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Newmarket Era and Express, 7 May 1953, p. 1

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SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND Over trees planted along Fairy Lake and the Holland River Newmarket last week by the Holland River Valley Conservation Authority The vacant land where the ever greens were planted is owned by the Office Specialty Mfg Co The planting of the trees is the first project completed by the Authority which plans to implement measures to conserve water soil trees and beauty spots in the river valley Officials of the authority above take up positions on the tree planting machine completed the work last week Left to right are Lome Evans chairman of the authoritys advisory committee Wesley Brooks secretarytreasurer and Arthur Evans chairman of the Holland Valley Authority Era and Express photo CAMPAIGN FOR RED CROSS RAISED NEARLY 5000 The Red Cross campaign in March met with an impressive response in the Newmarket dis trict and a number of contribu tions have been received since the Blitz day The total raised in the district now amounts to Alex McKay campaign chair man received a telegram recent ly from Young divisional campaign chairman Toronto which stated It is encouraging to learn that your canvass has been so completely successful Please convey my heartiest con gratulations to everyone who has taken part in your cam paign The Newmarket branch of the Red Cross will hold its last sew ing and quilting meeting of the season in the work room at Tri nity United church on Tuesday May Mrs A chairman of the Cen tral Ontario Region of the Branch Liaison committee will attend the luncheon that day and address the meeting The branch requests all knit ters who have socks completed to bring them in on the day of the meeting The branch execu tive has expressed its apprecia tion for two quilts and two cribs received recently from the Wom ens Pine Orchard NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY Power CutOff Delays Ira Coronation Day Celebration Newmarkets Coronation day parade will form up at am on June along Davis Drive op posite the Dixon Pencil company factory The towns Coronation com mittee has made plans for the day Several meetings have been held and the committee hopes that a number of organiza tions will enter floats for the parade The parade will move along a decorated route south on Pros poet St to Water St west on Water St to the Lions club park where a church service be held Along the route the par ade will stop while the Horticul tural society of plant a tree in commemoration of the day All pupils from Newmarket schools will be taking part in the parade and to date the service organizations town and other groups have plans for decorated floats The floats will be moved from the Lions club park to the fair grounds where the Canadian Legion is holding a tournament at pm Town organizations are also planning to put up booths at the fair grounds NEW CHAMBER APPOINTS CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES At an executive meeting of the Newmarket Chamber of Comm erce held Monday night works program committees were set up The following chairmen were appointed civic George commercial C Morrison program Howard Morton in dustrial Dick member ship Frank Dawson and tourist and publicity J E Struthers IN THIRD PLACE Ernest Tile son of Mr and Mrs Harold Tite Bolton Ave Newmarket won third prize at the York County Musical Festi val yesterday at Woodbrldgc He competed In a class for boy sopranos under years of age A pupil of Herman Fowler Ernest was given 86 points The first prize winner took points Mr VISITS FIRM J I formerly sales manager for the Canadian Hoff man Machinery Co Ltd New market paid a visit to the fac tory in Newmarket this week Mr was recalled to the Ui5 company four months ago and has been made executive representative of the American company on the west coast He Is spending 10 days in Canada at the present time Will Transfer Meters From Main St To Town Board Controversy Over Warrendales Taxes Out Once Again Trustee Mrs Best ex- tending the Newmarket schools plained a recent deadlock on the If Warrendale wanted to Newmarket public school board fight it out on a legal basis they to two new school inspectors at could probably send childreato a meeting last night J the schools on the grounds that The deadlock which involved school taxes and nonresident fees concerning Warrendale a home for girls in Newmarket was broken by a board vote while Mrs Best was absent last month Previously the board members were evenly divided The boards recent vote accept ed an offer by which sends less than girls to New market public schools to pay school taxes rather than non resident fees Last night Mrs Best told the inspectors Mr Hal- man and J Campbell that taxpayers are up in arms about this Trustee George said Some of us prefer to take the charitable view It is a chari table institution Mrs Best added say it is just an experiment this insti tution Why should the taxpay ers have to support it Mrs Best contends that higher non resident fees should be paid for the girls attending the schools She said that Warrendale could send girls to the schools and taxpayers would have to pay for their Chairman of the board J Bell said the board had re ceived statement from no more than girls ever be at- Mrs Best said they pay taxes on