V ffv i -4- rx- a SATURDAY FEB Auction sale at Auction City in the new livestock Sales Pavil ion wiling brand new clothing with a money back guarantee also many miscellaneous articles Poultry vegetables etc Trie man will have a good supply of fish and oysters at prices you cannot afford to miss usual sale of fresh cows spring ers calves horses pon ies sheep also a large sale of pigs all sizes Note Last week was the best pig sale we ever had Will have a old Hereford bull from one Of the Hereford herds Why not make this your weekly market where you sell your goods on the open market which Is the fairest and fastest way Come and you will be surprised Sale pm Sellers ana Atkinson auction eers THURSDAY FEB 25 Auction sale of head of dairy cattle and young cattle on lot con mile west of Browns Corners the property of the estate of the late James Toms Terms cash Sale p Sellers and Atkinson and sale managers TUESDAY Important auction sale of fully accredited registered herd of Hereford and Ayrshire cattle tractor baler pigs farm clock Implements hay grain etc Implements near new On lot con King township north of King and Property of Sale at noon Terms cash No reserve Farm sold and Clarke Front Ice auc tioneers WEDNESDAY MARCH Ex tensive auction sale of Shorthorn cattle horses pigs extra good breeding ewes all bred Hay clover seed Timothy seed harness etc Case DC Tractor threshing machine nearly new manure spreader double disc lever harrows implements like new The property of Ralph Walter at lot 19 con- Mark- ham miles north of No highway No reserve Farm sold Terms cash Sale pm Lloyd Turner and Faulkner clerks This is an extra big sale Sellers and Atkinson auc tioneers and sale managers FRIDAY MARCH Auction sale of 12 acre farm dairy cattle late model tractor Imple ments electric milking machine cooler hay grain poultry baled yraw etc at lot con township on No f at Green River of Ted art and Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve farm sold Ken and Clarke Pren tice auctioneers c4w7 FRIDAY MARCH Auction sale of dairy cattle Ford Major tractor combine farm stock Implements hay grain etc on lot con property of David Brown Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auction eers TUESDAY MAR Auction sale FordFerguson tractor good implements Hereford cattle pigs horses hay grain entire household furnishings etc at lot con one mile north of the proper ty of Stewart Taylor Owner moving to Western Canada No reserve- Terms cash Sale pm Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers and sale managers WEDNESDAY MARCH Auction sale of pigs hay grain new tractor threshing machine combine farm stock Implements etc on lot 23 con property of Dave Sale at Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers WEDNESDAY MAR sale of large herd of dairy cattle tractor farm stock implements grain etc on lot North York at Dawes property of Martin Sale at Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auction -y- loving daughter and son Inlaw Lena and Harold rf m m SMITH In loving memory of a granddaughter Patricia Anne Smith who was accident ally killed in Windsor Feb 22 She wished no one a last fare well Not even said goodbye She had cone before we knew And only Cod knows why Asleep In Gods beautiful garden Away from all sorrow aha pain Someday when lifes Journey is ended We shall he together again Sadly missed and always remem bered by Grandma and Grandad Smith i SMITH In loving memory of a dear niece Patricia Anne Smith who was killed 1950 They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget But time so far proved How much wejmissjyoiryetv j God gave us fight And courageItoibr But what it mMnt No one v Aunt an Uncle Aim Haskett 1- r By George Newmarket Sports laying memory of and MafelfTomlimon Remembrance golden chain all fit arid then to part sorrow of ones heart wipe out many But they wipe out never days all together and always re membered by Herman arid Viola and Cecil BIRTHS We would like to take this oppor tunity to thank all pur friends and neighbors who came to help draw arid buzz wood for us special are