Notary Public BONK A M Solicitors INilRANCE Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Albert 2417 it- Notaries Joseph Valb I y e coop way Enquire at your local coop Oat TaraafOrOBL A HILLS Notary 51 MAIN ST JofaSytem N A VIOLET Conveyancing St INSURANCE Life Fire Aate Lew east Car TIMOTHY PHONE Aaron DENTAL ML NOBLE Over Mmnctr Office 1344 VanderVoort HOLLAND- A LINE WHITE STAB LINE For Service Herbert PHONE A banquet held on November at Victoria Square United church climaxed the annual York Comity Junior Fanner Home Flowing Competition- Nearly people were on hand to enjoy the evening which was under the capable chairmanship of Miss Harrison Fol lowing the delicious meal the Unionville Junior Farmers as sociation supplied fine entertain ment in the form of a quartet and trio as well as a humorous and currently popular skit call ed Dragon Net The most awaited news at the banquet was the announcement of the winners in the competition This plowing competition is un usual in type in that each com petitor plows his lands on his home farm and the judge Mr George Brampton visits the farms and scores the fields individually As might be anticipated the entries in the horse section were limited but the highest score of the competition went to a horse plowman Andrew Watson Woodbridge Andrew had a score of and won the Eaton Company silver trophy for winning Class for boys and under as well as the James McLean Memorial trophy for the best land in boys and beginners classes and the Marion Trophy for the cham pion land Other winners Class walking plow club of the Golden Mile trophy Jack Agincourt Class 2 tractor Jack Archie Cameron Class tractor Weston lions club trophy John Stouff- Class beginners class Perkins set of wrenches Bernard Taylor Sharon Class ladies tractor Clarence Graham silver cream and sugar Mary Go ugh Clark Young special to four youngest plow men first Roger Meyers years old second Elaine years old The Home Flowing Competi tion has a long and honored tradition in York County and all are to be congratulated It is sponsored by the York County Junior Farmers Associ ation and is under the direction of Agricultural Representative and K Pear son associate representative of the Ontario Department of Ag riculture Newmarket The Jun ior Farmers Association extends a particular vote of thanks to the various donors of the tro phies for the competition tedders write The Editor After reading the news story in last weeks Era and Express I came to the conclusion that its typical of the way we run our business in this town The powers that be fine the owners of dogs they know but they let the stray ones run the streets be cause they have no place to put them if they did catch them If that isnt putting the cart before the horse I dont know what is In all probability it is the stray- dogs that are upsetting most garbage cans because no one feeds them All this business seems to me to be politics One members of council rides an other and to show hes on the ball he issues orders right and left to the police and the dog owners pay Another thing would like to know Is how the town can make n citizen pay a license if he has to keep his dog on his own prop erty If I buy a car and leave it on my own property I do not have to pay a license AH I can say is that if all dogs are kept off the streets its going to be a pretty dead looking town The pictures we see on calendars of a boy and his dog running and playing will certainly be out of place hi Newmarket The next thing we know it will be unlaw ful for children to be on the streets except on a leash Incidentally I havent received a summons but I think there are a lot more ways we could be spending our money to better our community than hiring a special constable and building a dog pound How about that swimm ing pool we have been hearing about for the past two three five or ten years Yours truly Fed Up i rj thai comes from a wellordered life with wife ad children provided for and th p of eventual retire- on income efficient for the of your leisure yours through Life mm nil you Hie Editor In reading your editorial regarding the granting of a taxi license before the town council I was interested in your theory of granting a license and having the license revoked if the owner broke the regulations The same day the attached edi torial from the Globe and Mail was read I was interested in the question Who pays the compensation for loss of life and property when a person who was given a license proves his to editor inability to use one properly Yours truly J Hope Editors Note The Globe and Mail editorial mentioned is re printed on the editorial page this week We do not have the answer to the writers question about compensation for loss of life and damage in the bus ac cident As for granting lic enses we have no argument against the refusal of a license obvious reasons are shown to justify the refusal In the mat ter we were referring to the town did not go into the reasons and a man was pre vented from earning his living ZEPHYR Mr and Mrs Dean Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Dewey Graham on Sunday Mrs Horner Walker visited friends in Toronto last week Mrs Mrs Ivan Clarke Bill and Harry visited Miss Betty in the West ern hospital on Sunday last Betty is improving but it will be sometime before she is able to return home Mr and Mrs Geo Parker daughter and little girl friend Weston visited Mr and Mrs Jas on Sunday Harold and Barrie called on friends here on Satur day Miss Eva has returned home after spending the sum mer at the home of Mr Fergus The W A of the United church will hold their Novem ber meeting in the Sunday school room on Thursday Nov at pjn There will be an election of officers at this meeting The WA will serve lunch at Mr Geo Hesters sale on Nov Mr and Mrs Don and children Toronto visited Mr and Mrs over the weekend Heeds Tow Youre sitting pretty behind the wheel Take this Bel Air model Richlooking up holstery and appointments roomy com fortable scats with foam rubber cushions Just turn the ignition key to start the engine and youre ready to go i SUM OP CAMAPA Twelve hundred years ago one called Salvian complained thus any of the nobility do but be gin to turn to God presently he loses the honor of nobility Oh in what little honor is Christ among socalled Christian people when religion shall make a man ignoble So that many are com pelled to do evil lest they should be esteemed vile Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones an ELECTEICAL CONTRACTOR biatrial Hbk and Farm DOUG WAIN Appliance TANKS Cleaned by Pump Equipment THE SURE WAY Nil Defer Sutton Phone Phone and Jerome in his epistle to chius said I advise thee to be eyes to the blind and feet to the lame yea if need be I would not have you refuse to saw wood even for the Christian CteaMd and Repaired HELL Here are some gems from the pen of Rev Thomas Adam born 1701 at Leeds and who later be came rector of England one in a thousand forms his plan of life and pur sues it steadily from principle and regard to the will of God if we did there would hardly be an unhappy man in the world Learned men and enquirers into nature are bent upon know ing a great deal in this world where we can hardly know any thing and too often neglect the means of knowing every thing in another How happy we should be if we but loved God a little Nothing but the Blood of Christ can wash away my sins and the foul stains of my life and that will do it As sure as sin is death Christ Is life You get more power on lots go Heres all the power and performance you could ever ask for In models you get the most powerful engine in Chevrolets field the new Gearshift models offer you the new ThriftKing engine You con too all around You see all the road ahead and see it close in For you look out and down through a wide curved onepiece that sweeps hack to narrow corner posts The panoramic rear window and big windows provide a clear vkw in all directions iL Iota ft VEIBUHS executive for UM0sV bingo meeting Nov It number of tetemtinf A and a Safer Chevrolet has ample weight to give good roadhugging ride Irs weight that comes from Chevrolets extra strength weight that means extra protection ana because been utilized in body and you amazing Power wont cart Chevrolet to try Power how driving can be of course at Chevrolet offers you about everything you could want So whats the point in paying more You can be ahead in way with a new Chevrolet C6aftrutfaft of i ixrTTrTwauiTiirT ar CHEVROLET You flrector A lot finer performance on a lot leu gas Now youre automatically In range for standing starts and for quick passing in city traffic Then automatically again you smoothly into cruising range as you pick up speed extra cost If I tor AM mm