SttHvy Contractor Cleaned and Service RICHMOND HILL TURNER Pate The Sept IB ZEPHYR Mrs Mclennan and Mias Nan McLennan of Toronto visited at the home of Mrs A B on Sunday Wo wish to correct a mistake made in our expression of sym pathy for the Cain family last week Mrs Geo Cain should have read Mrs Herb Cain We offer our apologies for this er ror- Mr Graham and Mr Stew art Graham visited Mr and Mrs Verdun Que bee last week Mrs Graham is spending a few weeks with her daughter and family there Era Ex Temperance vi He Trade Now THIS NiW flee freeze Refrigerator meter of 9h worlds Hem Deepfreeze Re Mg hat Com- Store more dun of ftottn food ice cream Separate shelf for ice Way and Full- width ONLY fcos Tie Door Morel V HANDY JUGS hold Jukes or read for beeps butter ready to spread Holds one pound ANEW BIN fceeps greens fruit and vegetables hold loll quart bev erage and bottle keeps eggs handy pro tects them from The Garden Brigade Girls of with Mrs Ev erett Phillips as their competent leader attended the achieve ment day in Newmarket on Sat urday Sept The five girls Misses Irene and Isabel Mas Miss Edna and Misses Margaret and have completed their three years work Three of the girls Irene- Edna and received their county honors in the form of a certificate and pin Congratulations girls j Miss has se cured position as teacher at North of There are 34 pupils in her school The Womens Institute resum ed their monthly meeting on Sept 10 when the members gathered at the home of Mrs Maurice Beynon The roll call An of international Inter est created much interest Dur ing the business period a letter of appreciation from our sister institute in Scotland was wad regarding cake mix sent their in- st A receip for 50 for the support of the Save the child ren Fund was received The members voted a donation of to the York County hospital In October the members are asked to bring a donation of pickles or fruit to be given to the hospital Please keep this fact in The October meeting of the will be held o Oct ober 22 rather than the There will be films shown oh Cancer Research in the church basement at this time All mem bers are asked to invite a guest for this important occasion The date of the short course What makes a good of fleer has been set for January Mrs Nelson Thompson has been elected delegate for the convention at the Royal York on Nov The convener Mrs had a very interesting program planned on Citizenship and Education Mrs Palmer read an article on Wei are the immigrants better after the operation Thomas is to be con on her success in the baking class at the She won a first for shortbread and second for macaroons Mr and Mrs George Phillips were guests of Mr ami Mrs Everett Phillips for Sunday sup per Mr Thomas is still confined to his home after receiv ing a leg Injury It Is Im provement will soon be evident Mr and Mrs Gordon Baldwin are holidaying in the north October Is the date of the supper at Temperance- church Get your ticket early from Admission is by ticket only Do not be appointed by leaving your pur chase to the last minute KESWICK PINE ORCHARD Friday Sept is the date of the opportunity sale at Union church under the auspices of trw Wilting Workers Used and new clothing homemade bread buns cakes and candy white elephants will bo offered for sale from to pm After noon tea will be served Come and bring a friend and spend the afternoon with- the filling Workers Mr and Mrs and family spent the weekend at with Mr and Mrs Whitfield Anniversary services will bo held at the Union church on Sunday Oct at am and pm Anniversary supper and annual meeting of the will be Held on Monday evening at the church Mrs Don of was a weekend guest of Mr arid Mrs Howard Mr and Mrs Howard Haines are building a home on a lot on the Sheridan farm Queensville News Mr and Mrs Murray and son were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Roy Toronto returned home on Mon day after enjoying some holidays at their sons cottage Keswick Beach Miss Dorothy Lee Toronto spent Sunday with friend Mrs J J Cameron who is ill who is teaching in Toronto was at home for the weekend Mr and Mrs E Agar have returned after a holiday trip to and points north Last weeks heat brought the weekend traffic to