Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Sep 1952, p. 14

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1952 King City And District Mm none st Secretary At ft meeting of St Andrews Presbyterian at the home of Mrs Finch on Sept nual event noon when their representatives from Toronto and district high schools staged the teenage an- ID Ruby Walker regional of Toronto West was guest speaker She gave a picture of the various types of work sponsored by mis societies among the Chinese At Marie and Sud bury the Indian reserve schools In western Canada the port work on the east coast and all fields where the Readings were given by finch and Mrs Mrs C A Black presided Introducing the study of mis sions in Africa Mrs described the of the continent Mrs H Stewart worship service on theme Stewardship Mft fcinsoa the president returned to her office after aArstvand chaired the meeting held at the home of Mrs James jetton 4 It was arranged Howe president of To ronto Centre guest speaker at the thank off meeting on October to be held in the church basement Maple Richmond groups from the Anglican and Baptist congela tions will be guests at tftat Fireside Well An enjoyable fireside followed the at King United church day evening when congrega tion and friends the church basement for asocial hour The WA arranging a singsong of familiar hymns and two piano Roy Mr arid Mrs Davidson and daughters and and Wade were treed to the assembly- Miss fflldred and her of were there as guests of Miss Annie Refreshments were the auxiliary It to hold fireside a month during the fall iihd season United church win be morning Sept due to the an niversary service at church when Wallace of Maple preach and the Christian mens Choir of Toronto sing All Saints fa opened activities at a the auxiliary held of Mrs Harry Cunningham this afternoon Thursday aferdos in in July and August Victor Home Address Mrs Robertson of Toronto will represent the Victor for as special the Womans Auxiliary of King United churcbdhTues- ficpt at the home of Mrs is ah open meeting and eyefyorie Is to attend The call will be by members by donation a gift for the Home In the interests Presby terian Toronto donations of fruits vege tables from WWS are to he left at ho home of Mrs Williams by the end of Oc tober This annual project has been carried out by society for a number of years Home gardens have abund antly this year arid home canned fruits tomatoes and bo gratefully received by the Home Cedar At Cedar Brook in the ass fiats of St Sunday school and had a- Jolly picnic on Sept The Change In Mail Delivery Mrs McDonald King postmistress has been informed by the district postal inspector hat starting Oct newspapers and first class mail for King post office will be brought from To ronto to Oak Ridges early in the a local courier will transport it to the office The opening hour of the local office will hot be altered at This is de- the authority as a temporary arrangement It is ftped that the system will re lieve couriers of for the mail train from Toronto the mornings No out by truck has yet been ranged All second and third class mail will come to King by Kingcrafts j Bonnie general manager of the International Hobby and Homecraft Show will address Kingcrafts oh Wednes day Sept the general meeting at the home of Lady line at 215 the afternoon Mr Bonnie will be to tell the show that is being planned for February in Torontos It was Mr of this organiz ation who was so impressed sales last June and the Quality of work done by the craiters- of Hunt A large number participated at Toronto and North York Hunt Saturday morning held- at the IP J- earson farm Snow- tall Urifortuhately Mrs Pear son was not able to participate as she Is confined to her room following her accident at Horse Show this fall her con dition being reported fair Lady Eaton rode her from Eaton Hall farm to the scene Lunch served by Jar vis at St Oh Saturday Sept the Hunt Will he held at the corner of the 2nd concession of King and the at oclock in the and at the same hour on Sept 4 at Snowball So far the weather has been ideal for and enthusiasm has been maintained at a high level Married Mr arid Mrs Leonard J Glass Strange vere wedded years ago on September It was in that Elsie Mary Scott and Glass were united by minister of the then taskay Methodist church Before 3Q guests the ceremony took at the home of the brides parents MrJ and Mrs James TV at their home oh the fifth concession south of corners The only Nora niece of the bride Mrs Arthur Cald well now the little flower girl the Pearson nephew of the bride Her sister Emily Mrs John Ash The grooms parents not at the wedding because his father Dan iel Class very ill I Mr arid Mrs Glass settled oh the old farm on he line which became the home of their son Boh a year ago Mr and Mrs Glass moved to their y other home near the Barrie highway at King They retirttl lost year Last- summer they made a trip to the west coast see Mis aged of Mr Glass program was arranged took motor trip to the ted States and last weekend were guests of Mrs Frank Marshall at her sum was Pickup teirs V and aid Prizes woe giv en to children anil a neither fo wedding am Some of Vr piiehei M gave them a surprise until surprise unw was at their Wih pottery King Baptist at Pottage- villi fast Sunday and evening when minister of flftibel church