Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 5 Nov 1953, p. 7

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I FARM ITEMS GRAHAM plow for rent an acre Howard 2 Sutton West phone Sutton lv45 ATTENTION FARMERS FOR all types of soil use the Graham plow The four in one implement For demonstration see Brace Fairbarn agent Base line 3 Sutto West BAILED wheat straw for sale Dunham MISCELLANEOUS DEADSTOCK from your farm promptly for disposal Telephone Collect Newmarket or Toronto Km 3636 GORDON YOUNG LOOTED POULTRY FOR SALE 200 LIGHT Sussex pullets Lay ing percent Apply Win lot con East pullets William Smith phone Mount Albert 2620 clw45 POULTRY WANTED ALL kinds of live poultry want Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or call on re quest Highest prices paid Oak Ridge phone King tf40 j WOOD FOR SALE MAPLE limb wood and body wood ready to burn Phone Newmarket hardwood cut In foot lengths Delivered Phone Mount Albert NO hardwood slabs cut in stove length Delivered- In half or full cords only no single cords Phone Newmarket LOST MUCOUS THROAT faunas Pink Tablets for and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab teas have been used for many years by adults and child with good results Prict 250 The Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket LUMBER DON MILLS AVAILABLE full line of build materials Let us quote on your requirements Phone ITS time to start cod liver oil capsules One helps build resistance to colds for Also blood tablets for Sold only at Perrys Pharmacy Maple or King City Trusses surgical supports hosiery lor those who sufet from varicose veins ankle trouble- Arch supports lumbago belts Best Store phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs Theaker and Son Mount Albert 3503 SALE SATURDAY NOV Auction of farm stock implements No Oliver tractor on rubber cattle pigs Oliver Combine ft cut years old full line of im plements hay and grain at lot con East Gwillimbury on catering road to the property of Ken Keating No re serve Terms cash Sale 1 pm Percy clerk A Far mer auctioneer TRUCK tail gates red Saturday night on townline Phone 20106 HOUND pups months old and white markings Re ward J M Newmarket BLACK wallet containing identi fication papers etc Reward Phone Newmarket PETS THOROUGHBRED Boxer pup male trimmed SCO Morton phone Mount clw45 COCKER Spaniel months old Phone Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS backaches arc slowing you up and help yourself to relief from pains and aches Ask your druggist CANARIES Singers Baby Budgies Cages stands and supplies breeding cages African Violets colors each Mrs Agar phone AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar RODMANS SAVAGE COMPANY USED pipe steel porta T beams angle Irons plates boil ers etc In all sizes Many other items of various sizes Phone 305 Davis Drive Newmarket two THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUCH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi Ms A prompt and effective rem for the relief of bronchitis tight or coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket WEDNESDAY NOV sale of highgrade cows and heifers hogs Ford tractor hay and grain etc the property of lot con East Gwillimbury mile north of Sharon slderoad These cows are well marked big and heavy Sale oclock sharp Terms cash Everything sold without reserve as farm sold 1 Kavanagh auctioneer phone 57j WEDNESDAY NOV Auc tion sale of milk cows pigs Ford tractor plow cultivator sep arator transplanter with fertilizer attachment only plant ed 40 acres land packer bales 200 bales straw lores of cob corn picked by time of sale quantity mangolds tur nips hardwood also a number of cedar posts the property of Walt er Vogue at lot con mile north of Altona Farm sold Terms cash Sale at pm Lloyd Turner clerk Sel lers and Atkinson auctioneers sale managers THURSDAY NOV sale of fresh and springer cattle pigs milk cooler Milker Imple ments etc also bales of mixed hay extra good bus barley COO bus Oats the property of Stewart Burnett at lot con of Farm lease expired Terms rash Sale 1 pm Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers and sale managers c2w45 NOTICTOCREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS FRANCIS DOYLE LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET THE COUNTY OF YORK CLERK DECEASED CREDITORS of the above named deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket In theCounty of York on or about the twelfth day of July are hereby notified particulars of same to the undersigned on or the day of December after which date the estate will be distribut ed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Newmarket this of November Violet Robinson Administratrix Newmarket Ontario NOTICE I will not he responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Mary after this date Thurs day Nov Arthur town or NEWMARKET VOTERS LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section of The Voters List Act and hat I have posted up at my office at the Town Bots- Street Newmarket on the day of October the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Mun icipal Elections and that such remains there for inspection AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceed ings to have any errors or omis sions corrected according to law The last day for appeal being the dav of November DATED at the Town of