Pages from the Editors Notebook w- We enjoyed attending a ban quet held by the Newmarket Citizens Band on Monday ev ening and were surprised to hear that next year the band will be celebrating its an niversary It must be one of the oldest citizens organiza tions in the town of Newmar ket We have heard people ask the question whether or not the citizens of the community appreciate the band To that ve might reply that there Would be a lot of disappoint ment if the band were to break up Whenever there is a pa rade in town the citizens band is on hand At most civic func tions the band No doubt the citizens of Newmarket and district appreciated the fine performance of the band in Santa parade last Sat urday but they not make a point of telling that to the bandmaster the president or members of the Each member of the band is doing a fine service to the community although unfortun ately it sometimes seems to be a thankless service It is true that too many take our band for granted The band hs be come so much a part of the tradition of the community that everyone expects it to be present at all official occasions and parades Proof that It is one of the best town bands in the coun try is found the number of contests it has won in compe tition with others Oneof the reasons for its success is Wil liam Grieg the bandmaster an experienced musician and a good leader Another is Wil liam Andrews a stalwart sup porter and member of the band On hand Monday night were two staunch supporters Mr J O Little who was pre sented with his portrait which will in the band hail and Mr C A Cathers the guest speaker of the evening There are few people in Newmarket who do not know about J Utile and his on behalf of the band On Monday evening Mr Little promised during his ad dress that he would give a liberal donation to the band if it were to win the Waterloo band contest again this coming year His friend Mr who is of the same political the Newmarket Herald Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Limited Subscription for two for one year in advance Single copies are each Member Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly m 4 m Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department JOHN Managing Editor w Womens GEORGE Editor Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger r CAROLINE JON THE lAWREMCE RACINE Job Printing and Production EDITORIAL PAGE in THE TENTH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND complexion correct the You mean Conser vative he said by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches This is election and nomina tion time and one might even say acclamation time Some fall afternoon a number of peo ple get together make a few speeches and rattle a swords and then proceed not to run at all I isnt that there is no interest in the af fairs of the municipality There is wore maybe than there used to be It is rather that very few people are at tracted to office Whether this is a natural shyness in people or whether it is a fear of testing their chances at the polls do not know it might be that the administration of even a small municipality is getting more and more involved and lakes more and more time Since these offices do not carry any compensation it is hard for people to spend the necessary time in looking after them At the best it is a thankless job with no compen sation aside of the feeling of job well done and there arc- few people in the position to do it right But there are other difficul ties as well The number of organizations in any given rural area is terrific The commodity groups the farm urns the breed organiza tions the home and school make a great demand on ones time At this time of the year it is almost impossible to stay home because of all these meetings The base of such organizations is pretty narrow and it in the same peo ple asked to serve on all these groups What the solution is we do not know It may be that as gets more and more complicated laws and regulations become mote in volved some of the holders of municipal offices will have to be paid and some of the elected members will have to be compensated too It is to be hoped that in rural municipalities at least the Junior Farmer groups will be shown the importance of public service and the neces sary fundamentals like public speaking emphasized as it is now sometimes wonder if it would be beneficial for the county to conduct a winter short course or discus sion groups in municipal ministration There is more talk of assess ment these days and equaliza tion county levies subdivisions and school taxes and we ven ture to say that few people who talk about them really have an audience that knows enough about these subjects to get the necessary response There is a chance that the people talking about them dont know the subjects very much better Hard feelings re sult between the cottage own er the owner of a house in the subdivision and the farmer vhen somewhere along the line should be a common ground where ail could meet f for the benefit of the municipality This alio results in the fur ther muddling up of whole assessment question and when it gets up to the- provincial level it again a slo gan tor politicians and an op portunity for hot words and hard feelings without solution cairn We feci that sort of a night school discussion group could be formed to be dressed by lawyer assessors officials of the municipal board elected members of councils and others a great deal of good would come of it More people would be attracted to munici pal affairs and it would result in better local government MS Proves VfVirsSi a EXPANSION HO I PROBLEM The members of the town council of New market will inherit a difficult problem one that no doubt will take more of their time than anything else The problem will arise from the requests of industry to locate here In the last few months the present council has come to the realization that further indus trial development in the town through firms building new plants here is practically impossible without the costly extension of sewer and water facilities In the words of one of the retiring councillors Mr Frank Bowser We have laid as many gravity sewers in Newmarket as we can we can only put in more sewers by using pumps One firm which is now oper ating in Newmarket on a small scale wants more accom modation and has indicated to council that it must have land with services for a new building A spokesman for the firm said that if a new industrial site is not located it