feffiffiMMaS stl w tte to Thursday Apr- v Sit v 2 a w J 1 SAFETY I leadership of Carson and Mrs- Fred Corby On Tuesday night last week a the fourth line euchre transient broke a window of club at their home on Friday I Christ church lie was seen evening I Mrs has re turned to York County hospital for further xrays oh a broken hip The Womens Guild met at the home of Mrs Howard Black on Tuesday Master Nell Crawford youngest child of Mr arid Mrs Frank was christened in Christ church on Sunday Mr family guests at the home Tor the occasion Aurora weekend at the home her sister Sir and Mrs SiJL Mr and Mrs I Arthur To- were Sunday visitors at the Roy home was home for the weekend i Mr and Mrs Robert attended the service of Belle- United jV church when a sister of Mr the School for the joined the church V Av Institute branch will the home of Mrs John Davis April Members to bring their round up i There wilt he special music by the choir Christ church for the Easier Sunday service under leaving early Wednesday morn- Mr and Mrs John and Sandra were holidaying in Lon don over the weekend t m m t Protect yourself and your car against the hazards of Fire Theft Collision Property Damage and V Public Liability Insurance In Consult Charles E BOYD for Insurance 17 MAIM STREET NEWMARKET PHONE worth its worth insuring This is a farm pond in a scenic part of the upper Holland River valley Which contributes lo ground water supply on the farm land below it and which is available for fire protection Farm ponds like this are recommended in the report on a survey of the river made the conservation branch of the of planning and development in r J l r- mm- MM IP Iff MUFFLERS EXHAUST PIPES Tall Exhaust Master Chevrolet most most most Vote 193538 most 50 ll Ford V8 most 398 660 mouth many models most cars not listed enquire for prices NEW MUFFLEU t V Ksi Makes i III alley Attention Farmers r flradsi XKFJW MOTOR OH ntAt efts that on cKrgf p flALLOM 34 Savas You Erosion causes damage on rolling river valley in the Newmarket Aurora district This photo shows a gully begins Ring to form at the edge of a field It was stopped packing its mouth with brush but constant attention is to prevent further erosion para Motor Oil HIM with pouting boll 60 Save on HEAVY Oil for tor PAINS Are you suffering from arth ritic pains If so t write at once to Pick wood Co Ltd Milton Out for particulars of their guaranteed treatment Money refunded if pains are not relieved SAW torn EAST TO ami ring results KESWICK Have you heard about MORTON PLAYING PREMIUM PLAN Playing coupon wilt he given to you with each or more In trade When you have saved coupons we will redeem for one pack of beautiful Remembrance duality Finish Playing MORTON BROS LTD ill Eagle Hi Newmarket M Stop In Aak Us About It iiiixjliaiy will meet iui Tuesday April 20 at Harry Kerrs at Wliatnr Beach The roll call is be answered with a proverb from Bible Mrs Joel Mop Mis Paul and John flnlbftrii will present the program- The Afternoon and auxiliaries will join service of wor ship of Sunday May In- guest Mr held house Sunday Many guests beautiful flowers and el spring was really here Mr Taylor for lo y flowers in Mrs Stewart enteilaihcdin honor of her Mrs Ryty oh Sim- day Mr Cecil Grant is improving- a iter being on he nick list all last Miiiihi has been at the past to fall mother suf fer winch a cut in Iter head Mrs A York He J haven is stay ing there for the present Miss Dorothy Campbell To ronto spent Sunday her at Crest wood Mrs who has spent some weeks at the turned home Friends are pleased to see Mrs A back in the village Mr and Mrs Charles Near Newmarket visited their cousin Mrs Sunday The April mooting of the was held at the home of Mrs Frank Mrs Avars topic was on Raster and its great lessons Mrs I Winch gave a report given by a world delegate to the conven tion at the University of Toron to There will bo no meeting in May The June meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs Irwin Winch In report following a sur vey the Holland river ihe- Ontario depari- and tieC6p- has a number of mend a ion is land use forestry and wild life in the river valley The val ley takes in the towns of Aurora arid Newmarket- arid parts of East Gwiliiinbury King and Whitchurch townships The report con tains maps and- photographs of the area was presented to the Upper Holland Valley conserva tion authority by- the at a banquet held at the King George hotel Newmarket last Thursday night lllstory The that where records- buildings and ob jects of sufficient interest exist illustrating the life or the Shed during the period of the preservation of relics be considered an of conservation and other relics are the private property of and corporations within the watershed the mi thority lake definite measures to encourage their preservation by nets r to proper cure in libraries museums archives and other suitable repositories It suggests that historical buildings and sites be preserved and marked before carry ing put any project the auth ority arrange for archaeological investigation of the site Markers are for the road south of where line of the trait from Puffins Creek to Land ing crossed the line of the pres ent road opposite St Andrews College Yohge St to mark where verge fyohv road lo avoid which still flows in the college gvohiids to iiitiTSof some of earli est nulls churches and taverns in par Is of water shed as- for the Roy al in tending the silc of Mill in Newmarket Hie in and the house on The report suggested his torical be left on their original sites or lhat they be preserved or on land IVy the authority It suggests that the author left any tivganlznlLoti luuiet takes historical collection- v For the purpose of it is recommended that the authority under take a land use program con- oh lite three Cittle Valleys namely Snowball Joy Corners and Sharon Creeks such the auth ority would set up a laud use advisory board and appoint a parttime agriculturist in the slimmer of who Would landowners with the pro gram and prepare a list of far mers willing to in car- tying out plans for soil and wa ter conservation recommend cd by the soils advisory service of the Ontario Agricultural Col lege A bulletin would ho pub lished known as the Little Val ley it is that the au thority arrange for special equipment In bo made available to farmers for minor engineer ing work 16 control erosion and runoff and demonstrate soil conservation practices including pasture improvement on land which it may acquire Forestry Certain areas are recommend ed for authority forests and where establishment of these is impossible because of high land cost it is suggested that the au thority work out a form of agreement be made with land owners is suggested that author- appoint an advisory board to determine the best method of fire protection fur plantations and woodlands within the shed cooperation with department and forests and that a policy of aiding land- owners 16 reforest marginal lands be implemented by the To be available to landowner authority and wood chipping are Wafer Periodic measurements tic levels or flows municipal and other productive wells and deep wells theni order to Keep track of changes hi the artesian pres sures in areas of high tion are recomuiehded- would be to from highly- wells The authority should trie the Holland River periodically and- miusi- prevent pollution targe scale of waste in the areas the east and the yhich are principal intake areas for artesian aquifers should not be permitted report Wildlife Immediate ox the Aurora sewage is can treat the present WiVstvs is suggested that the sevyatioh authority apply to the Control On- tar to to the problem lution at Newmarket give mediate Hitenttn The report the authority urge Of proper beds for tannery wastes at Holland Land- log the use of the control of odors urges to construct ponds of types specified on the lior tcibu- to low dams and -in- the trout to alders for J shade and- fragile willow for bank It is suggested that the authority see that the oittsh in the watershed is ivstruted to those streams which are shown by habitat siirvey to he suitable J for the i r SP JTiV zr mm mm LIVING COULD BE SO EASY AND 1 a SUPER j-C- follow ins few can an expert job with Super KentTone It glides on like with or dries matter of ran be washed scrubbed j often like Many use rotors or your own by WAtt PAIHI 1 AS VUWT AS I jl r