Toronto preacher Mrs Baxter a Ward solos and with tli church eomppsed the the BcothMr choir music J v KcUJeby line observe Harvest on October a birth and education at held a corn over adult and children at the home of ion last Saturday night It was a night and the huge bonfire lit from and pieces of hardwood climbed to a great height burning hours corn from the garden and rolls and marsh- mallows were interspers ed with singsongs Models In Miss Freda Dent was one of 4 junior councillors of the Company to model in a parade at the College St last Saturday fore- green was also an cake Congratulating parents wore Leslie Glass and his Cairns and feflnd Clyde who their twelfth wedding arifllvcrs on Sept Boh his wife Joyce married five ftffii0ffityyjly Glass of and Audrey married three years j3ifP0- family circle is competed the Rev and been interested In the mi of Strange president of St dW ago- and head of In W35i ami Id She is one of the workers while Mr Glass was a former trustee of of finals King lost to Davis Children at School When and Timothy Davis became pupils at King- horn on September they en rolled in the school originally built by their great great father David Johnston of King- horn It is where their great grandmother Mrs J Davis Margaret Johnston taught school before she became the bride of the Hon J Davis It is the same school where their grandfather the late Aubrey Davis his brothers and sisters were pupils The sons of Mr and Mrs Bruce Davis the boys and tholr two elder brothers are the fifth generation of the family to live at Kinghorn at Memory Acres the Davis homestead While the home is not quite completed Mr and Mrs Davis and the two boys moved In before school opened Sheila and John Collins whose father is employed by Mr Davis are also Kinghorn pupils and will live at Memory Acres their apartment is ready teachers Meet At a meeting of king Township Teachers Association at King school on Friday afternoon last week many new faces were The newcomers were introduced by Mr school Among these was Miss Betty Cllmpsbn from Bald Win teacher of Strange school She was with an exteacher Mrs Al fred with whom she makes her home Others Miss who came to school with two years experience in native pro vince of New Mr El mer of cipai of tworoom school Mrs Gladys froth Wellington Prince Edward County who returned to the profession to hecome the teacher ili- Miss Sam son from assistant at where the Junior classes are held rink Mr J Neil Lothian who came from Newmarket to become principal of Oak Ridges with Bert Mrs- Margaret Hawkins fohi arid Mrs Graham from NorthBay Discussion held on the forthcoming public speaking Teachers were asked lo have candidates prepared for the township contest This would be followed by the district petitiohs for winners and later by the at the council chambers In November At Sacred Heart separate school 120 ore enrolled the of Sister Mary Carmella while Sister Mary is hcw in high school grades and Sister Mary Miss are the lather teachers who have remain ed on the staff Sister Mary Clare Is the Mother Superior Nine children from two Dutch families who came to Canada this summer are new pupils at this school Crowd at King Ridge With an open fireplace- pots of hot coffee corn on the cob toasted rolls and and iced tubs filled with pop there was nothing missing at King Ridge corn arid roast on Sept held in the commun ity park- Children made up percent of the attendance and they were given prizes for rac ing early In the evening dance platform provided ac commodation for modern and old time dancing with the music played by Gordon Thomas and Dill with guitars- Earl Greenwood violinist Hawaiian guitar Herb Parker and Frances Greenwood alternated as piano accompanists and Bill Cutting colled the square dunces- This year iighting system improved the event sponsored by the Credit Union organiza tion Many came from Pottage Ketticby King City and district Air Trainees Home Smartly attired in their force uniforms Prank Dearie arid Bob Crook training at had their first home leave to King during the weekend the home to see Frank word Ronnie Klrkwood Mr- and Mrs- A Han Carson Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank and baby oft Hill The monthly meeting of King City village truatces will be hold oh Monday Sept in the Masonic hall at- front Miss Dorothy Armstrong re turned from two months abroad iafter the Kingdom and Europe on a planned tour She has re sumed her piano classes at King a ter her well deserved hoi and resumed her duties or- at First Avenue Baptist church Toronto on Sept Miss Barbara Brown who spent several weeks England has returned to Eaton Hall farm Another traveller who is back home Is and his friehd Pete VonNostrand who wont West for employment a high closed MHs addressed Mrs Scott 2nd corfces- and Mrs John Oak Ridges Mrs Albert Jones pre sided at the when special arrangements were made to carry out the annual bazaar in November At the missionary meeting Mrs Williams presided and after program members were urged to attend the west rally in Toronto In October In King Memorial Library may be found The Silver Chalice the choice of the Literary Guild Written by it Is highly recommended for inter esting reading A hew selection of childrens books Will be found on the book shelves Mirs iEVelyn Green of Hunts- ville spent Sunday with her