AT THEY Ti rV And Zornig ByLaw The new dial system will be introduced into Aurora September at oclock midnight so we are by the Bell telephone company Approximately there are some 1600 subscribers about 900 in the urban area of Aurora and about in rural districts Each subscriber is being con- church to the fact that a former and given instructions by J minister Dr J Thompson an operator on the use of the We had such a call and received very great courtesy as we have always done from the local Bell Telephone girls Aik- the name of the operator mouths of January and called to so that we might and was thank her we were told that occasions by the did on two occasions broadcast two services from a Toronto studio We are informed that Dr Thompson broadcast services in the speaker was Edna Brown We can pass on to the Bell Telephone Company that in Miss Brown they have a very pleas antly spoken and competent em- United church choir numbering about 36 under the directorship of Mrs B Willis We are also informed that a feature of the work of the choir on the two We asked her if she broadcast occasions was that it were taking another position was unaccompanied with the company and she said Indignant Merchants she was and that her next posi- A report published which will be in London the city that John Fisher once de- would give the impression that all Aurora merchants without scribed as the dowager queen exception are indignant over of Canadian cities We are surej the tencent telephone tariff that so nicelymannered and such a helpful girl as Miss Edna Brown will make good in her new Bell Telephone Company location Always We understand that while some of the Aurora Bell Tele phone staff is being transferred to Newmarket and other dis tricts others are retiring As far as we are concerned we re peat what we have written more than once namely that we have plying between Oak Ridges and Aurora was mentioned to us by a Main St merchant The re port is misleading he said for the reason that a number of merchants in town do not want orders by telephone and in fact will not accept them There upon he named some of the mer chants adding that they certain ly werent indignant and that went for himself too Un doubtedly however there are Aurora merchants who will be i always received courteous atten- penalized by the ten cents charge from the Aurora telephone girls In the Banner we praised their courtesy and we have done so in Aurora News Page While some people barked and growled about alleged delays it was our good fortune to have a very dif ferent expexience From the supervisors to the latest recruit the Bell Telephone Company was successful in at tracting to itself a panel of concerned Smells A citizen who certainly was indignant stopped his car the other morning and told us he was thinking of getting out a petition to bring to council in protest against the continuance of smells He said there Welcome to Aurora signs post ed up at the approaches to it was becoming a practice courteous employees So the part of motorists to close shall rather miss their pleasant up their windows as they voices after September It Aurora He mentioned the case will not be necessary after that date to say please and thank you for the mechanical device will be unresponsive But please and thank you are still good words even in this atomic age and we never failed to make use of them when put ting through a call to the tele phone operators Now that the staff is dispersing we wish them all good fortune Many Rev Dr Mulligan the choir choirdirector and organist Miss Andrews have receiv ed many congratulations on the fine broadcast from St Andrews Presbyterian church which we reported in our last issue Among letters received by Dr Mulligan he was especially pleased with one received from a fellowminister Rev Dr K of Knox Presbyterian church Dr was on holiday at Mirror Lake when trie broadcast came over the air and- in part this is what he had to of it It was with great pleasure that we listened in to the In your church on Sunday morning and to have the privilege of listening to a most practical sermon Many thanks for the manner in which the ser vice was conducted and the scholarly address I am sure that all who were present and those of the listening audience were greatly helped by the en tire service of worship if of a business man at the north end of the town who was suf fering loss of trade because of the smells We have already dealt with this matter very fully from the point of view of the delay that has taken place in operating the disposal plant in accordance with the recommendations of the department of health made several month Zoning Bytaw Meeting There was a further special meeting of council on Thursday August to discuss the pro posed zoning bylaw We were not present at this additional meeting which we understand heard another reading of this complicated plan which we have constantly protested would tie up the town We have already heard it read in council on sev eral occasions and thus have had a surfeit of it As for up the town that already has happened in