will move to Aurora or elsewhere It was request that council came to the realization that it has no answer at least for the time being for future industrial requirements Space in serviced areas has been taken up and the cost of opening areas is too high One possible location for the Newmarket firms new building was ruled out because sewage facilities in the proposed area were unsatisfactory To service the new factory a main sewer would have to be built for a considerable distance and a pump installed to carry sewage over an elevation of land Cost of such a sewer was estimated by one councillor at Would the taxpayers be willing to pay for a new factory employing more people in Newmarket One councillor thought the taxpayers would Most of the councillors thought the taxpayers would not The town council will find itself in this same position in the future unless an answer to the problem is found At the outskirts of Newmarket in every direction there is rolling land Cost of new sewage will be high because pumps will be required or deep sewers will have to be laid When residential areas are developed services can be installed because there is a guarantee that tax returns will offset the costs Hut where ser vices are required in an area where development is not complete a problem arises Town council cannot speculate investing taxpayers money in future devel opment without proof that taxes will pay the cost Should the services be installed before development and then development not take place public money would he wasted Members of council are probably of the opinion that a compromise must be found between allow ing development to take its course on the one hand ami on the other hand speculating on development the two there must be some line drawn so thai the town council can assist development But where that line is no one seems to know Various opinions on the subject may be found among the residents of Newmarket Some believe the town council should go all out for new industry to really make this town grow It may be that they do not realize that a headlong policy pressed to ex treme could bankrupt the municipality Other citizens feel that the town is all right the way it is Others feel that development at least I be assisted by local government With all shades of opinions it is difficult for the members of the municipal council to shape a policy to satisfy the taxpayers Certainly it cannot call for a vote of the ratepayers to decide such an intangible problem The responsibility for the right policy is entirely on the shoulders of the administration The members of the 1951 council ran look forward to no easy task PLANNING FOR HOSPITAL York County hospital at Newmarket is embarking on a large fund raising campaign for a new addition to the building Certainly it will be a worth while project for this district as it is the only hospital between Barrio and Toronto and it is in need of more to serve the large urea of North York The officials who will be in charge of plans no doubt will have received much valuable informal ion from the re cent convention of the Ontario Hospital association One of the warnings given to hospital boards was against lavish building An executive director of a large hospital in Philadelphia said that hospital boards must guard against unwise use of funds in rushing into capital investment without sufficiently thoughtnut program fully weighing the real needs of the commun ity As an accountant he had an antipathy to many of todays lavish building programs because he had seen too many which were unwise He said that a community needs may not always coincide with the ambitions of a hospitals trustees or attending staff or even the philanthropic preference of a large contributor No doubt those who will be in charge of funds and new building at York County hos pital have kept these warnings in mind One of the problems facing hospitals today par ticularly small hospitals like York Countys is the cost of operation At the hospital convention the president pointed to a per patient day deficit between the amount paid by general hospital patients and the amount per day which was the average cost per patient day in Ontario last year This had meant that municipal aid statutory payments for indigents endowment funds and similar sources had had to pro vide for much of the difference between revenues and operating costs There have been proposals that federal health grants be made available for hospital maintenance perhaps matched by the provinces This could improve the situation at York County In the meantime district residents are going to be called upon for financial assistance to the hospital for much needed accommodation There is no argument about the need The hospital is overcrowded at all times and demands for its services are increasing every month GAVE YEARS OF SERVICE The elections are over and the electors of Newmar ket have chosen a council which has only four members of the council remaining Familiar personalities who have served the community for many years will he missing and some not likely will appear again Tri bute should be paid to the retiring mayor and the retir ing reeve who have served their community well for many years Mayor Joseph Vale has served as mayor since and before that on council since Reeve Arthur Evans although he may yet serve again has given years of his life in service to the community Councillor Frank Bowser is another who has devoted many years of service There may have been policies supported by these men with which we disagreed and they would be the first to admit that they were not always right Rut there can be no argument that they worked unselfishly what they considered to be the best for this com munity Mayor Vale has been a good administrator and he has a great contribution to help Newmar ket prosper during the post war years Ho has con ducted meetings of council efficiently ami introduced a number of systems which made local municipal govern ment operate more sin not ly and efficiently Mr and Mr also contributed to bringing in a new era of government Their successors are tak ing on a heavy responsibility and it would seem that the omnia is at a crossroads Their successors will determine to some extent whether their commun ity will enter an era of rapid growth or continue to be what it is As for the defeated candidates it should he pointed out that they have made a contribution to the com munity in accordance t our democratic system There is no stigma attached