STOU r- News Of The WI Contractor For BULLDOZING EXCAVATIONS -And- Gravel Surf and Fill Phone Aaron News for this column roust be In the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The October meeting of Lake large percentage of cancer if GRAVEL LTD nut Plant phone phones and f CONTRACTOR and It eral Repairs Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario St Newmarket PLUMBING HEATING Contractor Dealer for Fairbanks Morse Pressure Systems OH Burners Sheet indAii Conditioning ridges- KINO 111 PHONE AURORA NEWMARKET Revival services are in progress in the Hoi Free Methodist church continuing through until Sunday Nov Services are held every night at pm ex cept Saturday night Rev Reynolds superintendent of the Kingston district will be the guest speaker There are special singing groups each night Fri day night Nov is Young Peoples night and Maurice Ken nedy and his two daughters from will be singing A dial invitation is extended DAY MEETINGS THEME Remembrance day was the theme of the November meeting of the Junior Ladies Aid Chris tian Baptist church Newmarket at the home of Mrs Mi chael Steel on Tuesday Nov here was ant attendance of Mrs Grant Ferguson and Mrs Andrews conducted the devotional period Mrs An drews gave an inspiring talk Be still and know that I am God Two minutes silence was observed and in FJanders Fields was read by Mrs James Mrs Ferguson gave a reading At the close of the business session when plans for the groups booth in the- annual community bazaar were com pleted a social half hour was spent Hostesses were Mrs Charles Mrs Percy Mrs Robert Dick and Mrs Roy Gibson side branch was held Tuesday Oct opening with singing the ode and reading the collect Mrs Mace was elected as dele gate to the fall conference at the Royal York hotel Mrs Generty was in charge of the program Mrs Marshall gave a short talk on nursing talk was given on citl and education by Mrs D McGenerty followed by Mrs Rye giving a summary of her trip to the west coast The meeting closed with the Queen and a social half hour fol lowed Hostesses were Mrs and Mrs Porter The regular monthly meeting of the Newmarket branch will be held in the agricultural board rooms St on Thurs day Nov at 230 Mem bers arc to answer roll call by bringing an old photo of them selves CHIROPRACTIC Coal Coke and Stoker Coal WWW Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling variety OF DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS Is such that we can meet almost any require ment both as to kind and cost We also make memorials to order of every description Youll find work excellent always and service and reasonably priced ft and SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET I E Confederation Life Association Representative Automobile and Casualty Newmarket A Newmarket Mount Albert A AUTO AND LIFE New and used cars financed Mrs spent Saturday in Toronto Mrs and Delia Mr and Mrs Win and Mrs Hague spent Sunday with Mrs Frank Marshall at Strange Mrs Mitchell who has been staying with Mr and Mrs Win Marchant spent the weekend with friends in Toronto A number from here attended the fowl supper at Bond Head on Friday Nov Mr and Mrs and Mrs a a were Sunday guests of Mr anil Mrs at Mrs Mabel and son Toronto spent the weekend with friends Mrs Crawford who has visiting her daughter Mrs Frank Kettle by returned home on Friday Mr and Mrs Wilson visited Mr and Mrs Roy Stephenson over the weekend Mrs visited Miss Vera Bryan at recent- We are sorry 16 hear Mr Bruce Thomson is confined to bed with rheumatic fever wo wish a speedy recovery PLEASANTVILLE Mrs Mrs Mrs and Mrs attended the anniversary of Wesley Ladies Aid Wesley church on November Mr and Mrs David Sharon Mrs and also Miss Joyce Van ven visited Mr and Tom Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs and three Sunday night tea guests at the home of Mr Jack Preston Mr and Mrs Or ley McClurc and Karl and Paillette Port Perry Mrs Jim Barber Halifax Mr and Mrs Jewitt and Mr and Mrs Moore and Rob- Toronto and David filch Aurora were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs G McClure Mrs Bert The Bogarttown branch will meet at the home of Mrs Jack Preston Tuesday Nov at 230 Motto Rural Com- are the strength of the nation Roll call Name a fa mous woman of yesterday and The Womens Institute will be our guests and will provide the program rrhc Traitor Within and Breast Self Examination two excellent films on cancer are to be shown at the next open meet ing of the branch Mr Maurice Grimes Executive Secretary of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society will speak the