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Newmarket Era and Express, 5 Nov 1953, p. 11

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a THEY ARE SAYING Mayor Banner Get Answer Two Aurora Boys Win Awards The mayor and the editor of the Aurora Banner have had their answer According to the mayor there was one irate resident and according to the Ban editor there was one selfish citizen lacking in vision opposed to th tanks on St Those who were responsible for system of Courtesy Awards for the getting up of the petition for the removal of the tanks from St deliberately restrict ed the signing of it to residents in the affected area Had they gone outside that area in support of the petition they would prob ably have quadrupled the num ber of signatories to it A newsagent was good enough to inform us that he had heard nothing but favorable comment on last weeks Aurora News Page and we had the unusual experi ence of being stopped on Main street on several occasions to re ceive congratulations on our de fence of Mrs Morning against the attacks made on her A typical example of these con gratulations was the oftrepeated opinion that it is a good thing that theres another newspaper in Aurora besides the Banner If it were not for your paper one citizen remarked to us the Ban ner would ride this town to such an extent that people would al most be afraid to open their mouths How Did He Know Judging from the character of the Banner editorial in question there may be something in the idea of riding the town If a taxpayer cannot call up the may or on the telephone without the risk of being lambasted in the Banner things have gotten to a serious pass One curious incident concerned with the Banner editorial was the inclusion in quote marks of what presumably Mrs Morning had said to the mayor The editorial attributed the words inconveni ence and nuisance to the tele phone contact Mrs Morning made with the mayor It may be assumed that the Banner editor was not listening in while Mrs Morning and the mayor had their very brief tele phone contact How therefore could the Banner editor know what was said between them As a matter of fact we are assured by Mrs Morning that she did not use either word in her brief con tact with the mayor What the editor wrote about her was there fore an invention presumably to expand the story For those who have eyes to read with the mayors open let ter and the Banner editorial are so similar in diction and sen timent that both could have been composed by one person One gains the impression that the con cordat between the mayor and the editor is so close as to suggest the affinity of Siamese twins It would seem that the mayor is a booster for the Banner and cock- the Banner is a booster for the mayor However it is the mayor and the editor of the Banner have had their answer from about signatories to the petition re questing the removal of the tanks from their location at the armor ies Incidentally Mrs Morning who was the target of Mayor Crawford Roses scathing and welltimed criticism quote from Banner editorial has been the subject of constant sympathetic comment and congratulation Pleasant Turning to more pleasant news we were agreeably surprised to have a telephone call last Sat urday afternoon from Mr manager of the Royal theatre asking us on behalf of the theatres management to attend the theatre that even ing and present two awards to members of the local staff The explanation is this When the Odeon Theatres Canada Ltd took over from National Theatres at the beginning of the year the company instituted a y t it I J P The Drug Store New lucent TobteconUt etc Founded St Shop At STORE those among its hundreds of em ployees who displayed exception al public relations qualities Only high merit can achieve these awards They are partly based on personality plus the qualifications of good manners and a nice address to theatre patrons In short Theatres are concerned that the public shall be made to feel at home at their moviehouses and this pleasant atmosphere can be created only by members of their staffs The Courtesy Awards are given only after careful consideration has been given to the merits of the candidates- On Saturday night two of these awards came to Aurora boys and in each case the presentation was well deserv ed The Recipients Robert Bull and Stephen Mills have been in the service of the Royal theatre for three years and one year respectively They were the Aurora award winners and we congratulate them sin cerely on their achievements Because of length of service it was our pleasure to hand Bobbie Bull the first of the awards Then came Stephen Mills Both boys got a fine hand from the audience as the silver award was pinned in turn to their lapels But as was fitting the parents of the boys who were present in the theatre got an equally fine hand from the audience as they kindly responded to a request to rise from their seats This acknowledgment of par ental influence was most fitting for as the twig is bent so the tree Robert and Ste phen are both very fine boys and the awards they have received will give great pleasure to Royal theatre audiences in Aurora At