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Newmarket Era and Express, 1 May 1952, p. 8

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KESWICK WELLDRILLING CO I and writs PHONE KESWICK FIGURE SKATING CLUBNbtlGg ration in the Newmarket Figure ill Iw hold a I he arena on May And Man- from to V- Due to a rise in price of ice time and increase in in- fees group les sons will lie PS for the season Refund s present members hold will be ap plied on membership fees in the fall A deposit of per is required upon regis tration This will be ap plied on membership fee when balance is paid in September There will be no refund on registration deposits Preferences will be giv en to present members but vacancies in the club will be filled in the order reg istrations are received Adult registration is wel comed Hospital To Meet May Mrs J is in of the program for the of the York County Hospital Womens Auxil iary to the tural ivoms May pm A shower of jams jellies for hospital will tec held ftt this meeting which lias contributed In the hospital through is request send a representative to Jims meeting Those womens groups and rules throughout the area viced by the hospital will report I on money raising projects held to make their donations Any groups ins such contributions to the hospital are requested to send delegates also A cordial lion is extended to the public to attend- Mows by ltiulne Hoy A Catholic Women Elect Executive I Mrs Harry Fee returned as president of the Newmarket division Catholic Womens League at its annual meeting last week Following the pres entation of reports on the years activities the election of officers was held Thcve elected to office are I pros Mrs Fee first vicepres j Mrs E Griffin second Mrs Charles third viceores Mrs Hill sec Fish Mrs F Cur ran councillors Mrs Cas- I savoy Roberts Miss Rose Bond and Miss Florence Goldsmith for the summer and early fall were discussed and following the the members sat down to the annua pot luck supper COBSSOHlKS of your outfit However you will line that they aw nidel when with In Una of fashion of per dive if you or the perfect look Do you lite lime when yon thought all thai a hid iiful haft day ah cone ami happily for loo The field variety item them will enable you to the look of out lit in many tray I hid your wmlrolic tensive Vat One of fashions ami and materials In- coming increasingly ihesxt ski vis mid are made from malted silk and motions- The for is a for the fabrics ami when in rnii plain color or a he worn as one of your very outfits tfrazynuilt are bring shown or wear and should be a ami item fabrics seen in nursery school and on the chit la dy-of- fashion fact quilted on the found everywhere season Hit It Cap Would you like a fresh hat this spring at a of expense Then why not one yourself Quilted taffeta is effective for a youthful snug cap and easy to make from only two pattern pieces Directions are included so that you can do your own quilting which gives you a larger assortment of fabric deigns from which to choose If you would like to have directions for making the QUILTED a stamped selfaddressed envelop to the Needlework Department of this paper and ask for Leaflet Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service Richmond Hill Phone KEMEMBEK York County Hospital IN YOUR WILL PREPARE BALES The Evening branch St I Pauls Anglican church market have prepared four boxes of good used winter cloth which they have forwarded to the House Toronto j These articles of clothing be included in bales to be sent to the white settlers in the tic Two additional boxes of used clothing were sent to the Scoit Mission Toronto in an- jswer to an appeal made by that mission last week for such con tributions The Evening branch completed making several lay ettes which were sent to the Empty Stall at the annual ITS A Womans Br Caroline Ion New leaves seen to burst forth on the lilac bushes as you watch them these days- The air is warm and sweet with the scent of spring It is good to be in the garden again Tiny curls of lime green tip the largo luscious strawberries or birches and in established j tender green peas he performs all Newmarket Miss Eva Barnes spent the weekend in Willowdale visitinn friends Mr and Mrs J Walker and children spent Sun- tiny with Mr and Mrs J Walker Recent guest Mr and Mrs J were Mr find A Tod and soil Ian Kit chener Mrs Alice and wirt and Mr and Arthur bain onto guests of Mr and Mia lamen Mr Miller vis ted in the at the home of Mr and Mi Allan Webster the Central On tario Drama iiit en- held at liar I To ronto April to inclusive were Mrs Mr ami Mrs Kehueih arid J Mi It Brown Mrs Mrs George Case Mrs Jack Herbert Dunham Mr and Mrs Nick and Mrs John Mrs J returned to Toronto after spending the past two weeks with her cousin O Little and Mrs Little Recent guests of Mr and Mrs A Thwaites were Mr and Mrs and two children Hamilton Mrs Charles accom panied by her son Ronnie has returned to Oshawa after spend- the past two months with her parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Glen Baker were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor Mrs J R accom panied by her granddaughter Marjorie spent the weekend in Toronto the guest of her sister Mrs William Howard Social News The Newmarket Eta and Express Thursday May hind Anionic hi Leaf linden on Monday 28 Mm J Morrison Cwinhi Mr Ceo villi and Mi J the pet tftrjiip for at the WW and Allan Vehdeiv Toronto Miller Newmarket lhlr wedding- anniversary on April That data narked anrij- of par- Mr and Claodo Web- Toronto A family dinner patty was held Misri If Aurora spent the Weekend