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Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Feb 1954, p. 9

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THEY ARE Pay ing Tribute To A Wife Man Who Grew Red Beard Week by week we arc writing what they are saying This week we are proposing a departure to write what we are saying We hope it doesnt sound too immodest oil this day January 1954 feel particularly chipper This major reason is as follows v our good fortune to the one woman in the world We loved her then and we love her now To us she has more precious than jewels Why should we not sing her praises here and now while she can hear them And so it is that we rejoice in another anni versary of our wedding day which took place on a brilliant Saturday morning on the of January There was no snow on ground on that Saturday which does not seem so long ago for the years have passed with the of summer days- It was a calm and lovely morning when we two entered a Anglican church that had stood unharmed for more than aeveii and emerged man and wife- The little church is in a remote vil lage in the south of England and always we recall It with tender iingiwta There is snow in plenty in Aurora on the that we write this The sun is shin ing brilliantly It is a true Canadian winters day On that day in England we were happy On this day in Canada we axe happy Come to think of it we have had a particularly happy life the major reason lor that desirable state of mind is to be found in the we won Jong year ago the tribute that is her due We would bow our head in to few people in this world first among these would bo our wife And this we think is enough It is a good day this Friday January Change Of Let the curtain rise on other scenes The other day we met Mother In Tears We recalled a situation that happened in the last war which had both its comical and semi- tragic features A young man of our acquaintance joined the navy and was posted to the Pa cific coast His parents had not seen him for almost a year when the home was filled with joy at the news of his immediate Loving pre parations were made for a real Welcome Home The young lieutenant arrived home late at night but all the home lights were burning As he stepped briskly indoors his welcoming father and mother were appalled at the sight of their son wearing a brilliant red beard and moustache to match It was in vain that the proud young man tried to explain that that was the way of the navy and that his beard had been awarded first prize on the Can adian frigate The mother gave way to tears the dinner was spoiled and we learned latex that the father pleaded until three oclock in the morning for the removal of the beard But the beard remained where it was for a few days to the great admiration of a number of rivalling young ladies Then it was removed With its removal however went a certain line glamor and a demotion in the ego of the justly proud young naval lieutenant Better to have left the beard where it had On Dangerous Ground We appreciate the dangers of the following observations but we must risk them A charming lady of our acquaintance of some eighty years old had a luxurious head of lovely white arnan who had grown a beard hair For some reason or other He was proud of his beyond all male analysis she achievement But we found it embarrassing that we hardly recognized him The voice was familiar for that is something that cannot be changed But that former cleanshaven face was now covered with hoary hair Its owner laughed outright at the puzzled situation in which he had placed us Why did he grow a beard There were several reasons these he had grown had her beautiful snowwhite tresses cut and colored to a yel lowish hue Did this metamorphosis from elderly dignity to ballet status improve our friend She re joiced in it But we dare not say what we thought Discre tion is often the better part of valor An equally charming lady of bur acquaintance many years j the junior of our older friend of shaving The straight had her grayish locks clipped arid turned into small tight rolls From an head the effect of the change created a somewhat stern and mathematical appearance in one who is by nature gay colorful and delightfully effusive Why did our friend conceal his healthy color in a grayish- White beard And why do the ladies try to improve on nature Wo are on dangerous ground and our safest plan is to quit such questions immediately the safety razor the electric ra zor he had grown tired of the lot Besides he said na tures way for a man to grow a beard And now he looked like Hercules or perhaps Brahms And then on a sudden inspir ation he wryly Wo men change their looks by hair dos why shouldnt men do the same by growing beards And a board very comfortable you know especially in this weath- YOUNG MAN REPLIES SaysYo I They Are Saying we made reference to a young ac quaintance of who had expressed the wish to leave a secure job for something else preferably of a creat ive character Hie maxim we advised hirn to look before