historical Society successfully pleaded for its preser vation ovated witness of early Canadian builders As one historian expressed it Old families and old buildings are basic COUNCIL REPORT Procedure ByLaw Ignored In Cousins Permit Murray An electrical storm in the sky over Aurora pre- ceded some fiery outbreaks in the municipal offices when the town council met in regular session on Monday night June There were a few sharp interchanges between the mayor and the deputyreeve ami Coun cillor Moffat got het up on her own WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Rev Howey Leaves Aurora After Six Years Ministry Rev and Mrs will be leaving Aurora for their new charge at on July 1 Mr has been minister at the United church for the past six years and his departure has evoked many expressions of regret- Both he and Mrs have wife and health received- many visible tokens of such regret and on Thursday night June there Was a large and good fortune in the many years that we trust will be granted both of them of the congregation in A Business Coincidence Owing to his attendance at a accident the mayor did not reach the council table until a few minutes before pm Until Arrival Reeve Cook everything had long as smoothly as Brahms Cradle Song letter the insurance the newlyrenovated school room when advantage was taken of the occasion to present the retir ing minister with gifts of two luxurious armchairs- a revised Bible and a substantial sum of money There were musical numbers under the direction of Mr Harris a recitation by Mr Meddle and a showing of wed movies by Mr Rod Smith services and he was supported and Don Wat- by Councillor Davidson- Murray moved an amendment but was supported by Davidson only After the bylaw had been passed the deputyreeve said the man he wanted appoint ed hadnt got the job and he would now give every support to the man who got it Letter From Cousins just as the was about to place before Jhe council for discussion a jtfo Mr Lome Cousins on Dunning on a A LOST i were south end of the town are still trailing a lost cause We say a lost cause because it has no merit in or common sense Such good reasons do not daunt the ardor of a few diehards who are willing to spend a large sum of money on land which can mean only a liability to the town The purchase of ten acres of land at the price of has not been for in this years ex penses and we believe we are correct in stating that the purchase of land for the purpose of a park must be paid for in the year of its acquirement under municipal law If that is so then the town council presum ably has no legal power to buy the lain at the south end of the town for the purpose of a park called to consider of the Woods property and at a regular council meeting Reeve Cook mentioned a new park Thats how the wind blows We intensely dislike communications people unknown to us which starfe phrase w Friend Almost always sources in search of money for one Friend is an ingratiating method of OinendM as a process before the is struck These dabblers in psychology are deficient in the art they practise They are remindful of those lusty persons lo whom one is sometimes introduced who give you a vigorous salute on your shoulderblade that sends shivers clown the spine They are at once too hearty and too easy in manner By the time you have recovered from the shock of their clap on the back they have for gotten you A friend is a valuable possession in life and a dear friend much more so Neither is likely to send you a mimeographed missive through the mail The unknown persona who address you lis Dear Friend presume too far They are assuming that you are a pushover whereas most probably you are strongly opposed to their plans THE HANDSHAKE There is a lot in a handshake Some people seize your hand and hold it in a vicelike grip that appears temporarily to paralyse the muscles of ones arm pene trating even to the spinal membranes Others hold the tips of your fingers with a frigid touch that suggests they are in fear of an infection Others again wag your hand in the manner of a dogs tail when its owner sights a meaty bone The vieclikf scare us on sight And so for another reason do the persons who touch the tips of ones fingers as though they were about to make con tact with cold fish The former are too hearty and the latter are too haughty As for the hand waggers they create a sense of suspicion If there is to be a handshake let it he natural and frank There is a groat deal of character expressed in a handshake Like the eyes it communicates a great deal Though not easy to define you know at once by a persons handshake if you really like them and If you want the same experience a the and sorted that had as sumed responsibility when pay ment was made said the town could not be held responsible for of said the had been investigated and was supported by Councillor Moffat Discussion then ended Garbage Collection Councillor Davidson initiated a long discussion on garbage col lection in