Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Oct 1952, p. 13

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tsr- Ttf hi I HomeSchool Season Opens With Get- Acquainted Meeting A evening at Prince Charles school on j welcomed upon their arrival by opened the season for the New- and the past president Mrs market Home and School asso ciation when parents and teach joined in an Informal meet- r CUT FUEL COSTS by is YOUR HQMI WITH ROCK WOOL Mm you hrt with DISCOS Lfh It drafts comfortable a proof Give of fire last long as your nor Add to your homos value Applied in a by blower be tween rolling and by torn in wall sidings See your or Insist Wool of ASPHALT SIDINGS Wflrf Cofow roofings A HITS ftUILTUF MATCKIALS Triplex Board CEMfNTS A PAINTS COATINGS ROCK for ltd AvHAlf PAP So yew CISCO ROOFINGS a A WHEVES end CO Newmarket Phone J- a Extra rich Sinyo end skin A powder Fragrant when chore You it by skinfane colour in ho holtlo chapping Household stormy I can chip or crack skin only especially to prevent hind damage it Economical Ik A of further than wont lotion rich uniform cream- Always have two bottles on hand on in one la the kitchen busy hamS rfTRUVllAy many enjoy evening social aJTsJra knowing your bonds will busy day protects from effect of new chmnical suds HAND the beforehand a i i M iii i aJ lotion Ay MUM VMM Howard Morton Home and School executive members introduced the parents to the teachers from the four schools and following this section of the program the ma jority gathered in the audi torium i it and to overflowing Principals of the schools were introduced as was the ch of trusted Stellk Curtis the director of music Herman Fowler the school nurse and school doctor Dr King direc tor York County Health Unit Mr Fowler led the group in I Singsong and an v Interesting talk on what the teachers ex pect of parents was given by Miss Eva Barnes In speech welcome Mrs congratulated the retir ing president Mrs Morton her successful years office Refreshments were served un der the of Charles VanZant and a social half hour was enjoyed CAVXPREJpES FOR SEASON ahead The Catholic Womens League Newmarket held their first meeting of the season recently Plans were dis cussed for the coming season and will include card parties a Halloween party and participa tion in the community bazaar and a sale The first euchre party will be held the latter part of this month A tasty lunch was serv ed by the refreshment commit tee and the League members ex changed pleasant summer holi day memories and further for the coming activities A pleasing program is prom ised for the next meeting All meetings will be held as usual on the first Monday of each month in the Separate school ITS A Womans World By Caroline Ion With the organization of new Home and School association in Sharon this week the opening of the season in town of the local Home and School the holding of a workshop for Home and School execu tives in North York we are very aware of this i The GetAcquainted evening held by the Newmarket associa tion- last week was exceptionally well attended Old members re turned and many hew ones were welcomed In all there were over present That cer tainly a audience But it is a small percentage of the total number of parents with children attending the public yV In her opening remarks the president Ray said In the beginning our mo tives are selfish we are think- ng only in terms of our own little Johnny or Jane We all are anxious for child ren to grow tip to live with neighbors ireful members of society At Home arid School we learn to think of it in a broader sense as applied to all children Here we work and think together to teach our children good citizenship sound moral values stronger religious ties a finer appreciation of the arts good health habits and in so doing J think we make better parents and citizens of ourselves Education does mean teaching people to know what they do hot know means teaching theni to behave as they do not behave It is this phase M of education in which we as AFTERNOON TEA Because of the small school yard at the King George school it was planned to make that building a junior school Send ing the older children on the west side of town to Stuart Scott gives them more play area an important factor in their pro per development The circle continues and no perfect solution seems to appear Perhaps the formation of four associations should be held un til school space and numbers of pupils become more compatible Perhaps only In the increased interest of more parents in the present Home and School asso ciation lies the immediate an swer If your youngster is in school you should be interested in