i- Number of Copies Printed this 4550 NEWHAMST AURORA AND THE RURAL NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average far three months ending December Newmarket Trading Aurora All others 433 TOTAL PAID MA I03N9 YEAR EXPRESS YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 15 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH fere and Observer Tonioioy tot tot tuna next meeting of county will be held in the county Beat in the district will be interested in the Cana dian Gardening show which opens at the Horticulture build ing Toronto on April It will continue until May i and is designed to be of assistance both to ite beginner and the experienced gardener are reminded that tomorrow the Easter holidays be gin for the school children For the following ten days hundred happy youngsters who ordinarily would be in otooI about five hours each day will be playing outdoors Extra care y the grownups behind the wheel can assure that this will a happy holiday season lor all of Newmarkets children Speaking of children reminds us of the annual Easter seal cam paign for crippled children in the province If you haven all ready done so you can forward your donation to Murray Rob erts Dominion Bank Newmar ket In town the appeal of the Ontario society for Crippled Children is being sponsored by the Lions club with Keith Davis as chairman Any who saw the attractive Swedish decorations which Mrs Prospect St had at Christmas will be inter ested in her most recent imports for the Easter season She has them on display at her home and the public is welcome to visit browse around and interested select what they would like for their own use Minstrels Raise 1000 For Hospital The Newmarket Lions club Minstrels played to packed hous es for four nights last week Wed nesday Thursday Friday and Saturday As a result the York County hospital will receive part of the 5000 pledge the Lions have made to the fund Saturday night there were people turned away from the door at the town hall General ticket sales were stopped on Thursday because of insufficient accommodation Those who saw the show commented on the high quality of the singing and acting It was a professional perform ance one was heard to say There were variations in the show each night This years Minstrel Show which is an annual affair feat ured a number of changes A ladies section a new feature supported the mens chorus and No no thats not in the script says the interlocutor Dick to blackfaced West an independent sort of comedian during the Newmarket Lions club Minstrel Show held four nights last Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday at the town hall- The show raised for the York County hos pital Building Ang had other ideas about what should be in the script especially when his interest was concentrated on Barbara Fear one of the members of the cast Comedian West is a drawing card for the Minstrel Show every year Photo by Stefaniuk The time has come so sev eral tall people town have told your local to something about the many low I tanging awnings on Main St- It safe for a sixfooter to stroll along In front the shops they Either the awnings must be Raised or the tall people in town cut off below the knees they suggest Perhaps could walk around on our knees as Jose Ferrer did in the motion picture Moulin Rouge was an others idea The matter has been mention- bet several times in these col- imins before Awnings have been discussed by council and there was agreement that some- thing should be done before a shopper injured But that was many months ago and the offending awnings still droop over the sidewalks With the coming of the sunny weather merchants will be using their awnings more often Now seems to be the appropriate time to correct the situation Prov Not Ready To Take Road West To Schomberg The Ontario department of highways is not expected to take over the road from Davis Drive to as an highway according to the depu ty minister of J Millar A deputation of the York County special roads committee headed by King townships DeputyReeve William Hodgson met with Mr Millar at Queens Park on April Although Mr Millar said he appreciated rea sons for a request by the com mittee he said the province is not taking over any municipal cross roads until new highways now being built are completed King township road No is miles from No highway near to St at CLOSE OFFICE SATURDAY The business office of the and Express will he closed on Saturday morning to provide a long Easter weekend for mem bers of the office staff A new plumbing inspection byJaw which was before New market town council Tuesday night caused considerable discus sion The by law which is pro posed by the department of health concerns part of a county- wide plumbing inspection Ser vice which will be provided by the York County health unit Regulations under the public health act provide that where plumbing has been constructed repaired renewed or altered the plumbing shall not be put into use until inspected and found to conform with regula tions The stumbling block Tuesday night concerned inspec tion lees Members of council complained that the proposed fees are too high Inspection on a water closet considered as six units requires a fee of in spection fee for one wash basin is for a bathtub for a laundry tub Various fees for plumbing fixtures are listed ranging from to for each Is this what the plumbers re quest asked Councillor Beluv gin Its what the health depart- meht recommends said the so licitor K Stiver Are the