j J ITS A Womans World By Caroline Ion Canadian television came to Newmarket last week Its arrival although heralded by soundtruck and newspaper advertisement for several didnt draw the crowd the baseball games commanded on the evening The Newmarket Town Hall was barely halffilled Extra Rich special soften skin quickly Smoothes elbows and all other skin areas A powder flaierirjgreitleAJ Fragrant lin gers when used before doing household chores You know its by it colour in the care- and flection Despite many chores enjoy social affairs knowing your hands will reveal what busy day youre had even protects from effect of the new chemical events chapping Household tasks stormy weather can chap or crack your skin unless use the only lotion especially designed to prevent sand damage before it happens A of goes further than most lotions of its rich uniform Always hare two hollies oil hand Jio In the and one in the TODAY to urn lotion LOTION Mad by of MUM After three years of wailing announcement was made in would begin television in Montreal and Toronto opening for Toronto and district was held on Monday evening Sept Through the courtesy of Stewart rion owners of television receiving sets were given the opportunity of viewing this premiere of Can adian television V As at all official functions much time was taken with few wellchosen words- from ah endless succession of These included of British American arid European television Prime Minister St Laurent spoke as did the minister of national revenue Dr J J A D CBC chairman and Fergus director of television in Toronto Mr St Laurent told of possibilities which lay ahead in television for Canadian talent and promised that the in Canada would be started with the aim of benefitting our national life that it should have the structure and means requir ed by Canadian conditions to provide suitable Canadian pro- grams for Canadians Things to Come Following the official monies the audience was a preview of things to come samples of the types of shows which will become regular tele vision features over Channel Toronto This live show included a spot of drama a comedy routine vocals in the popular vein and a favorite aria orchestral arrangements sports a piano concerto ballet and pantomime In this toobrief outlining of future programs CBLT clearly showed how television will be of the audio and visual arts Talented Canadians in the en tertainment field who previous ly were forced to seek employ ment south of the border will now have similar opportunities within their own country Here could be the impetus for velopment of a truly Canadian culture There will be new jobs for singers dancers and actors Writers will have a fresh field for their work and behind the scenes there will be countless opportunities for Canadas youth Udprofesslomil When the Leslie Bell Singers appeared on US television they were told by Columbia Broad casting company officials that they looked unprofessional To help remedy this the girls enrolled In short modelling course We had the same feeling that the performance just missed the professional status about the work of many of the Canadian artists appearing in this years grandstand show When Tony Martin look over the spot light that something extra very apparent The audience was his Is appeal Was not because of su talent It quite apart from whether liked popular his choice of selections or his style of singing It was tiectup in one word showman ship The result of years of public performances and contin uing opportunities his appearance as different felt that this lack among the Canadian artists was hot a matter of nationality It was not because Tony Martin was American that- he had such stage presence It was hot because Evelyn Gould was Canadian that despite her obvi ous talent she remained apart from her audience Critics say Canadians aire too reserved to foe good entertainers Or The Canadian artist doesnt unbend and relax as does his American counterpart feet it is a question of experience Canadian artists were given ah opportunity to display their tal ents at the grandstand how Another year will go by and they will have a similar chance if they are among the for tunate few That is not enough Perhaps in lies their opportunity J 1 CHECK TORONTO STAR FOR VALUES IN GROCERIES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES prices WE GIVE YOU A SPECIAL MEAT DEAL WHICH IS THE REASON FOR A LOCAL ADVERTISEMENT THIS IS LAMB WEEK NEW LOW PRICES ON FRESH KILLED LOCAL SPRING Gladioli palms and candelabra decorated United church Social News Mr and Mrs Larry Thicv- St Catharines visited the home of Mrs Annie Sanderson over the weekend Visitors at the home of Mrs- Ethel Mount Albert on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Sheppard Hamilton Mr and MrslWlep Sheppard To ronto Mr and Mrs Bruce and Mr and Mrs Bill and family Mr Mrs Larry Thieverige St Catharines and Mrs Annie San derson Newmarket Miss June Gilpin spent last weekend at Walkers Point koka with Mr and Mrs- Harold Robinson Toronto Taylor and Mrs Miller have just returned from two weeks holiday at Muskoka and Mrs Ray Latimer Angus arid Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose Ahgus spent Sunday with and Mrs Frank Mar Nash and Miss Mar Getti Colorado have been visiting their cousin Frank and several other cousins whom they had not for years and Mrs Warren Graves Mount Albert spent Sunday with Mr arid Mrs Frank Wddif Mr Joseph Evans returned the first of the week from a visit to his daughter Mrs Edwards Ruth in Toronto Mrs Richard were recent guests of Mr J Bowman Mr and Mrs toured On tario on their honeymoon Mr and- Mrs Bruce Miller arid son Gary Leaside visited Mr and Miller on Sunday Donald was the guest of Terry Carter and his parents Mr and Mrs Carter at their cottage Stormy Lake district over