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Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Jul 1953, p. 1

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Here There Around Town By Observer There has been much discussion here and about town re garding the holding of a suitable official opening to mark the completion of the Main St pro ject- One person suggests one idea Another has a different opinion but all seem to agree that Newmarket should let North York know it is ready willing and able to serve its shopping needs Local Observer has heard many different types suggested as a suitable important person age to appear at such an occa sion Alex who is cur rently appearing in the Shake spearean dramas in Stratford was mentioned Someone else recommended Miss Toronto Bob Hope will be at the Casino about that date said one Main St business man Lets get him Premier Frost is the man for the job yet another suggested The topic was discussed at the last council meeting One coun cillor recommended Miss Toron to very highly He reported that she had sat behind him at a re cent ball game in Toronto We never heard if the councillor knew who won the game THOUSAND This week sees the end of a row of fine old trees along No north of Aurora We realize they must be cut down to widen the road but we regret that the price of progress is so high It takes so many many years for elms to reach such stately proportions Newmar ket too a number of large trees fell at the north end of Main St as preparations were made for widening If the merchants wont hang their awnings at a safe height then council should pass a by law stating the distance their lower edge must be from the That was the opin ion expressed by one Newmarket resident who has to travel the Main St with lowered avoid hitting many of the awn ings We have heard of one citizen who cracked his head against the metal bar along the lower edge of an awning There are no doubt more in town who have had similar experiences It is ridiculous that anything should be tolerated on the main thoroughfare which could consti tute a hazard to pedestrians Not too long ago shoppers had to watch their step because of un even sidewalks Now they are smoothsurfaced Dangers still exist on Main St Where is the opportunist among our local politicians Here is a readymade cause Even the slogan suggests itself Up with the awnings Elect Mr Blank and travel Main St in safely Local Lions Member Describes Chiea Convention Activities The annual Lions Inter- tractions In the afternoon there was a bigleague ball game the opening session of the convention was held in the even ing with Miss Helen Keller as the guest speaker In her talk Miss Keller who has been blind and deaf since months of age paid a glowing tribute to the Lions work for the blind and handicapped She urg ed them to continue this magnif ies work The flag presentation cere mony of the Lions nations was very impressive continued Mrs Boyd who shared her husbands enthusiasm for the trip One girl was dressed in the native costume of each country and came onto the platform escorted by a guard of honor an Ameri can serviceman as the flag of the country was unfurled This procedure was followed for the older members of Lions inter national Each of the eight new countries which was welcomed Into the Lions this year was pip ed onto the stage and their nat ional anthems were played As if that wasnt enough for one day at the close of tho ses sions there was dancing in the grand ballrooms of the Hotels Sherman Sheraton Conrad Hil ton and Palmer House Each day of the convention was pack et with business meetings spec ial programs outstanding artists and speakers It was something to remember they both agreed national convention was hold in Chicago from July to inclus ive Among the Lions and their families who attended were Mr and Mrs Charles Boyd The Newmarket convention eers returned with enthusiastic accounts of their stay in Chicago The delegates and their wives present from nations took over five hotels in Chicago with the overflow going to the Shera ton The Congress Conrad Hil ton Sherman Drake and Pal mer House were- required to house the convention which was the largest in the history of Lions Internationa Everything was done in a big way said Mr Boyd The stad ium where the business sessions were conducted seated between and thousand and they were filled to capacity for each meeting At a breakfast and fashion show held for the Lions wives sat down When they presented the International Night review it was necessary to provide two complete shows that everyone could attend Included in the program for the opening day was a parade which lasted without a break for over three hours There were at least bands In the parade Which was a steady stream of decorated floats and other at three Candidates PCCCF Qualify Monday Three candidates for the federal election qualified for the York North riding on the official nomination day Monday representing Liberal Conservative and parties Liberal candidate is J E Smith the sitting member Progressive Conservative candidate is C A Cathers and candidate is Donald Scott There was no Social Credit dark horse candidate m v Newmarket has no swimming pool and the water in the only pond Fairy Lake is not fit for swimming