conse quence of the passing of an of ficial plan in the year and which everybody appears to have forgotten until plans for building houses were about to be carried out on the Zimmerman and Sinter subdivisions Then it was learned that the forgotten legislation that the council passed forbade such building Council has recently been in formed that the plan can not be rescinded although all members of council signed a mo tion requesting its repeal All that can be done it appears to amend it This problem we understand engaged the atten tion of the meeting and as for the zoning bylaw Itself it was discussed at length without any members of the Aurora United concrete decisions being made While it it true that the broad cast from St Andrew did make history insofar as being the first from any church in Aurora our attention has been called by r f I lwV- Alio Afternoons Grand Stand 3 through Sept 12 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION ITS A BIG PROGRAM of Crashing unit Wrecking Three Automobile Shows lingers Motor Maniacs Billy Greens Canadian and Ward Beams IMS World Champion Auto will against other in every known automobile end motorcycle thriller lo what Show and what Daredevil can claim the of World Champion or It will the wildcat show ever Eton anywhere at any time- Each show will roll and Hide overside Jump regular stock automobiles completely over and them into seven parked automobiles then many limes rolling endover end heap motor- cycles off high and through spsco In a contest never to ho forgot ten Hide where stand on top of their cars the take them over high ramps t high speed Slide Hell Driving that will malm your hair on end This is the offered any wit pro and it will ho at the through all this yon will 12 of Greatest Circus Acts In all world and is Scuts Children J HALL AURORA PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE THIRD DAY OP SEPTEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EDITORIALS JUST BEING DECENT For its own sake of being decently impartial coun cil should rescind the motion of DeputyReeve Murray and Reeve Cook which stands on the books prohibiting the Era and Express from getting advertising This motion was made on March 16 It followed a personal attack by the mayor on the editor of Aurora News Page arising from criticism made in connection with a closed meeting of council DeputyReeve Murray and Reeve Cook allied themselves with the attacks on the newspaper Besides subscribers who receive the Era and Ex press through the mail several hundreds of copies of our newspaper are sold each week on the newsstands and through the services of carriers The present ban means that notices from council to the citizens and ordered to be advertised do not appear in the Era and Express The ban represented in the motion of Deputy- Reeve Murray and Reeve Cook is a form of totalitari anism in which preference is given to one local news paper only Such procedure is not in keeping with the democratic way of life enjoyed by the majority of Can adians It is not the financial rewards to this newspaper we are concerned with but the antidemocratic principle involved From January 1948 to August 1953 the re cords show that the Aurora Banner has been paid 48563 from the town treasury as compared with paid to the Era and Express for the five years and eight months concerned During 1953 the Banner has been paid as against received by the Era It could be that in this lapse of time both the de putyreeve and the reeve have found good reasons for regretting their outlawing motion and we would be glad to record a change of heart on their part If that is not so then we suggest that reasonablyminded members of council should repair the damage done to their sense of fairness by rescinding the motion VERBAL REPORTS When he took office in January the mayor requested that all reports should be written That was an excellent ruling which was observed for some time and then abandoned to an increasing degree Verbal reports have no more permanency than a conversation which may leave little impression on the minds of those who take part in it A written report leaves no room for doubt It is an actual presentable document providing evidence of what really happened on a particular date It is valuable both for those who present it and those who hear it If and when its subjectmatter is referred to at later dates the written report can be produced as proof Ver bal reports arc mostly wasted time RELIGIOUS BROADCASTS It is with regret that we have to admit that we do not attend church services as often as ve should We take pride in the fact that we were confirmed into the Anglican church at the age of 13 For our devotional remissness we shall have to ask for forgiveness else where than in these columns But we used regularly to listen in to the services from St Stephens Anglican church and a finer man than its minister Canon Ward we have yet to hear As a citizen of Aurora we felt great pride in the religious service that station broadcast from St Andrews Presbyterian church on Sunday morning August 23 We have a