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Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Sep 1952, p. 11

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i COUNCIL Saved Question Proposal Combine Work Of Clerk And Assessor In the manner of an old schoolmaster gathering a group of successful senior pupils together to praise them for special achievements Mayor Rose blew verbal kisses to bis councillors for what he described as the high calibre of the debate on meters These en comiums applied also of course to Councillors Jones and Murray who opposed meters member Mr through whom he obtained an interview with the deputymin ister of highways Other mem bers of the Streets committee being unable to accompany Mr Murray fie took town fore- Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor We wish we had the mayors gilt for saying ail those nice things It art that we must somehow learn to acquire There are all sorts of oil and balms for the easing of pains in the legs and belladonna plasters for lumbago pains in the back- But you have to be a master words to soothe troubled breasts and Mayor Rose has all the of a political virtuoso for such occasions We wish we had his gift Instead we are and rather timid Some people however apparently think of us as an embittered old man lean ing on his cane and the world around him Me truth far different We enjoy the world and are very happy in it We dont always agree however with opinions hear And in not agreeing with them we say so And theres the rub We Did Agree Wo did agree with what Mayor Rose said in regard to the meter debate If every discussion in council were carried out with the same clarity and conciseness business would be a cinch Each member of council knew what he wanted regard to meters and said so Some had changed their former opinions as they had a right to do But they knew what they wanted when voting time came and said so Councillors Jones and Murray have been consistently opposed to meters and that is how they voted Reeve Cook has changed his opinions of a year ago and came- out strongly in support of meters Meters are now established in Aurora for keeps We hope they will prove of permanent benefit to the town As for a vote of the people there was no time left this The meter company declined to an extension of time or the taking of a vote Thus council was compelled to make a decision As we stated our council report of last Week oil members with the exceptions of Councillors and Murray voted in favor of meters And there the matter ends Savin of At a previous meeting of coun cil some members were willing to accept an estimate of for the installation of sanitary sewers on Kennedy St this estimate had been reduced from more than submitted in the previous year Some members argued that the estimate could not be bettered and were anxious that the work be proceeded with Councillors Davis and Murray wore of a different opinion and pressed that advertisement ask ing for tenders be inserted in the newspapers This was done and the small expense incurred in advertising was fully justified Three tenders were submitted for the work One was for another for and finally the one that accepted at The contractor submitting the lowest lender was the J Company of Pickering St To ronto and this contractor secur ed the work Had the first mate been accepted the town and property owners would have had over more to pay the work being done wider improvement than will now be the case It certainly pays to advertise St Improvement- A special meeting of council will it is expected finally con- wider the goahead oh the Improvements to Au roras Main St The subject has been debated for year If the work is now proceeded with as scorns likely it should not bo forgotten hat Councillor J Murray deserves full credit in the matter Home weeks ago Murray mentioned the subject hut took the view that It was then too Into to do anything this year lie was of the opinion that the do was to gather data for the council Murray secured an appointment the local pro- OFFlCfe DOAN HAIL AURORA TELEPHONE PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE EIGHTEENTH DA OF SEP NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO COUNCIL REPORT For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone FWILLIS PhmB 1st The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc founded Avn Win Jim Gouldlng along with The interview resulted in the highway being surveyed the same week by ah engineer from the department and from this activity oil Mr Mur rays part the present progress has eventuated Even those who formerly feared the pos sible loss of the towns auton omy over the highway appear now to be sold on the idea of putting the Main street in shape with the financial assistance of the department of highways Other members of council ap pear to be keen on the improve ments If and when these are carried should not be for gotten that the man who put life into the whole matter as he did in obtaining a grant for the arena by personal appli cation was Councillor J Mur ray