the Home and School association Your cooperation and support heeded The executve will welcome your suggestions Night School Are you among the number who registered for night school classes last spring Organiza tion meeting of all interested in such adult education being is the time to get the classes operating for the winter months PARK The nice weather over the weekend saw most every cottage filled The duck hunters are getting ready for the big day Mr and Mrs Gordon Kcnyoh and baby NX spent Sunday with and Mrs Other visitors were Mr and Mrs Norman Walker Smiths Falls Mrs Frank Greenwood Beaver- ton Mr and Mrs Srnythc and daughter Toronto Mr Marie Doyle and Mr and Mrs Lome and fam ily also of Toronto Mr and Mrs Joe arid Mr and Mrs re turned last week from a holt- day in Ottawa Smith Falls Quebec and down to Lake v TORE SPEAKER Fred will address a meeting of the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary to be held on Tuesday Oct 230 pm in the Newmarket Agricultural Board rooms St His topic will be Civic Administra tion Tea will bo served A cordial invitation is extend ed to the women of the district to attend this meeting Mem bers are requested to note change of time SCOUTGUIDE The Newmarket Mothers auxiliary will open the season with a general meeting at the Scout Hall on Monday Oct- ft pm Pupils of Mrs Eugene Cane will present a short con- cert Light refreshments will be served All mothers of brown ies cubs guides scouts and rovers are invited to attend Home and School members are interested hope you will think of the Home and School association as yours and that you will play a very vital part in it Like life Home and School is only what you make it When you speak of it will say Our Home and School association and not The and School associa tion because you are the associ ation importance of the general memberships contribution to the well being of the organization cannot be overemphasized Un less have your interest the very existence of an executive is without point Those remarks can bo carried one stop further to say that with out the interest of all the par ents the the associ ation is without point When we realize that in a Small commun ity such as Sharon they can charter members the attendance at Newmarkets meeting week was propor tionately small has been suggested that the formation of separate Home and School associations for each public schools would be the an swer That appears to be the most logical solution for with approximately parents eli gible for membership under the present arrangement import ance of each individual parent is minimized Moreover such a number is Not that we can having to find seating accommodation for over a meeting first objection to four Home and School associations within the community is that parents would be called upon to attend more than one associa tion With children from the same family attending different schools the parents would of belong to Marys group as well as Billys With the return to neighbor hood schools such a plan would be feasible All children living in one area would attend one school Parents of those young sters would belong to its Homo and School association again there Is one big draw back increased school popula tion How to accommodate these children hi a serious problem RAISED FUNDS FOR The home of Mrs J Gordon Cock was the scene of a de lightful afternoon tea on Wed nesday Sept 24 when 135 was raised by York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary The affair drew a representative attendance from communities throughout the northern section of the county Mrs John Dales was general convener Receiving with Mrs Cock were the superintendent of the hospital Miss I Thomas and the president of the auxiliary Mrs It Rogers Sharon Mrs M convened the sale of homo baking and Douglas Brown was in charge of the dining room The living room was decorated with gladioli dining room table which was -covered- with an embroidered cloth was centered with small yellow mums and blue cornflowers flanked with lighted yellow tapers in silver Pouring were Archie Cousins Aurora Mrs Ivan Spetch King Mrs H J Kurtz Mount Albert and Mrs Charles Evans Bradford CROSS HOME NURSING The Red Cross Home Nursing course was opened Sept when enrolled for the 13Week pro gram Sponsored by the market branch Canadian Bed Cross the course is ah intensi fied period of instruction quali fying Us graduates as Nurses Aides Mrs Graham Holland Reg Aurora member of York County Health Unit Is the in structress Mrs Holland In her opening class sold that essen tials of efficient bedside care wore mental and emotional calmness good grooming per- cleanliness and