iiiiW J- IALLI MATERIALS dSlJ and garages Garages only down son Main St phone Write W J- Den R Aurora bungalow in Keswick vrrfr BOARDERS WANTED fir Good home and Ladies or business couple preferred Phone Newmarket MEN boarders In good borne elw4 approved home for pre school children best of food and care Parents welcome anytime- Weekly or monthly rates Apply Mrs Nelson lw47 Immediate possession- Phone New ORTGAGE MONEY have responsible clients to first percent Good Boyd Main Newmarket have sale in Newmarket businesses REALTOR -J- Wi- St Newmarket Phone 533 v- ESTATE FOR SALE ft 006 ROOM frame house bath corner lot bus at door income possibilities posses sion down ultra modern bungalow bedrooms halt well decorated piece pastel bath No oak floors airconditioned oil heating livingroom with picture window and fireplace corner lot possession down JOSEPH REALTOR Queen Phone Newmarket J ROOMS FOR RENT BEDROOM furnished Phone 1067m Newmarket cl 2 ROOMS unfurnished heated hot and cold running water use of bath Suit business couple Apply Mark St Aurora WANTED TO RENT or 6 ROOM house unfurnished in Newmarket district Phone Newmarket or apply Dunns Hardware Main St LARGE house by reliable family Write Era and Express box c2w47 APARTMENT FOR SMALL furnished apartment rooms with kitchenette sink and electric stove 3piece bath oil heated private entrance central location- Phone Newmar ket- ARTICLES FOR SALE DRAPES READY made draperies inches wide up to inches long a pair Plain floral and modernistic design 104 Main St Nevmarkct PIANO up right Walnut finish In good condition Phone Newmar ket c3w46 n fevr REAL ESTATE ARTICLES FOR SALE B1LACK coat silver lax size Black coat fur collar Will sell very cheap Apply 6 Queen St or phone after 5 pm MAXS winter overcoat size 38 dark grey excellent condition Apply 55 Botsford St phone Newmarket after 5pa TREADLE sewing machine SI or best offer In good working condition with all attachments Phone 1403 Newmarket BOYS winter coat size in good condition Phone Newmarket GIRLS skating red to years Girls grey winter coat heavy lining to 10 years Phone tailored suit size royal blue practically new Phone Newmarket Two cents a of cents for each iC Half price when is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent advertisement is paid within week off publication v Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum SO cents Sate Registers for the first week cents for each success ive Caw of Thanks Wedding Engagement Birth and Death an nouncements cents for each announcement less tents if paid within week of publication ll In cents for each insertion plus 5 cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may he phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone 780 at The Misses Wood Store St Aurora or Aurora office phone PA Aurora at Mrs Rolling phone King or with any Correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address is clearly indicated You advertisement gets into nearly MM homes in North PRODUCE CC3L bicycle mans perfect condition with a generator and 3speed socket price bicycle mans perfect condition with generator and light new tires and tubes price Lionel train set suitable for a hobby extra tracks and switches worth best offer accepted Phone PA Au- coat size 15 in good condition Numerous house hold articles Apply Cousins Dr or phone PA Aurora CHOICE roasting chickens Phone Newmarket No COOKING onions bus Phone Newmarket GOOD amber honey 15c a lb in lb pails Kays Gormley lot phone Stouffville 3w47 ORDER your Christmas turkey now Also fresh roasting chick ens for sale From now till Christmas 50c lb Apply Leon ard Selby Sharon HELP WANTED NEEDED AT ONCE WE NEED a man for our sales force to call on customers of nationally advertised products and additional Christmas lines Sales experience not necessary and you need not Invest any money Write immediately to Granger St St Mon treal c4w45 11019 DODGE to ton stake 1 FORD ton pickup 11940 CHEVROLET ton ex press IMS FORD ton cab and chassis 546 FORD ton cab and chassis 645 INTERNATIONAL panel FORD panel FORD 3 ton stake G45 MERCURY ton pickup DIAMOND dump big Job CHEVROLET van THESE trucks are all in A shape