Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 13 Nov 1952, p. 5

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v -JT77- v a Of Farm stock Implements -Aay- grain poultry furniture eta The property of irrs A WEBSTER To be sold on KING NOV f cow bred May Blade bred July mllkine bred June in full mow i cow bred August in full flow in full flow cow bred May cow fresh calf Bitter cow bred August cow bred June cow fresh calf by Bide cow bred September milking cow fresh calf by side Ostein cow fresh calf by side heifers years old lack heifers years old Heifer calves months old calves months FIGS HORSES Work horses and years old j POULTRY Light Sussex pullets laying GRAIN AND HAY Oats Tons mixed hay Cations of molasses FARM MACHINERY Woods milking machine units cream separator milk cooler can MB tractor on rubber Oliver tractor plow plow disc drill marker binder St Disc harrow out throw Steel wheel wagon Manure spreader mower ft Springtooth cultivator sec- of iron harrows of sloop sleighs Feed grinder Set of scales Draw rope Land roller Circular saw single plows Hay rack Hay fork mill box truck- Hap rake Saw mandrill Milk cart plow fence MISCELLANEOUS I heater team harness rod roll of farm fence tons scrap Iron Numerous smaller articles furniture Large glass cupboard Kitchen bio and chairs electric with an- rocker Bedroom suites complete fir ii machine Realty machine room table afoul mall tables and odd iLurt is the IP HARP BUMS CASH it auctioneer phono Newmarket provided by nth line a Urn Womens Institute e without reserve farm has been sold En- via the town- for any Is Incurred In my Naomi Nov PAKE to Moun pursuant to Mechanics Chapter lien against favour of Milton Koffer in the amount 1038 Icons No Motor wed by bo sold by by Smith fit the premises of Knalo Sheet let of eleven am on the day of Nov- M Kef lw46 of head of Here fords Fresh Cows Springers Feeders and Fat Cattle Team of Grey Mares LOT CON SCOTT FRIDAY NOV 21 The property of CATTLE Yearling Hereford heifers Red cow years old milking Red cow years old milking cow years old dry Red cow 5 years old milking cow years old milk ing Part Jersey cow years old dry Hereford cow years old milk ing Red cow years old milking Hereford cow years old fresh Roan cow 7 years old springer steers years old Hereford Bull 2 years old Hereford steers approx and lbs each Black steer years old Jersey cow dry cow fresh Hereford heifers years old Hereford cow springer Roan heifers open calves heifers bred i Hereford calves HORSES Team grey mares PIGS Roar months old CHICKENS Yearling hens WOOD Cords dry elm wood No reserve selling stock on account of ill health SALE AT PM Ted Hewlett clerk Farmer Auctioneer Phone NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARG ARET ANNIE WHYLE LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMAR KET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK SPINSTER DECEASED CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket In the County of York on or about the day of June are here by notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the under signed proof of their claim on or before the day of December after which date the assets dl the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of November AD Herbert Edward Administrator by his solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Newmarket Ontario market on Friday Nov Henry McGann husband of An nie Mae Green Funeral service was held on Monday Nov In terment Newmarket cemetery On Monday Nov at Kettleby Amy Edna wife of Walter Folliott and daughter of the late Oliver Funeral service was held this afternoon Interment King cemetery MOFFATT At hospi tal on Monday Nov 1B52 Mabel Louise Williams wife of Charles Moffatt and mother of Murray Funeral service was held on Wednesday Nov In terment Newmarket cemetery RANDALL At the Queen Eliza beth hospital on Sunday Nov Randall former ly superintendent of Cooper Camden and aunt of Mrs J H Eaton Orillia and Mrs Albert Moore Toronto Funeral service was held on STRIKES AW SPARES Watt counted 224 to pace the Monday night ladies league last week Other good scores were turned in by Alice Gibson Mary Austin Flo Campbell Mary Os borne Hall Clare Pollock Annie Flo Reiiiy Emma Broad- bent Pearl Edna Scoring last week Speed Balls Happy Gang Tugs Jays 2 League standing Happy Gang Speed Balls Jays Tugs IN BIBLE SOCIETY WORK IN EAST TO SPEAK HERE Rev L Geary will be the special speaker at Newmarket Bible societys annual public meeting Sunday night at in the Anglican Parish Hall Mr Geary has spent flVe years pi Ernie topped the scor ers last week in the Office Off icemens league with a 232 No was Francis McFarland Interment 165 McFarland and Newmarket cemetery STEWART At her home Greenwood Place Winnipeg Man Sunday Nov Alice Stewart widow of the late Rev L Stewart mother of Mrs Archie Mitchell Bird ie sister of Mrs George C Young Newmarket Everett of Manitoba Meford Vic toria BC Thomas Capilano Highlands North Vancouver arc In a three way tie for first place Big scoring week in the town league High man Del r bracket marksmen were Doug Mount Steve John Jock Watson Reg Wil son Top circle marks- t men were Bill Dunn service was held Smith Fred BIRTHS BAILEY At York County Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs John Bailey Rich- vale a daughter York County hospi tal Wednesday Nov 1052 to and Mrs Harold Blake Bradford a daughter At York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs William