WHAT THEY ARE SAYING After Years Bank Record A C Earns Retirement After years continuous service with the Bank of Montreal Mr- A C retired from its service on April He has been manager at Aurora for the past seven years He will cany into retirement the best wishes of his customers and friends for Mrs Aurora News J SINCLAIR Editor and himself Bankers have been de scribed as hardboiled business men Jacking in imagination or kindly sentiments While it is true that banking is mathema tical rather than sentimental in character fact need not rule out the possibility that those engaged in it are necessar ily less human than those who follow more artistic professions Some bankers have been en thusiastic devotees of the arts A great British banker the Edward wrote one of the most remarkable books in the history of literature a treatise on the subject of evolution con temporary with Charles Darwin Away From Toe Office It has been our pleasure to know Mr both in and out of his office At his office he was always courteous and pre cise One very noticeable fact about Mr office was that his desk was always free from unnecessary accumulations We have always believed that the most efficient business men were those whose desks were tidy A wellkept office like a clean backyard shows an orderly mind Away from the office Mr A manager for the Bank of Montreal at Aurora for the past seven years retired on April revealed himself as an ex ceptionally well read man He has a cultivated mind stored with much book knowledge He is in the best meaning of the word a thinker- Of a modest almost retiring disposition he is also in the host meaning of the word a gentleman One does not miss everyone on their departure for other spheres But in wishing his suc cessor the best of good fortune we can say sincerely that we shall miss Mr from his of ike and his always cheery Hello We shall also miss the occasional conversations we used to enjoy with him outside of the bank Years In Aurora Mr came to Aurora from Tilbury Ontario in He tells us that he has greatly enjoyed his sojourn here Join ing the Bank of Montreal in his hometown of on May he served at many branches including London Mild- may Mitchell George town and Palls For short periods he served in the office of the superintendent at Toronto In he was admitted a Pet- low of the Canadian Bankers Association On two occasions he won second place in the j junior Canadian Bankers Asso ciation in essay competitions open to bankers in Canada and also to members of Canadian banks in the United States and Great Britain and other foreign countries Affiliations On coming to Aurora Mr affiliated with the Aurora Lions club and was chairman of the oratorical and educational com mittee for two years He was a member of the board of trade of the Highlands golf club and lawn bowling club He was treasurer of the Aurora Salvation Army Corps Red Shield and treasurer of ihe North York Humane so ciety the annual appeal of the and the Aurora War Memorial committee In his Masonic life he was af filiated pastmaster of the Rising Sun lodge AF and He was first principal of the Aurora chapter Royal Arch Masons past district secretary Toronto No life member of the Royal City of Perfection AS AR of and life member of chapter Rose Croix and life member of Moore Consistory Hamilton A A Ills Successor Mr has been succeeded by Mr K- G who has mov ed to Aurora from Wales He has served with the Bank of Montreal for years ten of which years were spent at the Newmarket branch Mr was moved from Newmarket in Aurora News Page wishes him every success in his new appointment Good Chairman We have had our disagree ments Reeve Cook and may perhaps have some more We are always however to pay tribute where it is due And it is due to the reeve to say again as we have said in the past that he makes an excellent chairman He was at his best in this de partment on Wednesday night last Councillor Moffat said she was against receiving the delegation as it was a special meeting of council But Reeve Cook said was a matter for council to de cide and council decided to the delegation After all a meeting of council is only an extra meeting called to deal with a surplus of business special meeting is in no sense either a private or a privileged affair The reeve was patient and in every way accommodating those who brought inia new list of petitioners He listened carefully to every argument and was handsomely thanked for his most gentlemanly courtesy Mr McNaught did an excellent job for the petitioners Sloping Sidewalk Besides others who have taken a fall on the tricky sidewalk at the Bank of Montreal we can now include Mr A C the retiring manager of the Aurora branch He informed us recent ly of this unpleasant adventure which fortunately broke no hones One Reason Perhaps In Mr Sexton president of the hoard of trade opposed the chicken plant on Cousins Dr Recently he supported Cous ins application for a permit with out giving a reason for his change of mind Now we hear he is selling his house on Cous ins Dr and moving out Could thai be a reason why he didnt mini the proposed new chicken plant Officii HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 Aurora Social News Mr and Mrs K and family have taken up residence at their apartment at the Bank of Montreal Mr succeeds Mr A Welk as manager Many congratulations have reached Mrs J