plumbers not fully licensed and if so why should their work be inspected they pais teats for licenses asked Mr Councillor said that plumbers are not licensed in Newmarket There is a great deal of plumbing being done which would not pas inspection said the solicitor department of health would like to see in spection for the publics own ifety Inspection fees would be paid by the property owner and Ufa would be on High Fees Inspections the same basis as hydro accord ing to Mr Its a pretty expensive busi ness to pay for a little bit of plumbing declared Councillor Alex Hands it looks pretty the inspector passes it Yet he cant even see the seal on a water closet after the work has been done v It Is a complicated business Wo should have a member of the health department come to court ell and explain Mi Mr Sliver Tlic bylaw Was by council until a re of plains the inspection the Davis Drive corner New market and is well travelled The road passes through At some points it is only feet wide and school buses cannot pass Mr Hodgson said The Glenville hill is narrow and steep and school area buses back up to pass To improve and widen the road would cost 400000 and King township could not afford presented pleasant variations in the solo and part singing En cores were omitted this year speeding up the pace of the show As well as supporting the fund at the present time the Lions are conducting an Eas ter Seal campaign for the Crip pled Children Society Lions President George has pressed thanks to the people Newmarket and district for the support of these two projects the Minstrel Show and the Easter Seal campaign- AURORA EDITOR INJURED IN FALL The editor of the Aurora News Page in the Era and Express suf fered injuries Tuesday through a fall on St- in front of the Aurora Automotive store The Aurora editor J Sin clair tripped on broken sidewalk and suffered bruises and consid erable loss of blood through a nose injury The sidewalk was put down on St last sum mer but since that lime has dropped about an inch and has been broken in several places Others have suffered from falls near the corner of St and Wellington St Mr Sinclair was taken to the residence of DeputyReeve James Murray following the accident For On May 10 Plans are nearing completion for the Building Fund Drive for York County hospital through which it is hoped to raise for expansion and renova tion of the present hospital Gov ernment grants should total about 400000 and the balance will be raised by public be cleaned up and used for C A Cathers chairman t the drive regional chairmen and ncels committees have been set up to j conduct the campaign through- out the county In Newmarket the campaign is headed by DISCOUNT OFFERED BY HORT SOCIETY ON NURSERY STOCK A percent discount on nurs ery purchases made through the Newmarket Horticultural society is available to all members of the organization This year the society is purchasing its nursery stock Nursery Richmond and that firm has offered the societys members a percent discount Alt orders must be received not later than Friday April 30 mil Hill is purchasing agent year He has a catalogue as has the president P Fish and anyone interested ordering nursery stock through the society is requested to contact either Mr Hill or Mr Among the stock available from at the percent discount are evergreens flower ing shrubs hedges vines peren nials fruit trees and other siip A membership picket which is available from the chair man Charles for one dollar entitles its owner to these reductions in nursery purchases The first general meeting of the season will be held on day April pm in Trinity United church school room and It is open to the public Mem bership tickets may be purchased at this meeting orders for nursery stock placed Council Approves ByLaw Charles Boyd with Stiver and Mrs Seldon forming the committee- Mrs has been appoint ed to convene the doortodoor canvass for Newmarket Vari ous local organizations have of fered canvassers and it is ex pected this part of the drive will take place during the second week of May For many years York County hospital has served the needs of GUIDES MEETING The Ontario Girl Guides nual meeting will be held in To- MORE PARKING SPACE It has been proposed by the and local association council of the Newmarket members will be welcomed Chamber of Commerce that the Mrs Louis wife of vacant land behind the post of- the Lieutenant will present Gold Cord certificates to Guides on the evening of Friday April 23 at oclock in Convocation Hall University of Toronto Miss Byrne Hope j Sanders author and newspaper woman will be the The Preston Guide won the shield at the recent Kiwanis festival in Toronto will sing This will be open to the pub lic A debenture bylaw for 40000 to build a new public library at a site on the south side of Park Ave was given two readings at a meeting of council Tuesday night Final approval on the construc tion of a new building was reach ed after long periods of negotia tion between a special committee of the town council and a com mittee of the public library board Several years ago the library board proposed that the Webb home now the York County The present library is in rented quarters on the second floor of an apartment building on the northwest corner of Main St and St Residents have long complained of the long flight of stairs to the library quarters making a difficult problem for elderly persons The bylaw passed Tuesday will go before the Ontario mu nicipal board next and will be returned