great regard for Rev Orr Mulligan as a man and profound respect for his scholarship and learning The choral musical and ministerial contributions contained in the broadcast were all of a high standard If we may so describe it the broadcast was one of the finest advertisements Aurora has ever enjoyed The chief purpose of our present comments is to commend station for allowing the broadcast In this materialistic age when the higher values in life are too often subordinated to the transient and the trivial it is good that religious broadcasts should have their place On the air Man lives not by bread alone or even money There is in his nature a perennial appeal for spiritual satisfactions Large numbers who do not go to church will listen to religions services on tho air That surely is enough to justify continuance of religious broadcasts They are of inestimable value to shutins and lonely and distressed souls MONEY A friend of ours said he could never understand why some people who have money set such a store on it almost to exclusion of everything else Rousseau said the money we possess is the instrument of free dom that which we pursue is the instrument of slavery To pursue money only for its own sake has always seem ed to us the basest form of industry Samuel Johnson said there was nothing more dreadful than poverty Nonetheless those whose solo and single purpose In life is to accumulate money are mentally povertystricken The sudden acquisition of money is a test of innate character With some it stimulates the finest human qualities Others it turns into snobs and that We be lieve to be much worse than poverty LOOKING BACK Council To Correct A Bad Mistake The moment for preparing a review of town coun cil undertakings and achievements has not yet come- Such an evaluation will be made later in the year Mean while a brief survey of some major activities will show- that the council has a generally noteworthy record The major undertaking has of course been the widening of the highway This longneeded im provement will give Aurora one of the best business thorough fares in the province Opinion agrees that the width of the street is good neither too wide nor too narrow but just right There are towns in the province with business thorough fares much too wide for general convenience just as there are others with business sections that are too narrow There have been mistakes made in the carrying out of this major work most of them of a minor character which can and should be corrected These en gineering errors have already was his due In anything that he undertakes Mr Jones is a tireless worker The dean of council he is familiar with every phase of its work He talks of taking a rest from council work We hope he be persuaded to carry His practical knowledge of council work is invaluable to the town A Blot on the Record The one great blot on the record of the council was the motion proposed by Deputy- Reeve Murray and seconded by Reeve Cook that no more town advertising be given to the Era and Express The motion fol lowed a tirade by the mayor against this newspaper for what we had to say about a closed first year college summer course at Toronto Mr and Mrs mo tored to the Adirondack and Lake Placid and return ed home by Ottawa Mrs is holidaying with her nephew Mr Douglas at Cedar Point Thunder Bay Rev who has been en joying a months holiday in the north be in charge of the service in the United church on Sunday morning Miss Helen Burling North Bay Mrs Marsh Milton and Mrs Bunting were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Leslie Wilson Spruce St Mrs B Willis and Mr J Willis have returned from an en joyable vacation spent in Quebec and the United States Councillor J Murray and Mrs Murray spent the weekend with Mr and Archie Mur ray at the cottage Belmont Lake received much publicity so there meeting of council From our is not any present need to com ment further on them The of responsibility we would assume rests with profes sionals not with laymen The man who have to point of view our criticism was justified by the events In our opinion the mayors re marks went beyond the line of honorable comment In the course of his remarks which J WILLIS Druggist The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone For Friendly Personal Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE at Telephone AVBOl BOOK Stationery Agent For St Avon Make It A Drag Store Two Graduate si Youtt want plenty of delicious CocaCola on hand to make holiday meals tastier friends who drop by Bo i get an extra carton or case Coke take both praise and blame is to gather heat the longer Councillor Clarence Davis he proceeded he made some chairman of the Streets Commit- statements that were defamatory tee He has been a busy man this and libellous Probably affected year and we think he deserves by the mayors mercurial out- much more praise than blame hurst the reeve and the deputy- He is not a professional reeve into the same but has to take the knocks j able situation We think Mr Davis has done the j Men in anger sometimes say best he could