ftr of ted church Newmar ket on November Mrs Arnold was the soloist For her meditation Mr A Arn old used the theme The Church the Body of Christ Mrs Angus King presided over the lengthy business ses sion A social halfhour lowed Schomberg Oldest Citizen Mrs Creedon Nov BACKACHE MaybeVbrninq in fte MM Mm Tbtf t fake Kb Dttf Tben led better- better- better J BOYS LEATHER KNEE FLY to to SNOW PANTS TO YRS oldest resident Mrs Thomas will cele brate her birthday on No vember at the home of her daughter Mrs with whom she lives Open house will be held Mrs was bom at New market She is the former Brid get the youngest of six children of Mr and Mrs Patrick Her parents never ex pected they would raise their delicate baby who has outlived her brothers and sisters J St Johns Roman Catholic church transferring to St Pat ricks church at when she and her husband moved from a farm in the Kettleby district to the village Mr died in They had three daugh ters Mrs Mrs Bertha Trainor Schomberg and Richmond Clarence Toronto is her grandson The Paxton FOB BALE Articles for the northern On tario bale may be brought to the regular meeting of the Wo mens Mission Circle Christian Baptist church Newmarket on Thursday Nov pm The group meet in the Sun day school room- Members are requested if possible to return books bor rowed from the Circle library to this meeting A cordial invita tion is extended to all women of the church to attend this meeting News WOMEN HEAR children are Helen Clare Marie Joan Stewart Gerald She has six great grand- ni children SAVE MUX AND MONEY WILL STOP MASTITIS It has not been easy living that contributed to the longevity of this esteemed lady It has been hard work a cheerful disposii tlon and a sensible view of life I Take care of your health Make your family happy by kindly but firm discipline and be thankful for all your blessings is her message Although Mrs has failing eyesight and is hard of hearing her Christian character cheerfulness and her retentive memory compensate for the phy sical handicaps can you expect at my age she says proud that she is Up until she was 94 Mrs had her own home in She did her own house work dug her garden and tended her flowers For three or four winters she lived with her daugh ters When her eyesight became poor Mrs settled with Mrs Mrs attended the were Mrs and Miss Newmarket separate school and Margaret Provide School Crossing Guard At Main Ontario Sts COMPLETE PLANS FOR TEA BAZAAR Plans for the annual St An drews tea and bazaar which will be held on Friday Nov under the auspices of the Wo mens association St- Andrews Presbyterian church Newmar ket were completed at the regu lar meeting on November The group met at the home of Mrs William Mrs Sydney presided Mrs George Blanchard and Mrs Victor con ducted the devotional period The December meeting will take the form of a Christmas party in the Sunday school At the close of the business session refreshments were served Assisting the Mrs Smart Toronto Baptist Womens association- addressed a joint meeting of the Junior and Senior Ladies Aids Christian Baptist church New- Wesley United church missionary service held last Sunday evening was well at tended- The film The Kings Man was an outstanding story of the work and customs in An gola South Africa The male choir presented an inspir ational program Wesley Womens Association will hold their bazaar in the hall on Wednesday ev ening Nov Lunch will be served and everyone is invited to attend We are pleased to report that Mrs Wicks is much improved and was able to receive birth day greetings from neighbors and friends on Monday Mr and Mrs Sidney Aylett and family were dinner guests on Saturday evening of Mr and market on Thursday afternoon Nov Mrs William Robin- Mrs Walter Cam East York e contains two peni cillins streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin combined in a completely milk soluble oint ment bringing the effect of four antibiotics against mastitic infec tions works imme diately on the internal infected udder tissue promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective results Get a tube of New today In structions for easy administration on every package Made in Can ada by Nixon Laboratories Limi ted A school crossing guard for the intersection of Main and On tario will be provided by the town for the benefit of the elementary school children in at tendance at St Johns tom school The police committee was instructed to employ a school guard for this corner following the appearance of a delegation from the Separate School board at council last week Speaking for the delegation Mrs S Stevens said that en rolment at the school totals with of these children having to cross Main St four times a day The traffic is sufficiently THE BEST STORE dangerous at this corner Mara St Newmarket M I Stevens for us to J feel that a crossing guard is a must A survey was conducted at that intersection and it was learned that an average of cars pass in each two hour period in the morning at noon and at pm Mrs Stevens said Peter Gorman another mem ber of the delegation said that on rainy days with many the children using the town bus the number crossing at the intersec tion of Main and Ontario would be closer to than 50 He also asked if it would be pos sible to have lines drawn on the pavement at the corner to mark the pedestrians path A crossing guard also is pro vided by the town for the inter section of Eagle and Lome son presided For the theme of her talk Mrs Smart used the Twenty- third Psalm Greetings were brought from the various Bap tist societies in Toronto The quartette Mrs Mrs Fred Cass Mrs Singer and Mrs Bernard Lee contributed a vocal selection to the program The meeting closed with the serving of refreshments NURSES MEET The monthly meeting of York County Nurses Association was held on Tuesday Nov in St Johns school with members present The guest speaker of the evening was Dr Purdy of Toronto Western hospital who spoke and showed colored slides of England Ireland and France and his trip to the Coronation Dr was the family ad visor for