school and at church the will also be popular Inciden tally the Bull and Mill families are members of Trinity Anglican church in Aurora Public School Parade The Halloween public school parade on Friday night was a triumph in variey of There were all manner of sar torial exhibits Among others too numerous to mention we not ed a costume made up as a tele vision set a bridesmaid and a companion that was a good fac simile of a wedding cake Al together it was a marvellous turnout reflecting great credit on all concerned not forgetting the principal Mr and his staff Annexation A planning board gettogether was a feature in last weeks ac tivities in Aurora the partici pants being Aurora King and Whitchurch The subject was land annexation A report of the reads that the meeting reached no definite conclusions and adopted no resolutions Just another We hope to have something to say on this question of annexation in next weeks issue Theres plenty of land around at owners prices But theres a board of trade fund about which a practical sugges tion was made to us and it is this we propose to write on in rela tion to the question of land in Aurora Another Clean Sheet Enquiries from official sources enable us to state with great pleasure that Aurora scored an other fine record on Halloween night Apart from the breaking of a fence which we understand would take only a few minutes to repair and the putting out of three or four street lights noth ing more serious has been report ed Of course there was the usual soaping of the windows of some merchants and while this is an noying it is not destructive One merchant told us that he expect ed this to happen so he wasnt disappointed The hope was expressed in these columns that constable William might visit the schools this year as he did last year with admittedly fine results Our hope was realized Constable Langman visited the schools again this year and to him and to the schools staffs and pupils the gratitude of the citizens is due Apart from the pleasant visits from a number of juvenile our own street was as quiet as a Sunday evening Well done Aurora youth ti ll tit I J Misses Wood take pleasure to announce to their exclusive that this year they will carry a supply Chfctms CARDS SHOPPED Yonge St J SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 7573 PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE FIFT DAY OF NOV NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE EDITORIALS REMEMBRANCE DAY Almost years ago the flames of war consumed the hopes and efforts of honest statesmen who had been working for peace A pistol shot which killed an Austrian prince served as an excuse for the start of the first world war There has been no real peace since that fateful incident Some 25 years ago Mr Anthony Eden one of the greatest and deservedly popular British statesmen of recent times predicted that the free peoples of the world would continue to live in what he described as a state of emergency for years to come His prediction has proved woefully true Twice in a period of less than years the fine flower of Canadian youth has voluntarily sacrificed itself in defence of individual a national freedom Freedom has been won and maintained but only at the cost of what Sir Winston Churchill ruggedly described as sweat blood and tears November is Remembrance Day In humility fa and in admiration free people the world over will pause to remember it as a symbolic date that represents an incalculable sacrifice of youth in the sacred cause of liberty and at the same time will pray for a saner and a better world to come Those whom we loved and lost are not forgotten NOTE FOR MUSIC LOVERS Since we discuss many things in these columns may we take a few moments to mention a discussion in which we took a small part It concerted the differences in the works of Beethoven and Brahms As an amateur we take great delight in the earlier composer and less delight in his successor We wonder to what extent our preference is shared by others Why do we re f Beethoven to Brahms One reason is that we prefer melody rather than problems in music Brahms music is uneven in theme and conse quently often discordant His major compositions give the impression of having been written by a man who was uncertain in his own mind of just what it was he wanted to do Of course in these experimental excur sions which he appeals to have conducted there occur from tirpe to time many beautiful and deeplymoving chords and passages None of these objections can be made to any work of Beethoven with which we are familiar Here is a composer who worked to a preconceived pattern and end He never loses touch with his major theme His clear and logical mind encompassed what he set himself to do before he began it Knowing what he wanted to do he accomplished it with a perfection which we believe has no equal in the realm of musical composition Brahms rambles away in a loose and sometimes dis orderly fashion as though he hoped somehow to emerge from the labyrinth into which he has wandered Beet hoven is positive and direct Brahms is uncertain of himself At his most inspired creation Beethoven is a gushing torrent of