J I It The En EiprtM lit Ising methods to score three goal in just over two minutes during a second period jam session Herb Cains Newmarket Spitfires rolled to ii win over KlY Flyers at the arena Friday The game was a Metro senior B contest The win enabled Newmarket to step one point ahead of Aurora in the league standing The fans strong who braved the snowy night saw a wide open hockey game Spits because they outhustled outshot and outpassed the Fly ers over the minute stretch That stretch was marked by a fine defensive effort by the with a shot to start the Spits quick scoring second period spurt on its way Don Gibson and Geo Wright built up the play goal came with sides even at At Down The Centre by Friday night Is another one of Ellis can hold the fort the club Smoke Rings Take Goal Lead those eves which finds too much listed on the roster for the fans referee chased Flyers strong roan Bob Batters- to attend and too much cutting by for crossdecking That was into needed takes at the wicket- Dynes and since the Spits have just barely squeezed out a win against the before it warrants a good house Except for the game the at tendance at Newmarket been below par but the real were for the Spits sending up the passes for the into action Herb Cain coasting accepted Geo Wright Bob Thompson PJ B h A d Clarke all figured in the Colling to score at 1631 Be and Clarke all figured assist column Ken made up for any shortcomings in this department by breaking up a good many Flyers thrusts Outside of one shot that took a crazy hop and popped into the net Ken Specs turned In a nifty goaltending effort Bob Fryday found the net I L I b SF8ITS COLUMN History repeated itself Mm of Lester Patricks two sons recently took ver as of the New- York Rangers He thus a his brother former playing tor of now oosca of Boston Montreal Maroons so rivalry because it bap- colorful White Eagle was almost from the beginning of For one or two seasons Frank coach of Boston Bruins latex Patrick family has written copters into hockey in Canada at home and abroad Lester one of the most daring fore got back Joe banged a pass con tributed by Bo Thompson goat set the Spits up with a The teanis shared each in the opening rounds Don Gib son soloed the length of the ice at Bob fooled Ken with a bouncing shot at Tho teams traded shots and goals on otherwise looks solid enough to annex a pennant Charlie Vrana the ace fenceman has already attracted the attention of some of the junior A scouts and Barry Cook and Jim along with Bob of Newmarket are close behind in ability The looks set Wayne Spenee centres the first line and does a good pivot job for Glen Bennett and followers know that theres Keith Browning The been better hockey played in Newmarket than the senior boys are supplying 7 By virtue of no other- choice Aurora Bears will play their second and last Friday game of the year against The Bears of the play- period The Flyers watched Don but like Rashers Gibson pump home his second goal of the game at Don Smith and Clarke were the workhorse pass suppliers FLOORED TWICE The best Andy Aurora they are giant on recent weeks and can decide last place playoff TOe jets who have at record with the Bears are presently in the last playoff rung arid they need this J Bears have rib the Jets and Toe as they hope to finish no worse tons in of sport on this continent when nearly 50 brilUantly in eastern hockey y MM had starred ivaded the west coast set series of artificial ice- rinks in Vancouver Victoria and New Westminster scoured for playing talent and formed the Pacific Coast into the tirst intenutkmal body in ptoreadoiuU States part League As far back as ten before a United States the National a team In Patricks West Coast rJ next season by the entry of Seattle Jot only did the Patricks conduct the League with Frank resident but both played regularly in the bitterlyfought mes that marked the hockey of that era So dangerous to astern hockey did the Patricks become they appropriated oronfos Stanley Cup champions of intact and took them the Coast that the eastern moguls declared war But the Patricks won the skirmish and for a time believe it or not Pacific Coast League had drafting rights from east their western league petered out the Patricks sold stars to the east and Lester became manager of era a position he held until a 20year span Man had starred for then moved Now the team trick the Patrick rivalry familiar I L E LIMITED rrfr-j- z junior basement The Bears than have two games to