-J- jn j J J7Jfc J -i- 7 PETS FOR SALE SPANIELS English springers Cairn terriers Mrs Kendall KenLea Kennels Reg- Welling ton St Aurora SPANIEL male black about years old gentle likes children will be given to anyone who will provide a good home preferably in the country Phone Newmarket after sttf5 THE GLOW OF YOUTH will be evident EASTS SUNDAY PETS IP it Is Easter bunnies you want we have them all ages and Sons phone PA Aurora- lwl5 when DAVID WINKWORTH SINGS THE HOLY CITY THE JUNIOR CHOIR be in charge of the music THE HITEEN DOUBLE TRIO by request GOOD home wanted Bel gium terrier farm dog under one year Excellent with animals also children Call Sutton St Newmarket lwl5 PEKINGESE Beautiful puppies for Easter Mate or female These intelligent dogs make wonderful companions Call and see our stock now Phone Newmarket EASTER Budgies Lovely healthy specimens Several colors Babies just right lor training now Others ready April Percy Banks Sunset Cottage Keswick MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR RENT HOSPITAL beds wheel and in valid chairs and phone Mount Albert GLADIOLI bulbs Better varie ties Cheap No room for same Apply Main St phone Newmarket LARGE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED drain digging and the laying All material supplied Prices greatly reduced on com plete tank jobs in or near town For estimates call between 530 and pm Murray Baker Eagle St Newmarket phone YOUR FAVORITE and THE EASTER MESSAGE BRECKON AT NEWMARKET CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Drug Store phone i THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi Us A prompt arid effective rem for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty arid colds cents The Beat Drug Store Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose arid throat foe the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the in ffie tfiroat and other disturbances are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good result Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmafr Hear the cantata TRINITY CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY PM t COMPANY WE have all sizes of used mater ials Pipes steel posts angle Iron channel iron cables steel rods reinforcing steel I beams and boilers suitable for culverts Phone 305 Davis Drive Newmar ket- Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmarket GRACE Associated Gospel Churches Paster REV A yielding r 950 School for ail ages am The Pastor Subject CHRIST IS RISEN 7 The Pastor Subject IN A V EN PLACES IT CHRIST JESUS GRACE GOSPEL SINGERS AT BOTH SERVICES ALWAYS A WELCOME AT GRACE SATURDAY APRIL Auction sale of farm stock and imple ments cattle horses head Suffolk black face sheep Chalmers tractor model with mower attachment hay and frrain household furniture at lot con Whitchurch the property of George Hunt Sale at one pm No reserve as farm sold Harper clerk Farmer auctioneer SATURDAY Auction sale of household effects and tools the property of Bruce on lot St in the village of Holland Landing Terms cash Sale at Deans clerk Smith auc tioneer SATURDAY MAY Auction sale of livestock 2 tractors elements etc the property of Mrs Mike Catania on lot and con Old Survey miles southeast of Bradford King Sale 1 Terms cash Smith auctioneer TOWNSHIP APPLICATIONS for- the position of clerk APPLICATIONS clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned up until oclock noonThursday April 22 1954 for the position of clerk the said tovvnship age salary arid date when services are available ANY application not hecesssar y accepted John W- Crawford clerk Township of Whitchurch Vandorf Ont At York County hospital Sunday April 11 to Mr and Mrs Etta Battaglia Richmond Hill a son BROWN At York County hos pital Monday April to Mr and Mrs George Brown King a son CLARKE At York County hos pital Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Douglas Clarke Aurora a son CHARLTON At York County hospital Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Charl ton a daughter DEATHS YOUTH faster SUNDAY APRIL 18 at 830 pm M I fc M THRILLING JIOVING PICTURE FROM MOODY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE PRIOR CLAIM n array of musical talent both vocal and instrumental GRACE CHURCH ST NEWMARKET TOWNSHIP OF will be by the undersigned up to and including April for an Police Constable age experience and sal ary expected also qualifications as to character J Clerk v clwlS REiftASS A for proscribing times for setting fires and precautions to be observed No person shall set a tire In the open air in the Township of King after the hour of pm in any day and before the Hour of am In any day person shall set a fire in the