spontaneous melody overwhelm ing and profound At his most inspired moments Brahms forgets his caution and gives forth some strains of rare beauty Do we offend the Brahms admirers If so may we hear from them ELECTION GUESSING SAME What Plans Has Reeve Cook Will The DeputyReeve Run At this time of writing there is no news of possible candidates for council at the elections in December It may safely be presumed we believe that most if not all of the present members of council will seek office again There are certainly five mem bers of council for whom we could vote without any hesita tion at all One of them Coun cillor D J Murray has earned promotion if he chooses to seek it We do not agree with Mr Murrays support of the tanks on St in view of the strong opposition to their loca tion in a residential area But Councillor Murray must be judged by his performances over a period of nearly two years and not by any single in cident During those nearly two years he has done excellent work for the town and at all times has proved himself an active and alert councillor At a later mo ment we hope to have something more to say about him Unravelling The In the absence of declarations from members of council them selves as to their future inten tions it is not possible to do more than engage in surmise We have heard it rumored around that Councillor Vic Jones did not intend to stand for re election this year We hope the rumor is unfounded for Mr Jones has done valuable work on council There is evidence in certain quarters of hard plugging for DeputyReeve Murray One wonders for what he is being plugged The only likely pro motion that he could seek would be the In that case what is to become of Reeve Cook Reeve Cook has stuck to the reeveship with the fidelity of a stained glass window in a church And just what will become of Reeve Cook One of his favorite appeals for reelection was be cause be thought he was entitled to promotion to the wardenship of the county Well he achiev ed his ambition and became war den So where do we go from there Has he any idea of be coming mayor of Aurora And if a miracle happened and he did become mayor would that be a promotion or a demotion Case Of The Deputy It could be that Reeve Cook will choose retirement while the halo of still sur rounds him He may go out in his moment of glory Then the way would be open for Deputy- Reeve Murray We say the way would be open to him but would he reach journeys end What testimonials has he to offer the electors Why should they elect him to the office of reeve when he has failed so dismally as deputy We simply cannot put our fin ger on any item in the munici pal history of Aurora in the three years during which Mr Murray has been deputyreeve as proof of his service to the town He has taken up a lot of time in talking at council and sometimes voting against the very things he has been recom mending such for example as the building bylaws We have again to repeat that we cannot see that DeputyReeve Murray has helped Aurora in any shape or form Two years ago we suggested in these col umns that he should take a rest He nearly did so and then changed his intentions at the last moment It was an unfor tunate last choice Review Of Council With the approach of nomina tions we shall review the coun cil situation in an early issue If it is true that the spectator sees most of the game in that case we have seen some strange things happen during AURORA Social News Mr and Mrs Philip Davidson Ottawa had their infant daugh ter Anne christened in the United church recently The baby wore the christening robe that had been in the family for three generations Mr Vaughan Williams son of Dr and Mrs Williams has been at his home here for a few days About 250 members and adher ents of the United church enjoy ed a turkey dinner sponsored by the Womens Association of the church on Wednesday evening A program followed the dinner which was arranged by the club Mr and Mrs Powell Chicago and Mrs Harry Powell London visited Mrs Webster recently Mr Jack left on Mon day on a hunting trip in the Par ry Sound district He went with a hunting party from Markharn Mrs Robert was host ess on Tuesday evening when the Evening Auxiliary of the Presby terian church met at her home Mrs Hodgins district secretary of the Centre Presbytery was guest speaker at the United church Missionary Society on Thursday afternoon and Miss Carpi Fish played two piano numbers Miss Madeline has re turned from a holiday spent with her aunt in Bay City Michigan Mrs Cowling is visiting for a couple of weeks at the home of her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Jim Castle Oshawa The November meeting of the Friendship Mission Circle was held on Monday evening at the home of Miss Enid THE BONFIRE A heap of yellow and brown leaves have been swept up and lie by the sidewalk Soon a match will set them ablaze and all that will remain will be some white and black ash Soon too rain and snow will eliminate even that mournful memory of a beauty that is gone forever The leaves that were once so beautiful in their mani fold variety are now no more than a tale that was told This mystery of growth and decay