winterized and ready to go COME in see these trucks make us an offer Must go clv44 TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Ford Sales and Service Davis Dr Newmarket Phone or Open evenings until pm WOOD FOR SALE TIMBER on lot at Mount Albert acres of cedar and hardwood For information write Era and Express box if FOR teinrira tiling for must be In by mi Nov 28 MAPLE limb and body AH tenders must Newmarket MIXED cut in foot lengths Delivered Phone Mount Albert NO hardwood slabs cut in stove length Delivered In half or full cords only no single cords Phone Newmarket I RiVsV Albert LARGE oil space heater in ex cellent condition Aplly Mark St Aurora PAIR boys CCM skates size in good condition 5 Apply Leonard Selby BABY carriage good condition 18 Phone or apply 46 Queens St rangette wheelbar row sturdy hand sleigh all in good condition Cheap Apply Simcoe St Newmarket AURORA ATTRACTIVE masonry in a secluded location overlooking trout pond and land scaped gardens of adjoining country estate Oak floors oil heat laundry sink Call Aurora PA frame home with three room selfcontained apartment second floor hot water g with oil two blocks from and and jll price or Aurora PA 16000 EXECUTIVE type home large rooms centre hall plan on lovely comer location First having large room with fireplace plus den or music room Large mod- hen and 12 dining French doors lead- to sunroom Second floor having 3 bedrooms master bed room IS Semimodern bath with vanity etc Oil double garage and This home is In Al condition and recently Highly recommended by this office Call Aurora PA or Newmarket VEHY attractive low on 2 furnace large henhouse to accommodate laying hens Full price Terms Phone Newmar ket Aurora PA Many other listings r f Salesmen to serve yea mo VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone or apply Harold Ont ario Newmarket SEVERAL used hotwater SNOW AND BEST HEATING Phone Aurora PA t44 ORDER YOUR living room group consisting of chesterfield arm chair coffee table 2 end tables 2 table lamps 2 lamp shades 2 silk cushions hassock piece complete for only S159 All brand material Easy time payments OYERS FURNITURE Phone Main St Newmarket LARGE size Quebec neater good condition Phone BABYS blue satin snowsuit cost Will sell for Two mens winter overcoats size AT Mens heavy work prey stripe pants size to Reg 450 each or 2 pair for Are you interest- c3w45 AT Mens rivet ted pants lined fancy check sanfor ized doeskin cloth wear er from buying underwear Cold proofed wear resisting 30 to waist WORK WANTED OLD wells ami pumps repaired Queensvillc RUGS and upholstery I fully cleaned in your home 3- set Rugs per ft Home Cleaning Service TIME ON YOUR HANDS PUTS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET LADIES Your spare time agree ably and profitably employed taking orders for garments and hosiery for ladies men children babies also bedding and yard goods Nothing easier with our four magnificent catalogues illus trating about superior qual ity garments all with samples of our materials Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Fast delivery Generous commission bonuses etc No investment needed so you have nothing to lose but all to gain Why not try Jour Lingerie Inc Iberville St Montreal c6v45 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE EXPERIENCED bookkeeping machine for billing and posting accounts receivable estimates phone 2J510jl Tills Is a permanent usual employee its Apply Mr Hell Davis Lea- USED TRUCKS FOR SALE 12 TON track body closed in plywood construction good excellent for delivery purposes Reasonable Gibbons Transport phone 1160 New market BLACK Spaniel dog with white marking on breast and front paw Phone 50v RED steer 2 years old from con of North Gwillimbuty Phone 20215 PERRINS JS wired to of tte world J PETS FARM MACHINERY loader Will fit a Font or Ferguson like new Reason able Harry P i Newmarket Newmarket BRIDESMAID size light green reasonable Phone Newmarket ROYS skates size Newmarket Phone Save per- cent New rugs made from your old rugs carpels woollens etc Dominion Rug Weaving Co p Newmarket blue grey convertible carriage and mattress and pad White enamelled baby bath All in