other proper ty said Trustee Arthur Lloyd The institution owns another house on which it pays full taxes Recently the boards solicitor said that could not be forced to pay taxes under the scribed as a school yet it has no charitable institution He ad vised that the board accept the tax offer In the yellow pages of the phone book Is de scribed as a school yet it has no teachers said Mrs Best The inspector Mr asked what opinion the solicitor gave The solicitor Mr Stiver and the inspector the late Mr Me Killop advised us to accept the Warrendale offer said Chair man Bell I think the legal advice is in order the inspector stated Any opinion I cast is just an opinion Mrs Best said Mr Stiver is not the board solicitor f beg your pardon he was ap pointed three years ago when the new Prince Charles school was being built and his appointment has never been rescinded said Mr I still dont see why the town council and the school board should have the same solicitor Lots During The Newmarket council has authorized the police committee to move Main St parking meters into the municipal parking lots while reconstruction of Main St is taking place The three mu nicipally owned parking lots are on Park Ave between Timothy and Water Sts and behind the town A report by Chief Constable Byron was submitted to council by the polica commit tee Monday night and it suggest ed the use of meters in the park ing lots to prevent altday park ing If cars are left in the lots all day it does not give shoppers a chance to park near the busi ness section the report said Council approved of the chiefs report after it had made amend ments to it A motion was pass ed to give the police committee the authority of administration operation and care of the park ing lots during the Main St re construction The following is the text of the chief constables report sub mitted by the committee Offstreet parking will be necessary during Ihe const ruc tion program on Main St and I believe that It Is important that municipal parking lots are prop erly controlled At the present time the park ing lot at the rear of the town hall Is occupied for the greater part of the day by cars owned by Bell Telephone company em ployees and store keepers The lot is usually filled by am every day and cars remain there until pm Shoppers and other people who park only a short time arc not given a fair chance The parking lot off Timothy St East Is being used to a great extent by employees of the Of- lice Specialty Mfg Co and their cars also take up the greater amount of the space during most of the day Although the situation in the Park Ave lot is not as bad as In the others there is a certain amount of all day parking there as well It Is reasonable to expect that then will ho a decline in business on the Main St during this construction project If the situation Is allowed to continue in regard to the municipal park ing lots it is my opinion that there will he a greater loss in Main St business than is neces sary If motorists can not find a place to park while they do their shopping on Main St they will plan to shop in other nearby centres If this happened pos sibly the merchants would never regain a percentage of this bus iness which would be going out of town I have been giving consider able thought to this problem and believe that some means should be taken to bring about a larg er turnover of automobiles in the parking lots My suggestion Is that park ing meters be placed in the park ing lota after their removal from the Main St while construction is going on I would recommend that about additional meters be acquired to complete the metering of all the parking lots I do not suggest this as a means of increasing revenue but only to keep uo a movement of auto mobiles in and out of the lots The meters could be changed easily by the members of the pol ice department to register one hour parking for one cent This change could be made at no cost to the town Meters would be placed In the ground in all parking lots except the one behind the town hall On this one where there is an asphalt surface the plan would be to place them in a horizontal frame made of cedar poles The frames would he chained to gether but could be moved to one side if the town hall square were required for a parade or other public function To retain the good will of the public and relieve the nervous tension among businessmen I suggest that all merchants be given a number of pennies which they could supply to their cus tomer as they need them for par king As the pennies are used up each week members of our Continued on Page Col A three hour power cutoff in the south half of Newmarket today delayed the publication of the Era and Express until late this afternoon A switch board blew up as hydro workmen termed it at the power station in the rear sec tion of the water department building a few minutes before am Hydro employees from Tor onto and Newmarket had to repair a large part of the dam aged installations at the switch board Power came on again at pm At the Era and Express plant linotypes and presses ceased to operate two hours before press time There was no interruption in power supplied to the north end of town Power continued in homes and plants north of Queen St and Millard Ave an area which included York County hospital The chief concern on Main St was found in restaurants where stoves and grill plates were cold and ice cream