ex tended to Mr who organ ized the above which turned to bo such a great success With million thanks to all June Judith and Salmi the Its better to be lucky than good Your never put much stock in the phrase til this week After seeing our good juvenile team the best the Hub has produced in years fade away sure theres more than a grain of truUfc in the Statement The locals outshot and outhustled Lindsay their eliminators by a country mile but couldnt put the puck into the net to prove it to embarrass the local marksmen but they had or more shots at and around the by and plays at V V of Gabriel Cesar Sale pm Terms on chattels cash No reserve Farm will be to a reserve bid Further particulars will made day of sale Bee bills Ken Clarke Prentice auctioneers c4w6 THURSDAY MARCH tic auction sale 0pp of new used and reconditionedarm implements at the Safes on No high way These implements are being consigned by authorised dealers of the con listing of tractors grain plows manure spreaders disc refrigerators front end load hammer mills corn shelters packers rubber wagons harrows Many other small items Also a quantity of new miscellaneous articles can Ik purchased on the loan improvement plan Further terms and warrantees made known day of sale This Is Hie first known sale of lis kind in Ontario This will he an extra large sale auction rings mod ern restaurant in the sales pavil ion Come early- Sate pm Sellers and auctioneers and sale mnnagers WEDNESDAY Iv auction sale of registered and gmde cattle flilC tractor threshing nigs farm stock imple ments hay grain furniture and miscellaneous articles On high way at Victoria Square lot rear of con Township Property of Held Hale at noon Terms cash No reserve Farm lomos Smith clerk and Prentice fluctloneers At York County Sunday Feb 1954 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Virginia a daughter- BROWN At York County Tuesday Feb 1954 to Mr and Mrs Norman Brown wick a son CULVERTAt York County Thursday Feb to Mr and Mrs Robert Culvert Brad ford a da At Greater Niagara General hospital to Ann and Rev John Niagara Falls on Thursday Jan a York County hospital Thursday Feb to Mr rid Mrs Cecil CARD OF THANKS HUNTER At York County 1 We wish to thank relatives Saturday Feb to Mi and Hunter King a son CARD OF THANKS Howard Neil and son Beverley of King wish to express their appreciation to Douglas Welles- ley Leslie Kerr their neighbors Hydro Co Toronto and York Roads Provincial and Township Police for the assist ance in their house moving pro- feet on i Feb CARD OF THANKS wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards flowers and fruit to me during my stay in the hospital Alma FRIDAY MAR of cattle tractor buck rake double disc manure spreader nearly new quantity of oats The property of Wilfred Ferguson at lot con 0 Whitchurch north of No Farm Lloyd Turner clerk Heller and Atkln son auctioneers and gers TUESDAY MARCH rive auction sate of used and re conditioned farm Implements in cluding tractors combines threshing machine manure spreader plows disc cul tivators one way d Ik hinders etc the property of Constable and on Davis Drive W Newmarket Clearing out sale No reserve Terms cash Sale pm sharp Sellers and Atkin son auctioneers and sale w6 WEDNESDAY MARCH 1 sale of cattle pigs new Ford tractor implements double disc cultiva tor transplanter tractor manure spreader nearly new the property of Henry at lot con mile south of No Farm sold Terms cash Sale Lloyd Turner clerk filers and Atkinson and sale managers MARCH Auction sale of dairy cattle international frflctors and farm milk- cooler hay grain straw furniture appliances etc at lot 31 con mile West of rs on Ave on HUNTLEY At York County hospital Monday Feb to and Mrs Edward Huntley Keswick- a daughter At York County Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Walter Oak Ridges a daughter JOHNSON At York County Feb to Mr and Mrs Arnold Johnson Cedar Valley a KEEP At York County tali Friday Feb to Mr and Mrs George Keep Newmarket a daughter At York County hospital Friday Feb to Mr and Mrs Murray Kldd Newmarket a daughter AH