HEADERS TAKE TRAINING COURSE IN NEWMARKET NEWMARKET AURORA THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH IBB NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY 15 COPIES CENTS EACH Thirty were present at the op ening of the South Lake cub leaders course which opened at the scout hall last night The course is under the leadership of Jack Atkins Field Commissioner Dick Edmunds and Art The course is designed to help new leaders and provide refresh er training for experienced lead ers At the three Wednesday night meetings the leaders will learn the basis of cubbing and new ideas for leadership The South Lake Dist rict has been formed recently It extends from Aurora to Virginia and from No highway to Stouffville Four generations of male members of the Tomes family Holland Landing are represented in this picture when Allan Tomes arrived homo from Germany recently Left to right are Tomes his grandfather Harry Tomes his young son Tommy and father Frank Tomes saw his son for the first time when he arrived home as he had left for Germany before Tommy was bom- He is on leave from the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry which is serving with the brigade in Germany His brother Donald 20 is in Germany with the same regiment Another brother Ed was formerly with the Princess Pats served in Korea for a year and is now stationed at Mon treal Marsh To Start CoOperative Nursery For PreSchool Children Here Planned For Development The members of the township councils of East and North along with township road engineers made a survey this week of marsh land which may be veloped for marsh vegetable farms The land inspected is owned by Joe Gatti 3 Newmar ket who recently requested co operation of North council in his plan to drain over acres of marshland He hopes to reclaim over acres eventually The area is located west of the third concession at the east- west township line between East and North Gwillim Roy Pollock reeve of North Gwillimbury said that the two councils were hesitant in com mitting themselves to building a jointlyowned road before Niagara St phone saw the fruits of Mr la- Donations will be picked in the draining of land by I up The Newmarket OptiMrs A cooperative nursery school is to be started in Newmarket The school will be held in the afternoons on weekdays in the auditorium at the new fire hall A nonprofit organization has been set up to operate the school in Newmarket Mrs G A Mines Aurora a graduate specialist teacher for nursery schools will be in charge of classes The classes at the nursery school are to be hours long and will consist of active and quiet indoor periods with music circles creative group work toil- let and washing routines self help in dressing and general as sistance in learning how to work and play happily and construe- lively with other children and adults Donations of equipment for the new nursery school would be gratefully appreciated by the ex ecutive Any chairs tables or toys will be accepted by Mrs J vice president Mrs Robert Bir- secretary treasurer Mrs Nick Styke purchasing commit tee Mrs John Mrs fid- ward and Mrs Ernest contacting parents Mrs Fred Gardner KING APPOINTMENTS King Township bylaws were passed recently appointing IB pound keepers three fence view ers in each of the subdivisions and livestock valuators Very few changes were made in the list of names given in The dates time and place of the monthly council meetings up to January 4 were fixed They will be held at the municip al office at Nobleton and a spec ial meeting was set for Dec Regular meetings wilt be held on the first Monday of every month except Tuesday Aug and Tuesday Sept COAT HANGER DRIVE Newmarket Cubs of Pack A Will be holding a coat hanger drive in about two time Residents are asked to save coat hangers which the cubs will pick up this month on a date to be announced later Here and There Around Town By Local Observer canals and dykes The councils did give Mr assurance that they would go ahead and work on the road once they saw that he was mak ing progress in his project Permission was given Mr to construct dykes on the township road allowance and these dykes would be used as a bed for a road to be constructed in the future club is sponsoring a tea at the fire hall auditorium on Friday Jan 23 to raise funds for equip ment Donations of toys will also he accepted at the tea The nursery school will be in spected and licenced by the de partment of public welfare Play clothes overalls and a sweater are recommended for children at tending the school Children may attend two three or five days a week at nominal fees On the school executive are president Mrs J SCHOOL FEES UP At the first meeting of the Public School Board of trustees the secretarytreasurer Bruce Hunter reported that the cost per day per pupil was up a total of six cents One cent of this increase is paid by the par- rents to bring the cost per day per from to cents and the five cent Increase brings the boards share from to cents per day per pupil Nonresident school fees are based on the cent a day rate the club over the weekend COMING EVENTS READING FOR PLAY