meeting to be held at Hall on the even ing of Wednesday November at oclock Everyone is urged to come Certainly anyone who hafi ever contributed to the Can- discovered early and treated promptly can be cured A little rudimentary knowledge of the habits of cancer may be the means of discovering the disease early and perhaps saving our Jives That is why The Traitor Within and Breast Self Exam- ination should be seen by and why everyone will be welcome to attend the Womens Institute meeting on the evening of November Union Street branch met at the homo of Mrs Irvine Rose Tues day afternoon Nov There were members and seven visi tors present Mrs Swanson read a poem by Edna Jacques in reply to the motto It was decided to apply for the legislative grant to be used for educational work in the schools A committee was appointed for progressive euchres to be held in the Sharon Hall dates to bo an in the Era and Express Institute members please provide lunch Mrs convener of the program began with singing of Canada followed by two silence in mem of all Who have made the supreme sacrifice Mrs Erwin Winch was guest speaker and chose as her topic Canadian Industries AT very interesting account was given of a six week motor trip she had taken through Northern Ontario across the prairie pro vinces and oh out to British Mrs Edith arid Margaret sang a hymn The Little Brown Church In the Vale Mrs Thompson gave a reading entitled Faith Burgess read Current Events Mrs Lloyd Kay gave a demonstration on weaving hints cushion tops and rugs J Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov Page BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Elaine Horner Virginia years old on Saturday Nov Joanne Cecilia White Holland Landing years old on Sunday Nov Randy Cole years old on Monday Nov Judy Toronto years old on Tuesday Nov Susan Jean Toronto- years did on Tuesday Sheridan years old on Tuesday NOV Susan Peters Newmarket years old on Wednesday Nov Donald Robinson Newmarket years old on Wednesday Newmarket years bid on Nov 13- Martha Irene Woodruff years bid on Thursday Nov is Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club Mrs Lang exchange of Christ mas gifts none to exceed Mr Will Shields has had two operations and is slightly im proved Miss Amy Gibson Newmarket spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson JJ York County Hospital IN YOUR WILL j MR EDDiE HAS NOW of Newmarket- k M Cancer Fund should see both these outstanding films be cause perhaps more important branch will than money in the fight to con- meet on Tuesday Nov at the cancer is knowledge of home of Mrs J a Preston what we are fighting Institute will be the Doctors know that a surprising- guests and provide the program The at the home of Mrs Frank on Nov Mrs Serrick presiding The devotional lesson was the BcattUudcs Mrs Marritt and Mrs Campbell each gave edu cational topics on the work of the United Nations showing how important arid far reaching this work is Mr cam a in for a few minutes and gave more firsthand information as he had just had privilege of a visit to the UN Assembly Mrs gave a very in teresting iiccoiirit of her recent motor trip from coast across Can da and US A was served and a social hour closed one of our very best meetings The next meeting will lie held in January The Christian church mission ary meeting will beheld Friday evening Nov when returned missionary from China now stationed in will show missionary pic ture slides Mr Mann was home from Detroit for the weekend Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant and Mrs Peel spent Thursday In Toronto visiting friends Mr and Mrs Arthurs have had as recent tlioir airman son Vic Arthurs Saskatoon who flew his plane from Saskatoon Ho returned to Mat- ton Sunday for his journey back accompan led by Mr and Mrs Arthurs and Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant who enjoyed the airport for the I Mr and Mrs Itoscoe Brown have returned After spending the weekend In Toronto Mrs Claud York and new spending some time Willi her parents Mr and Mrs Bernard Rye report Mr Wesley Williams is homo from hospital after his few last week With her sinter Mrs Remember bntfliAr of the mom We wish a speedy recovery to our sick folk Mrs and Mrs Sheridan Glad to ROBINSON FUELS Coal Cokh Fuel Oil and Stoker Coal in the town hall Newmarket on Nov THE By the More than ever the individual and the church heeds the Mas ters touch One morning as the students of an old artist filed into his studio lo begin the days lesson one of number cried but In great joy- The Master has The Master has cornel The students