KO- At York hospital Monday- Fob to Mr and Mrs Harry ko Newmarket a daugh ter tSTHBR At York County hospital Wednesday Feb Mr and Mrs James Ed ward King a daughter McKINliEY York County hospital iliursday Fob Mr and Mrs Norman Oak Ridges a son York County hospital Monday Feb 15 to Mj- arid Mrs Fred son Feb to Mi and Clare R a daughter friends and neighbors for rich kindness sympathy and flowers during our recent bereavement Mr and Howard CAPO nYAK Mi arid Mrs Kef for and family wish to express their sin cere- thanks to all the kind friends ami neighbors who offer when their garage burned Special thanks is hustlebustle the do better pJlr We wish to congratulate all the their A hotkey play- J the curbstone Tuesday juvenile sessions a can make y Sat- Smoke game pm Our hockey a credit to- the Hub That also goes for Aurora Rotary who started their play this week Newmarket a stake in the as Geo Robertson Howard Brfce Bob and Johnny Hopper aiders with Harry team It can also be holed that three Aurora players are with the Smoke Rings Danny Patrick Ross Patrick arid Bert Loveless The exchange is working va at ends Stove- league Chatter J Our southern we note has been mental in adding a hew rule or two to the list of and They Appear to have merit and are reasonable additions to control the players and coaches However gathering from the tone of the talks around the Hot Stove league local and televi sion the would become the target for fewer barbs If they did something enforcing the rules already the books The majority of the fans we believe would like to a halt called In the high stjckinjg boarding trend in hockey noticed thai i recreation pea red to get ruria round when they wrote the on to his teammate for all to he Dont argue with when hes Brampton They both got Speaking and who isnt a mterme player got the longest stretch for the shortesyfemark some years ago hereOl vs Spits garnet miscreant remarked to me referee after a certain Where the fo- are you I bud Newmarket that one Moe Walsh gave us one Hamilton junior player getting his quota of sentences boarded a rival bucko for two Skating past player remarked Yeah yea know you got me for two quipped right back what you dont know is youve got teS as Someone asks Is Eddie Bush still playing Indeed he is and getting goals and assists to boot Eddie is getting penalties according to Lindsay drew W minutes for taking a swipe at timekeeper Are you listening Mr It after completing two minute sting Eddie was getting back on the ice and got his sweater hooked in the door catch Ed thought the timers in the excitement was holding him- took a swing at the timer and netted minutes i- TO i ii I Era and Express classifieds Oritur m m m m Of AH Kinds A new small truck for any kind of service Immediate service intone TV Richmond Hill reverse charges Written guar antee i J1 tal f- akuu2 CKfAMOf TOMATO e f MR extended to Mr Harold iU arid the men who helped Mr to the hospital The came back with an evasive answer What rough ho- DEATHS York County hospital Newmarket Feb 18 Sarah Jane ije- loved of Mel vin Cook and dear mother of Mrs Irwin Mis VVasHyfEva Mis Hurling Audrey Mrs and beloved sister of Mis Stork Mrs Fred -CSrand- a the chapel of arid Rose Funeral on Saturday from ckey Whats wrong with the OUA taking squint at some of the referees reports turned in after every game When couple of earns which we see quite often draw C0 to minutes in they arent Indulging- in tiddler winks Cuff Notes Bo Basher Groves is the Spitfire trainer Basher has the Spits in tip top shape to tackle hero tomorrow night and then of Itoadhouseind Hose at Saturday pm night cemetery Mi arid Mrs John Orchard happy to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Joan to Mr Ronald Stewart son of Mr arid Mrs George Stick wood Sharon the wedding to lake place quietly on Saturday March At- hospital Wednesday to Mr and Mrs John man Newmarket a son At hoariltai Saturday- Feb 3 ton a At York County Sunday Mrs West Richmond Hill a daughter tal mb M9 w Mr and Mrs Arthur Rich- mond Rotary Grabs lye WUid ilorry rocketing belted Lindsay fcioiiJi