the lake as heavy as in the summer Most of the Keswick Beach cottages were open over the weekend The September meeting the was held at the home of Mrs Wilder Three splendid devotional topics were given by Mrs Mrs and Mrs Winch All stressed the thought that people and Ha lloas need more faith making essential in the lives the two great commandments of love SCHOMBERe Mr and Mrs Ed Wood Kettleby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Oriole Sloan Mr and Mrs Walter Mcintosh of visited with Mr arid Mrs Wilfred on Sunday Quite a number here at tended the anniversary services at Second Baptist King church on Sunday last We are pleased to see Mr Pat Ford out and able to drive his car again after a bad attack of Hugh over the week end shingles Mr Donald Skinner of Toronto spent weekend with his par ents Mr and Mrs Blake Skin ner Mrs Annie was taken Newmarket hospital on Thursday for treatment We wish her a speedy recovery Mrs Trevor and daughter arid Mrs Gra ham visited with Mrs ton at recently Mr arid Mrs Bruce lances AND PHONE NEXT TO A dainty lunch was served by A hostess The Mothers Day on read by Mrs j lo he in Roy The lovely solo This is my task was sung by a guest Mrs by Mrs Charles of Miss Betty lav- the group with a piano An oral contest conducted by Miss contained educa tion and humor Mrs Nelson niompson Mrs Doris Davis and Miss Margaret served a delicious lunch Friends of Mrs Howard Pat rick of Aurora were shocked to hear of her illness but we are happy to report she is feeling the United church on October at three oclock Guest speaker will be Mrs Chalk superintend ent of moral education for the province Mr and Mrs Ike and Mr and Mrs Samuel of Toronto left on Friday for a trip to New York and other points in the We to see Mrs Elmer King is home from the hospital and is improving Mrs Barton Ward is visiting her daughter Mrs Earl in Newmarket for a few days Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lee Greta Cole who were married in the United church on Saturday afternoon Friends will be sorry to hear that Mrs Bessie Scott fell and broke her hip and Is now In York County hospital Newmar ket v A xray clinic will be held for our community and surround district in a mobile unit at United church oh Friday Sept from I to pm Thjs is splendid opportunity or a free chest arid each one Is well avail self or herself of this worth while service Children under years will not be xrayed and f rem to 12 must be by parents or guardians Anyone wishing to have a free diabetic test may have one at the same time as the xray clinics Miss Pat left on Monday to attend Insti tute Toronto Mr Doug Smith left on Tues day to attend Queens University Kingston We wish both these young people success in their field of learning Mr and Mrs Ralph and David of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Doane Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John and Fred Wil son were Mr and Mrs Percy Reynolds and Mild red of Bond Head Messrs Harry and Lewis of and Mr and Mrs Carman Wilson of Ket Mrs Pearl Wilson from St Andrews College the week end with Mrs J Mr Mrs and girls moved to Jersey on Saturday Mr and Mrs Byron spent the weekend with Mr arid Mrs Elmer of Gil- more Mr and Mrs- Orlan Church and family of Station spent the weekend with Mr and WITH Mrs John of Raven- shoe is spending this week with her daughter Mrs Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Jr and family of Keswick moved into Mr Rollings farmhouse this week Mrs Frank is visiting district in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Gordon and family Plan to attend the monster bingo in the arena Friday Sept at pm There willbe extra good prizes This Is the annual September bingo so come along arid meet your friends there Mrs Ruth Chute Kingston Nova Scotia visited Mrs Herb Kershaw and at the home this week Rev and Mrs inti daughter spent a couple of days this week Kitchener Sunday visitors at the home were Miss Audrey Taylor and Mrs Taylor Mr and Mrs Stiff Mr and Mrs Frank Woolly and Mr Ross Chap man all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Hulse and of Bond Head Mr and Mrs Norman Still are holidaying at Balsam Lake for two weeks Mrs Kershaw and Mr Laurie