play to round Its bingo for out their regular schedule Both hockey at the are home contests Unionwlle Jets are due to drop into Aurora arena tomorrow night and Dodgers pro vide the Monday night opposi tion Any glimmer of playoff hope the Bears cherished flew the coop during the past week when the Bears dropped and road decisions to St and Hangers scored the Bears goal against Mikes at the Lea- market line is centred by Howie with John Hopper and George Robinson giving out from the wings Don Glass leads the third line which has Pete Jeans and Danny Soutledge on the wings reserve are Mike Patrick Bob Dove and Larry Woods and those three wont weaken the lineup if included genrtiary Jimmy veteran Midland ho- who played with the ill- fated Aurora Indians in having retired from active finally heeded the pleas of Jack Rutherford and right now sparking the Midland clubs drive the playoffs Keith of the Aurora Highlands Golf club was re elected a director of the Ontario Golf association over the week end he reports the w t w hockey clubs TwfteKrsche ule has been known to alt arid Virginia who sundry for some weeks Sonne to Aurora body is bound to suffer filial Lake league spftball Flaying that scintillating all- out brand of hockey that has carried them through an un beaten North York league season Newmarket Gorman Smoke went into Lindsay Monday and come with a win over Lindsay Lions The game was the starter in a best goals to count series in A midget That means the Smoko Kings will have a four goal lead to protect hero on Saturday Saturdays g am starts at pm instead of the customary pm around the Lindsay citadel Bill giving another allstar performance rattled in George pass and Bill Cain completed the Smoke Rings and while its none of bur business it ing to stage opposition fans is handing out the cigars these days Andy says hes an other pitching prospect ready for mens competition in side arena Wednesdays Don Lewis and were ffiegame smokies marksmen for the Bears in their bout with the Rangers tiie arena Monday daily Saturday will see a large turn out at Newmarket as Bed will ice his this Gorman Smoke Rings Newmarket G or man Smoke Rings propping for that all im portant first round OiMIIA A- midget test with Lindsay defeated Flyers at Newmarket in an exhibition mid get game Saturday car ries an A A midget classification rating above the Smoke The Smoke Rings scored three first and three second period goals to take charge while Ross Copeman guarding the Rings rigging held the Barrie produc tion down to two goats Both teams scored a brace of goals in the final minutes and Bill were the Smoke Rings big guns scored two goals and picked up an assist Bill hit the jackpot for a and three assists Ron broke through the Bar The came out with scoring picture by slipping in an blood in their eyes and goals in 1 unassisted sneaker during the their mind A combination that third period Lindsay got one enabled them to slap in three goals before Lindsay woke up to fact there was a game on Lewis Danny Patrick and Bill scored in that order to make the Lindsay net- minder wish for a bombproof shelter The Smoke Rings kept up their whirlwind attack to pro duce two second period goals Lindsay perked up somewhat to finally break down Ross Cope- mans well protected cage to match the Smoke Rings produc tion Danny Patrick scored on a long screened drive and Ken I third period goal Dean Dawson Lindsays top opportunity doublebarrelled two shots past Rings goalie Ross Dawson in a way was a big help to the Smoke Rings as he drew five penalty stretches and the Rings seized the vantage to score three goals Nick Lome and Bert Loveless brought great Joy to coach worth and manager Peter Gor man by turning in great defen sive efforts In fact all thO Smoke Rings played the kind of a game that should carry Bell tipped in Ron them far along the OMHA pass during a goalmouth confu- trail i Feb 9 pm Newmarket arena senior Leaside vs Newmarket Spits pm Aurora arena OH-A- junior Unionville vs Aurora Bears Feb pm Newmarket arena OMHA first found midget playoffs Lindsay vs Newmarket Smoke Rings p arena senior B Newmarket Spits Stouffville Clippers Feb Newmarket arena Newmarket and district finals game Vandorf Newmarket Regents Aurora arena junior B vs Aurora Bears manage to survive this round I hL gig Occasionally someone is good rearguard for two tallies Other Newmarket snipers were Willie Wilson Don Zogalo and Danny Patrick we were the management of the Bears We had never met