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Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Feb 1954, p. 1

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ffitetmi- J v it- J j v i tijr NEWMARKET AURORA RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three Mart Newmarket Trading TOTAL PAID Aaron Others Hi YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH We and There it By Local Observer people never cease to everyone Because of their abilities night when A Night p-Biana- was staged af the town hail such was the case show was Arkinstall Dr iaU to in medical in the and as public speaker and volunteer worker Gome Thursday saw her as an accompanist choirdirector and A together w others iri the cast won admiration or sportsmanship rH With a ted time for fine- evenings to the Council Fourth Township In Four Years The ski trail at the tow 7 aid Welneay6fgiita ta skiers favorite sport The with and observer over the oaaBK5ftaa There was much billing and cooing at the Newmarket town ball last night The cooing came from the basement where pigeons being judged The billing occurred- at a regular meeting of the public school board as residents were checked for the of fees for the of their in the schools p Bird lovers in the neighborhood of Niagara St and Millard Ave had a treat these past few weeks Apair of cardinals have been visiting the local feeding stations Tuesday Ground Hog day se4 uneventfully for the chuck population of the district- from all reports to date hot one sighted so we dpntknow whether they saw their shadows or hot This shirking of responsibilities by the ground hogs should not be treated lightly Everyone waiting to hear their weather predictions Now we dont know if we should order more coal for the furnace or seeds for the ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY FEB The Canadian Concert annual meeting and elec tion will be held at Trinity church Newmar ket on Tuesday Feb pm Invited to the meeting are all members of the association can vassers and those willing to can vass for next years membership The nominating committee will present the slate of officers Sug gestions for future programs and criticisms of past ones will be welcomed The fourth assessor in four years was appointed by the North Gwillimbury township council on Tuesday night He is G V Lawrence Ave Toronto Mr Lawrence replaces Ted Anderson and V- Keswick a former bank manager Anderson was at one time assistant to G who assessed North in Lawrence is a member of the Greater Toronto assessment board According to clerks min utes of a meeting on January 30 when no reporters were present the applications for the position of assessor were discussed again and after considerable comments it decided to engage William come a number of jfles andv have them compared with assessments as they appear on the the clerks a meeting on January office present Mr results of his assessments within the town ship the assessments were compared with oh the local roll hi many instan ces they were found very closed Mr Knowles was one of the ap plicants for the position of townr ship assessor The council at the January meeting was presen ted with a motion by Councillor James Clark seconded by Dep utyReeve Charles Richardson that the bylaw appointing the two assessors Edward Anderson and be rescinded and that another assessor be ob tained The motion was carried A recorded vote was taken In favor of the motion were James Clark Charles Richardson Frank and J Doyle liamA King voted against it Findings Not Public The toivnship clerk Winch would not reveal figures concerning Mr findings without Doyles When asked for the Mr Doyle said I do not think it Is in the townships best interests to have these different assessment figures in the press Ted the present as of figures Mr has given another and the Hew will not know where he is at these different assessments are published Former ieye Boy Pollock says he believes the is shape right now than it has been in the past years and if there are any spots where the assessment should be Ted Anderson is the man to do it because he has trained for the job OFFERS LAND FOR OFFICE The Cleric of North Gwillim township has been instruct- ed by the council Ho contact the Department of Municipal Affairs as to a date for a hearing of those ratepayers who are in fa vor or against the building of a township office- the event that the Municipal Board is in favor of a new build ing being built and a debenture raised land is to be offered free of charge by J Davidson Bel- haven The land has feet of frontage on the highway at the south side of the town ship hall Night Burns Raises Funds For Hospital Wing The Association Ontario with torn of Optometry has of exam the graduate on children MA last In To ronto A optometrist of Newmarket was one of those who was In passing