regard to merchants and said that extra pickups should be paid for It was ar gued that some merchants made their own arrangements with the garbage collection company Councillor Corbett said that cost of garbage collection should be taken from assessments and other arrangements made When was produc ed it appeared that both domes- tie and commercial garfeala covered Grass Cutting Councillor Corbett again he grasscuttingiji Councillor Jones suggested that the work required it an extra man should be hired for the summer months When the question of buying a rotary mower was suggested lite reeve asked why the recrea tion commission shouldnt go ahead and buy comment was countered by Councillor who naked Why should they Its all town property It was agreed to hire a man for employment grasscutting work for the summer months Recreation Director When the bylaw confirming the appointment the new re- cation director and arena man ager was Introduced Deputy- Reeve Murray opposed it and asked why Mr should- mm the job in his sewer as and when needed Mr Murray said that according to the procedure bylaw only such matters as were mentioned on the agenda could be discussed and the Cousins application was not on the agenda The mayor agreed that it was a justifiable point of order and said he knew the procedure by law No complaint he said had been made around the tabic and he felt the matter should be proceeded with Several sharp exchanges took place between the mayor and deputyreeve and finally a vote was taken and the decisions at the special meeting were con firmed with Murray and opposing was- another Ic3iit on Councillor Moffat complained that one member of the press ap peared to want tot her a black mark and went on to criticize Sim tor an editorial Mrs Moffat mentioned no names of either the member of the press or the newspaper con- corned but quoted an editorial which appeared in Aurora News Page of Juno The mayor asked if anyone hail anything further to say whereupon Councillor Davidson said his words had often been misquoted misrepresented and twisted by the Banner but he had made no complaints A fuller report and comment the above proceedings in cluding our answer to Councillor Moffat will be given In Coun cil Sidelights in our next issue son contributed solos Speakers Mr Walker acted as chairman and the presentations were made by Mr Copland Mr Fisher spoke on behalf of the Sunday school and presented Mr with a Revised Stan dard Version of the Holy Bible These events coincided with the official opening of the new school room which was adorned with many beautiful bouquets of sum mer flowers An excellent lun cheon was provided by ladies of the mm joyed Thanks Mrs graciously the behalf for the numerous gifts presented to her hi band and herself and said would be treasured as mem of their stay in Aurora during the past six years Rev grati tude and appreciation la connec tion with the generous gifts re ceived and also in regard to the loyalty and help which he had received from so many during his ministry in Aurora He ex pressed his hope for the future welfare of the congregation and church Plenty Of Work Ahead In his new ministerial duties Rev will find plenty of for work which own Mr Willi am op ened his new Paint Service at the Queens hotel later moved to Main St Mr of Laundries had the happy thought of sending him good wishes in the form of a beautiful bouquet of flowers At that time there was no thought of any business connection talcing place between them Now as our readers may see from an advertisement on this page they have drawn more closely together Mr- has opened a new depot for laundry services and at paint Service on Main St Aurora customers may deposit their goods for quick and effi cient attention Annual Purgatory The annual purgatory of the oiling of the streets is over and done with in Aurora and all is well This year the bap tism has been unusually success ful and we have heard no com plaints though that doesnt mean tut there werent any The commit- will on that We reme the si a the ve out of sight cooling as it Now there Is ays gone by on On the sprinkle of ost before It was did have a perspiring by on the streets and once it is congealed It stays Aurora was lucky with its oiling for not only was there a hot sun but also a good breeze to dry it up Then came some rain to help seal it The over and the chairman may be congratulated on a good oiling How Do They Survive Rabbits in and around Aurora experience will fit gardens are more than Wu 1 ANNIVERSARY The Hamlet Is Now The Aurora Of Today Although no one appears to have noticed it this year Aurora celebrates its one hundred and fiftieth anniversary as a community which originally was called may suggest some prejudice dtt political character since Charles and Henry had gotten themselves into a feuding condition Mr was a lib eral in politics while Mr Ma- was a Conservative Mr had been heard to declare would wipe out the before he period recommend and the achieved The