the weekend and Mrs Clarence and Brian Toronto are spending a few days with Mr and Mrs J Hi Bull Houston who was a patient at York County hospi tal for a returned home on Saturday Her condition is reported to be satisfactory Moulds his sister Mrs George Simmer son over the weekend Kenneth was a guest of Bell and his parents Mr and Mrs J it Bell over the at their summer I SKIM MUX MILKO HEALTH FOR DOCS DOG FOOD CLOVER MO 1 WHITE HOMEY CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP SPECIAL FOR COOKING OIL TINS TIM 28 TIM LOB LAWS GROUND PRIDE ARABIA BAG TWO CUP COFFEE POUND BAG QUALITY BANANAS POUND mm Flame Red Tokay Grapes lb MARYUHO flOLDEH SWEET POTATOES 3 POUNDS ONTARIO CAULIFLOWER EACH ONTARIO TYPE ONIONS 2 POUNDS 25 VINEGAR OLD CAVE OLD CHEESE MALT Baby or Food for the marriage of jt age Gull Lake daughter of trick LAMB LEG OF LAMB FRONT OF LAMB RIB LOIN LAMB CHOPS FLANK STEWING LAMB lb lb 51c lb are all choke quality better by far than grades ad vertised In Toronto papers at even more money than we ask ami Mrs Dill man Brampton to Carl Lee Richmond son of Mr and Mrs Earl August Rev Davidson officiated at the weeding Miss Was organist and Mrs soloist Given in by her lather the bride wore a gown of blush satin embroidered with lace and seed pearls and cap with fingertip lace veil She carried a of orchids and Mrs Claude Watts Toronto matron of honor Mrs Proctor Newmarket Miss Beryl Hunter Tor ontoalso bridesmaid were in fulllength of net over taffeta stranlessj with shoulder capes and matching caps in shades of pale green and pink Miss Watts flower was in white organdy over- rose taffeta Best was Mr Keith of Ottawa arid ushers were Mr Claude Watts Toronto Mr Edwin lis and Bruce The reception was held at the Yellow Briar Brampton the brides mother groom and Miss Jean Melville the guests hi a dress of as bridesmaids wore identical and Mrs William Young spent the weekend in the of Mr arid Mrs A Mr and John holidayed last week in New and Iroquois Falls Mr and Mrs Hairy Jackson John and Jimmy Maple were Sunday guests Mr and Mrs Ernest Morton for merly of Toronto has moved lo Newmarket and Is making her at Prospect St Mrs Charles Indiana polis is spending a few Weeks with her soninlaw and tor Mr arid Mrs J VBowr man HMr and Mrs were weekend iiuests of Mr and Mrs Bond Mr and Mrs called on his parents and Mrs J- on Saturday to leaVr for where they will spend the Week with Mrs Broughtons parents and Mrs Percy King hat trimmed with feathers and carried bronze baby mums and yellow gladioli petals Miss Audrey Noble- sister of the UNGRADED A sue Pickles ft CHOCOLATE CAKU or or NIPPY MARGARINE MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SHORTENING SWIFTS PREM ro MOTHER PARKERS COFFEE QUAKER OATS SPAGHETTI M 2 LONDON HOUSE CHEESE Horry Homes MARROWFAT PEAS 2 JAR TIM or WLB or JAR BAG 1LB 1Lff TIM LOCPKO TIM la pita orchid French lace with white accessories and corsage of or- assisted the grooms mother In navy dress with white accessories and corsage of pink carnations For their honeymoon trip to the bride chose a toast colored faille dress with dark brown accessories ant corsage of roses They will make their future home lri Rich mond Ontario Zephyr United church decor with autumn iower5 was the scene of a very pretty wed- ding on Saturday when Clara yd u duughlcr of Mrs Jf and the late Mr James Osborne was united in to Allan James Noble younger son of Mr and Mrs J Kenneth Noble Uxbrldge The doublering ceremony was performed by Rev Mrs Gordon- the wedding and ac companied Olive Meyers sang At Dawning and Hirough the Years Tim bride given In marriage by her brother Ray wore traditional satin gowa It had a fitted bodice with a nylon yoke edged with eyelet organdy trimmed with pearls and S full skirt falling Into train A satin cov ered with pearls held her fio voir of tulle illusion She wore three strand pearls the gift of the groom and carried cascade of white mums gladioli petals ami fltephonolis Mrs Ray Thompson ha wore a gold taffeta gown and bolero with a and hats to the matron on honor in bronze and moss green They carried yellow baby mums and yellow gladioli petals The groom was attended by his brother Mr Donald Noble and the ushers Mr Clayton brother of the bride and Mr Ronald The reception was held in the church parlors where Miss sister of the bride In a gown of navy crepe with accessories and wore a corsage yellow mums and roses The brides mother wore a grey gown with wine accessories and a cor sage of white baby mums and roses Thegroorhs mother in violet gown with pink accessories and wore a of pink roses and baby mums The grooms grandmother Mrs Cook also received in a gown of navy with matching accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses and white baby mums their wedding trip to the and groom wore matching suits of navy gab On their return they will reside in Toronto 32 63 39 32 m m m 37 33 27 85 11 29 COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BBEAD WHOLE CHACKIO UNSLICED 15c MAS ft KmH RUBY TCMIWHIO MRS HOY 0 AyiWM MRS GORDON AM Av JIB MRS MRS mas AM Jla MRS J Apt MAS A SI A MAOPQCK MAS AT Stmt MRS CLARK MoMMrtt tin Tumi Mm MRS EDITH a MRS R IT R MRS DORA MRS w AvtmM sttt t Jelly Boil EACH 33c A QUALITY Of THE LfiHAW RAWRY MeCOAMtCKS DUPLEX BISCUITS AM PM WEDNESDAY AM NOON FRIDAY SATURDAY M IMPORTED HOLLAND BULBS TULIP COLOUR PEG 59 Joseph Evans celebrated his Olst on Monday Sept riumbor relatives held a Lions in honor of Evans birthday A pleasant time was enjoyed NO FUSS- NO MUSS No fussno Tip Top for quality Morrisons Mens Wear Main St Newmar ket phone LAWS T1ND1KNISS AND MATUK LOBLAW QUAUTY BEEF- STEAKS or BOASTS ROUND CHOICE rBESH LAMBS QUARTER MEATY RACK ROAST f FLAMS NICK Off CHOICE fOt L LI PORK SAUSAGE PURE PORK FOODS READY TO COOK SOLE nam W tern CO If It v J I ft- 1 I Mr