the course which was held to provide intensive postgraduate In the problems ltd with childrens visiori was attended by more than Can adian and American This postgraduate train- fag i the educational program of the Optomctrical A erf Ontario of which Mr Burst is a member Over was raised for the York County hospital building fund by the hospital staff through the presentation of a concert at the Newmarket town hall on Thursday Jan The concert A Night Burns was produced and directed by Dr Margaret Arkinstall under the of the Hospital Womens Auxiliary Sons and daughters of Scot land filled the hall to capacity for an evening of songs music and dances from their homeland The Sean Trtubhas sword dance and highland fling were per formed by Douglas Howie to the piping of his older brother George Toronto Master of ceremonies was the mayor Herbert Rob bie Martin gave a biographical sketch of Burns and was the narrator for the dramatization of A Cotters Saturday Night which was presented by the Newmarket Dramatic club In the cast were Mrs John Hamil ton Kenneth Learning Ernest Alice Dobbie and some of the Betty Gordon Danc ing club members who had de lighted the audience earlier in the program with their step dancing In the group were Janet Helen Ball Susan Simmons Heather Sanderson Elaine and Bonny Bain The hospital staff choral group several selections They led the audience in a sing song of familiar Scottish songs A reading from Burns was given PONT TRUST Says Half Fire Alarm Boxes Must Use Phone TV Fire alarm boxes on Newmar ket street are Council lor Robert Wench reminded of town coundl last said he a reported to Wi aaid that alarm boxes dont ti anyway said Mr Wench my own down ha added m act fate the street and handle wait te five and no brigade Wm Jcatph Tt that the tat way to use the telephone Mr thought that he must use one of these defunct boxes to call the lira department so there must be others who think the same thing We should publish a no tices warning the public about the alarm boxes fire alarm system has been to deteriorate In the past few years A new alarm system has been consider ed on occasions by councils but no action has been taken to replace them It would be Just that one fire which would coat more than price of replscinx them or tak- mi them down said by Pop Walker Holland Land ing Many wellknown soloists in district assisted in the con cert Tfaey were Terry Murray Huntley Kenneth Mor ton Mrs Stephens and Miss Alice Dobbie Dr Mar garet sang a duet with Murray Huntley and an other with Miss There was a duet by Herb and Dorothy Kershaw and Mrs Kershaw sang a solo The accompanists for the evening were Mrs Geo Dr Margaret Arkin Mrs Thomas Gillespie and Herman Fowler Mr J provided the accompani ment for the young dancers The Haggis was traditionally piped into the hall by Piper George Howie and the address to the Haggis was given by Mr Johnston Mike was in charge of the At the close of the program after everyone had Joined in the singing of Auld Lang Synei Kenneth Stiver chairman of the hospital board briefly announc ed the building fund project He congratulated the entertainers for their concert and thanked those who by it had supported the first public appeal made for the addition to County hospital FEARS FAILURES IN SCHOOL CAUSED BY FAULTY VISION The need for special vision tests was urged by A Jack son supervising principal of the Newmarket public schools at ft- meeting of the school board last night Mr Jackson said he was con cerned about the number of pupil failures for no apparent reasons Normal children who fail on examinations he said may be failing because of poor vision He said that a local op tometrist A Hurst had found that one child could not see more than two letters at time through faulty vision could be corrected so child could span a half lino at a time Mr Jackson said that such vi sion could be corrected He said Mr Hurst is to take a course and purchase a In the treatment of special eye cases He Is a former school teacher and Is Interested in the vision problem he said Although no action was taken trustees gave consideration to the principals suggestion AURORA STORES FOLLOW THE LEAD ON BUSINESS HOURS Twenty five stores in Aurora plan to stay open on Friday nights until pm and close at Saturday nights At pre sent many stores are open both nights in Aurora- Mr Jack of de partment store Aurora said the hours will go into effect on Feb 12 AH types of businesses are included in the 25 he said Twenty Newmarket mer chants announced last week that they would I adopt these hours starting Friday Feb COMMUNICABLE DISEASES INCREASE IN WINTER MONTHS The midwinter increase in communicable diseases appar ent with 47 cases of chickenpox cases of mumps cases of scarlet fever and 11 casis of whooping cough being reported recently according to Dr King director