freezers were warm Thermostatically controlled pots on typesetting machines at the Era and Express cooled off after the breakdown this morn ing More than an hour is re quired to melt type metal again after it has solidified in the linotype pots so the completion of todays paper was further delayed Most readers in Newmarket will not receive copies until Friday and outlying areas in the district will not likely re ceive papers until Saturday morning At the power station it was a serious matter when the switchboard blew up Fortun ately workmen were a few feet away from the switchboard and there were no injuries Promotion Teachers Parents Discuss Scheme For County Schools The first of a scries of discussions on introduc tion of the unit promotion plan into the public schools of York county was held in the Aurora public schools yesterday Present ere school staffs members of school boards and executive members of Home and School associations The plan is in operation in the Hamilton public schools In presenting the plan the district school inspector said that Hit i nit promotion plan was a sys tem wherein each of the pres ent grades is divided into three levels of accomplishment Pro motion is made when the child is ready It doesnt depend upon the calendar and so is possible at any time during the year Unit promotion permits pupils to proceed through their grades without gaps in their training through skipping or failures and allows each child to advance at his normal rate As an illustration Mr Hall- man said that the present first three grades of elementary school would form one unit For the average or normal child a three year period would be re quired to cover the curriculum For the bright child the same work might be accomplished in two or two and a half years Under the unit promotion sys tem the slow child would not fail a grade He would al lowed to progress at Ills own rate and the bright child the potential leader could continue more advanced studies Following Mr Hall mans pres entation those present were divided into small groups for discussion the groups pre sented reports on their discus sions J Campbell school inspector took part in the brief study and Mr Aurora Public school read a report from the Cleveland schools on the successful operation of this type of system which they call the child progress plan ere Around Town By Local Observer Everyone is discussing Main St Already housewives have experienced some difficulties in shopping The ear has had to be parked at some distance from the store they patronize and it has meant carrying heavy bundles of groceries Such tem porary troubles are anticipated One permanent difficulty we heard suggested yesterday con cerned the narrowing of the sidewalks on some sections of Main St Said one mother It wont be possible for two baby carriages to pass Will they have oneway traffic on the Main St sidewalks Perhaps that would be a so lution replied the other they might have a driving school for mothers Some need to the courtesy of the road now the way they park their carriages in the middle of the sidewalk chat with a friend and everyone else has to go around them One thing is certain double sized baby carriages for twins wilt probably be outlawed Newmarket Board In Favor Of Child Progress Idea CONCERT Tickets will In available at the door for the concert tomor row night In Trinity United church Sponsored by the Scout- Guide Mothers auxiliary the concert features Goodman pianist Elizabeth Beer mezzo- Members of the Newmarket public school board and A Jackson have spoken favorably toward a new three level system of promoting public school stu dents At a meeting of the Newmar ket board held last night Mr said some of the children who are causing trouble now would be a lot bet ter if they had been under the typo of promotion system dis cussed in the Aurora meeting Trustee Mrs Stella Curtis ask ed if it would be passible to pro mote kindergarten pupils who progress rapidly into grade one before a full year is up 1 would approve of it said Mr Jackson I am definitely willing to consider not keeping kindergarten pupils for a full year I think some of our bad pupils had a bad break along the line somewhere Mr Jackson said If the inspector is willing and the board is willing I think we should go ahead and adopt at least some of the suggestions in this plan He said that teachers must be COMING EVENTS soprano and Terry Donne St suro7tieTJarnVngcapacity of ova Ion of the Newmarket Scout plon opted It is necessary to use all possible tests to find about Bond madetomeasure suits or stock suits Value up to Sale price THURSDAY MAY Oak Ridges Lions bingo to he held in lie Lions Hall Aurora at pm FRF SAT MAY potty Gordon Dancing Club third annual recital In the New market Town hall at pm Tickets may he obtained from Mrs Charles Simmons 2 Hamil ton St or Mrs Rruce Walker Blvd Newmarket FRIDAY MAY Mothers auxiliary presents In concert Goodman pianist Elizabeth Beer soprano and Terry baritone Trinity United church Newmarket pm Proceeds renovation Scout Hall Admission cents FRIDAY MAY The WI are sponsoring a min strel show presented by Sharon Jr Farmers under the direction of Dr Margaret Arkinstnll Ad mission adults Children SATURDAY MAY Dancing at Park Round and dancing welcome SATURDAY MAY St Johns Bingo postponed In favor Hetty Dancing Club Bingo as usual Saturday May MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY and Newmarket High School girls gym display at pm In the NILS gvm Tickets available from girls TUESDAY The Red Cross will quilt and sew at Trin ity United church Newmarket from am to pm WEDNESDAY MAY Jr farmers will present their Minstrel show In Mount Albert town hall at under the sponsorship of the Cheerio Group of the United Pro ceeds In aid of the fund Admission adults WEDNESDAY MAY bingo at Legion Hall Newmar ket at games Jackpot wealth and door prize FRIDAY MAY Old community square dance spon sored by the Homo and Softool Association of School Area in Parish Hall Kettleby at pm Admission SUNDAY MAY Chartered Newmarket bus to Niagara Falls leaving taxi office by am Return faro For tickets call Mrs Dabble Newmarket WEDNESDAY MAY Bingo in Newmarket Town hall spon sored by the Newmarket Veter ans Assoc Time pm Share- he- wealth Good neighbor prizes games No charge for THURSDAY MAY King City Lions Club will present a Coronation Concert by the Ont ario Hydro Singers in King United church at pm Ad mission TUESDAY MAY 28PInno re cital by the pupils of Mae Patter son In Newmarket High school at FRIDAY JUNE Reserve this date for recital of vocal and piano pupils from the studios of Alberta Wood ami Herman Fowler in St Andrews Presby terian church Newmarket DANCING every Friday night at Bond Head Memorial Hall Music the Top Hatters DANCING every Saturday night the Army and Navy Club North Toronto Music provided by the Top Hatters EVERY Friday night dancing at Pavilion Lake to Norm Burling and His Kingsmens orchestra DANCING at Mount Albert every Saturday night from to to Norm Burling and hit orchestra the learning capacity of a stu dent I feel we should give it fair trial said Arthur Lloyd The new plan closely follows suggestions made in the report of the Royal Commission on educa tion according to the inspector Mr The month of May means many things to many people To the gardener it is greenup time To the it is a signal to finish the To members of organ izations who are weary from a long season of activities it means the approach of holiday time without meetings But to municipal officials May seems to be convention time No less than six announce ments of conventions and confer ences were received the New market council at its regular meeting on Monday They are being held in such spots as Ot tawa Hamilton and Toronto Inn and the Guild of All Arts was selected for two of the conventions INAUGURATE NEW PLANNING BOARD FOR KING TWP The inaugural meeting of King townships first planning board was held at the municipal office at on Tuesday May Lome Evans chairman of Whit church planning board was present and answered questions The oath of office was adminis tered by the township clerk Harold Rose Members of the board are Reeve Elton Armstrong Deputy- Reeve William Hodgson Bruce Davis Victor and Aub rey Mr Davis is chairman of the board and Rose is secretary Life in a hospital Is often sad and depressing but the following story retold by the superintend ent of nurses Miss Thomas shows that many amusing events happen as well A few weeks ago a mother was having her third child in York County hospital maternity de partment when the baby ar rived it was a girl The older children a girl aged and a boy years of age were de lighted with the new arrival The little girl celebrated by tele phoning many of the relatives to boast about having a new sister The boy who was not quite bo pleased remarked It isnt fair Everything at our place is a gill The hens are girls and the pig is a girl and now the new baby is a girl Poor boy He does nt know that Its a Womans World A That story naturally leads to a Mothers day anecdote A young- lad we knew didnt have loo much money to spend on his Uteris gift Wondering what keif would select not pared for his final choice package of carrot seeds I though Id like to give you flowers he explained But they were so expensive Then decided Id get some flower and you could enjoy them garden When I saw the carrot seeds I remembered how good carrots were for you so I got them KING SCHOOL CHOIR WINS PLACE IN YORK FESTIVAL The King City public school choir of voices won the shield at the York County Musical Fes tival yesterday placing first for rural schools of four rooms or under The choir was directed by Mr Harris Aurora Seven choirs competed in the class singing the Psalm with descant by Sec ond and third places were won by schools in North township Roches Point placing second and Sutton West placing third The adjudicator highly com mended the King choir for beau ty of tone expression and phrasing The students were from grades one to eight Six members of the choir were grade one pupils Tempo school placed fourth in a class for oneroom schools Eleven choirs compel in this class Shirley top and Marie Sills show how a stomach is done in the gymnasium of Newmarket high school Girls at the high school pupils of Miss R Kelly are presenting a physical education demonstration at the gym next Monday and Tuesday evenings There will be gymnaitic displays folk dancing displays of basketball and volleyball and dancing- Em TRADE PAIR All spaces for exhibits at the Newmarket trade fair this sum have been filled Three exhibitors this year are Road- house and Rose furniture Aus tins hardware and the Silk and Linen shop The campaign for the Crippled Children nrd fry the Newmarket

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