excellent condition Cayuga Ave Toronto phone MAN desires part time work painting or putting up ceilings Phone Richmond Hi clw47 lady desires light household duties or babysitting duties or days a week Ap ply Mark St Aurora CARPENTRY alterations re modelling cupboards stairs frames vie years experience Phone evenings New I FOR SALE TRACTOR used 3 years runs like new About one half price of new Apply Win QueensYllle TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Co Limited Newmarket market Apply Spruce St Aurora WANT your radio In a phono PA hurry Phono I Newmarket CASHIER nights Doorman nights weekly Apply in per son manager Theatre Newmarket ACTIVE woman for general housework for local home Live in No children Phone Newmarket USED CARS i SCREENS AND DOORS PURCHASED from your local dealer representing the finest aluminum products with years guarantee No obligation on estimates Contact Boh Dyson Main phone New- market winter coats size Phone Newmar ket livJ is jt SSI I house on very large rooms side roorrm other Full bathrooms garages Possession of or both cash modern bungalow new and garages full base- large living room oak insulate full celUrlnMbuat Albert CHARLES BOYD tea f ft if fid DONT let this mild weather fool you Chriatmaa la only weeks away Start a lay away plan now for that special Christmas No Interest charges DYERS FURNITURE Phone Main St Newmarket 1 h HANDMADE kindergarten sets and two chairs stained or painted finish Orders taken for Christmas delivery Phone CHROME kitchen suite grey Banner dustless sifter Tall linen cuphoard shelves Set of skis toots and notes ladys size used very little Phone Newmarket WASHING machine electric good condition Small Quebec heater Newmarket tf40 septic tanks and cisterns installed anywhere Workman ship guaranteed Murray Baker Eagle St phone Newmar ket deluxe dan excellent condition Phono Qneensvillo DODGR sedan about miles in perfect condition list Death forces sale Charles Boyd 17 Main St Newmarket FORD sedan light blue in good condition Phone Newmarket LEAVING Newmarket 7 am Leaving Toronto 5 Phono Newmarket TO downtown Toronto via Avenue Leaving Newmar ket am leaving Toronto Saturday also Please Phone Newmarket CANARIES Choice border fancy singers each Ralph Hill Main St phone 212 Newmarket FOUND PAIR of glasses in Main St vi cinity Phone Newmarket Owner may have same for pay ment of advertisement ctw47 LOST A SPECIALTY lit Matt St DURING the snow storm a new Sparton sleigh long red runners natural wood top from Timothy Street Would find er please phone 5S0J Newmarke LADYS wrist watch yel low gold vicinity Main Street Newmarket Reward Phono Newmarket FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers TelecraplMd All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWBIARKET of these SUNDAY NOV FROM Newmarket to University and College Toronto Leav ing 715 am returning 5 pm from Monday to Friday Phone Newmarket TO Toronto daily leaving Newmarket am LeJfing Toronto 5 pm Phone Newmarket LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PUREBRED shearling Suffolk rams ram lamhs II luck- son mile and quarter east of FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school 11 am Divine worship pm Evangelistic service pm Prayer service Nov pm CYC for the boys and You are Welcome Aurora Phone FOLDING stroller Phone Newmark clw47 PAIR of skis ft in good condition Apply Era and Ex press box jacket heater Two oil barrels Kitchen stove with oil burners Phone Newmarket MANS warm winter overcoat Hack size excellent Phone Newmarket SPACE heater oil large size drums included excellent work order Changing to reason for selling Phone Roches Point Quebec MEDIUM size ftTW with pipes Apply Superior St Newmarket eater r PRICED FROM TO 5 and ELEMENT and TORONTO AERIALS ICE cream cooler or unit gallon opacity Electric yeara old Harbour Shop phone Mud Sx an ate Glria ate gold and brown plaid Phone I fawn At ENAMEL table ft closed extended ft 4 4 chairs to match Suitable for kitchen or breakfast room Phone Newmarket WALNUT spinet desk walnut liquor cabinet walnut oval tables large oak bookcase glass doors China cabinet oak oval glass kitchen cabinets electric rangeltc