grandparents Mrs Ellas She was motored here by her friends Mr and Mrs Rod and on to Toronto a days Letters from Mrs tell the wonderful time she Is haying is making head quart era her sister Mrs at but has visited in Alberta and Man- She return home with Mr and Mrs Garnet pice- man of early in October Dr and Mrs Grant are proud of their first child born at Toronto General hospital on Wednesday Sept- Fraser is tiie Scotch family name arid William is the fathers and grandfathers name Mr and Mrs A Wilson are expected home this week from a motor through the and parts of the States Beverley of Eric of Maple and Murray left for on August to take a convoy of ten cars and for delivery at hear The young men are remaining in the west to help with the harvesting ley his parents Mr ami Mrs Howard that he Is staying at the home of a very fine faniiiy and Is enjoying the as his first long trip away from home The boys had no travelling expense except their meals They will easily earn enough while there to pay their expenses when they return home Mr James Brown expects to be returned from York County hospital soon He has been con fined there with fractured right leg received when hit by a car on highway near I Landing a couple of weeks ago It is the same leg that was fractured a year ago A builder by trade Mr Brown working In the district when the accident happened while he walking on the early in evening Mr Lome of son of Mr and Mrs Brown Is In Eng land left home early in August His wife ami four-year- old son went to Birmingham in because of the illness of her mother has a postt- with the limb aiid Is him self an amputee Victim from War Mrs Frank Marshall of Strange entertained Mr and Mrs Glass at her cottage at Brocks Beach dur ing the weekend Miss Carol new prin cipal of school spent the weekend with friends in Tor onto Miss comes from New Brunswick and makes her home with and Mrs Howard Norn- Garry has returned to his mothers home in Toronto after living as a Ward of Mr and Mrs Fred Dent for tho past six years A unique way of announcing a marriage to friends came from Mr and Mrs at last Week A carried an aerial view of farm buildings Beneath was a description of the wedding the reception and names of some of the guests The story also told of the special tour of the town made by the bridal party after the ceremony Mr Peter Chirk has rcceivet the birth announcement of a Mani toba the son of Mr and Mrs Bert Clark The is the only one in the third generation to bear the family name John and Jessie Clark had nine daughters and four sons born in Scott township on the homestead Of these Peter Chirk Is the only remaining child His are Bert of Manitoba and Russell of Toron to the latter has no children Miss Lois left to en rol in a home economies course at where she will spend a year Recently the choir of AH Saints Anglican church pre sented Lois with a pair of pillow cases On Saturday evening she entertained a number of friends at her home and for lunch oh Monday entertained Mrs I Scott Mrs Thompson and Gail Mrs Harry her mother and Mrs Harold motored Lois to where the remainder of the Weekend wilt be given over to friendship parties for the girls supervised by the staff On the towing Monday morning dosses will commence WINTERIZE your home now V- County Hospital WILL tanks Chemically CLEANED Camp cesspool and Septic Tank cleaner eliminates need of expensive unhealthy pum ping and digging up of cess pools septic tanks seepage poofs etc No shutdown eith er Dissolves everything or ganic from grease to cloth to fibrous tree roots in to hours Town Country Equipment Supply If Jr Lake Ave Wilcox Lake Phone Turner Richmond Hill REPAIR AND INSULATING Those worn spots on the roof end walls of your home con cause real trouble when snow and ice go to work on them But you can beat old man winter to the draw a few minor repairs if you make them right Caulking Com- pounds roof coatings and sid are the Ideal materials for quick effective home repairs Fleece Line Rock Wool In sulation another fine Product will new com fort into your home fleece Line will pay for itself in just a few years with fuel savings of up to SEE YOUR BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD MONTREAL ONI W H EVES and CO Davis Dr Newmarket Phone church for IS and the of whq your hauling may Chevrolet art rtginerad to fllv fop In every way lei took at Chevrolet you four area to from the HP HP loadmaiter HP Toremailer and mighty HP top In elate for rugged power lets look at feottfreif Chevrolet trucks offer you every feature you rteed to tarty load and haul the load safety dependably and economically Frames springs axles ball steering and engineered and built to unsurpassed standards of excellence off lets at value the values Chevrolet trucks and youll see for yourself why Chevrolet gives more for your money Thats why more truck user buy these top performers than any other make with federation of for and in now King Ho is trustee on manse board for church A bus load motored to kirk on Monday night to see King team play against n the semi- Albert itulherfprd township last week on the Union Jack and what Its colors menu She men tioned highlights of the monthly executives mooting fivorsley A and the meetings month were held at the home of 1400 Chevrolet OldsmobUo Dealers tlit if Vj-

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