to a defeated candidate lie has offered his services to the people something more than the average citizen has dono and that is to his credit He has declared that he Is sufficiently interested in his community to serve and it will bo expected that he will not give up that Interest It is possible that his services will he needed at another lime TRIUMPH Of of tlio Harry While brought a bailor of what this country stands for say tho Financial Post In the uproar it Canada was being watched by all world wailing to sen if wo would in any way bow to and endorse or even passively the trial by light methods of the American Investigators Wo didnt has always meant some thing But today It is a bigger thing and means more than aver before And all world is butter for it Queen Elizabeth shown planting tree in Jamaica is now on the wide stretches of the Pacific after a visit to the Canal Zone on Gothic she and the Duke of Edinburgh will have tut before anchor is dropped at the Fiji Islands not on right International and national It not thm function minim of that which rot on iwMvkknd Kittastroffy the ap prentice printer came into the editorial office at the wrong time yesterday and complained of being all numb J just bit myself in the arm and I cant feel it said the proofreader sighed This is some place Everybody is neurotic The boss is crawling around with a sore back and Racoon has a cold There seems to be some thing wrong with everybody Slim swung around in his swivel chair lit up his Wednesday morning El Pando cigar and said What seems to he your trouble son I used to pretty good at and when I was with the elephant caravans in- India Kittastroffy looked hopeful Well I was just working out there on one of the page forms when all of a sudden every thing went funny Then I felt numb all over Its never hap pened before Slim got out of his chair and walked over to the apprentice and examined his head He looked at me knowingly I believe I can fix you up all right he said Is the trouble where I ex pect it is I asked Slim nodded Now you jist lie down here over on this table and well have that trouble fixed up in a few minutes Yes its the head he added Kittastroffy looked worried and felt his head all over My head feels all right What makes you think that the From the Files of trouble is in my head he asked Compressed air said Slim Lot of people get it in mild winters Ive seen this before in the Kashmir The only thing that can relieve a person is to release that pressure in the head Air gets into them spaces between your brains and you looks to me like a fel low who would have a lot of spaces Probably you got practically all spaces Kittastroffy didnt Under- stand what Slim meant and he stayed stretched out on the table Well if you say so its okay with me But what can we do for it Just stay there a minute said Slim Slim went into the basement and came back with a brace and bit He turned to me and said Its the only thing we can do to relieve that pressure We must drill Kittastroffy sat bolt upright looked unbelievingly at Slims brace and bit and streaked for the composing room he spent the rest of the morning being busy with some columns of type and biting himself on the arm Ciarabelle said that there should be some rule around the place about prevention of cruelty the printer commented Well you know what they do to horses when they suffering That was uncalled for said Someone else said should be a rule against Kittas troffy Just the same wouldnt bo without him and 50 Years Ago DECEMBER Mr Slater of Kingston spent last week with his uncle Mr J J Millard Ave Mrs Rev Marshall was called Milton on Saturday owing to the serious illness of a friend Mrs Taylor Shore will re ceive on Wednesday Dec at her home on Huron St from to oclock The Nurses Residence on Huron St will be thrown open to public on Tuesday Dec from to oclock Af ternoon tea will be served The proceeds of this function are in aid of the residence fund The gents furnishing store of Mr was entered by burglars during Wednesday night and a largo quantity of wearing materials stolen estimated between 400 and 500 Miss Hugo left for Winnipeg last night she is to he married on Satur day just few minutes before nine oclock on Monday night Mr Geo Lubbock met with a very serious accident at the Office Specially factory He was engaged in ripping two pieces of wood placed together one on top of the other and putting them through a rip- sawing machine when one of the pieces became displaced and threw his right hand against the saw Instantly a portion of his right hand from the little finger to the wrist was almost completely severed Workmen went to his assistance mid while some attended to first another called Dr Guy who immedi ately responded The patient was removed to York County hospital the woundedhand properly treated Ho was rest ing comfortable yesterday will be months before he can work again Mr Hamilton and Miss also Mr and Mrs Sherman Kirby motored from and spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs C DECEMBER 11 Dr and Mrs Richardson were in the city last Friday night to hear sing at Mas- sey Halt Mr Howard Cane represent- Newmarket hockey club at gathering in Toronto last Friday night Mrs Workman of Hamilton daughter of Mr Meads is home on a visit for a couple of weeks Mrs If and Mrs Robinson of were visiting with Mrs Webster part of last week Last Friday evening Mr and Mrs A Coombs entertained the senior class of Newmarket high school at their commodi ous residence About were present and a delightful time was spent Before separating the pupils returned ment by presenting Mr Coombs through Miss with a handsome silver pud ding dish engraved as follows To Mr A Coombs from pupils of Form Newmar ket High School Mr Win of Whit church has bought the resi dence of Mrs Jas Knvnnagh on Main St north of blacksmith shop and in tends to move here Kav- has secured house on ihe corner of Prospect Ave Pearson St anil will here first of Januury Misses and I Gibson of also Miss of Aurora spent Saturday after noon with Miss Case Park Ave Miss Jennie Allan got home last week from Manitoba after a delightful visit of over three months with relatives and friends Mr and Mrs A field and Miss VeJma field attended a wedding re ception in Toronto last Friday evening Mr editor of the Canada Presby published at Ottawa was in town on Tuesday and gave the Era a fraternal call When Cpl Johnnlo Armstrong to Germany along of Canadian Infantry ho had to do omc Wttolsd could take Wen to take of