has defied all investigation Nature has kept her supreme secret Science has explored and explained many things But the mystery of life and death eludes it The simplest flower that blooms by the wayside provides a problem in origin that no one has ever been able to solve Would we be happier if we could solve the supreme mystery of the origin of life Would we be happier if we could into the future and know the good and the evil that is in store for us For ourselves we would refuse to look Into a magic glass that could foretell what lies ahead of us W dont want to know we are con tent to wait The glowing bonfire is consuming the dead leaves But the spring will come again The trees will once more be green and beautiful and birds will- sing on them again Meanwhile it is good to be alive To live and rejoice in living is enough We dont ask for more THE BANNER HATH SPOKEN An extraordinary thing has happened The editor of the Aurora Banner has come down from his accus tomed place on the fence and plumped for the return of Mayor Rose to next years council An editorial in that paper i a the citation of Well Done on the mayors lapel We have other views which we shall presently ex pound for our Aurora Public School Pupils Excel In Halloween Parade The Aurora public school Halloween costume par ade which took place on Friday night Oct excelled all past efforts of a similar character Great praise is due to the parents of the pupils for their hearty cooperation and to Principal and his staff Below are the names of the costume prizewinners in order of standing Room Girls Nancy Scotsman Gail McKay Devil Sandra Witch boys John Par ker Lady Peter Osborne Clown Paul Hope Radio Room us Virginia Moddle Hobby Horse Bonnie Gardner Indian Squaw Pat boys Bruce Rocket Robert Graham Black Sambo Bill Baldwin Indian Room 3 Girls Jean Queen of Hearts Jackie Anderson Angel Carol Atkinson South Sea Island Girl boys Garry Holder Wed ding Cake Bruce Indian Neil Bunn Hobo Room Girls Carol Rowling Cat Sandra Stout Dutch Girl Dor othy Hughes Victorian Lady boys Mr Peanut Stephen Bernard Hammer Da vid Sandman Room Girls Carolyn Noble Totem Pole Linda Rowling Mickey Mouse Sheena Smart Witch boys Gary Hill Robin Hood Clare Doolittte Box of Straw berries Michael Patrick Indian Room Girls Donna Chinese Mandarin Janet Pirate Carol Artist boys Brian Knowlcs Television John Scott Johnsons Baby Powder John Christmas Box Room Girls Andy Nicholson Indian Squaw Karen Rose Penguin Joanno Wilson Dutch Girl boys David Knowles Domino Vaugh an Harris Mothers Day Out Wayne Billings Daniel Boone Girls Carol Closs Pied Piper Barbara Evans The Queen Patrick Organ Grinder boys Alex Dial Telephone Danny Steadman Whats Cook in Philip Martin Knight of the Bath Room Girl Hula- hula Girl Jane Clarke Hallo ween Candy Mary Wright Card Girl boy David Tucker Tele viiion Avis Accident Victim Donald Snake Charmer Room 10 Mary Baldwin Strawberry Ice Cream Cone Heather Chapman Aunt Jemima Olive Gilpin Witch boys Scott Space man Kinnear Groceries David Prlnglc Caveman Room Girls Jane Peter Pan Brooks Queen Jean Barnes Pirate boys Trevor Harris Sheet of Halloween Mu sic Derek Scott Bad Egg Robert Burling Snow Man Room Girls Mary Jane Robertson Convict Linda Jean Old Lady Ann Maureen Harri son Cat boys Larry Scott Ban ana Kerry Thompson Elephant Ronald Mad Hatter Room IS Girls Barbara Ransom Hn- Girl Barbara Jean Knapp Linda Jones Red Rid ing Hood boys Dale King Scare crow Edward Dennis Indian Tom Case Pirate Room Girls Helen McGee Christmas Spirit Valorie St John a Penny Banbury Indian boys Dale Scott Mr Duck Ricky Robertson Halloween Kisses John Bailey Scarecrow COUNCIL REPORT Pinned Down Admits Onus On Council Highlights of council meeting held on Monday night Nov were heavy army tanks at the armories on Larmont St and the Ardill window An agreement giving Mr Ardtll the goahead was granted only by the casting vote of the mayor A petition signed by about residents in the area affected by the movement of the tanks was handed to the mayor by Mr George Supporting him at council were Mr J A Mill and Mrs Reginald Morning Miss Hoi man and Mr Cooper Speaking for the petitioners Mr past president of the Aurora branch of the Cana dian Legion said the tanks on a street were a menace property and were objection able to private residents on account of their noise and obnox ious Mrs Morning told mayor she was not unpatriotic as had charged against her a ref erence to the mayors open letter to the Banner and the Banner editorial which supported the mayor However her home was being destroyed she said and asked that the tanks be moved to open country Reasonable Complaint Mr Cooper said if he went Into detail on their complaints he could sell a book He said the tanks were two and three hours in getting started and at point one could hardly see a house because of the smoke The road was being chewed up by the heavy tanks said Mr Cooper Page Col Have a Coke MM PLUS 2ND MONDAY TOURS rI J- AtJlOBA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting etc Agent For Km Ads THE HISSES WOOD A Your Friends At Do HESS Two Graduate

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