but many children keep as cool as they can in the Lions Park on the west side of town Every day there is a group of children playing in the scenic park and a number of adults as well go there to cool off Having fun on a park slide are left to right Joan Catherine Vale Barbara Lynn Miller Leslie Edna Tweedy and Dale Wrightman Photo by Stefaniuk MONDAY HOLIDAY Next Civic day Ad requested to pre late eon early for Ike earn lay week Era Ex next week MOTORIST FOR MOVING BARRICADE A conviction was brought against a Newmarket resident in Magistrates court on Tuesday for removing the barricade on Main St while work wan in pro gress The motorist who was one of three charged by the New market police drove on the cement before it had had time to season The accused was fined and costs For the most part Newmar ket residents have given us every cooperation said Con stable Arnold who plac ed the charges But a few In considerate ones have insisted on driving on road before It was open for traffic Further charg es will be laid against any of fenders he said COMPLETE FAIR PLANS The Trade Fair plans for are completion Last week a meeting of over of the exhibitors heard reports from committees at a me of the Newmarket Trade Fair exhibi tors Chaired by Charles Boyd the meeting was enthusiastic about present plana program committee chairman and Eugene McCaffrey planning committee chairman gave re ports fc IN HOSPITAL Mrs has been confined to York County hospi tal for the past week and a half It Is reported that her condition Is Improving but as yet she has been permitted to have no Makes Trip Fortyeight members of the Newmarket Womens Institute and their friends chartered a bus on Thursday July for a visit to The local group had an enjoyable trip No mis- hap to spoil the pleasant day The tour was arranged by the president Mrs Campbell through the cooperation of Hamilton secretary of the Chamber of Commerce Mrs Arthur Boyd was in charge of the transportation A full program was included in the days outing The group inspected several of Peterboros industries visiting the three- year- plants of Nashua Paper Co and the Outboard Marine and Mfg Co They had a picnic lunch at Park and vis ited the liftlocks Two boats passed through the hicks while the Newmarket group were there A conducted tour of the Civic hospital was interesting to all the women The hospital was opened about two years ago Dinner at the Knwarthu Golf and Country club concluded the I program I ELECTION DEADLINE NEAR R0s Dining Room Busiest Spot In York By Laura The electoral ballot boxes have been scrubbed inside and out after being four years in government storage They have been repaired and are stacked high besides sacks of I polling station equipment in the back room of the return ing officers house awaiting dis ROs of the Dominion was or- job Is Nelson Canadas chief iLofficcr Thats the estimated cost of the August federal id it will be most expensive one in Canada history normally has a staff of in his Ottawa offices election times his staff swells to about most ttjgfrfltors And soon as this election it over he starts for another for the big event of August The large dining room that serves as an office York Norths returning officer Fred Hare of has enough space now for a few chairs and the piles and piles of voters lists have been shoved back a respect able distance from the middle of the floor The lady of the house has swept and dusted a bit She ventured a suggestion that af ter weeks of plowing through a maze of official papers registered mail and lists her husband should gel things tidied up A typewriter clicks merrily and the telephone jingles all day An open house policy carries on ns enumerators enquirers and other persons Invade the sanctum Tho office Is operated by Fred Hare from his Temperanceville home Mr Hare aged was appointed in when Mr A Hall vacated the office be cause of poor health It Mr Hares third election as the When he was asked what of his duties are ho pointed to pages of bold type where every thing he should know could be found We didnt bother to look as genial Fred Hare seem ed an easy mark for questions One thing is sure He a non partisan job and ho doesnt have a vole In the federal election In his office are the names of over voters of riding 116 polling stations SO of which dnublo polls lint have been prepared by enum erators of which were rural and were urban multiplied by two A fine lot of enumerators they are all on their toes and capable said Mr Hare When tho lower part of York North riding was cut to form Centre York were taken off the riding work on re vision of boundaries of the riding commenced last fall Nothing more was in motion until the writ wm Issued on June when Mr Hare like all ether to cause an election In riding The rush of work com menced on that date One of the largest jobs was mailing the urban voting lists to urban voters when six were required to do the work The writ Is an imposing look ing document bearing a of a likeness of Queen Elizabeth Bitting on the throne holding the sceptre With the revised list completed the Liberal ProgressiveConserv ative and the candidates officially nominated July the office should be as quiet as a mill pond until the polls are closed at pm standard time August As the election results pour in