hamlet Matchville was settled in the year and was composed of pioneers of English nationality some of whose de scendants ore still here Match ville it remained for a number of years until it became known as Corners so named by one of Auroras pioneer build ers Henry Machell was in the year that Slineoe cut his now famous mili tary highway northward from the town of York in what was then Upper Canada This mili tary highway has long been known as Street The pioneers found work In the building of mili tary highway and because of the fact that a small number Eng lish people stayed on at the site of the new hamlet of Matchville the town of Aurora exists today planning board and all Change Of Name It would be interesting to dis cover arty documents that would shed light on the employments of first settlers and how the name of Matchville did in fact originate There is no doubt concerning the circumstances of how Match ville was changed to Machells Corners or how later It was changed to Aurora An exten sive builder of homes there was justice in the claim made by Henry that the modern ized community should be nam ed after the man mainly respon sible tor it namely himself One man excepted was I heaviest taxpayer The except Hon was Charles Au roras first postmaster and later its leading citizens The Cabin The oldest home in Aurora Is the log cabin which stands on the rise off Street imme diately north of Catherine Ave it is claimed that it was built in the year by a prosperous American who used it as a hunt ing and fishing lodge Its spa cious interior with its many rambling rooms attest to the fact that its original owner was a man of wealth It was here that Charles had his post office for some years moving later to a build ing on the site which the Bank of Montreal now stands In the first all brick house in Aurora was built This was Hall to become the residence for many years of Charles who remained In it for the rest of his life are still remaining In Aurora a few citizens who in their child hood knew the whiteheaded whitebearded old gentleman who liked to play pranks with them around the fireplace In the spacious livingroom around Christmas time On January Charles became the first reeve of the town he had renamed Au rora in place of Machells Cor ners A Better That Aurora Is a better name ban Comers no one will Question But its origin I come district is developing fast with new homes being built at a rapid pace Through Aurora News Page Mr wished to say that he had enjoyed his ministry at Aurora and said he had helpers hi church school and choirs As far us we are concerned we shall miss the presence in town of Rev very sin cerely A man of modest and retiring disposition he held strong convictions which he de fended with stubborn integrity He was a strong force for nil that was best in the community hills gain Aurora News Page takes this ever before With so many cats and dogs on the loose it Is In credible how the rabbits manage to survive One of them recent was seen nibbling unearned increment from the garden of genial banker George Fish The rabbit had found the Swiss Chard Incidentally Mr Fish had a magnificent floral display lost year at his home on Maple St and all other things being equal will do even better this year judging from the abundant var iety of his plantings He de rives Ms love of gardening from his father who was an English- and Auroras loss will be West- man Surprising many opportunity of wishing his English people and descendants of English parents reside in Corners governments lis naming the town he lived to s Aurora Higher motives than political prejudices may well have moti vated Charles in his choice of name for the community he had served so long and so well Aurora is derived from the Greek word Eros meaning the goddess of dawn Mr was a student and a cultivated man and he may have been moved to rename the community he had helped to build for the bet ter reason that he believed it would continue to grow and prosper Years In the years that have passed since Aurora originated under the name of there has been steady and influ ential growth If there are at the present time factors that are retarding Its progress as repre sented in a repressive planning board policy Aurora Is a fine residential and commercial town In those years there has been excellent achievement rora Wows Page takes pleasure in fact that It Is the first newspaper to draw attention to this anniversary of the lOlh year of the town in which it plays its part In the lite the community Presumably other newcomers who called long and loudly for an Old Homo Week were in the of the town in which they manifested so stubborn an interest I they had been aware such on im portant event in the history of the old home town assuredly we would have been made aware of it Aurora News Page salutes Au roras anniversary and wishes its citizens one and all good going in the years to J WILLIS Druggist Store etc ft Meet Your Friends At HESS Stow Two Graduate Asm A