A reading for parts for the next production of the Newmar ket club will he held next Monday evening Persons interested In taking a part in the next play arc asked to contact any member of the executive of FBI AND SAT JAN At Store Bonds January Bonus sale mens suits Extra trousers free Women get a free skirt COMMENCING Tuesday Jan will bo held each Tuesday evening at pm sharp In Ye Ofdo School House form erly Jersey school Seven in teresting prizes to bo won each Admission 50c FRIDAY JAN lGNewmnrkct Firemens euchre new Fire hall oclock sharp Admission Full cards FRIDAY JAN WI are sponsoring a euchre in the school house pm Com prizes FRIDAY JAN mating of King Memorial will take place in All hall pm SATURDAY JAN St Johns bingo In the Town Hall at pm Jackpot games special game CI w3 TUESDAY JAN In Sharon Hall sponsored by Union Street Hood prizes Time pm Admission JAN Carnival Community night Arena Lucky draw at door Re freshments at booth Sponsored by Park Board Ad i mission Public school child- reft free WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 at Legion Kill at pm gams hit orchestra Jackpot 30 hewealth and door prize THURSDAY JAN 22Toronto Star Weekly Free Concert of line music to be presented in Trinity United church at pm by the Commodore male quartet and the Enchanted Strings Come arm bring your friends Entirely free to public THURSDAY JAN 22BIngo In Aurora legion hall aid of the Ladies Auxiliary Good prize games Time pm FRIDAY Jan Annual meet lug Girl association Scout Hal pm Cordial in vitation extended to general Light refreshments FRIDAY JAN 23 Tea and bake sale in the Fire Hall at to pm Admission Sponsored by Club Newmar ket MONDAY JAN in Aurora Legion hall sponsored by tho Aurora Auxiliary Time 8 pm Good prizoH Re freshments Admission FRIDAY JAN Dance In Community hall Snlly Lloyds orchestra Admission Refreshments WEDNESDAY FEB Valcn- tine carnival at Arena Prizes given for persons In costume c2w2 DANCING at Mount Albert every Saturday night from 9 to to Norm Burling and Members of the audience from Newmarket attending Peter Pan the New Play Societys presentation at Katon auditor ium Toronto Dec to Jan were surprised to recognize a local resident in the cast Why theres Johnny Kecbles mother one youngster remark ed as Mrs Darling made her en trance A careful study of the pro gram revealed no such name as Mrs Gordon Keeble or Midge but a Marjorie Ellis was playing the role of Mrs Darl ing They might call her Ellis there But shes really Johnnys mother he as serted On further invcstlga found that to be the case Mrs Keeble the former Mar Ellis had decided to use her maiden name in this her most return to the thea tre since coming to Newmarket about five years ago Ellis was a familiar name to To radio audiences when dur ing the war she was one of women announcers at CBL Mrs started in theatre in Vancouver She was a mem ber of the Madame Novello- Davies choir which visited the continent prior to the war and while in England did a BBC show for their overseas service Mrs acted in tho panto mime Cinderella at East bourne England prior to to Canada During a twoyear stay In Montreal Mrs Keeble wos ac tive for over a year in radio She wrote and broadcast program Mono Ogllvy which was five times weekly Re turning to Toronto she appeared in the New Piny Societys Christmas Nativity play Basil the director of Peter Pan was a personal of Mrs When ho phoned that ho was in To ronto to direct play and sug gested that I try out for the part I wondered If it might mean too much rushing for re hearsals and all said Mrs Keeble But I decided to read for Mrs Darling got and it was fun petition for the highest televi sion antenna will be in order Warning lights will need to be placed on them Certainly it cant endanger passing jets or services Wonder whose TV antenna is the highest to date That nude appeared on Main St again This week it was exposed to public view only for minutes In many centres there is a bylaw requiring that such mannequins in store win dows be draped while the win dows ore being dressed We could not unearth any such regulation in Newmarket However most merchants follow this practice in their window dressing It would take only a few seconds extra time Percy Hutchinson Newmar ket was installed last Thursday night as worshipful master at Tuscan Lodge No AF and AM Mr Hutchinson is a degree Scottish Rite Mason He has lived in Newmarket for the most part of years of his life He was born in England Penalties For Speeding High Court statistics prove it does nt pay to rush through New market Of 1500 motorists charged last year per cent were convict ed Approximately seven per cent of charges were dismissed and six per cent withdrawn Deputy police chief James reports that during the summer he clocks one speed er every minute the speed varied from to which means if convicted fines from 9 to 42 Speed limit Is mph D J RESIGNS AS OF DAVIS COMPANY Due to extreme pressure of business In the past few yours Mr J Hutchlngs is resigning as general manager and after a well earned holiday will re- turning to the company to assist in our sales promotion program