Special Meeting There have been no meetings of council held this year until Friday evening Sept Further to this there have been no sittings beyond midnight with one exception only The business of council as we have previously mentioned has been carried forward with commend able expedition The special meeting on Fri day night was concerned chiefly with the appointment of ah as sistant town clerk to replace Mrs Diamond Who resigned and to decide on the highway pro jects We believe Mrs Diamond liked the work very much iand would have continued with it had she received from the fi nance committee the monetary encouragement she felt was her due- v She was appointed at per week Our Impression is that an increase of weekly was bud- for Mrs Diamond This she did not get She did how ever get an increase on the town clerks recommendation of per week as of July Mrs Diamonds predecessor had 40 per week The work had in creased not lessened during Mrs Diamonds service That Mrs Diamond was a cap able and efficient assistant was pointed out on Friday night when Councillor Murray re minded council that she had taken full charge of the office during the town clerks two weeks vacation and on a later occasion for three days Cer tainty her work which ve have seen was of an excellent charac ter Too Hasty The applications from Miss Mrs Ada Jar- vis and Mr Norman Brett received only brief considera tion We have nothing whatever to say except the best of what we know of Mr George Wilkin son He is personally very like able Hes years of age and had been employed in munici pal work In England since the age of less some time spent on active service Rut personal likings cannot and should not influence our opinions on matters of public policy Our opinion is that council acted with too much haste in making an appointment without interviewing other ap plicants and considering their suitability for the work of as sistant clerk That appeared to he the view of DeputyReeve Murray who wanted the appli cations deferred Councillors and Murray were op posed to the Immediate appoint ment of Mr Wilkinson purely on grounds of policy Councillors King and Tucker presented council with an ultimatum In- the form of a motion for Mr Wilkinsons appointment not only as assist ant town but also as As sessor Councillor Murray object ed on the- grounds that such a dual appointment whs not legal ly in order as Wilkinson still at work as assessor At the mayors suggestion mo tion was amended to ap pointment of Mr Wilkinson as assistant clerk and this was car ried by majority vote The new assistant toWjicerk will receive the town clerk and this appears to lis extremely anomalous ft these noes It would pear that the town clerk hY duo for an immediate raise Oh grounds of public policy we repeat our opinion that appointment was made in too much haste The other appli cants should have been seen and heard That course would have avoided any suggestion that may arise of appointment being a planned job It would have been fairer to Mr Wilkinson I BYLAW The revamped zoning bylaw has been considered in committee but it has not so far come before open council It has been on the books since 1950 Council time and planning board time spent on it have cost the town of Aurora a lot of money It appears to be still costing the town plenty We have been looking over the new draft It does riot appear to be fundamentally different from its pre decessor The old draft ran to typed pages The present one is abbreviated to pages Trimmed and as it may be it still suggests the old hunch of trouble Here is one sentence on page one of the revamped draft that appears on page one of the muchdebated earlier draft ACCESSORY when used to describe a use building or structure means a use building or structure that is naturally and normally incidental subordinate and exclusively devoted to a principal use building or structure and located on the same lot there with The sentence quoted is about as lucid as most of the other sentences contained in the 12page typewritten sheets and anybody who can grasp the sentence and fasten it down to an intelligible meaning should have little difficulty with the mass of other crossword puzzles which comprise a plan of the planning area of Aurora prepared by the planning board of the town of Aurora- iscussion A special meeting of the town council was held on Friday night Sept with Mayor Rose in the chair and all members present Highlights of the meet ing were the appointment of a new assistant town clerk Mr George Wilkinson the town assessor and a decision to go ahead with the widening and improvement of the main street Here is another sentence on page 2 PRIVATE GARAGE shall mean a building used to shelter and store private motor vehicles but not used to service motor vehicles for a compensation Could this mean that if you have an empty garage and want to rent it for monthly you wont be able to do so if the zoning bylaw is passed The item is merely incidental to the whole WELCOME BUT BELATED At its special meeting on Friday night September the town