you leap We now publish his reply wondered if would make use the conversation wo had at the end of Iho year I note in last weeks Aurora News Pago that you done so though in such a way that It can do me no possible harm Know ing that you will not publish my Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The ODHESS ID A Drug TV Graduate Pharmacists St Amu Emergency Classified ads bring results WILLIS The Drug Store- atfent Tobacconist etc ft Business Founded St m m m I Aurora News Page SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 1 name which could mo would like to reply to your observations Your argument seems to moan that one should look for security at ail costs hospital plan insurance pension at tho end of a long life when one is nearly burned up and oil the other attractions that belong to a steady job Sort of to the grave setup Toko no chances and play safe That viewpoint all depends on the way we made At best it is a middleage outlook If Columbus had looked on things that way the New World would probably still havo await ed some with enough adven ture in his to soil the seas to see what he could find The same goes for the brave chaps who conquered Everest There must be adven ture in life- We must toko a chance sometimes and gamble on things turning out right way of looking at things sug gests keeping close in on the sidewalk You speak of getting PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR J A IS NEEDED arrangements the town formerly had with the Victorian Order of Nurses were terminated in March Since that time health have been through the York county health unit with head quarters at Newmarket What advantages have arisen from the changeover How much better is the service than the VON The question is being ifBir Aurora citizens and we suggest Qmpfthensiye statement covering the might allay doubts Such a would at least be informative especially if it embraced such features as the number of visits paid iHir- For example The report of the pre at a public meeting in Aurora held in February showed that during the yeair a totitf home visits to 204 patients were made A breakdown of these visits indicated percent were for nursing care percent were for prenatal instruction cent for and newborn care and cent for instructive visits to all other age groups in fants school and adult The report further stated that the number of visits percent of the total were for bedside cave to the chronically ill to those who have been confined to their homes for periods longer than three months To these people a visit is not just another bath or treat- it is a bright spot in their there is some one to talk to and listen to themt if The report went on to say that many of these people are elderly folks whose eyesight is failing whose hearing is impaired whose actions ate slow and diffi cult and who feel that no one has time forthem More than nursing care they need companionship and friend liness A gUS EXTRA COST As the reports of public meetings held in connec tion with the possible disbanding of the VON show there was a strong feeling that the service should be continued- Support in that direction from a nurri- of leading townsmen including the mayor of that time members of council anil professional men The had been functioning in Aurora for five years The cost the York county health unit to the town of Aurora is in excess of that of the The grant to the totter was approximately 1500 we imder stand as compared approximately per annum at present time to the York county health If the additional cost has been justified by an ex pansion of services connection with the aged ami those to for themselvosi as was with the VON grounds for discontent can a rise But so far as we arc aware information on these and contingent features has been made available to the public It is therefore in rip spirit of captious criticism that we the need for overall report covering I features the services of the York county health unit which the municipalities are paying Wo would be very glad indeed to give full publicity in this news paper to a report for the information of the public The financial features of a report would be interesting but not so the human outstanding pari of the services of the VON it is to recall that the branch of the dosed down it did so with a substantial cash 200 ft The treasurer jJIr Riley a by tho mayor when he appeared at with bin to that the balance in hand was being handed over to the town Shop MORNINGS DRUGSTORE ried and gamble on the chances the life- The chances good us the divorce courts prove Maybe Ill not get at all and have a ssrtj Just now I just dont Ill do and find state mind very Perhaps Ill settle down Into rut and slay there Only dont want to be a good dog fastened to a chain and doing muter will Meantime thinking the mat ter over That state of mind I In day to lay process of living there is much that we forget the of tivelvemontii arc probably only a few things of outstanding importance that 1 them with any of vividness Most peoples lives bound up