the Davis Company Newmarket announced this week The duties of general manager assumed by J If nor who was recently appointed executive vicepresident of the company Mr has been appointed comptroller and J plant superintendent I Dedicate New Free Methodist Auditorium For Sunday School Rev A Brown Winona Lake Indiana general Sunday school secretary of the Free Me thodist church was tho special speaker an dedi cation service of the new Sundoy school auditorium at the church on Millard Avenue Sunday Jan 11 at 230 pm J Sedore chairman of hoard of trustees presented the building wing for dedication Rev Brown read tho declaration of dedication and offered the dedicatory prayer He was as sisted in service by Rev G superintendent of churches in the Toronto districts Miss Clara Crowdcr superin tendent of Sunday school and pastor Rev Earl S Bull also assisted in service Mr Murray Varnoy superintendent of the Holt Sunday school led the singing A beautiful basket of flowers paid tribute to the memory of the late Rev A Daw and Mr Ross Tornhnson It was un der the leadership of tho Rev Daw former that the needed building project was launched Mr Ross Tomlin- son worked faithfully as a car penter in his time until a few weeks before his death Sunday school has had a gradual steady growth to an av erage attendance of over now auditorium and tho class rooms soon to be fitted In the basement of original building will possible accommodation of moro child ren young people and their par ent irman i HOG PRICES TAKE UNEXPECTED JUMP TO 28 CENTS Hogs are selling in the Toronto Stock Yards for per this week the highest price in almost months This unexpected turn of events followed low ering of government floor prices from the 26 to as of Jan The government floor price as many farmers say usually be comes a ceiling price as well and this is explained as the reason tor the heavy marketing of hoes in the last few days of the old year The heavy flow of hogs to the market soon brought about a shortage in the first two weeks of the new yean The shortage resulted In the present unexpected high price Whether this price will be main tained for any length of time or not is difficult to predict A levelling off of prices around the middle of next month is expected by most farmers the unknown factor being the number of sows marketed last fall by farmers who decided that they could not make money on hog prices QUEEN SCOUT AWARDS Garry Bugler Robert Edwards and Donald Jackson patrol leaders of the 1st Newmarket Scout troop have satisfactorily qualified for the Queen Scout badge the second highest scout rank A presentation of their badges and awards will be made this evening at the regular troop meeting J Bell was named as new chairman the Newmarket Public School board for by a unani mous vote at the first meeting of the year Held on Wednesday night Jan following the final meeting of the board annua appointments were made and committees were struck Mr Bell who led the polls in the recent election for public school trustees was nominated for chairman on the motion of George Mr ter declining the nomination for chairmanship by Allan Perks had named Mr Bell for that office His nomination was seconded by Mr Perks and unanimously car ried George Phimister was elec ted vice president Mrs Morden Carter was re appointed as attendance officer at the same salary of a year The secretarytreasurer Bruce Hunter was reappointed for his second year with on increase in salary of He had received last year Mr Hunter was commended for his fine work in the past year It was recommended with the paying of this increase that the ordering of supplies would be assumed by him It had been a duty of the past secretarytreas urer but in Mrs Curtis as property chairman had taken over that responsibility Other appointments included Area High School board Mrs J Ed wards Public Library Mrs Wil liam Janes and Recreation com mission George Phimister and Arthur Lloyd In accepting the chairmanship of the board for Mr Bell paid tribute to Mrs Curtis for Scene From Last Act 1952 Potted Plants Returned The closing scene In the drama of the Public School board was a stormy one As the curtain was brought down on final act an action of the chairman Mrs Stella Curtis was questioned by trus tee George Phimister In the course of the general business the accounts were pre sented for payment usually a routine procedure wherein each member of the board examines each account and the motion for payment is unanimously moved without dispute Mr questioned a bill from Flower shop for potted plants azaleas which had been sent to each member of the board and secretarytreasurer Bruce Hun ter on December dis cussion took place as follows Just for curiosity I wonder how youll class this Curtis Which bill is that Mr Phimister bill for tho flowers sent at Christmas time It looks awfully foolish to mo to got something from ourselves Curtis I thought it was just a courtesy gesture for work well done The town gives turkeys at Christmas Thats different are employees This was a gift to ourselves I couldnt he party to that Thats why I sent them back post haste