v- Pages from This week we are publishing news about the activities of the community flood relief fund in the Dutch language on page for our Holland Marsh sub scribers It was easy to make the decision but on carrying out the technical procedure it prov ed to be a more difficult prob lem The first suggestion was made by a resident in town and the idea was perfectly sound AH we needed was someone who could read and write both English and Dutch Mr Herb ert Millard Ave Newmarket kindly consented to do the translating Mrs operates a store on Main St Newmarket the Wool House We wrote the material our selves and Mr did the translating The headings were written In English and Mr was instructed to write the same in Dutch using the same number of let ters and spaces in each line as In the English version was the first stumbling block What we said in English took about twice as many and about three times as many let- and spaces in Dutch Eventually we shortened down all superfluous expres sions in English and our trans lator was able to brief his head ings The translated text was printed in block letters by hand as Mr Goodhoofd cannot oper ate a typewriter He finished his copy by Tuesday noon and we merrily dumped it into the linotyplsts trays and tried to be nonchalant Blood press ures mounted during the day and we wondered if it had been worth it all Since the text was printed in block letters the not being able to read Dutch did not know what letters should be capitalized It was another stumbling block We went over all the copy again and guessed at the capitals Our guessing was not far out as Mr Goodhoofd checked the galley proofs Tuesday night and there were only two cap ital mistakes We are much obliged to Mr for his assistance It was education night at the Lions club this week on Mon day evening Mr If Beer assistant headmaster of Pick ering College was guest speak er and Mr Bell chairman of the public school board and Mr chairman of the high school board attended along with a few teachers Mr Bell and Mr were present ed with small potted plants c f Aurora and me rural am Published every Thursday of 142 Main Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription tor two Mrs for year in advance Single copies ore 5c much Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa ION Editor Mm I IAWRINCE RACINE Job Mirtn Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE TWELFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE From the Files of and 50 Years Ago FEBRUARY Mr Victor Thompson of Alberta who is on a visit with bis brother Mr J Thompson Holland Land ing gave the Era a call last Saturday Although handicap ped by the loss of his hand Mr- Thompson is one of the North York boys who Is making good in the west Dr J If Wesley left on Monday to spend a few weeks at xray work in New York city During his absence his office will 1x3 in charge of Miss Cross and Peter Vale Miss Cross has been Br Wesleys assistant for the last two years end Dr Vfllo comes well recommended from Pa On Tuesday afternoon of last week Mr Alfred Allen of White when going for a load of hay slipped through rack backwards and broke his leg above the ankle He is a son of Mr Allen of 3rd of Whitchurch On Thursday evening last Mr and Mr John Gordon St entertained about of their friends at house party Mr was bumped into a ditch near Osh- by a motorist on January 30 It will be several weeks before ho will be al right again Mr P Oilman got homo on Wednesday night after a tenday trip down south as far as Orleans Ho reports beautiful summer weather and splendid time Mr and Mrs Robert son entertained four tables bridge one night last week in honor of Mr and Mrs Keck Miss Alice Curtis of and cousin Miss Marlon Curtis of Toronto spent the weekend with the formers aunt Mrs Hurst of 13 A delightful social took place in the school room of the Pres byterian church on Tuesday evening under the auspices of Willing Workers There was a splendid attendance and during the evening Mrs Geo of contributed a solo and Miss of To ronto a speech Mrs sister of Mr Winans is here on a visit with relatives and friends after an absence of years Mrs is now a resident of Pembina Dakota and expects to spend nearly three months with Ontario friends Mrs Walter gave a five oclock tea last Friday In honor of Miss Maud Wallace of Miller son of Mrs Miller of this town who went over to States about years ago and Joined tho army serving in tho Cuban war arrived hero yesterday morning on a visit Miss Pearl of Snowball was spending a few days with her aunt week J C Parry and son Gordon of St Louis visit ing with her sister Mrs John Mr John Warren mechani cal superintendent at Canes factory was in city lost Saturday visiting his parent Mr David Earth of Detroit was in town of days calling on old friends Mr and Mrs W Hewitt entertained friends on Friday evening of last week Mrs Martin left yes lerdoy for and ex pects to bo several months Miss is spend ing his week visiting In tho VET BUILDS SCHOONER IN BACKYARD Mi Hie of a llfotima was by John and recently whim 42foot reached coin- MUon in his Toronto backyard It took the family and friend three years to build of and year of Although outfitted i will ply more placid wtor of But In year to com father to his boyhood dreams by wiling the South Sew WHO MAKES THE NEWS One of the two women on the Newmarket public school board criticized this newspaper for the publicity it had given the board during its recent difficulties There was a suggestion made that because of the news paper the town was acquiring a bad name The trustee said that she was not harmed personally by the publicity but that the school children of Newmarket were being harmed She said that the board tries to draw good teachers to Newmarket and asked what outside teach ers must think when they read about the board There is no need to draw up a defence against questionable logic Since there is a lack of logic a logical defence would be wasted effort But the situa tion provides an opportunity to state a few facts and opinions about what a newspaper should be doing First of all a newspaper does not go out and make the news It reports about people organizations govern ments and their activities which make the news The activities of elected bodies make important news in everything they do since their actions usually affect their electors to varying degrees It is important that a newspaper has