Charles who celebrated her birthday last month Mr and Mrs WW lei aw have been on a vacation in Washington The ladies of the quartette of the club of the Aurora United church were present at the service at Victoria Square on Sunday Mrs A WilUngham and Mrs J leave for England and the continent on May Mrs gave a party last week to celebrate the return Era and Express classifieds bring results J WILLIS The Rcxill Drug Store New Tobacconist etc Founded it Avon Ml Mrs King on her return from her our Mrs Willis and Mrs P Thompson attended the Holly wood Ice Review at Maple Leaf Garde as Mrs Harry Goodman will sail for England on May Mrs Mclntyre and Dr Marjorie Toronto vis ited Mr and Mrs W O tyre on Saturday Mrs D Olds and baby David Lawrence have returned to their home at Islington after spending two weeks with Mr and Mrs J Willis Mrs Roy was hos tess on Tuesday evening when she entertained the Evening Auxiliary of the United church at her home on Spruce St Congratulations to Mr McQuade who celebrated a birthday on May Mr and Mrs Norman Grim- wade and family are driving from Michigan whore they will be joined by Mrs Sr Jacksonville Florida and then proceeding to visit relatives and friends in Aurora and Newmar ket Mr and Mrs Murray Young and daughter Janet and Mr and Mrs A J Worrell Elgin Mills visited Mr and Mrs Hoy on Sunday Miss Ruth Billing Carman Man was In town last week She attended the funeral of her brother Clifford King PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR EDITORIALS WATER SHORTAGES At the last special meeting of the town council Councillor Jones charged that exmayor Alex Bell was guilty of spreading rumors when he alleged at the last nomination meeting that there was a water shortage in Aurora He said Mr Bell didnt know what he was talking about Everybody knew there was a water shortage Even the Aurora Banner admitted it editorially Very fre quently in the summer months only a trickle of water came from the taps An automatic compressor was hastily rented to stimulate the flow Only a few weeks ago an expensive compressor was purchased to provide temporary relief for this summer It could be Mr Jones who doesnt know what hes talking about in challenging Mr Bells wellfounded statement NO APPRECIATION Commenting on some fine work done in the public interest by a wellknown man one of our readers said that but for what had written about him he had received little or no appreciation Lack of apprecia tion is a very common sin of omission Those who are looking for ft ate to be None theless veMdtirnto receive it when it has been earned tire presumed lack of appreciation is that Winston Churchill whose lately JoxvingrY jSctUally this defeat slight of Sir Winston personally ever J Ms- marvellous fa ever before jit so for- his country and the free During change had taken glace views in- and this change siCc6unt0ft the defeat of the Churchill government Those ft thfitt flbf wed lack of appre ciation greatest leader in war misinterp reted the actual facts EMPTY CHURCHES Except in the rarest instances churches are mostly empty at the Sunday evening services it is reported More and more people are being attracted to their radio ajfil television sets A wrestling or a boxing match the United States more satisfying than the anthem the hymns and the sermon it would appear What is the explanation fop this decline in church attendance Can it be true Sunday even ings people prefer amusement Esther than sober reflec tion on the purpose of life an increasing tend ency towards drift bom uncertainty Is the message of the minister inadequate to the mood of the times speaking there morning attend ances at all the churches it is claimed But when the eventide challenge comes ratlin and television sets win hands down in numbers the worshippers THE SHOELACE He had been warned by his doctor to go easy He given to fussing and fuming over trifles This constant irritability had become a disease with him It held him captive from the moment he got of bed in the morning until he crawled back into it at night The slightest rebuff or failure in his plans sent him off into a temper When at last he submitted to a checkup he was gravely warned by his physician to go easy The advice came too late He had failed to realize that we arc the masters of our fate and that good and evil is largely iti our own making Not himself but trifles had become his master One morning as he hurriedly fussed and fumed to tie his shoelace it snapped in his fingers He swore went into a passion of temper became red and then white in the face and finally slumped on the floor and in a few moments he was no more Successful in many undertakings he had failed to manage himself TWOFACED PEOPLE it takes all sorts to make a world they say In cluded in this manifold mixture are the twofaced people They are more dangerous than reptiles They smile on you so sweetly but would cut your throat if it served their ends They are so smooth and oily They usually agree with all you say But like woodlice in the pile they are always busy trying to undermine somebodys character Give us the man or woman with a vigorous honest mind The mind that has an opinion of its own and will stick to it through thick and thin until it is proved to be wrong Give us the man or woman who will argue arid defend what he or she considers is right and not turn tail at a bit