Curtis You returned flowers I certainly did Immediately Boll And so did I Best It was an expression of courtesy Phimister To ourselves Curtis If you dont want the board to pay It I wilt myself Best Why should you Curtis Mr let have that bill Phimister I was just express an opinion Best be ridiculous Let the bill stay right where it Is Without further discussion a motion was moved by Mrs Best and seconded by J that all accounts be paid Mrs Curtis the chairman neglected to put the question to the vote the time she had spent during as the boards chairman Prior to the retirement of J whose seat was taken on the new board by Arthur Lloyd Mrs Curtis thanked him for his cooperation and work while on the board Mr had been appointed by the board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Herbert At- kins Rev Fred minister of Christian Baptist church Newmarket opened the Inaugur al meeting of the board with prayer Rev took the declaration of oath from the members elected this year Messrs Bell Perks and Lloyd As a father in the community and having had some part in public life said Rev I can appreciate the difficulties facing you as members of the school board and the sacrifices which such duty entails Your work over the year will be a re flection of your cooperation a yourselves The spiritual forces of the town are with you in new responsibilities Schools were assigned to mem of the board Prince Char George Ktof George Mrs Curtis Stuart Scott Mrs Best and Alexander Arthur Lloyd Mr was named property chairman On his aits Mrs Curtis Mrs Best and Mr Lloyd Management is under the chairmanship of Mrs Best with Mr Perks and Mrs Curtis as committee members Mr is finance chairman The board as a whole forms the finance committee and the chair man of the Is member of all committees Mrs Best and Mr Lloyd were appoint to a special committee to con sider the annual music festival A discussion of the duties each committee was held Tri bute was paid to Mrs Curtis by members of the board for the conscientious manner in which she had chaired the property committee In Mrs Curtis presented a detailed record of nil maintenance supplies required in four schools over the period of one year This Is the first time that such a record was ate tempted Mrs Curtis stated L Board Move Would Bar Warrendale Children Rescinded On Friday A resolution passed by the Newmarket school board at its last mooting week would have barred students from Warrendalo home from attending schools in Newmarket boards resolution carried by Chairman Mrs Stella Curtis trustees Allan Perks Mrs Heat and James would have barred the students until nonresident school fees were paid i The weatherman has been most this winter with outdoor skating en Fathers have patient- flooded areas for young sons skating practices Boys at re cess or after school have tried to a small rink by tho school At least they could practlco some stick handling if that weatherman would stop being contrary Oho day It looks promising Tho next Perhaps this might bo op portune to warn youngsters about crossing Fairy Lake Wo saw some small types testing tho ice there last week Parents and teachers might be mind children of this lake river or creeks which pais through It Newmarket lost when the Left to right are minister Brown Sunday school expulsion resolution was rescinded by a special meet ing last Friday night first resolution was public In tho Wednesday meeting but tho secretarys letter with the reso lution never reached A letter was later received by with information that announcement of the ex pulsion resolution prema ture In tho opinion of town solici tor K M Stiver the Nowmar- public school board had no right to demand payment of school fees and threaten aion of students who are dents of tho charitable home J Roll chairman has called a meeting school board members of board of St Faiths lodge who Homo DOORS A YEAR LEFT UNLOCKED During last year nearly MO doors on garages store and warehouses wero round unlatch during night the annual police report shows Aurora merchants have a bet ter record Constable Jim Kto- of Aurora states only doors were found unlatched to that town last where the girls live and a repre sentative of the Ontario depart ment of education No date has set for the meeting Home paid school tax for the first six months of and then tho board that since they were a charitable institution they were taxes and refused to pay any more board eon- tended that under the Public School act the students fell tho classification of -non- resident students and therefore had to each pay a fee of cents day Mr Stiver said The horn paid their taxes for first part of tho year and then a court of revision remitted their taxes for last six months of Therefore in my opinion paid oil taxes for and board Is wrong to demanding tho payment of aay school foes will bo a differ ent matter when it comes time pay the takes Mr Boll has called a between the school board offi cials of tho Horn and a representative of the of education to out this situation fat con tinued But they cant step the children from going to became as far as all their toies are x Lt