gathered around him to enquire the reason for his outburst and he replied Look a I that picture I tell you no one hut the Master could do a Ihing like that The old artist had gone to a distant city for several days and had left I he students to work along as best they could Oho of them had done his best grew discouraged with his work The picture was imper fect Oho evening weary and discouraged he reared to tils lodgings That night the old artist un expectedly returned and going to his studio saw the picture He too knew it was imperfect He knew also where the imperfec tion lay and with a few deft strokes he supplied what was lacking and then on In the morning as the young arrived and went to their work they heard cry The Master is come The presence and power of Ihc Master is what we need today Without Him bur work is weak ness and futility and imperfec tion flow much more effective would be our lives and our work if the Master Christ Jesus was allowed to do I lis part Sunday school and church service will bo held in the fourth school house on Sunday Nov Sunday school at p m service at MrsGordon Bruce and Audrey Tawri hod dinner last Saturday Mr and Mrs Archie Dike Mrs Lillian Boyd is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson Mrs Walter Couch spent last Wednesday with Mrs Howard and Mrs Graves Mr Oliver Dike Falls visited Mr and Mrs Archie Dike on Sunday Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor Mrs Bruce Penrose Toronto had dinner on Sunday with M Ad Mrs George Mrs Frank New market Mrs- William- Carson King visited Mrs Howard and Graves oh Saturday Mrs and Harry were guests of Mr and Mrs Howard on Sunday Hope will hold its meet at the home of Mrs Herb Wright oh- Dec Program committee Mrs Joe Gibson and Mrs George lunch committee Mrs Allan Mrs Warren Mrs Floyd Town Newmarket it I E w NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN rU I 1 I for offices of mayor reeve six tofill the said offices for the year 1953 and one hydro electric anil three public school trustees for the term of two years for the municipality he town of Newmarket will be held in the town hall on a 1 FRIDAY between the hours and pm by the Returning GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET STOCK DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL TELEPHONE COLLECT PHONE NEWMARKET AND TORONTO EM GORDON At all nomination meetings the candidates for each offke be proposed and seconded striatum and every nomination be in writing shall state the name residence and occupation of candidate and shall be signed by his proposer and seconder BOTH OP WHOM SHALL BE PRESENT AND SHALL BE ELECTORS ON THE VOTERS LIST AND FILED WITH THE RETURNING OFFICER WITHIN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME FIXED FOR HOLDING THE MEETING When a proposed candidate is not present his nomlnatio shall not he valid unless there is attached thereto satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated The Treasurer of the Municipality will be in attendance at Ids office at Street for one hour immediately preceding the commencement of the Nomination Meeting to receive applica tions for a Certificate under the provisions of Section of the Municipal Act being Chapter and amendments thereto At the nomination meeting or before nine oclock in the after noon of the same day a candidate may resign in respect of one or more offices for which he is nominated by filing his resignation in writing with the returning officer and in default he shall deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was first nominated If more candidates arc nominated for the respective of ficcs mentioned than are required to fill the same the voting In the polling subdivision at the subsequent elections shall be conducted by the deputy returning officers at the respective subdivision as follows ST GEORGES WARD Prospect Ave IB A Robinson Mrs ST ANDREWS WARD Town Hall A James Walker Alex Eves Wyatt ST PATRICKS WARD Fire Hall- 3A Frank Doyle Mrs P Brown 3C Arthur West POLLING SUBDIVISION No Fire Hall Mrs AL Sclilon Monday the First Day of From oclock am to pm and longer Of all of which all persons are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly SAVE- THE WESLEY BROOKS Clerk and Returning Officer Newmarket November -Si- VH K pi- HOLLAND LANDING The Clans parade wall he held on Saturday Dec There will be float costumes nd for the children Era and Express Classifieds Bring SPONSORKQ BY ST JOHNS ISO J 1 omfatallQii graphs up Victor Fleetwood Personal radios up ft i r n Motorola handy portable mixer Z fan in summer VMM A ST 15 1 Srf Jft Jftffl PHONE i J i