of opposition or a bait held out to him or her These are always welcome guests The two- faced people are fit only for the garbage tin COUNCIL REPORT Bringing In Of Town Budget Promised For Next Meeting An ordinary meeting of the town council was held on Monday night May and it proved to be one of the briefest on record Business was all over before 10 pm In answer to a question the chairman of the fin- committee said he hoped to bring in the budget at the next meeting TOWN BUSYBODIES Aurora HomeOwners Dont Like Being Pushed Around There must be few if any towns in Canada with populations of the size of Aurora contain so many and such varied organizations It is literally a beehive of busybodies Some of these organizations appear to be making a fair bid to supplant the town council itself Recent bulletins from the in these columns we have had board of trade Indicate a positive I some experience which indicates tendency to take the lead in town what can only be described There r was a letter from the planning board indicating that if an amendment were approved permitting Mr Timbers to open up a new subdivision for resi dential building on what is at present designated as an indus trial area in that event an al ternative area of land for indus trial purposes should be found This as one member of coun cil- pointed out would hold up Mr Timbers Committee Reports Chairman of streets committee reported that the contractors would be coming next week to do repairs on roads and side walks and was by Davidson would per vise thenv- The mayor worfc would be supervised by the town engineers and added that he didnt realize that the sidewalks were as bad as they are was decided to bulldoze and grade the parking lot behind the stores on property bought by the town at a cost of 1000 The property committee chair man said the engineers report was not yet to hand concerning the Cousins application for ser vices and in answer to a ques tion by Councillor Davidson as to what was being done in the offer of the Webster property the chairman stated that he did not feel the town should take it on and it was now referred back to the recreation commission Dogs Loose When the question of dogs running loose was brought up again and fines were suggested- the deputyreeve said they first had to catch the dog in order to prove its ownership Claim For Damages Council was informed hat in the case of Mrs injuries falling oh a sideyalkWoft Avenue fesurarjce Company had that such liability by appeared the towns responsibility claimed by the fall No further action taken however REPORT AND COMMENT Hectic Interchanges Liven A Debate On Chicken Plant In the absence of the mayor Reeve Cook presided a special meeting of council held Wednesday April It was called on the request of Councillor Moffat at a previous special meeting that consideration be to a new for the proposed new chicken processing plant When the meeting had lasted nearly two hours council awoke to the fact that an engineers re port ami survey were needed It was then resolved to give the matter further consideration when these requirements had been met Specifically as the reeve pointed out the special meeting had been called to consider a re quest made by Mr Cous ins on behalf of the proposed processing plant that services be provided at new location away from Cousins Drive and nearer to the high school It emerged thai a new peti- had been signed by tax payers and citizens in opposition to a new building permit being granted and Mr McNaught and a body of petitioners were present to present Hi Among these was Mr Kerr a candidate for the hydro com mission in the 1951 election who polled nearly votes Councillor Moffat immediate ly opposed the delegation being heard- Deputy- D J Murray said that taxpayers should be heard Mr Kerr then asked if the delegation might present its petition and the re quest was granted on a show of hands with Mrs Moffat opposing In what can only he described as a brilliant series of arguments Mr provided many reasons why the new permit should not be Issued until such time as authoritative proof had been given that the new plant would not be what he suggested might be a disadvantage to the town He said they wanted proof that no odors from the plant would pervade the town No Application Made Reeve Cook said they were not there to consider the question of a new permit He stated that Mr Cousins had already been granted a permit to build The reeve said they were there to consider the question of the town supplying services at the new location The deputyreeve countered this by stating that Mr Cousins proposed to build at a new and no application for a new permit had so far been made Mr Kerr said he failed to why an intelligent council would even consider granting a permit for such a plant in view of what had hap pened in regard to the same proposition of two years ago The reeve said that every such plant had an odor similar to that of a butchers shop Mr Mc said that authorities claimed that percent of the odor would permeate the town He also asked where the suggest- revenue to the town would come from if the town had to bear part cost of laying in sew ers and services fleet ie Interchanges The deputyreeve said the pro posed plant would use a great amount of water and their plans for increased supply provide only temporary relief Councillor Moffat asked