in routine the doing same things oybai to is something thjsHkejy our v also fcbe his most cloven ire fought mortting 26 with dauntless courage and tireless energy To thorrtf the enemy was brought under control and checked before further devastation occurred We have often justly praised the work of our fire brigade and all those who give their services in such a cause The fire in Aurora and all those who fought ft memory that will last a lifetime COUNCIL REPORT SAID WONDERFUL JOB Era And Express Told Story Of Fire In Words Pictures A general meeting of the Aurora town council was held on Monday night among other mat ters discussed the dangerous condition of buildings on Main street affected by fire was emphasized The mayor requested the appearance of the building inspector Mr Sam King who confirmed the existing dangers By Friday night of last week only a few copies of the normal supply to Aurora of the Era and Express remained for sale Early on Saturday morning not a single copy available in town To remedy this situation as many copies of the issue as were available from the pub lishing offices at Newmarket were brought in Much favorable comment was heard about the inch photo AURORA of Monday TV n r j Mrs was again present at council with her rep resentative to ascertain if any progress had been made in regard to building being com- on her The mayor stated that a joint meeting of the council and the planning board had taken place but no progress whatever had been made The matter was now in the hands of Jones to bring in a to council leputyBvc Report DeputyReeve J Murray gave council a comprehensive report on the fire and Water committee of which he is He stated in spite of the tremendous amount of water used at the Main street fire the had stood up to it He expressed appreciation of he action of the leather com pany releasing gallons of water from their reservoir to the town Mr Murray protested the re port that had appeared in an outside newspaper that Aurora was short of water and also the fact that some newspapers made a practice of calling the lire de partment number for The deputyreeve said the condition of firedamaged pro perties was dangerous and clean ing up should be done without delay Councillor Davidson called for immediate action in clearance The mayor said that two building inspectors besides their own building inspector had pointed out the possible dangers of damaged properties Council resolved to the matter with the building Inspector to take action Da Botany president of club appeared before council to state club had agreed available the- Lions a period for the who had been but that it waa necessary to have the consent of council in accordance with the conditions applying to the ac quirement of the hall the town Accommodation is being found for organisations that have been using the lions hall Council gave its consent to the proposal Other Business Among other business tribute was paid by the mayor and members of council to the build ing inspector Mr Sain King who was praised for his consci entious work but was grossly underpaid The deputyreeve pointed out that for a period of months Mr King had receiv ed only cents It was agreed to allow Mr King an annual stipend of plus the existing percentages on permits issued A review of council proceed ings will appear in next weeks issue under Council Sidelights Editor Social News The members of the Auxiliary of the United were guests on Tuesday evening of Mrs Fred At the annual meeting of the First Baptist church on Wednes day night Rev A for- pastor was elected life con of the church This highest honor a Baptist ciiui can confer upon any member Mrs Park was made an honor ary life deaconess The many churns of Fierheller will be sorry to hear that he is confined to bed for number of weeks with a heart condition fe The Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church held its February meeting at the home of Mrs Ness on Monday The ladies of the Womens As sociation of the Anglican church held a sewing meeting at the home of Mrs Grades seven and eight of the public school enjoyed a toboggan party on Thursday evening fol lowed by a social evening In the school rooms The Mission Circle of the United church held their Febru meeting at the home of Miss Mary Annan graphic reproduction Main street fire on morning Jan 25 which appear ed on the front page of the Era together with other pictures in the inside pages all of which gave a vivid camera story of the tragic event Equally favorable comment was expressed on the front page reporting of the fire which told a vivid story in words of the dramatic events involved iri conflagration and the cent work of the Aurora brigade brigades e g i municipalities which gave such prompt in the scope of the disaster iao work with the reporting -prr- together with of the te4wpra Mr J a editor of the Era and Mr arrived in A of the tire and some of his pictures appeared to the editions of The Tele- T FIRE Vote Council 10 Bonus in the course of e remarks the meeting of the town council