of the York County Health Unit number of cases have no doubt not been reported or have- not taken the precaution of be ing seen fay the family physician and the total number of cases is probably much greater he says Because of an apparent mild ness of attack with such eases as scarlet fever or whoop ing cough parents sometimes neglect to have their sick child ren seen by the family physician This is a dangerous practise and regardless of how mild the sick ness may seem the complica tions and afteraffects can still be serious and expensive in terms of health and dollars and cents in the long run Every person suspected of having whooping cough scarlet fever or measles should be seen promptly by the family physi cian to prevent serious complica tions such as kidney trouble and pneumonia Dr King states 1 m KING TOWNSHIP CONSIDERS CONtROL OF A group of cattle owners in King township met in trie hall at last week to discuss the possibility and procedure of or ganizing a canvass for a warble fly control bylaw in the town ship agricul tural representative Newmarket who had been invited to the meeting outlined the plan which had been followed by other town ships in the county- It was decided to hold a pub lic meeting for the cattle owners of the township in the on evening Feb at It is hope4 there will be a good rep- resent a from every section to hear the Warble Act by Iff Graham live stock commissioner for- who has been guest speaker Last year nearly 200 townships had passed By law and canvasses been completed recently in town ships of West and colly a solid here to insula L Health Unit All Municipalities HOME AND SCHOOL DISCUSSES SHYNESS IN CHILDREN A film on shyness and a gen eral discussion period were in cluded in the program for the Newmarket Home and School associations health meeting The group met in the King George school on Tuesday Jan 26 with Mrs Ray presiding Mrs Howard Morton was In charge of the program Following the singing of Q Cahada and the opening prayer by Mrs Atkinson there was a sing song which was led by Bernard Mr Hirons is the supervisor of music for the Newmarket public schools He was introduced by H A Jackson supervising prin cipal Smith read selections from the of Robert Burns and gave a biographical sketch of that poet He was thanked by Mrs Bruce Hunter on behalf of the association The film Shyness dealt with three children who stood apart from the others their classes because of shyness It showed the methods used to counteract this problem One youngster was a quiet child who preferred being alone Another needed psychiatric help and the third was able to over come the shyness through a change in the parents attitudes and treatment Following the presentation of the film the discussion broaden ed to include many topics Dis cipline was the theme of the buzz session when teachers aired their problems and par ents expressed their ideas There was general agreement arnong all participating At the close of the meeting a social halfhour was spent Present Health Unit Board Has No Notice Of Change York County council has decided to extend the set- vices of the York County Health Unit to King Whit- church and townships providing an nilcounty unit to coyer the 14 municipalities County council voted 14 favor of extending the services last week but official notice of the move has not been received unit board Thejjoard met at the offices last night OUR TOWN ON ICE Plans for the fourth annual ice carnival to be staged by the Newmarket Figure Skating club are nearing completion The carnival which this year will be colled Our Town On Ice will be held on March 20 and 22 and tickets are available now from members of the club The tickets be exchanged for reserved seats at Best Drug store on or after March The figure skaters of the community have begun their of tickets this week The present health unit board is made persoha by council each municipality It is ejected that in place of the present board which repre sents municipalities the continuing county a live man board will be set UP ttte county health unit Four would be appointed by the county and one by the province A resolution and a bylaw was passed authorizing the change over but no date was set Last night the health unit board de cided to pass a budget for 1954 designed for the participation of only municipalities since it had ho official notice of the change- The board has been financed by member municipalities in proportion- to their equalized as sessments plus federal and pro vincial grants County council voted on the change on of last week Before decision don Jack Rye of East cautioned against forcing nonmembers of unit to join and said that in the case of his own municipality an and a board of health had been satis factory Reeve Joseph Dales Newmar ket said that a community ser viced by an and board of health