Ci bm J senate and board of governors Dr Smith was thinking of reli gious instruction in the ties but his arguments at levels of education and In all people who are theology who are explaining or own beliefs and who rtgiF traditions their own as being iotas or false fall ism or any They lac of a deep understanding values Tolerance of winces is not the same ignoring religion altogether said Dr Smith One can be tolerant in a through sympathy and under standing or can be tolerant In negative through apathy and moral cowardice This negative kind of tolerance indifference and indiff erence is at the root of religious Womans World By Caroline Ion Universities must regain their ft leadership said DM The distinctive contribution Sidney Smith president of Puritanism lay in its University of Toronto in of individual and mm- report to the university rights whereas the Angii- can tradition provided the ele ments of cohesion and stability a sense of oneness of arid the individuals oneness with the community and a habit of steady obedience to the decrees WO government on these necessarily rely has the human mind feefcOTaster of so many factg of so few principles KSmith reasoned If this is technological success cultural failure of material aid moral bankruptcy remedy for our plight is to be found in a deeper devotion to spiritual values We are living on the religi ous our forefathers he said What are we doing to increase Hie I Rations spiritual endowment What are we do ing to enrich our own spiritual experiences As we stand at the threshold of another Lenten season may we examine our at titudes to the teaching of re ligion Are we evading ignor ing or even opposing it m illiteracy The best argument for the teaching of religion Dr Smith is the gain individual personality in spirit- j terms The personal y of religion the through grace and ad that service to God Is freedom On Intelfectual grounds alone that in soma faculties of it is possible to learn the mythologies of Home than about religion Dr Smith continued dress by explaining that It brie knew nothing about theology much of history would mean Literature unintelligible and would be distorted background of religious As an example he an article Religion arid Foundations of English Demo- cracy by Professor head of the Department in University College In this article Professor house examined the branch met at on FeK decided to public school delate donate prizes in grades seven and eight The on in Mount and Base Line as convener spoke oh planting and soil con- Guest speaker Mrs Robertson gave a talk on getter Health from Compost farming gave curi rent- events arid Miss Margaret played two piano rtiim- Mrs Stiles j arid Mrs Donald Anderson March meeting will be held Sharon school on arch at p nursery The will he in by the Anglican tan traditions to the shaping otto the English parliamentary cookies and members north of the school sandwiches The Well Baby clinic will held tomorrow Feb to pm in the Health Units offices Main St The program of im munization against tetanus and whooping cough is in progress for infants and pre school aged children clinic is held by the Health Unit It is everyone The Wo mens Institute sponsors and provides the volunteer assist ants The clinics are held on the last Friday afternoon of each month ANNUAL BANQUET FOR SCOUTSGUIE Next week Wednesday and Thursday March and the annual banquets will be held for the scout cubs and their dads and the brownies guides and their mothers The banquet is on March and evening is March The time for both banquets has been set at pm at the Scout hall Mothers auxiliary is catering for the ban quets Convener of the kitchen Is Mis Victor Mrs Bert is in charge of the dining room for the scouts and cubs and Mrs Sinclair is in charge of it for the guides and brownies Union Street branch will meet at the home of Frank Gra ham on Thursday March at pm Motto Make good use of the present it is the key to the future Reply Mrs Titus call A current Topic Historical research and current events Program com mittee Mrs Irvine Rose Mrs Swa risen Hostesses Mrs D Greenwood Mrs Salmon Mrs Beckett and- Mrs J v The branch held a family night in the school house oh Feb with a good attendance The president Mrs A was in the chair Motto to live and live to learn Mr and Mrs Stiver of showed colored pictures they had token on a trip to f continent in Anyone planning a trip to the continent should get in touch with Mr and Mrs Stiver The Misses Nancy Helen and Alberta Ridley sang Miss Donna played the piano and Bob Park played the coronet by Mrs Albert Ridley Social Xewi Mr and Mra Emory Miller and son Ross Utopia were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Edward Miller Mr Harry Price accompanied by his son Stephen spent the weekend with his par ents Mr and Mrs Harper Price Mr Joseph McAfee is visiting in town the guest of Mr and Mrs C Clark- yu Mr and Mrs Stanley Robin son and Helen Port Credit were Sunday guests at the home of Mr andMrS Sfiushell Mrs Nick John mm SiriciaiiM J 1 Bowman of the Central Ontario league which was held tit Heliconian