Mr Hare and his clerk Dab Turner will be ready for the ac tivity His private telephone newspaper reporters British United Press and en adding ma chine will awing Into action with the first count Before lonB the story will be known whether J Smith Liberal Bitting mem ber A Progressive- Conservative or Donald Scott will represent York North In the federal house of parlia ment for the next four years In 1945 when Mr Hare had first experience as returning officer the complete results were added up by pm set ting a record for speed One of his most valued helpers in work Is his daughter Shirley Mrs Hare is answering the tele phone and the doorbell and keep ing an eye on meal preparation When one consider Ihe expen diture that government assumes to put over on election the amount of clerical work involved in provinces and at govern ment headquarters one wonders about the apathy on the part of a voter The old slogan vote as you like but vote is the privilege of franchise in a demo cratic land and is as important in this coming election at any other BEST LAID PLANS FOR HOLIDAYS DIDNT WORK OUT The adage about the best laid plans has been brought to mind for the family this week by a pair of unfortunate develop ments Mr Mrs Charles and family had prepared to spend their annual weeks holiday at Maple Lake They were to have left on Saturday Instead they are spending the week a I home with two of their daughters convalescing after sudden Illnesses On Thursday underwent an appendectomy at York County hospital Carol her sister who was eight yesterday decided to follow her sisters ex ample but with a slight variation She developed an acute kidney ailment Both youngsters are well on the way to recovery Looking at the bright side Mrs said At least we should be thankful Unit they didnt become ill after wed left on holidays We can always get away over a long weekend in the fall TO RUN ICE AND COOL ARENA FOR TRADE FAIR The Trade Fair committee for have added many new attractions to this years show Some of the additions will add to the beauty of the show Others will mult In greater comfort lor the visitors of summer flowers will be spneed about the arena Kept filled with fresh blooms by the Newmarket Hort icultural society they will add much to the visual enjoyment of the fair Elaborate display booths have been planned by the exhibitors For first time the comm ittee has arranged with the management to have the he plant running for the Trade Fair This will have the effect of air conditioning the arena Despite the summer heat of August visitors to the fair will he able to enjoy themselves in cool comfort said Onirics Boyd chairman EVENTS POLICE ARREST NEWMARKET MAN ON ROBBERY CHARGE Ross Newton Eugle St Newmarket appeared in mag istrates court today on three charges of robbery with violence Charges were laid following an attack on two young married women on Monday night July when their purses were stolon The pair Mrs Roy Rumble and Mrs George Wray both of ftU Newmarket were return ing to their ear which they had left at the parking lot while at tending the local theatre As crossed the water St bridge a man came up from behind and grabbed them knocking their heads together Mrs Rumble who had a purse with a strap over her arm was carrying her cardigan at the time When the man pulled at her purse it became tangled with the sweater He pulled up our skirts was afraid of assault and never thought of my purse said Mrs Rumble the scuffle we were down on our He was pulling my purse and I yanked his hair The strap broke and off he ran with Mrs wallet and my bag Our FRIDAY JULY 31 Ye Old Dance In Lake Marie and King Memorial Pavilion King City to music of Andrews Ills Canadian Ranch Boys of radio fame lunch counter booth Admission St per person SATURDAY AUO Queen villa Sporti Day Softball tour midway bingo games Cafeteria nipper Fun for all Admission to grounds child TUESDAY AUO Free movies for children sponsored by Lions Club Lions club park Citizens hand will play from to pm to movies THURSDAY AUO Bingo Lake Mario Memnrinl Pavilion King City sponsored by Athletic Association pm good prizes admission THURSDAY AUO Drew national loader Canadian National Exhibition grounds rain or shine MONDAY AND TUESDAY OCT WI Cooking school Reserve these dates were only inches apart Id know him anywhere she added As he ran he dropped the wallet and had the nerve to come hack and pick It up she The women reported the robbery to the provincial police who worked the Newmar ket police force An arrest was made In less than minutes The suspect Ross Newton was Identified In a lineup by Mrs Rumble that night About minutes earlier an old lady in Aurora was knocked to ground when her purse was snatched Police believe that it was same person who committed the two offenses Deputy Chief Jumna in vestlgated the case Newton was remanded this morning until August Mr and Mrs Adams spent Inst weekend in the guests of Mr and Mrs and Mrs William Nam is the new pro prietor of the King George hotel Newmarket The hotel came un der Mr management on July At present living in Toronto family in tend to live in Not until the official nomina tion day when all candidates have qualified and paid their de posit is anyone definitely sure about who is running in the election As soon as candidates