should be considered a thing of the past Deputy- Reeve Kenneth Rich mond Hill said In our own case we have had to spend more money but we have found the service well worth the cost DeputyReeve William Clark Markham felt that villages and health according to the health unit director Dr Robert King The Inspector acts under the authority of the and cost of is paid by a permit and inspection fee tee for each permit may be collected in York County by the health unit or by each The plumbing regulations were passed at the request of the plumbing trade According to Dr King inspections and the purchase of permits would be handled in a manner similar to hydro and building inspections and permits Cost of inspecting plumbing installed in an average flew house is expected to be When out WORK OF CANCER SOCIETY TO BE THEME OF MEETING All members of womens or ganizations in the district and others who are interested in tho work of the Canadian Cancer society are invited to attend an open meeting of the Newmarket Womens Institute in the Agri cultural Board room St on Thursday Feb 230 pm The guest speaker will be Mr Grimes executive secre tary of the Ontario branch Can adian Cancer society BOUNTY PAYMENTS ON NONRESIDENT FOXES ARE CURBED Persons who want to collect the 2 bounty for destroying fox in King township must be bona fide residents of the town ship who are in possession of a special township resident license according to the councils ruling Reeve Elton Armstrong says that too many people have been abusing the privilege by u M in foxes shot in neighboring tos nonresidents who municipalities now participating hased a be theoretically for their share of the assets in the unit Then they would buy back their shares the larger county unit It is expected that most municipalities will save money on the change since more members will be investing in the health unit purchased a special township cense for 1 could claim the bounty provided the fox was des troyed within the municipality Other municipalities in York County and Albion township in Peel county have discontinued paying bounties for foxes King council approved payment of 42 for January bounties Find NonResident Families Are Not Paying School Fees A number of nonresident families have been sending children to Newmarket public towns derive more benefit from schools without paying required the units services than rural fees according to information HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY A meeting of the officers and directors of the Newmarket society will be held the Agricultural Board rooms Botsford St on Monday Feb at Committee chairmen for 1953 are included in the meeting THURSDAY FEB In Aurora Canadian Legion hall Special games Time sharp In aid of the Canadian Legion Ladles Auxiliary THURSDAY PEB in Holland Landing Community hall pm Special prizes neighbor prizes 20 games Admission cards FRIDAY FEB in Hol land Landing Community Orchestra Lake Ram blers Time Admission Proceeds for school hockey team FRIDAY FEB 5 Community and carnival at -Queens- vine arena auspices of Park Good prizes Fun for all Adults Public school children free SATURDAY FEB Johns bingo hall pm Jackpot TUESDAY FEB I euchre in the pm Good prizes Refreshments Ad mission wo TUESDAY FEB The Red Cross will quilt lty church from oclock five Lunch served We are now PER hnm school tralnjhR at In Christian Baptist Sunday school Newmarkets clw5 WED FEB market town sponsored by Time pm Share the wealth Attendance prize Jackpot Admis sion 20 Karnes THURSDAY FEB Oyster the United church rooms to Salad plates for prefer once choice Adults 125 Child ren FRIDAY FEB Mario St Valentine bingo King City Masonic hull Jackpot 28 good prizes pm Admission FRIDAY FEB Sharon lor Farmers Valentino dance in Mount Albert Pearsons or chestra Admission FRIDAY FEB Annual Val entino ten and bake sale Wo mans association Trinity United church to pm Reserve the date FRIDAY FEB in Sharon hall sponsored Order of Eastern Star Time pm Good prizes and refreshments Admission TUESDAY FEB At Fashion Show by Newmarket businessmen sored by WI Refresh ments prizes WEDNESDAY FEB- IT at Legion Hall Newmarket prh Good prizes Jack Pot 15 Door prize special games bus after WEDNESDAY FEB Valen tine carnival Watch for further ho ticca FRIDAY MAR St Patricks lea by St Pauls Guild From pm EVERY Saturday night danc ing at Albert hall to Norm orchestra Mod ern and old Admission SAT Bond mens madetomeasure suits Ex tra pants free Women extra skirts free areas He said that town ship had trouble getting ade quate plumbing services Plumbing Inspection Plumbing inspection has not been included in the services of the health unit up to now but an inspector Mr Jesse Cox has been employed recently New plumbing regulations have been set up under the Pub lic Health Act passed in May 1953 and the program for en