club Toronto has convalescing y at the gome of- daughter Mrs Sheridan following a major operation is at tier own She is progressing satis- v The annual Indies Night Was- held by the Lions club at the Aurora on Monday Mrs Bert arid Mrs Roy Church visited in To ronto on Tuesday- Mr and Mrs- J spent three days in Montreal last weekend while attending the an nual meeting of the Class A Newspapers of Caiiada- Mr and Mrs Herbert Moore visited Mrs Moores brother j Gravenhurst over the weekend Mr Harper Price was a pa- at York County hospital where he underwent an opera- He is convalescing at home Over from Newmarket the- presentation of Tennessee Williams The Tattoo at Hart House Ion Feb 18 and the production the Toronto had won every award at the recent Central Ontario Drama League festival Mrs returned last week from a visit in Quebec City with her son and daughter- inlaw Major and J and family Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion and family were in Toronto on Sun day the guests Mr and Mrs A Young Four members of the New market Handcraft group spent the weekend London They attended the second annual exhi of the London and Dis trict Weavers which was held in the London library Entries were accepted from across Can ada and awards were offered in many classes such as draperies material place mats weaving beginners work and others The exhibition dealt exclusively with weaving At- tending from were Mrs Arthur Davies Mrs Mrs- George McNclly j arid Mrs D Dales I Mr and Mrs Kenneth Chap- j man missionaries from Bogota Columbia spent four days recent- with Mr a Mrs Wilfred arid other friends in town They have been on lough for a year and for the Mission Field again in the spring Mrs Chapman was formerly Grace Kennedy and for two years arid Mrs Wilbur spent Monday home of his parents Mr and Mrs V and Mrs Alan Marie Mr Miss Nellie on Sunday Mr and Percy Jones and Mr and Mrs Jack Gilbert Toronto called on their mother grandmother Mrs- Jones on Sunday after attending the of Mr Harry fiths at Mount Albert Morris Grimes executive or ganizer Ontario branch Cana dian Cancer society was the guest speaker at tho regular monthly meeting of the New market branch The group met In the Agricultural Board rooms St on Thursday with- Mrs in the chair Music for the program was provided by two pupils of Mrs Eugene Cane Miss Marion Gib son sang Swallows and David Winkwotth chose as vocal solo Bird Songs at two joined a duct Near Mrs Cario accompanied the young singers who had been in by Mrs Frank The program direction of Mrs Hodge who Is the Home arid Health convenor speaker was Introduced by Miss V A Smyth York County Health Unit and Mrs Mitchell moved the voto of thanks A colored film From One Cell j PARK Mount Albert Community Park Hoard is holding a public meeting In the hail on Wednes day March at pm All hers of the Sports Day committee ore urged attend TRINITY A film on Supper Dishes bo shown at tho regular monthly meeting of Womans association United church on day March fl pm All of the arc in- ted to attend Picas a note the change of time FRIEND Murray entertained boys on Feb in honor of Tony who is moving to Toronto pre sented Tony with a wallet from his friends at St Johns school A pleasant evening was enjoyed ifrr v v r- Mi Jit fc v- ir I I r iS I l r A v v mm I v v i j IIS 21 2 only 379 EASY TERMS RADIOPHONOGRAPH COMBINATION Regular Beare 2 Radio Television Appliances Main St Phone Newmarket Why use an old fashioned clothes line We have a few dryers left at only 0 100 AIL FIRST QUALITY GOODS ON SALE AS LONG AS SUPPLY LASTS PLAIN BROADCLOTH different colors Mercer- sanforized inches wide YARD 27 INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE Extra heavy for diapers Yard INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE COTTON PRINTS Mercerized sanforized 36 inches wide Yard YARD its GOOD STRONG FACTORY COTTON inches wide YARD plastic raw drapes Ready to hang No hooks required Can cover up to inches wide inches long complete with track D SAP Pair WE ALWAYS TOLD YOU The more business we do enables us to give you more for your dollar when you want qual ity Meat prices you have been buying at for the past four years have So helps to you when your friends want meat steer them to us we will carry on from thereto give you still greater power to your meat dollar CHOICE y WELL MATURED FOR BEHER FLAVOR LEAN y Round Steak cHoieEEC- Porterhouse steak or roast lb lb LEAN Minced beef A LB LBS boneless Sirloin steak or roast NO BONELESS 99c lb t Shank beef BONELESS MpRnost Wl WA8TB LUSCIOUS i -t- 6 to Dont We have taken patterns of waHpaprS Wdtn our regular line and drastically reduced them for three hours selling As are limited we advise shopping early There arc patterns suitable for every room Hi house Friday Night SPECIAL ft m SINGLE BOLL a WALLPAPER -PAINT- MAIM ST ONit I m m off y Ladies Rayon Nightgowns with Nylon trim and large Reg for yiMB Silk and Linen 1 J jl 1 1 t s i I I- Street OF SPRING See our complete of suits lcsJgnpdog serve up excite meat now and for flannels sabres stripes- Xii and novelty Sizes y j y