what was at the bottom of the peti tion whereupon Mr Kerr re torted that it should he clear what it whs alt about He then asked Mrs Moffat if she would like a chicken processing plant near her home She replitt that she had thought about it Then youd better start thinking Mr Kerr said The same speaker contended that you cannot slaughter 15- 100 chickens every day without causing a stench and that it was mean to even think of putting in plant at such a location Councillor Jones said he was led believe there would be no odor and Reeve Cook said it was a responsibility of the de partment of health Councillor Davidson soul these people have a right to kick There would be a smell all over town Water Supply The argument again reverted to the drain on the water supply with the deputyreeve contend ing that the consump tion is what we are against- With so many services he said we cannot hope to meet the necessary supplies Councillor Jones said there were too many rumors going around about the water supply charging that exmayor Bell didnt know what he was talking about at the nomination meeting when he complained of water shortages Councillor Davidson said it was most important that they consider their water supply and the added that they need a bigger pump Storm Blows Up A storm blew up when Coun cillor Moffat charged that Coun cillor Davidson was always dis criminating against women in employment Denying this Mr Davidson said he wanted indus tries with more male employ ment- Im only one woman against seven of you said Mrs Moffat lts a good thing there arent seven women here like yourself said Mr Murray amidst laugh ter Some exchanges took place between Cook and Coun cillor Davidson on the question of suitable industries Council lor Clarence Davis spoke a few words but as he kept his pipe in his mouth what he said was inaudible to this reporter Councillor said he un derstood Councillor Moffats problem as president of the Fortunately however the activities of this and other pre tentious organizations are main ly limited to talk and there is an exuberance of talk- Substantiating the excess of organizations in a well- known citizen told council re cently that there were so many of them that it was difficult to keep tab of their number It is our purpose in a few succeed ing articles to deal with some of these organizations and to dis cover if possible if their existence really means anything to the citizens of Aurora Junior Chamber Of Commerce One of the youngest of these organizations is that which is known under the pompous appel lation of The Junior Chamber of Commerce it has taken over a part of town busi ness by providing a few garbage tins to be placed on Main St Another of its propositions is to paint the entrance to the free parking space and to plant petun ias It will carry out what called a Town Week in the part of May when citizens will be asked to get in a cleanup our observation during past years the citizens of are not need of being pushed around by any youthful Histories of Auro ra have read have all pad tribute to the diligence of in keeping their boulevards and in excellent shape Til all these histories the clean liness of the town of Aurora has stressed all of which hap pened before the present mem bers of the junior chamber of commerce were born Ambiguous Procedure As our readers are aware from recent correspondence published council He also want ed lo know the cost of the ser vices Engineers Councillor Jones said they needed an engineers report to find out the cost of services and Reeve Cook said it was most un fortunate that they didnt have one ft appeared that council didnt know how much land would be used for the plant At five minutes to eleven pm Cook phoned Mr Lome Cousins to ask if he would come to and talk the matter over Unable to meet this re quest the reeve informed coun cil that Mr- Cousins had said he was willing to wail for the en gineers report The meeting closed on that understanding as highhat procedure on the part of some of the offi cers of the organization Because of verv favorable pub Page Col- 3 Mrs Morning fired By Aurora P Boafd In a letter dated April charging Mrs SI P Morning with active enmity towards the Aurora public school board and its mem bers Dr Henderson and his board stated its refusal to engage Mrs Morning for the school year Five members of the teach ing staff of the Aurora lie school have so far resign ed and the dismissal of Mrs Morning a teacher of the highest repute has shocked a great many Aurora citi zens who have already learn ed of it Mrs Morning has been a teacher at the Aurora public school for the past eight years Next weeks Issue of Auro ra News Page will carry the full story of Mrs Mornings dismissal ami events leading up to it together with public reactions to what is regarded as the wholly insupportable action of the board AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards For Era Classified Ada THE MISSES WOOD St Aurora Make It A Habit Meet Your At The O D HESS Drag Store Two Graduate Pharmacists font PA Telephone PA For Friendly Personal Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone PA i A i i i i i i i i i iViii MOTHERS DAY LITTLE COATS YOULL TOSS THING KKADY THE SUMMER IN TOWN OR COUNTRY Precious little light weight wools in soft pastels that will go and glow beautifully over all all summer long 1495 i i i l l