Mr Curtis SS so we were intent in his comments He is a steady supporter of Clippers and he knows alt the players We like to hear some thing nice about ourselves and Im no exception so Mr Cur tis visit was all more appre ciated Hardy of Weston juniors has been loaned to Hap Emms Flyers fop the balance of the season Just how well equipped the Dukes are is shown in the- move with subgoalie Larry Iron in the nets they arent weakened- Actually we pick Roger the Wood- bridge goalie as the best in jun ior and hes a Weston castoff this year and if for merely keeping junior hockey alive the fans owe the Bears and their backers a good crowd The crystal ball hasnt reveal ed the fate of AuroraRotary tarns but coach Harry and the experts were certain the club would go a long way to wards an A title As team entered the first round they were playing great hockey with only one loss over the sea son and the North York honors in their hip pocket If the goal ies Lowell McClonny and Leroy van on a for DEPENDABLE fine car FEATURES I 1 r i Optimists Harry Suttons Aurora Rotary bantams getting in some licks in the conditioning department fore tackling Lindsay the MHA pi ay do Whs defeated Low ell Wallers Newmarket Optim ists at the arena Thursday in an exhibition bantam game Three rapid fire goals in seconds midway through the sec ond period provided the main plank in the Aurora triumph Wayne started the goal getting parade while Don Glass and Charlie followed with other- kill shots fifed two first period goals and Jeans got one Aurora got away to a first period start Geo Robert son and Terry Bud scored two goals each to divide the kct scoring white Howard Bricc hit pay dirt for I wo assists and fan Dick got eiedit for one mark And Optimists Tied ttf Newmarket Optimists and Al liston Lions searchers for a spot in the North York bantam hockey league finals will have to go another round to declare a semifinal series winner On Saturday playing at home tripped our Optimists the combination of a Newmar- market loss and an win left the two teams deadlocked with six points each in the semifinal series the third part in the playoff round failed to con nect for a single point in the set Newmarket and AlHston will now meet ina goals to count series a winner The victor will meet either Aurora or for the league title and the Lex trophy Unassisted first period goats by Terry Budd and Peter feUow gave the Optimists a lead The teams were even heading into the third per iod as Ailistoti rallied to out- score the Optimists in the middle period Peter was on the firing end of Bob Byers pass for the Opti mists second period counter to fc 1 it charm fc Jtan 1 of Scagtavk Men of practice moderation t in the r When Dodge offers you now features they stand up with dependability Lets look at and try them Feel Dodge ride more level smoother softer a real finecar luxury Your Dodge road takes curves In Its stride Then note the full clear vision all round better closein view over tho tow hood Look at quality of Dodge upholstery fine fabrics and soft feathergrained beautiful twotone shades to harmonize with new body And feet the comfort of Dodge chairhigh seats- ki rn full support under your knees and behind your hips i irjcsssfe i- t too Theres a lower centre with constantspeed Safety Rim Independent cyilndorpntWheel brakes for safe stops new more powerful her compression to oet the most from ffnecar precision for modern oaiollne Ufa Roadtest the 1954 Dodgediscover how much mors gives you In finecar features J- i v 11 CAMADA PHONE m t Bruins Canucks leafs Hawks and Bruins are tied for tho leadership In Optimist They have points each Leafs and Detroit eight each Rangers and Can- swept out the basement with points Thursday teama turned on the high scoring pressure aa Bruins blow down Wings dropped Rangers and Leafs upset Hawks Bill scored two goals to spark the Leafs victory Bob Don Jackson and were the other Loaf lamplighters for tho surprised Hawks were Peter Colin Stevens and Ian Dick Howard BHce was a fourgoal going concern while Larry Sloes potted two the upsurge over Rangers Keith Graham hit the rigging for two goals white Michael Smith nab bed a singleton for Rangers Walter threegoal performance and two each by Don snd Mur ray sparked Boston were Bill Mills and Craig Case John scored two goals Jimmy Bond and Gary in one each for tho Wings SHARON Every Wednesday evening during Lent service wilt be held in St James Anglican church Sharon at com mercing Ash It Rev t it 1 v lrl