council with MayorRose presiding made two important decisions these will be hailed we believe with general satisfaction The other may create considerable adverse comment The decision lo proceed with the widening and other improvements of street is as welcome as it is belated Councillor J Murray brought proposals received from the deputy minister of highways before council in Juno of this year It is only now about midway in the month of September that they are being acted on The delay as Mr Murray pointed out will mean mud on the highway in the winter and spring This work is however now decided and when it is finished the main street of Aurora should be one of he best business and shopping areas for miles around When the work is completed it will give Aurora one of tho best facelifts hi its history CREATING A PRECEDENT The circumstance that is open to criticism is the appointment of an assistant tomi clerk oh a presumptive basis that he will later receive ii contingent appointment as town assessor As assistant town clerk he will re ceive a salary of per week During the assessment period of approximately from April to the end of Sep tember ho will forego his salary as assistant clerk and assume a salary of as lowii assessor Mayor Rose and Reeve strongly supported this proposal and received from some other members of council on grounds that it would save the town money Kmphasis was placed on the appli cants training and testified and his desire to remain hi Aurora With the a it we have no What we dp question is the wisdom of employing any one man in two essential important capacities An assistant clerkship Is one capacity ah assessor is another it bo that the two capacities have a ma I ga a here I But wo knowledge ah t As far as know the Aurora town council except for Councillors and Murray are proposing to create a If and when this dual arrangement should even- town clerk Moses will have another problem on hands Olio- will have a assistant v- i who will bo on a basts time limit is reached and the town assessor- is ready to return to job Of assistant clerk ptoses pupil will have to is could go oh for years is enough time in which traiu anyone job of assistant clerk We may be wrong but lo us tho prbposal seems This town is so a d in new of assessment that a tough specialist is wanted for job Meanwhile Mr floor go Wilkinson will bo the assistant town clerk when his duties as assessor are over at the end of the month Three bylaws were introduc ed by Councillor King The first of those covered the new water rates for private and commercial uses and the second was in con nection with the public school debentures The third covered the highway projects The new water rates approv ed on June arc for one tap and 4 for complete house hold service per quarter Com mercial rates have been increas ed to 13013 per gallons up to gallons Town Clerk Four applications were receiv ed for the position of assistant town clerk made vacant by the resignation of Mrs Diamond- One of the applications received was from Mr George Wilkinson whose duties as town assessor will terminate at the end of the present month Other applications were from at a salary of weekly Norman Brett and Mrs Ada of Newmarket at a salary of weekly Mr Wilkinson requested the dual positions of assistant town clerk and assessor Half of his time would bo spent at the town hall and the other half in capacity of town He requested 50 per week as assist ant town clerk While the duties of assessor he ask ed for 55 per week his salary as assistant town clerk being then in abeyance- Support and Opposition Mayor Rose and Reeve Cook strongly supported the applica tion from Mr Wilkinson point ing out that lie had very high qualifications Councillor opposed He said he would like to see- a veteran holding the position Councillor p J Murray also opposed said he liked personally and no doubt of his abilities He did think however that the two positions should be combined He paid tribute to the work of Mrs Diamond who until re cently had carried out the duties of assistant town at weekly having lately received an increase of 250 weekly A further point Murray was to the effect 1 ha l so far tho assessor had not turned in his assessment roll Wo have no means of knowing whether or not the assessor has done a good job on the assess ments for we have not yet seen his work H may have done a fine ho nr a poor Job We still have to find all this out Councillors Jones and Tucker llie appointment of Mr Wnkinson for the years as assistant townclark and the half as town assessor would save i the town money You will get continuity in the work of assessment Mr Tucker maintained Murray said equalized assessment badly needed In Aurora sug gested that the applications held over for further study and the appearance before council of the several applicants Submitted At this point King rose to propose a ion second ed by Councillor Tucker that Mr Wilkinson be appointed as sistant town clerk and assessor J Murray said that such a motion was not in legal order The bylaw ap- Mr Wilkinson as