1SL TV OPPORTUNITY EARNINGS IN YOUR SPARE One of Canadas largest TV Manufacturers offers to the individual who can stand a thorough investigation and who is well thought of in his community the chance of a lifetime selling Canadas outstanding TV triumph CORONET direct from factory to consumer Our 21 Console is priced at as much as below our closest competitor To qualify you must be in a position to invest in your initial sales equipment which includes a TV set This investment is selfliquidating Many of our present franchise holdr3 in small com munities are finding CORONET just what they have been looking for to augment their income For this chance of a lifetimewrite Personnel Manager Coronet TV Corporation Street West Tor onto Ontario CENTRAL ONTARIO BRANCHES WI Convention On Education Theme From Local To International Problems Yds Royal Arising Team Stands Third By Laura Boiling Three York County Junior Farmers Bill Armstrong Bob Peteh and Clare Eves repre sented York County in the highly competitive Royal said the movement of tries in costumes and song was Fair Judging Competition displaced persons mass presented Glimpses of jester- boys were nosed out for top illustrated lecture by OPTIMIST XMAS TREES t I L rf wot belong mm dont forget to order your tree from the W M T 0 PTIMIST CLUB THIS YEAR Watch for our display early in December in front of the KING GEORGE HOTEL Another fine selection of Scotch Pine and Spruce will be awaiting you soon wcwmancT I- I It FRIEND THE BOY -v- ft r4- rt and nationalism axe three I year an illustrated lecture major problems facing Miss Anna P Lewis the Ontario of mankind on all levels and in- Since millions of dividual responsibility for in- Placed persons have been relations in terms of fellowship and understanding were stressed at the annual convention of Central Ontario Womens Institutes in Toronto The convention was attended by delegates and members from the districts The function of the branch as an adult education organization was also strongly emphasized The part Insti tutes had played in the recent conference of the Associated Country Women of the World and the contacts made with in ternational delegates were re flected in the enthusiasm of the threeday convention brought to a successful close Nov at the Royal York hotel Mrs J Snider was convention chair man- Mrs Fort Wil liam the Ontario WI presi dent said the program of UNESCO and World Health Organization of the United Na tions calls for the study of ex isting regulations controlling the distribution of food among nations A hungry nation is un happy and unsettled she said Although the best method of distribution has not yet been found as WI members in the A C- W organization we should have an intelligent inter est The government is made up of you and me and our inter est will strengthen its hands she said Miss Marion V principal of College Toronto who held consultative status with United Nations representing the World across the surface of the earth said Miss Can adas part in United Nations Technical Assistance Program and the Colombo plan has not been sufficient in her opinion- Elect Local Women lrs Nancy Adams Sask the national presi dent made an unexpected visit to the convention Mrs W H Markdaie was elected chairman of the Central area and Mrs Elton Armstrong became the new vice- chairman Mrs R C was elected area con vener of historical research She is past president of Centre York district Dr MacKinnon Phillips Min ister of Health for Ontario spoke on polio and predicted that science will in the not too far distant future develop a vaccine to eliminate it Gamma globulin was said to be the best combative method now in use A drawback said the speaker is interest Miss Lewis stressed among other things that branches be active in stimulat ing a movement in Ontario to establish a provincial museum Mrs Hazell Canadian Handicraft Guild of Ontario ap pealed to branches to encourage homecrafts and to set up handi craft F H Kortright of the Ontario Conservation Council gave an illustrated lecture on conserva tion in Ontario Miss Carol Lane travel expert for Shell Oil gave a lecture and demon stration Convention Resolutions An emergency resolution re ceived a large majority It ask ed for strict enforcement of the law regarding compulsory arbi tration in all labor disputes and that it be further strengthened by requiring the disputing par ties to accept any unanimous arbitration decision in the case of public utilities or essential food industries Sponsored by South Peel dis trict the resolution stated Re cent strikes in various industries that it is potent for of haveaurfTertoiis i i I MODEL Motorolas new value leader at amazingly low price Mahogany color plastic cabinet and 17inch screen Main St Newmarket Ph BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Jill Newmarket years old on Friday Nov 13 Martha Irene Woodruff New market 5 years old on Friday Nov Beverly Ann Graham Holland Landing years old on Satur day Nov Lynn Hunt years old on Sunday Nov Marie Pollock Sutton West years old on Sunday Nov Betty Marie Kes wick years old on Monday Nov Allen ft Mount Albert years old on Tuesday Nov 17 Call Wilson Newmarket years old on Tuesday Nov 17 Wayne Gerald Pollock Sutton West years old on Tuesday Nov Wendy Jane Noble Newmar ket 1 year old on Wednesday Nov Martha Isabel Wrightman Newmarket years old on Thur sday Nov Send In your name address age and become a member or the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club three to six weeks and is of no value unless given almost be fore the symptoms stiff neck and headache begin Greetings from the Ontario de partment of agriculture were brought by D Graham the deputy minster who spoke of the appreciation felt by the de partment for the efficiency dis played by the as hostesses to the Associated Country Wo men of the World The Junior Institutes and Junior Farmers played an im portant part in the convention agenda Under Miss Flora Durnis home economist a demonstration on sandwich making and a fashion parade were conducted There was a square dancing demonstration as veU Hie WI won ap plause when an international pageant representing Church Grant Takes Active Interest In Sports Sponsor Baseball League The three churches of the pastoral charge each sponsored a mixed baseball team this year forming a lively league consisting of Snowball and A handsome cup for annual