to council for third and final reading The library board will pall for tenders after the final reading A scale model of the new lib- health unit offices be purchased for a library The proposal was he on display a given up when the building was iff window on Main St at a purchased for rental to the health Unit j Last year it was proposed that the Jackson residence on the Easter inankoffcring northeast corner of Church St date EVANGELINE AUXILIARY the present overcrowding Donations may be made in one speaker sum or may be spread over a choir which three year period through the use of pledge cards All dona tions are proper income tax charitable exemptions and Park Ave be purchased and renovated The Newmarket no tary club offered financial assist ance in the renovation Mem bers of the town council rejected the proposal and the council and library board gave consideration to an earlier proposal for a new building on Park Ave Also con sidered at one time was the Tem perance Hall on Millard Ave but the idea was rejected by council USED CLOTHING SALE Householders are asked to keep in mind the Home and School association clothing sale when they are The sale is at 2 pm on April 29 in the town hall Clothing may be left at the homes of Mrs Howard Morton Lome Ave- Mrs Robert Mor rison Lane Mrs Atkinson Church St Mrs Ray Court St Further information will be supplied by Mrs Walter Johns phone meeting the project Mr Hodgson pointed the people in the area From out He looks to the province to time to time additions and undertake the work and assume ovations have been made but be- maintenance costs in the future cause of the present influx of Mr the minister of people into the district served by the hospital overcrowding and highways would have to prove provincial maintenance before the stretch of roadway could be improved to compare with the western extension of the road which is No high way and the eastern extension which is Davis Drive Newmar ket Mr Hodgson said limited facilities have again be come a serious problem The building of the new wing and the renovation and moderniza tion of the original hospital are expected to extend over three years but when the wings are completed they J will eliminate Pollution River 7 TO CANCER Slife A Trend tea for the Cana dian Cancer Society will be held home of Mrs it if Beer Pickering College on Wednesday April from pm to pm The Cancer Society is currently making its annual appeal for funds In Newmarket contribu tions may be left with Mr Al Cameron manager of the Bank of Montreal branch The word Trend used by the society stands for treatment re- search education needs of the patient and diagnosis MARKET HOURS The Newmarket market will be held on Saturday morrilng April Thereafter the market will be held every Friday morn ing at 9 until further notice THURSDAY APR in Aurora Canadian Legion hall Special games 15 games Time sharp In aid of the Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary FRIDAY APRIL NO dance in Holland Landing- Community llnll Dance will be held the following Friday April SATURDAY APR St Johns I Newmarket Town Hail c2wl4 TUESDAY APRIL Queens vine Library euchre at hi Sharon hall WEDNESDAY APR Bingo in- Newmarket Town hall by the Newmarket Veter ans Jackpot Share the- Special games At- prize Admission Free bus after bingo THURS AND APRIL AND Sharon Junior Farm ers show Adults Children Tickets may be obtained from members of the cast I APRIL spring ten In Trinity United church Newmarket from to pm Supervised nursery FRIDAY APRIL Dance in hall sponsored by Elm- grove Norm Stirlings or- chest Admission FRIDAY APRIL Euchre Party in Scout Hall Newmarket under auspices ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary prizes re freshments Admission SATURDAY AND SUNDAY APRIL The Salvation Army Llsgar St Band Musical Program pm In Christian Baptist Church New market SATURDAY APRIL Oppor tunity sale Good used clothing white elephant table St Pauls Parish hall Newmarket at am SATURDAY AND SUNDAY APRIL 25 The Salvation Army St Band Toronto musical program pm Christ- inn Baptist Church Meetings in Citadel Sunday am and Wednesday Next bingo at Legion hall Newmarket pm Good prizes Twenty games Jack pot Door prize special games Free bus after bingo till WEDNESDAY APRIL St James Anglican Sharon Is sponsoring a spring supper in Sharon Hall Supper served from oclock on Rev I Geary Sutton will show slides oh his work in Africa after the supper Adults si children THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APR AND Newmarket Figure Skating dt the Dominion hank from to pm on Thursday audi pm and 130 to pm on Friday FRIDAY APRIL spring festival of fashions music and drama Time pm Adults Students FRIDAY APRIL and party Clarlyn Lodge Orchard Beach pm Sponsored by Kes wick OptlMrs Club Refresh ments and prizes THURSDAY MAY Anmtal Blossom tea sale of home bak ing candy aprons fancy work under auspices of Junior Ladles aid Christian Baptist church to Tea FRIDAY MAY and 14 two lectures on Civil Defence will by Miss Mary Marshall- Meade In connection with the Red Cross Homo Nursing Course pm in the Trinity United church Newmar ket All those who have taken the Red Cross Home Nursing course within the last three years arc Invited to attend these lectures FRIDAY MAY by the Business Professional Womens Club In Trinity United church New market at presenting Coronation Little Symphony Orchestra and Ellen Tun- soloist adults Students Proceeds for York County hospital EVERY Saturday night Ins at Mount