spent Sunday at Maple Lake Mr arid Mrs Fred spent the weekend the FOR THE PRICE OF TWO PAIRS OF NYLONS j r- NO FUSS NO MUSS No Its Tip Top Suits for quality Morrisons Mens Wear Main St Newmar ket phone I B O S TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET VIBRATED Cement Blocks 8 and 10 plain Also Styles of Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Phone Mount Albert of Toronto visited with the for mers parents Mr and Mrs Mrs P Winger Vandorf News Rev Harold and Mrs and baby son David of Alberta are spending their holi days with their parents Key and Mrs Aurora Harold was guest speaker at Wesley United church last Sunday and it was a great pleasure hearing him again Mr A and Miss Marie Mr and Mrs and Margaret were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs J Irwin Mr and Mrs J Sullivan and Miss Louise Carroll attended the of Mrs A to make arrangements for the anni versary the Wesley Womens Association Mr Roy spent the weekend with his law Dr George Covey Toronto Mr and Mrs Grant and iad Sunday tea with Mr and Mrs Johnston New market Mr Bob arrived home from Winnipeg last Friday He will return to the University of Toronto for further studies Mr and Mrs Basil dog show at last Sat- Newmarket had Sunday dinner The Sullivan dog South with Mr and Mrs Bert Down Lucky May was a win ner female class Congratulations to the whose dogs prizes most of which were firsts at the Mrs Boss Toronto spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs A Wright and Mrs Harvey Wright Maple and daughter Susan spent last Monday with Mr Wrights mother Mrs A Wright Mr and Mrs- Bert had Sunday tea with Mr and Mrs Gordon Newmarket Mrs Ernest Preston visited her sister in Detroit lust week end- Mr and Mrs Donald Scott Yvonne and Bobby had tea with Mr and Mrs Howard Norton A committee meeting was held on Monday evening at the home Mr and Mrs Charlie Walker Lowell Mass spent a few days last week with Mr sister Mrs John and Mr and Bob Sunday guests at the home of Mr arid Mrs J Fetch were Mr and Mrs Edgar Miss Helen Mr and Mrs Charles Hamer and Linda nil of Brook Iin HELP FIGHT TB GET A CHEST XRAY DATE SEPT SEPT 29 BUS LOCATION MOUNT ALBERT HRS 1 00900 1 00900 A TEST FOR DIABETES IS ALSO AVAILABLE SURVEYS NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSOCIATION in cooperation with WOMENS XRAYS are PAID FOB BY TB CHUISTMAS SEALS CAREER COUNSELLOR UN Monday September 22 12 NOON TO PM and talk over with him the opportunities for ambitious young Canadians and the openings now available in the for men and women to train as modern Aircraft Technicians Drop in and see him without obligation Monday between 7 Mr ami Mrs of Windsor a at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Fisher the wedding Mr Jack of Ion last week Mr was rushed to Newmarket hospital following a on Saturday evening Another patient at is Mr Having We wish them both a speedy recovery It Matthews is home again after a patient at Western in Toronto for the past three weeks We are to hear that her condition is improved Miss and Mr Van Dyke visited Mr and Mrs Toronto- oh Sun day The hot weather of thd fait few days has proved to ho main of and people are looking forward to a little cooler weather SEPT 22 20 MOV DEC 15 AVIATION OFFERS YOU A FlHi RECRUITING IN HOPE he held In Hope on Sep am and pm ihe or Music will be fey the junior choir in the morning and duels by Morion and Miss foronio in the evening- Mr Will Shields Is under doa tors care We wish htm a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Darker Ohio were of Mr and Mrs Parker last Miss Amy Newmar ket spent with Mr and Mrs Joe Mr and Mrs Lloyd Redman and Bruce Acton were guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson on Suit- I day AM I WORTH This little will be worth about when he is marketed How much profit lie will make for the farmer depends upon How long it lakes farmer to jret him to market and HOW MUCH HE HAS into him H Many tests have demonstrated that fed hogs go to market on lbs of feed OR LESS in to months Straight gram fed hogs take much longer and require about lbs more feed Feed fewfa lo one litter and you will see that saves and r a PERKS MILL Ltd CASE DIKE NEWMARKET Phone I I MOUNT Phone 5620