com petition was presented by Mr Kearns and this year sees in possession of the trophy for this year On Wednesday Nov 4 the members of the three teams were treated to a dinner by the mothers of the players assisted generously by the Womans as sociations of the three churches The meeting was held in the church hall The minister Rev Robert Graham presided Stressing the fact that the Christian church should fie interested in the health and de velopment of body mind and soul he believed that the church should help people to play as well as to pray He re minded them that the first rules ever drawn up for the game of football were drawn up by the Christian clergy in Europe over 300 years ago The highlight of the program was the presentation of the cup convenience to other unaffected companies and employees as in the case of the truckers strike at Hamilton These strikes also caused bodily injury and pro perty damage to innocent par ties Speaking to the resolu tion Mrs J Bramp ton past president of said the milk strikes had caused serious loss and great inconven ience to the farmer producers and the consumer The conference voted that railway companies be asked to mark all railway cars with some type of reflector or luminous material as warning at level crossings proposed by the Mark- The convention decided to re quest the provincial legislature to pass a measure compelling all motor cars to carry insurance sufficient to cover accident dam age Motorcyclist Killed Instantly On Yonge A new Canadian Herbert F was killed instantly Sunday afternoon when he was hit by a car on No highway after falling from his motorcycle ice said the motorcyclist was northbound and had slowed down to allow a ear ahead to make a turn He fell from his machine into the path of a south bound car driven by Norman Johnstone Buffalo Dri ver of the other car was Vincent Toronto Pribilla came to Canada from Germany last June and had been employed on the farm of Juckson hiss ford of by Mr who expressed his pleasure in making the dona tion and was especially inter ested to know that members were all attending their church- services Handing the cup to cap tain Ronnie he con gratulated the team on winning the series A variety concert followed A vote of thanks to those who con tributed to the program was proposed by Neville Hodgson while Wm Davidson expressed the gratitude of the teams honors by worthy teams from Durham arid Wellington Coun ties but did a creditable job In defeating other county teams representing the best junior judges in their counties Bill Armstrong was fourth high in dividual in the competition with a score of out of In the competition the hoys are required to judge three classes of beef three of dairy cattle one class of sheep one class of horses one of swine and one hog carcass class Rea sons are given by each of the boys on all classes Those familiar with judging competi tions will realize that this com petition requires a wide know ledge of all types of livestock and that the tension at the com petition runs high The compe tition is the climax of a very in tensive period of coaching in which the boys visit various farms and judge classes of all types of livestock An evening banquet was held at which the Hon S Thomas Minister of Agriculture was guest speaker The chairman of the banquet was Milliard associate director of the agri cultural representative branch The York team coached by K Pearson associate agricul tural representative Ontario De partment of Agriculture New market has expressed thanks to all those livestock owners in the county who supplied excellent coaching classes for them Your last opportunity Also plentiful of Phone Newmarket Vt mile sooth of SI y GARDENS Mr and Mrs ter Gardens enter tained on Tuesday evening Nov in honor of Mrs James birthday Guests includ ed Mr and Mrs James Mr and Mrs Erven all from Gardens and Mrs George and daughter Gale Tor onto Music for the evening was provided by Mrs Parmenter and Mrs George who are both talent ed musicians Refreshments in cluding a very beautiful birth day cake were served by Misses Penny and Gale George On Nov 5 Mr and Mrs Art Dawson entertained at a turkey dinner in honor of Mrs Daw sons father Mr Jack Hirst who was celebrating his birth day Guests included Mr and Mrs Jack Hirst Mr and Mrs Hoy Mount Albert and Lowndes Gardens residents will be sorry to hear of the sud den death of Mr Bert Keith Toronto who for some years ted Lodge on the beach and of more recent years lived on South Mr Walter Hirst has returned from hunting with no deer Mrs May Martin Sutton was a guest of Mrs Walter Hirst in Mr Hirsts absence Mr Ernest Arnold Toronto was a guest of Mr and Mrs Jack Hirst over last weekend Mr and Mrs Hoy and three boys were home over the Oct weekend attending the wedding of Mr sister in Port A HOM of the r Friday is to be held v 111 Newmarket Hi Auditorium AT OCLOCK per couple DON GILKES I J EVERY WE C OME production at ja a business in Canada for the NOTICE neRKBY it jiKfcAl Show H lor the mayor reeve deputyreeve the mid for the year and one hydro and three public school trusters for the term of two jean and three Separate school trustees for the term two the municipality of the town or Newmarket will be held la town hall on FRIDAY NOVEMBER between the hours of and by the Officer At all nomination meeting the candidate for off lee be proposed and seconded and every nomination be In writing state the name residence and occupation of candidate and shall be alined by proposer and seconder BOTH OF WHOM PRESENT AND SHALL BK ELECTORS ON THE VOTERS LIST AND FILED WITH THE RETURNING OFFICER WITHIN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME FIXED FOB HOLDING THE MEETING When a present his nomination paper shall not he valW unless there attached thereto satisfactory to the Return he consents to be bo nominated 1 his office at Street for one the commencement of the Nomination tions for provisions of Section 1 the Municipal Act being Chapter and thereto AT THE NOMINATION MEETING OR BEFORE OCLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON OF THE SAME DAY A CAN DID ATE MAY IN RESPECT OF ONE OR MORE OF FOR WHICH HE IS NOMINATED BY FILING HIS RES IN WRITING WITH THE RETURNING OFFICER AND IN DEFAULT HE SHALL HE DEEMED TO RE NOMINATED FOR THE OFFICE FOR WHICH HE WAS FIRST respective sake sis voting to the polling be by the deputy ret polling a folio BT ANDR PATRICK