a responsibility or conscience In our opinion it has a responsibility to mirror all activities in the community and thereby serve Recent strife on the school board has created news members themselves have made news The question of school fees or taxes involving a charitable institution in the community merely shows tho surface of the trouble on school board As we have said before the board is in an unhealthy state Now mem bers are turning on each other viciously and personal attacks which hardly seem to belong to a supposedly public spirited group of elected representatives have turned school board affairs into a disgrace A newspaper certainly would not be living up to its responsibility as a servant to a community if it went blind to these conditions It is the papers duty to report the news particularly of elected bodies j The trustee suggested that school children are being harmed by the recent publicity We have given our opinion that the people should know about the boards activities and in carrying out our responsibility the result has been what the trustee calls publicity If the publicity is harmful to the school children it is our opinion that the trustee is making an obvious admis sion that the boards activities are harmful to the children of Newmarket We heartily agree If teachers in other communities that thoy do not like the Newmarket school board it la certainly to their credit They would be showing good judgmont Newmarket wants good teachers but for staff replace ment it is doubtful that the good teachers will lie clam oring for positions here until there is peace harmony and cooperation on the hoard A FORCE OF GOOD The disastrous floods in and England have caused floods on this side of Atlantic floods of gen erosity from the hearts of people which have needed no stimulation other than sympathy and for fellow man Individual acta of charity may bo questioned motives behind giving can associated with a search for praise publicity and social success These false motives aro common in modern But it is heart warming and moving to realize that recent surge of which arose immediately is a gen uine expression Hale and war tho minds of people in these times Indications of a powerful force of good among the thousands is almost a now and refreshing concept A great response has from Newmarkot and surrounding district particularly from tho Holland Marsh and Bradford area The Holland Marsh people are pouring thousands of dollars into tho support of their relief fund hart working people of the Marsh farmlands practically putting a HID percent effort into the relief work many Individuals giving up their Havings in an Im pressive humanitarian gesture impression tho Marsh citizens leave with us is that those uninhibited people who toil hardest give the most RED CROSS ASSISTANCE Offers of were sent to England and tho continent by from national office of Cana dian Society as soon as news of flood was hoard Over cases of Canadian Bed Cross Society supplies which were stored in the League of Red Cross Societys warehouses in Geneva have been transferred to the flooded areas The supplies consist of clothing bedding rubber boots and flashlights It is gratifying to know that Canadian Red Cross has been able to ship to stricken areas supplies made by Canadians which were stored in Geneva for such emergencies This has been made possible by the year round effort of women volunteers in Red Cross work rooms such as in Newmarket The national office is in close contact with officials overseas to give any help during the present emergency The British Red Cross is taking care of its own needs for the present time according to recent word and all Canadian help will go to Holland Supplies are being sent by and KLM the Royal Dutch Airways free of charge At the present time priority is being given to blankets sheets pillow cases and quilts fl ESSENTIAL TO THE ECONOMY The dairy farmers are of the opinion that dairy ing is everybodys business and at the convention of the dairy farmers of Canada in Vancouver recently the decision was made to urge governments in tho pro vinces to protect their industry against imports of vegetable oils This week the columnist Dairy Farmer gives his opinions on the banning imports of vegetable oils from the United States The farmers argue that tho dairy industry is basic ally essential to the Canadian economy and the health of our people It provides more than Cana dians with all or part of their livelihood It provides greater stability to agriculture than any other type of farm enterprise and agriculture despite present indus trial expansion is still the foundation of the Canadian economy It conserves top six inches of our soil upon which we depend for our very existence Its products I supply one third of tho food nutrients for only per cent of consumers food dollar It ranks among Canadas top industries contributing more than annually to our national commerce It is perfectly reasonable to say that this important national industry should receive tho same protection as other industries such as automobile industry If we could buy American automobiles at American price there would hardly bo any Canadian automobile Industry The industry is protected dairy farming has as much right to tho same protection THEIR OWN MASTERS The following editorial from Barrio is of interest at a time the town council and public school board are preparing their budgets which will bo determining tax rate for The Packet a Times has noted that a recent court ruling which in effect reaffirms that school boards are not auswerahlo to municipal councils hut to their constituents Is worthy of more than passing Interest on part of all taxpayers ruling resulted city of Port Arthur deducted a sum of from tho school board esti mates when striking its tax rate school board appealed to have amount restored to its bud get and tho matter was finally settled recently Mr Justice the city to pay the amount to Board of neat ion Barrio would do well to note tho ruling and consider its implications does not anything now and merely what has boon general prac tice in past Rut it is In this practice that the Im portance of the matter lies There not been any serious disputes hero for a number of years between the municipal council and town or district school boards On occasions Coun cil sent back the estimates of school boards asking that they bo reviewed in an effort