with MiesL ami Mr Mm visited Miss Sunday Mrs 1 and special fere nee for junior leaders at the Junior Auxiliary sessions of the annunl held on Wed nesday April at the Cana dian School of Missions and the Anglican Womens Training Col lege Toronto Ralph recovered from his recent illness has re turned to his home at M Kathleen Mathews spent her Easter with her parents Mr and Mrs Mathews at Largo Florida Mrs Bert and Mrs Moor by attended the Ev ening Branch session of the A annual at St Annes church Toronto on Monday and Tues day April 28 and They at tended the corporate communion on Tuesday morning at St Mr and Mrs Ernest and Donna Foster spent the James Cathedral when A weekend in Toronto at the home members filled the church for of Mr and Mrs Frank Stick- the service the necessary tasks with an air of dedication It is interesting to note the i never ending battle which is course it is not necessary to go j waged between the two groups back to that month nasty There are those who plant the soft pinks blues and of fragrant hyacinths make the memories of raw cold March almost forgotten Of I Rev Donaldson Guest Speaker Rev- Donaldson rector at Anglican church was guest speaker at a special meet- ling of the Womens Association J St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket on Monday April Mrs Bert presided Held under the auspices of Evening branch of the local W by of associations throughout his deanery Mrs welcomed the guests and opened the meet- with devotions Rev Donaldson was a mission in Chili South America j for He spake on the U1 work of the missions in that country telling of the Indian Choose From Complete Range of GARDEN and MOWERS A the meeting was attended over ladies tables because after all they too must eat but their every thought is spent in perfecting the condi tions for their beloved iris peony or glads Then on the other hand there is the group who want their property to look attractive and neat a suitable background for their home When they have performed the minimum required to keep their perennial borders shrubberies and lawns in shape they depart to the part of the gar den They can almost taste those ripe raspberries smothered in cream or the white flakincss of the new potatoes cooked in their I I I i I La Mo I was by J Rhodes and Mrs Arthur ha STAN TROY The Garden Tractor Man OAK RIDGES ONTARIO King moved the vole of thanks to the speaker At the close of the evening a social halfhour was spent when delicious refreshments were served under the of Mrs diaries Yates NOTICE tennis enthusiasts for the are urged to be present on Sunday May at pm at 1 Main St Newmarket weather Easter weekend left a lot to be desired Here and there the early tulips in their brilliant red gowns ful fill the promises made by the tiny snowdrops and crocuses that the growing season is at hand The time for studying nursery cata logues is past Now to the task of preparing the ground for those shrubs and rose bushes Before long the pungent odors of fertilizer overpower any dain ty floral fragrances But the gardener anxious to provide a balanced soil accepts such tem porary hardships with the same philosophical air that he views the newly raised crop of blisters on his wintersoftened palms and the aching muscles of back and limbs His eyes are fastened on the distant goal his perfect garden Whether he is a flower fancier or a practical market gardener those of the green thumb society share the trait of complete stoi cism for the sake of their hobby That same indifference to physi cal weariness is completely lack- stores were welcome additions ing in the makeup of the person But is there anything more gardens with the well I than a in its bright leave the place in weeds j yellow salute to spring or the attitude lilac bushes resplendent in their The true gardener really enjoys pale mauve deep purple or white digging that 12 to inch deep bloom Or again later In the C G 1 Rally I ML Albert A successful rally strong leading a sing song Camp held in Mount Albert United dates at camp were discussed and girls urged Church on Saturday April with representatives from Aurora Sharon and Mount Albert It had been hoped Newmarket Keswick Sutton and Stouffville would have been represented also Registration of the girls present at am was followed by a few words of welcome by Mrs Bruce on behalf of the Mount Albert group Miss Armstrong led the group in a very enjoyable sing song Rev minister of Mount Albert United Church emphasized the need for girls to take an interest in world affairs jackets and served with slim young carrots and creamed aspa- 1 lhis followed by a talk on camp council given by Margaret Arkinstall ragus Nov thats garden ing they say and back to the hoeing without a word of com plaint Of course the rhubarb from the garden did taste good yesterday and those bottles of canned pro duce which throughout the win ter supplemented the fresh fruits ami vegetables from the grocery to at tend A skit Moses in the Bul rushes put on by the Aurora group was much enjoyed by all Mrs Pcrkin led the girls in group games A reaffiliation service with the Mount Albert girls reaffiliating with the WMS Womens Mis sionary Society was conducted and affiliation badges presented to those girls who had not re ceived them A missionary film Western Hands are Sure described the work of Dr Archer in his mission hospital the Lamont Hospital The girls then filed into the church auditorium where Schom- group conducted a worship service bringing an end to a very enjoyable day An invitation to visit another year was accepted so next years spring rally will be in Aurora