of the regulations is the concern of board of EXPECT KING TOWNSHIP SCHOOL LEVY MILLS A 30 mill school tax rate is expected in King township this year with a fiveroom addition being built at the Oak Ridges school costing and a tworoom addition for the S King school costing 45000 The new debentures represent mills of tho School taxes must carry in addition a debenture taken out In normal main tenance and salaries and the share in the costs of the Aurora and district high school A resolution by King township council was passed this week accepting the tender of Equit able Securities Canada Ltd for the purchase of school deben tures at Oak Ridges Council is preparing a bylaw for the debenture of for tworoom addition at the school building YOUTH CONVENTION reviewed at a meeting of the board last night It was pointed out that some families who live outside the but who own land in town are sending children to school According to the public schools act nonresidents may send children without paying if they own land which is assessed for an amount above the aver age assessment One family it was discovered owns land assessed for an amount less than the average assessment They are sending children without paying the nonresident fees Many people are of the mistaken belief that they may send children to school providing they own as little as one vacant lot within the municipality it was pointed out Other problems have been en countered where families be lieve they are living within the boundaries of a section of East township covered by a special school agreement with the town and that they need not pay nonresident fees The irregular boundaries of the township section north of New- schools has caused additional confusion about who is a resi dent and who is not One board member said a legal adviser would be required to straighten things out In one instance a farmhouse was found to be within the boundary bat a barn on the same farm which had been con verted into apartments was out side the boundary Occupants of the converted building were sending children to school and not paying the necessary fees In another situation families were sending children to schools from outside town on the basis of a relative owning land within the town It was pointed out that property must be held in a parents name The school board has taken no action as yet to straighten out the problem DIAMONDS John Newmarket an employee of the Bell Telephone Company in Toronto was dealt diamonds in a bridge hand during the noonhour recently Needless to say bid seven diamonds and got them but in the excitement forgot to re double A bridge authority in Toronto told him that the chan ces of such an occurrence were by Newmarket one in supper by King City Lions In 1 At AT CHURCH OF A THE A youth convention I will be held at the Church of the Newmarket starting this evening and continuing over Sun day The special speaker for the occasion will bo Rev W J Stone house Ottawa Within recent- months Rev Storehouse has an extend ed trip to the British Isles the Holy Land and Egypt In the services this week he will show colored pictures taken during the trip In addition he will give an inspirational message in each service A welcome is extended by the church to all young people to attend the services Crestwood Beach Cottagers Seek Restrictions On Area North township council at the January meet ing in hall passed a resolution approving a petition presented by Alex J Wilson To ronto on behalf of Crestwood Beach Property Owners Assoc asking that Beach subdivision on Plan conces sion two be restricted a resU dentlal area Thirteen oi the property owners on this plan have signed the petition Of the other two one Is vacationing in the south ern States and the other Mrs Elizabeth Garrett wished to consult a lawyer about effects on her real estate agency be fore making any decision to sign according to Mr Wilson At the January council meet ing Donald on behalf Of the Garrett approached coun cil for permission to construct a private and dock In front of the Garrett property on Plan Council at the latter meeting asked Mr Wilson if the news of the had prompted Crestwood Beach to have the urea restricted Mr Wilson said I understand that it is to be a private boat- house and Mrs Garrett has given mo to understand that they have permission from the Department of Lands and For ests to go ahead with it Councillors Clark and said they had had ob jections to it from different and Clerk Winch read a letter from Lewis A Howard Toronto who has property with water rights ad jacent to it he strongly ob jected to it being erected he Said Council decided to have the petition forwarded to the Mu nicipal Board so that a restricted area be formed There would be a hearing before it would be ap proved S5SSi V S

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