for his native town things which they afterwards re- and deserves credit Disposal Plant The problem of the disposal plant is becoming more urgent It seems that a considerable amount of time has been lost in carrying out the recommenda tions of the department of health The recommendations made may or may not provide a solution to the faults complained of but it does appear that they should have been given prompt er application As chairman of the Property Committee Depu tyReeve Murray is the respon sible representative on these matters Fire and Water CouncUlor D J Murray is chairman of the Fire and Water department and the numerous written reports he has presented to council prove that he has had a busy and as we think the facts would show a successful term in that department He took over the chairmanship of that very important department with out previous experience He had lo its complexities and be come conversant with a variety of CounciUor J Murray has been a very active representa tive since election to in 152 He has often stirred criticisms but events have usu- vindicated him He has done well by the town and no one can deny it Finance Committee Councillor Dale Kings budget was regarded as an excellent piece of work He had the unpleasant duty of increas ing taxes but the way he carried the job through won general ad miration His next major achievement was to carry through proposals for the ap pointment of an assessor not connected with ths town He carried his point against the strong opposition of Reeve Cook We could say much more from our detached observation of Mr King But this is not the place or the time to do so ByLaws Committee Councillor Moffat has been a live wire ever since she came to council She Is not among the whisperers If Mrs Moffat has anything to say and she of ten has she it so that nil may hear If wo have given her a good deal of publicity It is because she has said things that needed to be said As chairman Without prejudice the most charitable interpretation we could give to the unfortun ate episode was that the mayor the reeve and deputyreeve spoke in anger If our assump tion is correct we trust all three have regretted some of their ut terances which received a great deal of publicity in the local newspapers under date March 1953 Clean tho Slate We were made aware soon af ter the motion for which tyReeve Murray and Reeve Cook were responsible that all members of council did not ap preciate its significance Ono member of council personally expressed his regret at What he said was a personal attack on the man and not on his opin ions Since then it has been made clear to us that other members of council resent what they consider an act of in justice In justice to themselves we suggest that council should take an early opportunity of cleaning its slate of this had blot on Us record CLOSED FOR VACATION Our Dean Hall office be closed from September until the following Friday as we are taking a few days vacation All communi cations during this period should be sent to the Era and Express Newmarket Business telephone calls should be made to Newmarket and edi torial news to Newmarket Editor News Page UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES r AURORA Social News Mr A atten ded dinner tendered by the City of Toronto to Viscount Mont gomery on Friday at the Royal York and Warriors Day lun cheon at which Viscount Mont gomery was guest speaker on Saturday Mrs Easter and son Biltle visited last week at home of Lambert Will- son Mr and Mrs Duncan McDon ald motored to Dorking and spent WEEKDAYS FROM SATURDAY OlJ MATINEE AT M i Sept IN TECHNICOLOR a weekend Willi Mr Mrs of bylaws Mrs Moffat has done a job Sho has an cnqulr- SZ if mind and will not be talked down Ileal and Sanitation The latter statement also goes for Councillor William Davidson the health and sanitation chair man As was the caso with Mrs Moffat Rill Davidson was elected to council by acclama tion But wo have no shadow of doubt that at this date Mr Davidson would be elected to council by substantial voto of the people Ills ad herence to what he believes in has often reminded us of Cliff who polled more votes than any candidate in Au roras municipal history Sports and Publicity More than any other man Councillor Vic Jones was re sponsible for the exceptional success of the centennial railway September meeting of the United church was held the church parlors on Thurs day afternoon Mrs Geo Pish introduced the now study book Whereer the Sun guest soloist was Mrs Cops on Horticultural Society held its annual fall flower and veget able show on Saturday afternoon and evening Mr and Mrs Don Stephenson and family St Thomas have been visiting Mrs Stephensons parents Mr and Mrs Lambert for a few days Mr and Mrs Harold Toronto were recent guests of Mrs James The Evening of the United church was held on Tues day at the homo of Miss Reynolds Miss Florence King daughter with Jnno Powell Parley Granger Mon Ho was a tireless worker to that cause and did Mr and Mrs C King Mark not we think get the credit that I St was successful in passing her