electric fireplace heat er coal fire basket brass fender andirons dogs End tables cof- feo tables steel utility rocking chairs kitchen tables and chairs icebox electric re frigerator Singer shoemakers sewing machine drop- head radio gramophone Lamps chests of drawers dressers van ity Quebec heaters wood box stove China glass other tides Fred Hirst phone Queens- vie UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered any fabric Apply Ken St or phone New market two A I GUARANTEED USED CARS ANDTWrts FALL CLEARANCE CONCRETE floor finishing vice your locality watemrooflnc Phone fircon radio Store Oak Ridges Are you of your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarkef for free estimates for rubber mastic marboleum and plastic wall tile It J and Son Andrew News market ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or day or will make dally visits Excellent ref erences Phone Newmar Em vice and competent sitters available day or evening Phone Newmarket PARALYTIC urgently requires any kind of work that can bo done at home Phono UPRIGHT piano In first class shape Inside panel door Phone Newmarket with heat four or liveroomed Would consider televiaioB set la for WINDOW cleaning hung chimneys cleaned rates Phone New market V- 38r i for training in work Good to years of age previous re tail experience desirable hut not Must be Prepared to go wherever required Cana- A health to elderly lady home condition i luxe green beautiful con dition FORD custom line grey real guaranteed 1805 maroon a good car with many miles of carefree driving deluxe blue all the trimmings FORD standard black A car well worth money MONARCH fordor over drive radio Except tonal buy FORD custom 2 tone overdrive radio direct ional turning lights backup lights new tires car In excel lent condition 1575 CHEVROLET grey stand in very good Hon 1445 PREFECT fordo- Good far many mile FORD club coupe 1M9 MORRIS Oxford maroon I CimTSLBR club coupe JtfSJBS f of good FORD club coupe red coach Good con go DODGE DODGE club coupe it Hampshire hoar months weeks old 2 young cows good Cattle wanted to winter Apply Walter Curl Sutton West YOUNG pigs weeks old J phone LIVESTOCK WANTED i 2 HEIFER calves to raise Phono Mount Albert Horses lor mink with truck Good cash prices Frank Coleman phone or write PO box heller open to 20 months old Wm phone Stroud FARM ITEMS in RAIDED straw for Dunham phone New- market removed from your farm promptly for disposal Telephone Newmarket or Toronto Em M GORDON W TRINITY UNITED Itev J Aiken Minister K lllrons Ministry of am Morning worship A CHRISTIANS REWARDS The Sunday School Senior School am Beginners and Prim ary am The Nursery CIms pm Evening worship A Negro preachers sermon I by transcription Worship with us at Trinity i SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 14 Queen St and Mrs Sunday am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school service TIDINGS Millard Ave Holly Sunday Evangelistic service free methodist church Rev Casement Sunday am Sunday School Murray Varney Supi pm Divine Worship Wed Nov Prayer service Study of Genesis chapter Progrnni Dec TlIK CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Minister Rev Organist Mrs Eugene Canf worship Sharing school pm Evening Gospel service Prodigal Son i service Child Dedication service on Sunday Nov 20 t mm fe 13K CHURCH OF THE Corner Main and VVim0mt Helnes Mils Norma Baker j ft FOR SALE HARRKb pullets four mot Also young Si Apply Nelson s Amherst Golden Reeves Silvers hatch Wellington St Aurora GARDENS Fellowship of Baptist Churches Muriol near Arthur Street JR School am Divine worship J Thursday oven Ing Prayer meeting at homes of members J vANRRKWlil PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Mr Rudolph School WORSHIP pm worship Mrs Decks will sing at both services pm Monthly Mission ary Meeting 8 Peopled Service SPECIAL fieiQAQUEEN IS CROWN fcautlfut colored sound VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOMl ii MEETING ford Street Tues Nov pm Helpers Roll call Owt possible to V POU WANTED mm FORD ALL of Any amount We you Toronto pttoeeHjrht ion them Tit- ir- i i J KET i-r- -i- v- vvti V both jv ienoi ivr