Newmar ket this day of October Wesley Brooks clerk NOTE Copies of the Voters List may be Inspected at the Post Office NOMINATIONS NOMINATIONS for the Offices of Mayor Reeve DeputyReeve Six Councillors Three Public School Trustees Three Separate School Trustees and One Hydro Electric Commissioner will be held on Friday November at oclock in the even ing ELECTIONS THE Elections take place on Monday December Polls open at oclock am and close at oclock Wesley Brooks clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNA MYRTLE DE CEASED NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Anna Myrtle late of the Town of New market in the County of York Deceased who died at Newmar ket on the day of August are hereby required to fur nish particulars of the same duly verified to the undersigned Soli citors for the Administrators on or before the day of Decem ber after which date the assets of the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to claims of which notice has then boon received DATED at Bradford this 2nd day of November Evans and Evans Bradford Ontario Solicitors for the Administrators TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR RENTAL OF TRUCK FOR SNOW REMOVAL SEALED tenders marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until oclock noon NOV 1953 lor the hiring of a heavy duty truck and driver for the season of and Township to supply hydraulic operated snow- plow and front mounted levell ing wing Snow plow to mounted on truck by December and to remain until March TENDERS will state size of tires market and sister of Mrs Basil of truck price per while plowing also price per day stand by time Township to supply wing man or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent Keswick in his year husband of Annie Fowke and dear father of Joan Mrs Johnston brother of Joseph of Keswick Edward and Herbert of Uppingham England Leonard of London England The funeral service was held from Keswick United church on Sunday Nov Interment in Christ church cemetery Roches Foint sonic At her residence Second St Newmarket on Nov Elizabeth Irene Hall beloved wife of the late Donald Eraser dear mother of William of Wayne Mich John and Margaret New market and rof Mrs Basil and J Hall Delhi Resting at the chapel of Rose Newmar ket- Service on Friday Nov at pm Interment cemetery MILLS At York County hospi tal Newmarket on Friday Oct Maty Mills sister of Robert Mills Funeral service was held fit the chapel of and Rose Newmarket on Monday at pm Interment Newmarket cemetery At the residence of her daughter Mrs E D Brown Dr Lansing on Friday Oct Maude Cormack wife of the late J A and dear mother of Mrs Brown Hazel of Lansing Frederick Martha Herbert Hamilton and Bruce service was held at the chapel of and Rose on Monday at pm Interment Pine Orchard cemetery RODMAN At Imperial Wednesday Oct Mabel Wilson formerly of Newmar ket wife of the late Clarence Rodman and eldest daughter of the late Charles and Emily Funeral service was held on Friday at Imperial IN iiy help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth Psalm If any little word of ours can make one life the brighter If any little song of ours can make one heart the lighter God help us speak that little word and take our bit of singing And drop it in some lonely vale and set the echoes ringing As we meet and touch each day The many travellers on our way Let every such brief contact be A glorious helpful ministry Theres no better way of light ening your own load as helping a weary traveller with his School from Monday to Friday inclusive per month Chil- to school age W w w call Mrs Ballard ph Mrs Birred v TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH FOR TREATED SAND SEALED tenders market as to contents will bo received by the finderstoned until oclock noon NOV TO supply place in stock at various places in the Township designated by the Road Superintendent approxim ately yds of sand treated with lbs of salt per cubic yd must state price per yd LOWEST or tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent TOWNSHIP OF NORTH CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST NOTICE Is hereby iven that have compiled with section of Voters List Act and that I have posted up mv office on the day of Oct- the list of all persons entitled to vote In the said mun icipality the municipal nice that such list remains there for inspection AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law THE Inst date of appeal the day of November County of York DATED 2nd day of Winch clerk BIRTHS Mr and Mrs Charles Newmarket are happy to announce the birth of their Monday Nov at York County hospital York Friday Oct 1KB John Edward fiiln LEPARD In loving memory of my dear husband Chas A Lepard who passed away Nov ember Ten years have passed and gone Since one I loved so well Was taken from my home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell The flowers I placed upon his grave wither and decay Bui the love for him who sleeps beneath Shall never fade away Ever remembered by his wife In loving memory of my darling daughter Joan E Liscotimb who passed away Nov For her life more For a star Ever remembered by mother LLOYD In loving memory of my dear mother Mis Louis Lloyd who passed away Oct We often sit and think of her When wo arc all alone For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own Like