on Monday night Council lor Jo said tliat practical should be shown to the members of brigades who put in long hours in fighting Aurora fire on Monday Mr Jones said that many of the firemen had lost a days pay and some of them two days pay in giving their services lie recom mended a donation of 10 per man including the Aurora fire men be paid to firemen took part in the severe task of fighting the Aurora fire He estimated that the total cost Would represent about 50 cents each for the people of Aurora Opposition was expressed to I Jones suggestion Councillor Clarence Davis taking the view that a letter of appre ciation would meet the case and firemen firemen saved our town He pointed out that as many as firemen were on duty the fire including from the Aurora brigade Mr Murray said all the brigades had done a wonderful job In faco of further opposition Councillor said he recalled a time when had handed to the Aurora fire men for their cos Six months later the Aurora again went to to fight a fire and a collection was taken up which realized for the that firemen might be insulted if Uiey were offered money Councillpr Davidson supported the view that the firemen be re- for loss Approved The mayor said he would cer tainly a motion moved by Councillor Jones and seconded by Murray that all the fire brigades taking part in Aurora fire be given a dona J Murray of per man The said that only the grace of God ion was carried in face and the wonderful work of he of votes V AVOID POSSIBLE DANGERS At the present time there are reported to be some half million unemployed workers Canada it slated that this Is a I since lie of the last While At is that much of this unemployment is it is not that there is a decrease In employ ment for other reasons the Era and Ex press in the past has supported tho influx of immigration In the Interests of expansion of popula tion and Industry While Us policy in these directions has not changed seems no reason to question influential opinions that the time may have come screening of Especially is this true In what appears to be too heavy per centage of Immigrants into the province of Ontario Very largo numbers of people of various European nationalities have pour ed Into Ontario since the end of the war labor com Intensl UntaCuttllp The British Era and Express did a 4 job- in deribin in picture and in words the events con in Aurora tragic fire x BOOMS OPEN DAILY FRIDAY SATURDAY la Color time encouraged wholesale The result was that labor competition led to wage re ductions and a of British The foreigner would less pay than the native worker It is profoundly that the time will not Canadians will lie seeking jobs While their labor yarloMs countries retain full That unfortunate situation did the Old Country While rates Canada do deter the nature of a great there still wide pool of labor where varying rates of pay offer of undercutting It is this latter danger which provide a deep source of economic for Canadian workers S O AURORA FIRM ADDS WHOLESALE As we go to press Aurora News Page learns that he Aurora firm of Snow and Best Heating Ltd has now added a wholesale division to its activities We understand healing con tractors now purchasing fur- burners heating and pipes from out of town will be able to obtain such equipment from the new depart ment Jin the interests of business gross hi the home town we hope 16 bring further in formation in this development in our next issue MRS W KIN LEAVES Amid the good wishes of a host of Aurora friends Mrs King will sail today Thursday from New York city aboard the Independence of the Export Lines for 1054 Great Cruise to the Mediterranean Egypt and India The cruise will occupy days While at Naples Mis King will fly to Malta to see the monument the boys of unknown graves her Majesty belli will open on May Among the names inscribed on the monu ment Is that of Perry King a son of Mrs King who lost his life in the service of his country Over the weekend seridoff dinner held at among those present being Mrs Kings brother Dave Price and Mrs- Price Two Mr John Watts St Cathar ines and Mr Price Watts of Detroit Mich spent the weekend with Mrs King Dale King will his mother to New York to bid her voyage V At trie East Toronto Music Festival church during the week January to the following pupils of Mr Harris were successful in the and silver medalist classes Case and Marilyn Al lan wort scholarships In their re poet class- V For girls and under Margaret la the soprano class was gold medal ist and for girls aged and tinder Case was gold med alist In the soprano class z Marilyn Allan and Joan Karnes for girls and years of age respectively won gold medals Margaret Case and Shirley Fisher won sil ver medals In their respective classes Patrick Green was sil ver medalist in the open soprano class for boys while Sim ons took a third for boys aged and under K J ROCK HUDSON STEVE COCHRAN v- MONDAY TUESDAY Never Wave at a PAUL DOUGLAS ALSO The r ALAN VIRGINIA MAYO r vr I r A r vc WITH h

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