Aurora a son York County pital Monday Nov If to Mr and Mrs Donald a daughter York County Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs Newmarket a son At York County hospital Sunday Nov Mr and Mrs Roy McDonald Aurora daughter At York County hospital Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Cyril Robinson Newmarket a daughter At York County Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs Duff Island Grove a daughter At York County hospital 1uesday Nov Mr ami Mrs Alex Newmarket a son WATSON At York County Nov Io Mr and Mrs William Watson Mount a son York Nov to Mr and Mrs Newmarket dnuhfer IN In memory of a husband and father who passed on to Eternal Rest Nov- ember Very deeply missed by his wife Claude Christina Bill Kay Jean and Harry In loving memory of Mary Anne who passed away November One year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away God took her home It was His will Within our hearts she still lovingly remembered by sons Isaac and Malcn WIGHT In loving memory of our darling son Billy who pass ed away November Please God forgive a silent tear A silent wish that our child was here There are others yes we know Rut he was ours and we loved him so Two years ago we had to part With one we loved wilh all pur hearts The wound so deep it will not heal Only those that have lost know how we feel Ever remembered by Mummy daddy and Uncle Lawrence CARD OF THANKS Mrs Frank Kirton and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors who have been so kind and thoughtful at the time of the recent death of their father Mr Jordan CARD OF I wish to thank my many kind friends and neighbors for the vie Ed Milt Scoring last week Office Specialty Turkey Catchers Combines Rockets Newmarket Dairy Clover Kickers 3 Meteors Metal Workers 3 Le gion 2 Dixons 2 League stand ing Office Specialty Com bines Meteors 15 Dixons Clover Kickers Legion Metal Workers Rockets Newmarket Dairy Turkey Catchers Louise Smith heads the Wed nesday afternoon ladies league a feature at the North End Al leys is treasur er Myrtle Dunn secretary Its a four team circuit Team cap tains are Vi Dales Iris Morton Mary Fish and Atkinson Dunn led the scorers last week with followed by Agnes Helen Taylor Marie 545 Doris Mary On Monday Oct Samuel Francis King passed away at York County hospital after a short illness Mr King was born near in He married Florence May Rogers He at tended the Mount Albert United church was foreman for Toronto and York Roads commission for 34 years and belonged to L 902 V Surviving are his wife one Slaughter Vera May Welter- one son Kenneth three sisters Charlotte Emma Sarah four brothers John Edward Fred J and Oliver Rev Shapter conducted the funeral service in the chapel at Mount Albert The pallbearers were Messrs Rate J Rye Maries and A Hopkins Inter ment was at Mount Albert ceme tery The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov Page by the whole community In the passing of this good citizen and fine gentleman Active pallbearers were A King Lewis Albert Taylor Max Smith James Clark Dales was top scorer with the Thursday Night bowlers last week with a three game mark of Other or better shot makers were Hazel Olive MyrtPurm Hall 51 Marie McCabe Standing in Of Specialty Thursday Night Ladies league is Dubs S Queens Mary paced the scor ing last week 125 Audrey 50a REV U GEARY in Cairo Egypt as secretary of the British and Foreign Bible society for Bible Lands South His work took him Into diff erent countries including the Sudan Ethiopia Israel the Jordan and the Is land of Cyprus It has been ear ned on in the midst of unrest and danger In which his person al safety was often at stake In spite of the difficulties copies of Scriptures in differ ent languages were circulated last year in that agency alone A Evans president of the Newmarket Bible society will be in charge of the meeting Mr Robert Dick Is Secretary and Mr Morton Treasurer Through the help of many branches like the and Foreign Bible Soc iety has distributed scriptures in ever 50 different languages Ontario and in over lang uages and dialects throughout ho world PREMIUMS FOR FUND AT SCHOOL I Friday Nov 14 has been fix ed as the day on which the premium is duo for the accident insurance for- pupils of the New market public schools As a re sult of the response by parents arid guardians to the proposed scheme the board has decided to proceed with the inauguration of the scheme immediately Those their children to in the accident and Joseph Watson Honorary pallbearers were J Doyle Morton Morgan Baker and Fred Peel Interment was at cemetery i -OBITUARY- Margaret heads the Ladies La wn Bow a Friday fix tin- at lovely cards Is fruit flowers Smiths Kathleen New fa sec- Jnd which will cover expenses and acts of kindness during l last Week were afaresult of an borne id Viv on school property on Gibson Olive wsbftgl daycare cents illness In the hospital Special thanks arc extended to Dr nurses and special nursesi John ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS Mr and Mrs George Toronto announce engage- of their To Anne Shirley to Mr Douglas Allan Wilson son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Wilson Newmar ket Hie will lake place on Nov a I In Pearson United church Ave W Toron to SHARON Mrs Kidti Toronto spent weekend vith her cousins Mr and Mrs Gordon Stevens Other guests at the Stevens home were Mr and Mrs Rose Annus vv Mr and Mrs Jack Vernon and Milton spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Car Mr am Mrs Donald Kcott Yvonne and were Sun day guests of Mr and Mrs Dan The Sharon Home and School Association met in Sharon school on November with mem bers present An interesting talk vas given by Mrs Dorothy Mrs Bowman spoke under standing land upbringing children A discussion on outside activities for and girls was held Subjects discussed were Hewing classes for older and hockey end scouts for hoys Widely known in North York and active in public affairs Mr Ross A MacMillan passed away suddenly at Toronto General Hospital on Wednesday Nov aged Mr was born In the township of North a son of the late John and Celia Evans Mac He was a successful farmer and business man highly regarded in the community for his ability his sound judgment and integrity His sincere friend liness and his willingness to ex tend cooperation and assistance whenever such was needed won for him a wide circle of friends In he was elected deputy- reeve of North and became reeve in which of fice he held for the four succeed ing years During his terms as reeve he served capably on sev eral committees of York County council and in was chosen as a wardens commissioner In he was appointed by the federal government to act on a committee concerned with admin istrations of the Veterans Land Act By this work was oc cupying his full time and he gave up municipal office He served with the up to the time of his death and can be said to have died in harness as he was taken seriously ill while about his du ties in a few days be fore his death In politics Mr was a Liberal and attended the Presby terian church He was not mar ried and made his home with his sister Miss MacMillan who survives him Other surviving relatives are one brother Bruce Mrs Bruce and two nephews Donald and Murray The funeral service was held at on Saturday Nov and was conducted by the Rev Warren assisted by Rev Campbell of Keswick In the large attendance there was evi dence of the personal loss felt n MAIN ST Service NEWMARKET COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE PICK UP AND DELIVERY Authorized Dealers for UNITED MOTOR SERVICE J mi ii Everything To Fill The Diabetics Prescription WW The successful treatment of diabetes depends on a close and friendly cooperation between doctor and patient This cooperation plus faithful adherence to doctors birders as diet insulin and exercise will allow the diabetic to almost the life of a healthy person We are prepared to a the diabetic In carrying out doctors instructions carry a fresh supply of insulin in all strengths under cons refrigeration We also have available needles syringe ami testing sets p i v v t rl Main St Phone Newmarket r a league with six points premium by Dabs is per Two shutouts in league last week Vorclone Sheet Metal ess Shop Machine Shoji League stand- in 21 Press Shop Sheet Metal Machine Shop reading scorers last week were Boh Ml Hodge Jack Doug Campbell Ml Ned fired a 2WI81 to lead the la her shot makers or better were Dill Geo A pair of shutouts last week Jordan Crown League standing 44 Jordan 31 Drown III pupils who is registered and in daily attendance at the Newmar ket public schools Pupils are to pay the to their teachers A record will he kept by the school hoard and an official receipt will be issued to the pupil The accident fund will be put into effect upon the of payment who previously did not signify their Intention of taking advantage of Hits accident insurance may do bo by payment of premium tomorrow Only by the whole hearted support of parents and guardians can this plan car ried out successfully The premium of go cents per Is coverage against acci dent expenses to a total of 100 till the end of the school year In June Any balance in the fund would he carried over for use the following year FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICI ON Washing Machines Ranges Space Heaters V Household Appliances Light Fixtures and Wail Plug Installations CALL HOME ELECTRIC SERVICE 975M rHil -r- a All Workmanship Guaranteed te the of Mrs lini Church St on Wednesday Nov Inez Brown in her year daughter of Die into Mr and Mm Joseph sister of Die Into lata anil Byron Brown Hosting at of and Hose until Hit tut day oclock at Tabernacle Millard Newmarket at pm In terment Newmarket cemetery HENRY At Keswick on Mon day Nov William A Henry of Stew art and father of Hal ph Funer al service was held on day Nov Interment cemetery on Sun day Nov Dales the late Charles and mother of Mary Lloyd was held on Nov Interment were and a social halfhour spent CAMPING Movies on camping highlight ed the Nov of the Mothers auxiliary Held In the Newmarket Scout hull the meeting won well at tended Scouts and their leaders were guests of the auxiliary at this special meeting Mrs Victor pro shied and Introduced the speak er Harry Bryant Mr Bryant is Hamilton Scoutmaster who has peon In scouting since boyhood His troop has purch ased land In and erected their own camp on this property Horace moved the vote of to Mr Bryant for his interesting Illustrated account of efforts In providing camp for their boys Light z M f v Send a Gift Subscription PRIZE WINNING EDITORIAL PAGE WOMENS PAGES AND FEATURES SPOUT NEWS AND COtUMNS FEATURE STORIES AND COMMENTS DISTRICT AND LOCAL NEWS L fc JS V -i- T A OF YOUR p f- fi fi S O k k 1 Gift Subscript t r Tho NEWMARKET ERA EXPRESS sender of receiver J Ad ess i J 1 ii ls fl 4 a j V -i- Xt J t

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