qualify the ballots are printed Ballots to press Monday The names of political parties are not printed on election bal lots in Canada There has been some agitation to have the elec tion act changed to allow candi dates to mark their party along with their names on the ballots In some ridings there have been candidates with the same or similar names there is always doubt following elections in such cases about whether all the elec tors really knew whom they wore voting for There are not likely to be many mistakes made in the York North election There Is no ex cuse for not knowing who the candidates are The number of election posters the quantity of newspaper advertis ing and door to door probably make up a record in this election On the ballots candidates names will appear in alphabetical order This is how their names will appear Cathera A Newmarket Farmer Scott Donald Wilson Heights Hospi tal Employee Smith Jack Rich- Hill Editor As the election date draws near candidates are stepping up their activities in the riding Lib eral candidate Jack Smith at tended a meeting of the Aurora Women Liberal association on Monday afternoon In a minute address he referred to the record of his government If he had a fear he said it was that Liberal voters would take too much for granted The ballot box gave the final answer he said and he urged his sup porters to work hard for a great Liberal victory Social welfare in Canada was the best in the world under a Liberal government said Mr Smith Conservative candidate A Gathers has been attending a number of house meeting Page Col 5 COURT CASES ON TUESDAY DOCKET The necessity for another court day at the York County Magis trates court Newmarket la fore seen in the near future No less than cases appeared on Tues days docket The pages of charges ranged from both minor and major traf fic and liquor offences to common assault theft and other There was a minimum of remand with moat cases bringing in convictions and some dismissal Crown Attorney Arm strong said that the number of cases was greatly increased over last year and that magistrates court in Newmarket had reached if not passed the number of cues it could handle in a day Court is held on and in Newmarket and weekly in The magistrate is Colonel Hoi- r Sutton Horse Show Aug 68 Promise Best Entertainment filled with of work vegetable and ah array of manufactwtrt booths and Saturday evening ever popular review- styled variety in front of part f Show hi that it free adtttaton to alt on the ground no extra to etc solid hours pleasant entertain- Saturday the day for agricultural Thats when the lover of farm live stock see some of the beat In Ontario Both Friday and have the features the fancy carriage turnout a the pony show even pony races on both day And the Show complete Its card of event with two teeplechseti and the Fault and Out Stake One of the chase event is for amateurs and Is a doublehorse event run as a relay a baton August opens the show ing of the Sutton Fair and Hore Show Sutton Three afternoons and three evenings are actionpacked From the youngsters running the grounds on the Children Free rule of Thursday and Friday something doing on the grounds all the time A new full program for Thursday evening nan an Old Dance contest starling at then a fire works show at Friday and Saturday the horse Is tops of everything Both days will see a full afternoon pro gram In the Jumping ring with a steeplechase to provide Jump thrills In combination with stam ina round the mile course of track and jumps which ends in front of the grandstand For fans there two of three heats each a total of miles of trotter pacer action from till sup- pw hour Thursday Friday and Satur day the new arena floor will be Review Each Indigent Cost To Town 1600 In A suggestion was made at the last council meeting by council lor Joseph that subcom mittee he set up to deal with the question of indents I wonder If there is some way that council could delegate authority on this matter said Mr Dales A subcommittee by council could meet night other than the rtgu council meeting There Is a tot of time taken up at general meetings with of indigents claims The question was after lengthy discussions on several rases Involving Newmarket resi dents in flnnnclnl difficulties who required The town council must approve each case and declare the person to be an indigent When an Individual Is admitt ed to hoapltalas an Indigent the county pays all the coats and the town for percent The province aeta the rate which the hospitals can charge indigent patients Before the county ac cepts any accounts the taw must acknowledge their riiponti by declaring that son Is a resident and com pi lea with the other requirements I feel we may turn down someone who needs help con tinned Mr Dal erf Who better is there to deal with It than nine men asked the mayor I dont think we haveever re fused assistance when it was warranted said Councillor Charles VanZant It was suggested a way of speeding up procedure replied Mr Dale The Idea occurred to me that we might In our hurry to complete the business a deserving case Mr Dale asked what the yearly bill for was for the taxpayer of market The town clerk Wesley Brooks reported that In total costs were a T

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