Mens Club Entertain Ladies Miss Armstrong led the girls in a half hour of folk dancing Mrs representing the On tario Girls Work Board led the girls in discussion of projects and programs completed during the year had rhinestone jewelry on display wall a Mount Albert and shell crafts At On Monday April the Mens I the same time the girls council Club of Trinity Anglican church trench for his sweet peas He delights in working in the pro ducts from his compost heap to add needed human to the soil Whether he is envisioning a vast season when the peonies burst forth in their combined beauty of color and scent Yes as we en joy those tasty fruits ami vege tables shall nurture the of flowers producing tain ash the purple leaf plum and a continual display of Si loom and I the flowering crab apple whips color throughout the coming which we hopefully will plant months or thinking in terms of this spring Couple Observe Anniversary made up of the president vice- president and one girl from both entertained the ladies of the par ish The Harmonica Band under senior and intermediate girls in the leadership of Mr Moore- each group retired for discus sion After lunch the Mount Albert group conducted a hike around the village The afternoon pro gram opened with Miss Arm- croft supplied the music for the evening of dancing The Mens Bowling League held its annual social in the Aurora Legion hall and the trophies were presented to the winners f- r MONT UK A I Planning and window of people busy now I hi harmony in flowers be W Kit ing youre an old jural it Ive found the pofc for ones a without there too Yon just your income to bloom into the llitnspc want Its like Living wit a without the of a seed If ht to phut wit in a that is working for itee copy booklet taid by the OF it out of ill show you to to help mj k tie w i how run your inh of dtcann your Mil whft about f to ho a Person for Ml oner a ba pat Mi your silver and China wtf charming and a JcJJO for ftr or lKd up a Lit aid a gay air to company meal Ami they tan so quickly Always a on and never be cauah unawarts With four flavors three Tapioca Pudding flavor theres a to please every JfcllO are fully economical end so good for the Pud ding cost you only about a serving to are nourishing milkrich desserts Dont Thai Confident you get wha you Down mt of the oven and it light viil- Dor to family form around it and over pit of tender jii cake Ill bet thjn you thank your stars covert SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR For you are of lucky women who learn ed how much more flu5y and tools dices arc with Swum Down because it sifted and resitted until times as fin- ordinary flour makes better cakes every time Youll tic On Top Of The when youre chased the Glooms away with SAL Yes a bub bling glass of Sal effervescent salts taken before breakfast or supper will work quickly yet gently to relieve that sluggish uncomfortable feeling in your stomach Sal laxative salts arc a trusted family laxative for young and old to just sweeten sour stomach as a mild laxative or a more thorough remedy for constipation They help to restore normal bodily functions safely and pleas antly Next time youre shopping ask for a bottle of Sal and then send the Vox top or label your nam mut to me Barbara Brent Crescent St Montreal Iff tend you postpaid a free size of MUM Cream ant SPRING IS HERE REFRIGERATORS Leonard cu ft Leonard 86 ft 282 365 New coming soon from up m m m m CAR RADIOS Universal to fit any car from to Custom sets to fit new cars SEE the washer full size 12450 combination 225- Reg ASK TERMS DOWN AS LOW AS MONTH Stewart Beare RADIO AND APPLIANCES MAIN ST LOCKERS m m For Ihe convenience f the people renting lockers we will remain all day pm dosing all flay Mondays llie week of May G J Jerry HENRY shctALizihftSS SPRAY PAINTING w FOR A FAST ECONOMICAL JOB Call NEWMARKET Mrs llieir is over lis still in aetivo ami is mm of in The Janen wore ma tried 50 years oo Of- has lAOn in llie pail S2 years He was bom on the fam ily farm fourth concession of townsliip Tot tenham the son of the las I It graduated from the University of Toronto in and slatted his the following I graduated J fitrctehed about as far as St says Oorlors row was oii St hi those days he Tvo yiars after lie seltled lit lie married Miss Annie Catherine Henderson of Mrs lias a of the Canadian Since She Is fin active member of the Womans Aux iliary of Their is rowing roses Their garden Is famous in tin district where many rose teas are held in aid of some worthy they held tea in aid of York j County hospital The doctors loses have won many flower show prizes A recalled that in the liOfKo and miys Dr would ride to his rather than or a en Iter I that not more than ears ago said the friend Before and good toads he often had to For the first years of try practice we never saw an auto- he said Three sons of the all served in the armed the They are Lis- teiVfd home it physician at and Irani at Quel ph One lives at home A of Oil lane Dr Harvey pritetices in with Or are Of SI Marys Magdalene in St honiherg m jp 11ft Ill OSS On TlitHsday May ft the an imal lea will la the Aid in Hit Sunday Mrs is general will ho a side of home flaking randy and aprons Tea will ho served from IS it pm CENTS NICKELS DIMES QUARTERS SPENT HERE CONTINUE TO ENABLE US TO LOWER PRICES FOR YOU AND SAVE YOU CENTSTHATS SENSE IN YOUR BUDGET BRISKET lb3c FOR BOILING Boneless ROUND END ROAST 1159 RUMP lb OUR METHOD IS CASH AND CARRY THIS IS THE REASON WE CAN GIVE YOU SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE BRICrS IGA m

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