Ivy on the withered oak When all other things decay Our love for her will still keep true And never fade away Ever remembered by daughter Ethel and son Orval PARK In loving memory of a dear brother George A Park who passed away Nov AH to myself I think of you Think of things you used to do Think of the things you used to say Think of you In every way laugh the world Hut never forget For deep in my heart Your memory Is kept Ever remembered by her brother Ross and sisterlnlnw Rose loving memory of our only grandson Glenn who left us so suddenly on November Two years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away took him home it was Ills will Within our hearts he still Sadly missed by grandparents Rev and Mrs Macho WIGHT In loving memory of who passed away on Nov We who loved you sadly miss you As It dawns another year In our hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near remembered by Grandad Wight Uncles Jim and Aunt Mabel WIGHT In loving memory of our darling son who pass ed away Nov From our happy homo and circle God has taken one we loved Ho Is home away from sin and sorrow To a nobler rest above No one knows how much we miss him None but aching hearts can tell Lost on earth but found In Heaven Jesus all things well remembered by mummy and daddy OATH OP TITAN The family of the lute Miss Mary Mills wish to express their heart felt apnreclatlon to all the neigh bors friends relatives for their kind find beautiful floral tributes Special thanks Is extended to the for their and nets of kindness during her Illness OF THANKS Wo wish to thank everyone who attended the dances held In our barn especially those who were present In costume at the closing Halloween party We expect to continue our dances In the Mr Mrs Bert Boyd viHe CAKD OP THANKS my sincere thinks to my friend and for the beautiful cards of fruit and I know not what awaits me The path I cannot see I leave its tolls and dangers With Him who died for me So step by step I follow Wherever He may lead Hell bear me safely onward Supplying every need OBITUARY James Tankard Funeral service was held for James Tankard at Cleveland Ohio on Friday Oct He was formerly a resident of King City Mr Tankard died of a heart attack on the previous Monday He had been in failing health Mr Tankard was assist ant president of the Forest City Lumber Co with which he was associated for years Mr and Mrs Tankard their three daughters and son Louis left King City Mrs Tankard was formerly May Campbell Besides his widow Mr Tank- is survived by his daughters Mrs Madeline and Mrs Gloria Calkins and son Louis all living in and near Cleveland while Mrs Hester Calkins lives in Germany She flew to Cleve land with her two little boys for her fathers funeral The Tank ards were frequent visitors to King district With such lovely fall weather everyone has been busy clearing up gardens am build ings and painting the windows etc Halloween was very quid here at Brown Hill Many costumes were donned by the folk and Mr Warren to the merriment by donning a costume There were also two cherry angels and no one seems to have discovered their identity Halloween have been loads of fun for folk of Brown Mill Mr and Mrs Amos York ami many others attended Halloween dances Mr and Mrs Fred visited Hill last week Mrs Galloway visited Mrs Hay Crouteh last Friday after noon Mrs Sarah Miller and Mrs Milton and on Mrs Hay last Monday Mrs Crittenden is con very nicely at York County hospital We all wish Mrs Crittenden a happy home coming soon Sunday school commences at pm the Free Methodist church next Sunday afternoon Hob gels the dully papers delivered wllh speed and style while giving his new pony exorcise We believe Hob Is Ihe envy of the town when he goes dashing by with lite little Shot- land pony many acts of kindness which were given mo while was in hospital and also at home also wish to thank Dr Car wards and the nurses and staff of York County hospital and any that assisted hi any way Karl ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Milton Cook New market wish to announce the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter Miriam to Dr Page son of Mrs Page I the wedding to take place Grand Merc Quebec on Nov Mr and Mrs Ernest Rogers Bradford announce engage ment of their daughter Frances Ellen to Mr Harvey son of Mr and Mrs Tate Newmarket the to take Saturday Nov 14 In the United church Brad ford AT HOME Mr nnd Mm Mux It Smith Millard Ave Newmarket will bo at home to their friends and neighbors on Thursday Nov occasion anniversary SPECIAL FANCY QUALITY StOkelys Tomato Juice SPECIAL WITH SAUCE Clarks Beans Pork SPECIAL Blue Cheer SPECIAL Choice Tomatoes SPECIAL vixED Sweet Pickles PRODUCT CTN TIN Rosa mi Rose Pickles Nucoa Margarine PineappU Mrs Hamiltons Mincemeat Asparagus Cuttings Shrimp Dessert Pears SEUCTED Win if 4 sin CUKHEt 5 t ON GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A LOADED WITH JUICE IORIDA ONTARIO CROWN PASCAL Hcoits ONTARIO CROWN NO GRADE POUND SAG ONTARIO GROWN NO Cooking POUNDS TIN Toilet Tissue ROUS u A peal lOZ jLii a aaari r BAKING SUPPLIES Currants Mixd Pl Citron Pe etl0Mv Shelled Almonds Shelled Pecans mm I SOI PKO 4 Oil tie Hostess Via I 33c 48 Ol ftKrt TINDIR POUltRY COSTS NO MOM NO INSIDE IN WHAT FRESH ft i 1 AW BEEF A SmmMh li w t K rf UNN l S rrt I-

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