Albert hall to Norm Mod em and old attention to pollu tion in the Upper Holland River which passes through Aurora Newmarket and Holland Land ing to Lake is a report on a survey of the river watershed by the conservation branch of the Ontario depart ment planning and develop ment The 275pagc iepoil was pre sented to he Upper Holland River conservation authority nt a banquet held at the King George hotel Newmarket last Thursday night A Richard son chief conservation engineer for Ontario presented the report to chairman of the conservation authority Elton ArmslroiiK reeve of King township VY J P land use specialist with the conservation branch rend the recommendations in the re port which appear In detail on page four of this issue The report says that the On tario Pollution Control board should investigate the discharges into the river from the Aurora sewage disposal plant and the tannery at Holland Landing also that it give immediate attention to pollution at Newmarket report deals with the his tory land use forestry water resources and wildlife of the acre valley The valley in cludes parts of King Whitchurch and East townships Mr Wick pointed out that the Upper Holland River conser vation authority was formed two The upper watershed is ad jacent to the King Creek area of the River where a and a half years ago There has campaign for better land use been considerable interest and achievement since that time- There is a big job ahead he said and referring to the report he added must be a plan Before any plan can be made the facts must be known about the resources we have the faults and remedies The survey was for the purpose of taking inven tory oh water soil trees wild life and historical aspects of the watershed The water resources survey re commends that the authority should guard against the dump ing of industrial wastes on sandy areas in the south and east of the watershed These areas are localities from which aquifers water bearing strata of the lo cality are fed Soluble industrial wastes could conceivably be carried through the aquifers to wells in the vicinity To maintain subterranean wa ter supplies it has been recom mended that the authority ar range with owners of highly productive wells to have them capped rather than allow them to overflow The capping pro cess it is felt would help to re tain artesian pressure- in the area was arranged recently by the executive of the Evangel ine Auxiliary Trinity United church Mrs Angus King was in the chair assisted in the Eas ter meditation by Mrs Noble Mrs John Mrs King and Mrs Walton Special music was provided by Mrs Hunter and Mrs The speaker was Rev Kitney a missionary who has been in Trinidad Mrs A S Arnold thanked the speaker A short business ses sion and a social half hour brought the meeting to a close TO HOLD RAFFLE FOR HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND The Mrs Club will hold a raffle the proceeds of which will be donated York County hospital Building fund The 6raw will be on a choice of two articles a steam iron or an auto matic toaster The decision to hold the pro ject for the Hospital Building fund was at a dinner meet- of the club held on Monday April at Marion Atkins Mrs Nick presided After the business meeting an Easter hat making contest- was held The winner was Mrs Don ald Menard and her imaginative creation was judged best by vote of all the members The draw wilt be held on May at pm at the Newmarket Furniture and Elec tric store where the alternative prizes are on display Tickets are available from the store or from any OptlMrs member sponsored by the Humbor river conservation authority has achieved notable results It has been recommended that the Hot- land authority employ an agri culturalist through the summer to Institute little valley vation plans in the three tribu tary valleys the Snowball Creek Wesley Cornels Creek and the Sharon Creek There Is an extensive report on the historical aspects of the river valley Hie report contains many photographs of historical An 18 and there Trails west of King CHILD 1 MONTHS DROWNS IN CREEK AT TRAILS her of color maps provided Much the laud hi the vicin ity of Holland Landing was for ested with red ami white pine hi day now more ban percent of the watershed is wooded according to the port Increase in forest cover has been recommended particu larly on land unsuitable for agri culture Representatives of all munici palities within the watershed at- City yesterday shortly after neon The child Christina Cook daughter of Mr and Mrs Har old Cook was seen playing on the back porch of her home by her mother shortly after lunch When her mother missed her Inter a search party was formed mostly of women The child had fallen into the creek feet behind the Coofe home and it was not until three tended the meeting last hours after she was first missed Large photographs the body was found- Pro- it f vineial officers from the with history lam use ml for- located Ue were displayed in the room body down the river short distance Ss- SK mm 1H il TV- TT tVwl J One of the landmarks on the upper Holland River is the bridge at Holland Landing The swing bridge is built over canal locks which are part of the Newmarket canal system a federal work which started before the first world war but never completed A report on a survey of the Holland River watershed was presen ted by the conservation branch of the Ontario department of plan ning and development to the Upper Holland River conservation authority last week Conservation photo i