to them and so to keep down municipal tax rate Rut that la as far as a council go school boards are not obliged to reduce their budgets although out of courtesy a desire to fully as possible effort Is usually made to out unnecessary spend- Wo do not suggest that board la or boon with tax money in past But wo do that it would bo wise for citizens who pay ing for education to take more Interest in school board matters It gains to cut of hundred dollars off sumo town department If school boards spend thousands unnecessarily fn function or mmtmr of fffw In to ft guarantee mm As you of my column probably noticed last week we were absent We were forced to drop our regular don of pearls to this news paper for a week while Slim and I were preparing to attend the Good Roads Convention now going on at the this week I and Slim and Col Holland Rivers reeve of township have been attending the convention on a very port ant matter namely the dig appearance of a good road in the township of It is a touchy problem In and up around Corners The whole thing is a dark mystery The road haa com pletely disappeared How can we legally represent ourselves at the Good Roads Convention when we are short on a road Slim pointed out Thats the whole point said Col Holland I am going to tell the Good Roads people that this road must be found owe it to the elector What good a if it isnt around Youve got a good point there said Slim- It appears that upon time there was a good road to township It back in the when the township was virgin country One day a man named surveyed the road out so that the local settlers could haul the root pulp of the thimble bush to the local distillation mill The extract was used In the manufacture of Dr hand lotion compound Our records don show where this road disappeared to said Col River Alls got is a copy of the Survey The electors want their road back and that is exactly what am going to he Going to what asked Slim Going to get It back It is with keen interest that we are watching this hunt for the lost road of township It is a very compli cated affair and has both legal and supernatural significance The Top Six Inches ii by Dairy farmer If the first six weeks of are any indication year promises to be on improvement on In all fairness we should admit that such steps as the sate of Ihe surplus cheese and bacon is a step in right direction Especially the latter where the government took the realistic view of things and in cluded in the price of bacon the amount that canning or storing of any surplus would have coat us as a subsidy to wards price paid by the UK This resulted in a much larger quantity going overseas than it would otherwise We should also count as a promise of things to the start of marketing hogs by marketing agency It Is much too early to tell what success it will have In long rim but for the time being it keeping hog prices above floor price and we know that some hogs were sent to Mon treal at time when hogs much higher there than here This was made possible of course by having the hogs to dispose of instead of the old system where the packing houses received hogs direct ly from truck and few golnK to stockyards made too small a volume to alter price And please note also that cheques in this area como back without exchange taken from them Wo hope that marketing agency will some semblance of stability in hog business and lot us hope that Inst falls much too pre mature announcement of the drop in floor price didnt business repair We ore not too sure Other things wo look forward to are of course the lifting of embargo In weeks time Wo doubt that great amount of cattle will cross border Immediately and wo suspect that the present depres sion in beef prices Is sign of our market adjusting Itself to markets and prices across the line As far tin ox- port of and heifers for milk is concerned there wont much difference until fall at least thai is tho way wo guessing It one dark cloud on the horizon Is still question of the vegetable oils and their threat to dairy farmers Thew are few people connected with agriculture who do not the danger involved and the resolutions passed have beta unanimous in condemning the indiscriminate use of vegetable oils Wo are wondering whe ther or not the outcry was long enough and ioud enough to make the necessary impression Wo are afraid that altogether too many farmers somehow took attitude that surely it couldnt happen here and that it is too monstrous to contem plate Wo hoping that our pro vincial legislators will take a long look at the situation and consider it in light of what their decision will mean to generations of farmres to come If they will do this they will sec that the industrial worker gets protection in this country through tariffs gold min ing industry gets protection through direct aid to make up for a gold price sol by the United States treasury The aircraft industry is helped be cause it Is an important factor in national defense Any other part of the econ omy gets the protection that it needs Now hero is Indus try of dairying It has sup plied population of Can ada with as disruption as any group manufacturing and growing any product you can think of year in and year out at cost that made lis products available to the public reason ably Today the price of a brick of ice cream or a pound of cheese or a pound of butter for what it offers in food value is rea sonable and fair to the buyer A brick of Ice cream nutritious and good dessert for to four people Is the cheapest dessert a housewife can buy The man engaged in dairying has fulfilled its part in economy Is ho not entitled to some degree of protection This is main Issue We done our Job we have done it for years Are we to bo sacrificed for cents a pound If wo arc this coun try will find that 10 cent sav ed today will cost them many dollars in a few years time in health In fortuity and in un employment GIRL HOPES SURGERY WILL EXTEND HER LIFE i Sutherland Is greeted by nurse Pat following arrival at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto from homo in youngster who has a hole in a partition of her htart will undergo an operation which may her life for a good of yews Her mother Mrs Sutherland of a teacher say Susan suffers no from her heart condition but has always been to because at it The youngster sjenb October to April In nm other Am bed an attack at and just about died M that deckled wAt v i