over girls on this trip These Canadian girls went to the Coronation sponsored by members and later this summer British girls came in exchange to Canada The project of the association to furnish a nurses sitting room at the hospital has been very successful We cordially extend an invitation to visit this room We would like to offer special thanks to the following for con tributions to this project Mt Albert Womens Institute the Aurora Nurses tea Doctors Fund nurses bridge and euchres tickets on doll donated by Mrs Green proceeds of euchre by Mrs McCaraan purchased two hassocks Mrs Mil ler donated a lamp A pot luck supper is planned for the next gathering with Mrs convener The meeting closed with refreshments Mr and Mrs Leonard Aylett Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Edward Ay Mr and Mrs John Irwin Johnny and Barbara had Sun day dinner with Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan Mr and Mrs Grant and had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs A White and family Mrs Roy had Sunday dinner with her niece Mrs Her bert Oliver Mrs John Irwin entertained last Monday afternoon in honor of the birthday of her son Johnny when eight little boy friends attended Mrs Clare Powell entertained her Sunday school class of girls on Friday afternoon Mr and Mrs Clare Powell and Mary visited on Saturday with their two sons and who are attending the Lakefield school Mr and Mrs Kenneth and family Mrs and Mrs Albert Preston Aurora had dinner last Thurs day evening with Mrs Delia Mr and Mrs Hayes and Marion and Mrs Frost Toron to had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs Harold and family Newmarket Era aid J INTO LADIES AID A Remembrance Day theme was followed at the November meeting of the Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket The Aid met at the home of Mrs Michael In charge of the meeting was Mrs Lewis Coombs Mrs Sid ney Jones gave a report on the Baptist Womens convention which she attended in Toronto recently At the close of the business session a social halfhour was spent Hostesses were Mrs Ar thur Kirbyson Mrs Clifford Terry and Mrs James INS Mi Farm Forum News The challenge of the dairy substitutes was the issue dis cussed by Farm Forums last week Newmarket East Forum re ports We think that if dairy ing were seriously injured by the widespread use of imitation dairy products it would affect farming concerned with grain livestock poultry fruit and vegetables The loss of a market for western feed grain would mean an increase in beef pro duction More grain would fed to poultry and the market would fluctuate We think that there would be an increase in the consumption of fruit and vegetables The farmer could help meet the challenge of dairy substi tutes by giving the dairy indus try support and advertising the use of fluid milk We feel that the Ontario act is too lax gov erning the sale of manufactured oil products It should prohibit the manufacture of any imita tion dairy products made wholly or in part from fat or oil New market East decided The next meeting will be review night at the home of Harry Walker Newmarket East is one forum selected for for the month of December The first meeting will be on Nov at the home of Sheldon Walker- Hope an the Farm For um had an Interesting and lively discussion on the dairy substi tute question They report We agreed that if dairying were seriously injured the farmer would be forced into new lines of production such as hogs beef poultry or vegetables Surpluses would result and there would be shortages in fluid milk but ter and cheese With fewer cows on the land fertility of the soil would decrease and with less growing of grasses and hay crops soil conservation would be neglected Health standards among the urban population would be lower and there would be un employment in dairy plants as well as in plants manufacturing dairy equipment The fanner can meet the challenge by re fusing to buy substitutes He should spend more money on advertising the merits of his products and try to reduce his production costs In our opinion present laws should not be relaxed If there are to be substitutes manufac tured only Canadian oils should be used because the trade bal ance with the United States is so onesided was the opinion of Hope on the Fifth They added that the maximum fine concern ing substitutes should be instead of Their next meeting will be at the home of George Evans The Mount Albert forum SUCCESSFUL The annual autumn tea and bazaar of the Evangeline auxil iary Trinity United church Newmarket was held on Fri day Nov Receiving the many who attended were Mrs Angus King Mrs J Aiken and Mrs King Home baking white elephants aprons candy and delicatessen foods were temptingly display ed Afternoon tea was served in the junior room at individual tea tables centred with mums Bouquets of mums were used in decoration There was a supervised nurs ery for proschool aged children Mrs A Mills convened it ports that it believes that imi tation dairy products would de preciate the soil labor and health of our country Too many imi tation products are contrary to the laws of conservation and would unbalance our economic system Dairy products should be advertised more Mount Al berts next meeting will be the home of Martin DO YOU KNOW THAT MISSING THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE UP TO 30 ON YOUR FOOD ACT NOW 20tb FNd 1131 NIXONS I WILL SAVE FAST Removes infection from the intestinal tract overnight The combined sulfas in Scourox work fast Promotes appetite lor rapid recovery Save every season Get Nixons at ATKINSON Main Have heard abeaft MORTON BEOS LTD PLAYING CARD PREMIUM PLAN One Flaying Card will be with each or more la trade have saved we will redeem then for mm pick of Remembrance Finish Flay in Cards MORTON BROS LTD Eagle Newmarket Stop In Us About lit ROYAL MOUNTED A limited I will be engage la Volte during ike neat three months To he for merit an applicant auast raw the basic some of art out below at bo i 1 feet inches Chest a mean Age SO to to I ii preferably Grade vyivfi Ilk d in a