Township of King hi the open air for burning grass until he has first notified the Clifer Constable of the Township of King of his intention so to do- stating In his notification the following a The day and hour when the fire set out The place whore the fire Is to be set out The of at least one adult other than the applicant who will he in attendance until the fire has been completely ex tinguished The means of extinguishing the fire No person shall set a fire In the open air in the Township of King unless and until he shall have present at the place where lire is to be set out an amount of water chemical fire extinguisher or equipment or other fire fighting equipment suitable for the extinguishing of such fire Any person convicted of a breach or any of the provisions of this bylaw shall forfeit and ray at the discretion of the con victing magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of for each offence exclusive of costs Signed El ton Armstrong reeve If Rose CORPORATION NEWMARKET At York County hospital Monday April 121954 to Mr arid Paul eltkainp Siitton a y County hospi tal Thursday April to Mr arid Mrs Kenneth a daughters HA At York hos pital Friday April to Mr New market A son IRVING At York hospi tal April 14 1954 andMrs Irving a daughter JOHNSON At YorW County Friday April to Mr and Mrs- Merrill Johnson daughter still horn v J JOHNSTON At York County hospital Friday April to Mr and Mrs William Johnston Newmarket a son A- At York County hospital Friday April to Mr and Mrs Earl Mitchell New market a daughter At York County hospital April to Mr and Mrs Raymond 2 Aurora a daughter York Coimtyhos- Saturday April 10 to Mr and Mrs John 2 Newmarket a daughter At York County hospital Sunday April to Mr and Mrs Alexander Pat- Richmond Hill a daugh ter- PEE VERS At York County hos pital Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Kenneth a daughter At- York County hos pital Thursday April to and Mrs Arthur 1 a son York County hos pital Thursday April S to Mr and Mrs Jack a daughter York hos pital Tuesday April 1954 to Mr and Mrs Oak Ridges a son York County hos pital Sunday April to Mr and Mrs Roy Simpson 2 Gormley a son York County iliursday April to Mr and Mrs Henry Smart New market a son StYLESAt York County hospi tal Saturday April to Mr and Mrs John Styles Cedar Vailcy a son York County hos pital Thursday April 1951 to Mr and Mrs Dean Wilder Lloyd- town a daughter and Mis Doug las Wilson Toronto Joanne are happy to announce the Wrth of twin daughters Fri day April at Memorial hospital WHITING At York County hos pital Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Anthony Wilting Lake Wilcox a son HAMILTON At hospital on Friday April Hugh Ferguson beloved infant son of Malcolm and Louise Ham ilton aged weeks Interment took place in on Saturday April MILLER At his residence St Newmarket on Tuesday April 13 Robert Miller beloved husband of Florence Harper and dear father of Mrs L of Halifax Robert Cecil and Bruce of Toronto Mrs Ar thur Smith Ruth of St Cath arines and Donald at home Rest ing at the chapel of and Rose funeral service on Friday at 230 interment Newmarket Cemetery IN BLIGHT In ever loving mem ory of our dear son and brother Gerald Blight and his pais who lost their lives April over enemy territory Grieving and tears we know are in vain Wishing can never bring back again The loved one departed now all vive can do Is patiently await uniting with you In our Fathers home as one band To live all together in that heavenly land missed Dad Grant and In loving memory of our very dear mother Ida Mae who passed away April world may change from year v to year And friends from day to day But never will you dearest mother From pass away Always remembered Percy Betty and Sharon Anne ANIn loving memory of our dear Dad who passed away April Deep in our hearts lie memories Of a Dad we shall never forget Lovingly remembered by Martha Fred and family loving memory of a dear mother Louise Jane Mitchell who passed away April 1944 We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find If all this world were ours to give Wed give It yes and more To see the face of mother dear Come smiling through the door Ever remembered by son George and daughterinlaw Blanche THOMPSON In loving memory of a dear husband James Thompson who passed away April His memory to me is a keep sake With which I will never part Though God has him in His keep ing I have him in my heart missed by his wife Joying memory of and father who passed awa A page book of memories y Ever by wife daughter and grand- Your kind epirestbn oft sympa thy is deeply ard acknowledges tally to friends the A CARD OF raAKS I to sincere