at Aurora Tuesday It was game fir tho- Aurora kida In bantam 1 Tuesday gives a handy to carry tlrtdaay for the of the fietrtfc- ft MM game will be In Wndsay Lindsay got the the only one flSH exSpitfire fired three goals fit 110 seconds in Mondays town league final That looks like a record for this semester town- leaguers feud again Monday Harry and Mickey Smith are busy signing players for the OIIA In termed la to to lake on In round one the firat meet he Coljtng- hotminder were going to have to say con- Mr is now the editor of the weekly Ail our Slmcoc sporting pals are wishing Ernie Camels speedy recby Referees arent such had chaps hove heir little jokes with the rest Us hockeymad actors Andy Bel leirier one of top callers can ways see the humor of any situ ation z ly in a Junior Aurora Andy with a player over a penalty tifflrfiWiSQin strong STEWART SEIKTED QUAUTYOOIDIN ae IT It rfi FLOHIDA S CROP t j- FRUITS AND VEGETABLES I CRISP LARGE LUSTER CAUFORNIA GOLDEN CRISP Carrots Rosebud Radish SUE 174 GRADI k I cm T A V l A POUNDS i s BUNCHES Ji memory of my dear Ron- mer who passed Feb Till memory fades and lite parts live forever In our hearts Always loving wire treasured mem of our dear Herman departed this life Feb V J looking hack with memories Upon the path you trod Wi bless the years we had with you And leave the rest to Cod Highway -prop- 1 Always remembered his ter that the Aurora fenibpenC ft poured In four second and three third period goals- got end there on by Aurora defense and goalie McClcnny Mike Patrick Wayne Keith Browning and Geo jpfe scored second period for Aurora axed a fine twoway effort W scoring the third period Johnny Hopper and Don Glass got other last session tallies for Aurora Dan assisted on Patricks goal Keith Browning and Vrona helpers on tally Jim up the pass to Keith Browning John and Barry Cook were buildup boys for Rob ertson Bob playing a strong defensive game supplied the pass for Hoppers goal Barry Cook relayed to Don I Comets got one third session for bid goal five Collapsing under of Cardinal fivegoal third period onslaught Keswick Comets a at Hands of Cardinals on Saturday night at Keswick the game was a scheduled rural hockey league contest Comets holed up in eighth place in the ten team circuit have four wins and 17 on the record sheet The Comets ticketed for a trailer role from the outset were behind at end of tho first period and wore on the abort end of a count after two We came across some fig ures In one of the TV trade journals the other day that surely arc positive proof that telcvLsion today a MUST to millions mil lions of households in our country and the United States This startling hit of In formation Is that TV sets actually tele phones In many leading cities The figures are tab ulated for the only but Its safe to assume that Canada will not be too far behind A few of the cities listed arts Cleveland Angeles Baltimore and Bos ton If you think about it for a minute though Its not so Mr Average Ci tizen who normally has to consult the state of his before ventur- out on the town for en now has worlds best shows coming right Into his living room Add all for free after the If youre missing out on wonderful things that jppening today on then youre cheating yourself and your family of thousands hours of pleasure that could easily lie yours Into our store and let lis show you our large stuck of models every one of which wilt provide you Wilfi a clear bright view of Ike iMVit shows on the air An easy payment plan is avail able if you wish to finance your purchase ami we han dle our own Installations to assure you of the best In service IKS TODAY IIUVH IN TV Main Street Phone juice Milk es Macaroni Fancy Asparagus Tips Kleenex Face tissues 27c READY 2 TINS TINS 21c 29c itfi iin i WRAP CONCtNTRAIED on MM lent- nil TIN CUANIH OH Suds hi mi IGE ice GIANT lGt am Size Prune CtUOtAO f f i J A lb no more no head feet or Inside waste In what you MILK FED VEAL LEGS ffi m v SEA FOODS PAH READY US 1 i CHOICE SOLE FILLETS CHOICE COD CHOICE HADDOCK FILLETS I 33c i I II J j SV r CO t EI i7 s- ti