general alertness tV- Mrs Holland dealt with the noting of symptoms and unna tural conditions which should he reported to the doctor Tho use of the clinical thermometer was discussed briefly and will he studied more fully at class riA course teaches hoy to lake and record temperature and respiration recognize symptoms give a bath make a bed move a helpless patient give an enema apply a mustard plaster etc isolation care for measles scarlet fever etc dis infect and sterilize meals and feed sick look after ma ternity cose and bathe baby and meet sickness in the home WHITE A lovely wedding was solem nized in United church when Donna Elaine daughter of Mr and Mrs Williams was united in marriage to John Herbert son of Mr and Mrs If A White Saturday evening Sept oclock The given In marriage by her father- was dressed in white nylon over satin with bodice lace jacket and fihgeftlp veil She carried red roses Her attendant bridesmaid Miss Downey dressed In turquoise nylon not over satin with lac bodice lace Jacket and suitable -bead- dress carried pink roses Mr- William Haines Ottawa acted as groomsman After their reception at homo of brides parents tho couple left for Port Arthur second reception was given by several members of Ontario Pro vincial and their wives The and groom flew from Port Arthur to Mnlton whore were met by grooms parents and they will spend their honeymoon while visiting other points cast Tuesday Sept Guests were will live in Port Arthur ELECTED PRESIDENT OF SHARON HOME AND SCHOOL Mrs Osier was elected of the newly organized Sharon Home and School assoc iation on Monday Sept when the Sharon public school was filled to capacity for the charter meeting Tlic association has charter members Mrsvji Lang- staff president of Homo and School council install ed the officers and spoke on the alms and objects of Home and School Mrs North area vice president for council spoke briefly on York- Si me council f j Those elected to office include j president Mrs Osier vice presi dents Mr K Stokes Mrs Boyd recording- Sec Mrs Ward Sec Mrs Gill Mrs A Case teacher Mrs Proctor com Mrs Ramsey Mrs K Shaw Mrs M Murray Mr and Mrl Wi Osier rho Sharon Homo and School association will meet the last Monday of each month Meeting be held In the school and ore open to the public LESION LADIES AUX HOLD ZONE RALLY The and Express Thursday Oct MATURED UNI QUALITY OR ROASTS A BONELESS BOUND ROAST SHORT CUT SIRS RRRsmiiRsiiiRP at SHOUT RIB BLADE ROAST RLAOC CHAD A 3 MEAL VARIETIES IN ONE PURCHASE and at this tow price of one lamb front CUT SECTIONS READY TO COOK lb MAPLE LEA KG 53e Jerseys Best Northern Selects Jar LD3BTS TOMATO SPECIAL QUAKER CORK regular AVLMER CATSUP CLOVER VALLEY LINK CHEESE TIM 0 STL CIL LO ROLL 25 14 33 19 YOUR HOSTESSS COMPLETE HANDBOOK NOW OK AT 89 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS JUICE ORANGES CRISP CALIFORNIA Size Dozen 29c POUND Pot Ready washed and trimmed Spinach CANADA NO COOKING ONIONS 15 POUNDS CHILI SAUCE CLARKS GOVERNOR SAUCE DOMESTIC SHORTENING GERBERS Strained Baby Foods PURITY FLOUR PURITY WHITE CAKE MIX Jersey Brand Cocoa APPLEFORDS WAXED PAPER LYONS Blue Label Black Tea Brodles SelKRaisng Flour Handi Snack Cheese SE OLIVES GRAVY BROWNING 35 19 27 29 39 34 56 26 ML TIM RAO TIM loorr ROLL SOX CRACKED SLICED m 14 M IN PECTIN JAR Strawberry lam COT 2 3 2 TINS REU JAR aioz LCI OR TIM TIMJ branch ladles Auxiliary Canadian Legion was hostess to Zone at a rally in Newmarket Legion Hull on Thursday Over were present from Kln Aurorn arid Sutton- BUI Mr Paul president of mt Newmarket branch opened the meeting arid extended a wel come to visitors Mrs Toronto presided Reports were given froin each auxiliary its years In Iho absence of Mrs Aurora representative her report was presented ly Mrs Audrey Nelson congratulated aux iliaries on their past work and gathering was addressed briefly by Mrs Tor onto Refreshments were served by Newmarket auxiliary members and a pleasant social was spent MILK MCLARENS Tasty Mayonnaise OGILVIE MINUTE OATS AYLMER Babv or Foods BESTOVALL Choice Apricots Mitchells Taney Applesauce BELMAR SOUP MIX DEAL OAK LEAF WAX BEANS SNOWTLAKE MAKE A SALMON MAPLE LEAF TEA BISK MAPLE LEAF TEA BISK SOVEREIGN HAWES PASTS GLOSS PALNOLTVE BEAUTY SOAP Cashmero Bouauet Soap 2 MAPLE LEAF HAZES and SPAN BON AMI MO 32 27 33 27 31 35 24 49 39 Ston Hewn Mori AM WEDNESDAY NOON AJU PM SATURDAY AM ANNE CHOCOLATES A QUAVTT TrM TIH Rio CAMS MB MID I 59 I I 37 2 2 9 WALL TIMS COHCHTM OK SNACK SACKS Sandwich Baas TOILET TISSUE J 2 arm TIP BITS Wi KENNEL CLUB DOG FOOD 23 brand CLOTH EACH CHAM0ISITTI CLOTH EACH POLISH ii Hi S

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