thanks appreciation to all my friends for fruit arid- cards also filnd recely during my stay in Western hospital v Murray Varney CARD OF THANKS I wish tft extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to my many neighbors friends and rel atives for the beautiful cards candy flowers the A for the lovely box of fruit etcduring my stay in the also to the staff and nurses of the hospital Dr and Dr also wish to thank friends and neighbors for their The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Apr Page kind assistance in getting ready for the two auction sales Alfred Oliver ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Dan New market wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Glenna Mae to Mr Jan Newmarket formerly of Prague Czechoslovakia son of the late Frank The marriage will take place on Sat urday May at oclock In St Pauls Anglican church New- Mr and Mrs Elijah Drake Hol land Landing wish to announce engagement of their daugh ter Betty Ann to Mr Stickwood son of Mr Mrs Walter New market the marriage to take place on April i ihiifc OPENING v i DANCE S McCaffreys FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed AH Over the World MAIN STREET Phone NEWMARKET PERMITS SERVICE FLOOR POLISHERS NEWMARKET BRANCH OFFICE II HAMILTON STiPHONE 836 PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Newmarket Phone 3i public notice Ret FUMIGATION AND of special interest to exterminators operators flour grain and feed mills and operators of elevators NEW REGULATIONS made by the Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario came into force on the 1st Jan uary and make provision for such matters as licencing of and exterminators of licences of and exterminators insurance to be carried by and extermin ators permits for fumigation procedure before during and after fumigation and substances usable for fumigation and extermination Robert King MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH York County Health Unit r Sal FAITH TABERNACLE LEGION HALL AURORA of Hamilton will be ministering to us Easter Sunday and pm Jew Christ is Risen Pentecostal friends in this district especially invited TAKE Notice That The Council of the Corpora tion of the Town of Newmarket lias constructed as a local im provement and sewers on Avenue Road Stan ley Street and Helmer Avon Avenue West west limit a total frontage of feet The cost of the work is S1080000 of which SI is to be paid by the Corporation The special rate per foot front age is equal to an annual charge of cents The spec- a assessment is to he paid in fifteen annual instalments The estimated lifetime of the work is sixteen years A Court of Revision will be held on Tuesday the 27th of April at pm at the Committee Room Town Hal Street Newmarket Ontario for the purpose of hear ing complaints against the pro- posed assessments or the accur acy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which persons interested may desire tn make and which Is by low cot nix- able by the Court DATED at Newmarket this day of April Wesley Brooks Clerk TOWN OF NEWMARKET TAKE notice thai the Court of Revision for the Town of New market to hear appeals under Section of the Assessment Act on which the taxes for the will be levied Will be held on Tuesday April tit pm in the Commit tee Room Town Hall Street Newmarket DATED at Newmarket this day of April 1051 Wesley Brooks Clerk DRIVE FORD before you buy any ear convinced Get behind the wheel and feci that smooth responsive V8 power delivered by the finest most efficient V8 engine ever to power a Ford Sit back and enjoy Fords safer softer ride with that steady road- hugging bigcar feel Relax in the deepdown comfort of Fords big spacious foamrubber seats the practical luxury of Fords perfectly planned interiors Experience new relaxing ease with Fords MasterGuide Power Steering swift sure Power Brakes and famous Fordomattc Drive Get the feel of Font behind the wheel and be convinced that Ford is really Canadas worthmore car because have proof that Ford all other cars ta its You U see why V8 power is the My kind of power that spells for today and tomorrow Compare Ford feature by feature with any other car in its field and you II your choice Your Ford dealer invites you to prove Ford on the road Drop in to his showroom and see the new Ford take it out on the road for yourself Or up the phone and arrange with your dealer to bring a Ford to your door Dave and find out why only a Is up to worth mors when you serf it mirit tuft Mum no Mp to yhM Urn w rofHfl9r Mm Mi hctiO A yam NtaiM www IMA Mi YOUR FORD DEALER INVITES YOU TO MM ON Mi V 8 irii DAVIS WIVE I FORD MONARCH SALES SERVICE Flue A USED VCR FORD