town assessor not and yon possibly give him appointment until the bylaw expires Mr Murray said Major that the motion be worded to appoint Mr Wilkinson assistant town clerk Councillor King moved and Tucker seconded- the following Mr Wilkinson m clerk at ri 5tf per week as as sessor are completed and the seal of the corporation be at tached hereto was by Mayor Hose Reeve Cook lynceve Murray and Council lors Davis Jones King and Tucker Opposing Coun cillors and Murray iHjfthway Proiecta further to the reports we gave last week of the proposed resurfacing and other im provements to the town high way Reeve Cook told council of interviews ho had had with representatives of the municipal branch of the department of highways He had also had an interview with the minister of highways and there seemed no reason for further delay in proceeding with the- bylav had been prepared for covering of the cost of half of which sum would be met by the provincial government J A motion by Councillor King seconded by Councillor Corbett then and and filially the was given a third reading debentures amount required Councillor J tak ing part in tne discussion said he glad that at last council had made up its mind to proceed the work which he had recommended as far back as the of June following his interview with the of Vc hud goahead then said Mr Murray- and he pilled over the cause of the de lay that had happened j DeputyReeve Murray said that council didnt seem to take much interest in the projects and he felt it better to let matter simmer Reeve Cook said that appro priations for such costs should I aye by February A of the munici pal branch of the had informed that the autlt- of would come from a authority titer said thi reeve the situ- had only been clarified by report of engineer Mr When he came before ccunciV in Councillor insisted he was still puzzled why the matter having apparently dead was so brought up The word of the deputy minister of highways should have been good for this council Mr and all that has been said here tonight on being was given report to council in June Mr Murray said he was that the delay getting iin the work leave the street cluttered up with mud winter and spring caus ing considerable Ho regretted the delay Mtivray said he had always been anxious to get on with the work but as he Said council dMnt seem too keen about He felt that in how deciding to proceed with the work they would town behind them council ascliairnianVo WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Old Document Describes The Gift Of Land For New Road A WriteUp Pleases Readers are in the news just now We have been reading an old document relating to a new road that was proposed in the year That was one hundred and seventeen years ago Too lengthy to in full the following extracts from the document give the gist of it Certain freeholders of the township of North and Georgina in the number of and more having represented to me that it is necessary for the convenience of his Majestys subjects and others that a road should be laid out and opened commencing at the public high way near the front of Lot 24 in the second concession of North Gwillimbury to run thence in a northeastern direction to the public highway thence northerly to Lake Shore thence in a northeastern direction as near the Lake Shore as the nature of the ground will admit to the boundary line between the township of North Gwillimbury and Georgina I have examined the place and do find that it is necessary for the convenience of the public that a road should be laid out and opened agreeable to the Col NOTICE To CREDITORS AND OTHERS THE OF ANNE ALL persons having claims against the estate of Anne Rich- bell late of the Town Aurora Widow who died on or about the 31st of July are hereby notified to send In to the under- signed on or before the 2nd day of October full particulars of their claims after which date the undersigned will proceed to distribute the assets of the de ceased having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice DATED at Aurora this clay of September Mildred Graham and Eileen Hughes Executrixes by their solicitor Lome Lee Aurora Ontario Doors Open First Show at Monday Friday Doors Open First Show at Saturday Matinee Saturday at pm SEPT the streets committee for decision how j ftiuk Front- Chairman of the property Councillor Cor be salo that Mho front of the He was given to- proceed with work of bulldozing and gravell ing the area and to put it in or der Council at pm St Is patron saint locksmiths he holds the keys to heaven NOTICE To CREDITORS AND THE OF A persons claims the estate of of Township of In the County of who died on or about day of to hi to on or before the 2nd day of October full particulars of claims after which date the undersigned will distribute the assets of the de ceased having regard only claims of which they shall have notice DATED at Aurora the 4th day of September Burrows Executrix by her solicitor Aurora Ontario r ikomcM My Son John wi onr by Mnm IK

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