ELECTROLUX r Airpurifier and Cleaner Sales and Guaranteed Service Floor AUTHORIZED DEALER Units i- Eagle St Newmarket Ontario J I XH I ASSOCIATION BIN60 Town Hall WEDNESDAY MAY 7 8 ATTENDANCE PRIZE 5 SHARETf IEWEALTH 20 DOOR PRIZE JACKPOT PLUS PRIZES VALUE PROCEEDS NEWMARKET VETS BENEVOLENT FUND r- uses SERRATED EDGE for many cutting uses such as green beans bacon etc for bones etCfc Blades come apart with a twist to the right for easy cleaning NUT V- CRACKER BOTTLE OPENER TACK HAMMER SCREW DRIVER 3eMM Start Your Day Right With This HONEST FOOD Your good health de pends on nourishing food And NABISCO Wheat is- whole wheat in eluding bran and wheat germ costs just a few tents Saves you money on breakfasts WHOLE WHEAT Kingcraft Workers Plan For June Sale The final arrangements for the first sale of handcrafts home baking plants and Caledonia Market articles by Kingcrafts Guild on Wednesday June at the home of the president Lady con King township were presented to the general meeting on April 23 at King City United church All indications are that the affair will not only be lovely to see but will also have a very prac tical appeal to all who pur chase admission tickets in ad vance of the sate These may now be procured from Mrs A Jar vis and Mrs James Henry A limited number are placed at Armstrongs in King City Maple Richmond Hill and Georgetown Nothing but a cloudburst will postpone the event declared Mrs Geoffrey Beatty sale con vener If this should happen it will take place the following day June When the was formed months ago the motto was best quality work- and the sale was planned with this in mind Each booth will have personal appeal in quality and variety All work will be la belled Kingcrafts and attrac tively packaged in cellophane June will be an excellent time to select plants for the flower garden The garden cart and booth wilt offer a fine as sortment of seedling plants herbs and rockery plants Mrs Ernest the convener has devoted much time in organizing this section There will be small painted boxes brightly painted flower pots holding the plants There will be zinnias marigold stocks as ters grown from special seeds imported from England and the US Other collections are varieties of petunias lilies of the valley forget-me- nots African violet daisies chrysanthemums and others Driftwood flower ar rangements made by Mrs Gor don of will be on sale At the Caledonia Market booth will be found a treasure trove of lovely old china jewel lery and many other interesting things Mrs James Baxter convener Mrs and Mrs Eric Johnston will be in charge of this booth Those who have not turned in their articles to Mrs Baxter may leave them at Mrs Frank Armstrongs in the village Mrs us home cooking convener will have her booth AH food for sale will be attractively arranged boxed and ready to carry away cakes pies cookies homemade bread and rolls candy small jars of fruits and jams Airs would like all home baking in the booth by on the after noon of the sale The weavers booth conducted by Miss Evelyn Courtney and Mrs Johnston will have many beautiful pieces of craft In addition there will be demon strations of spinning and weav ing The ruggers will have hand hooked rugs and other items of interest They will be convened by Mrs J P The smocking groups of King and will offer a wide as sortment of childrens dresses and nylon blouses Mrs What- Finch and Mrs Nelson Thompson are in charge of the booth The Teencrafters who work on metals and wood will sell hand made copper bracelets earrings and buttons serv ing tables with designs painted metal scoops and candle holders Chiefly high school girls they have worked diligently to learn these crafts Mrs Ivan Specht and Mrs J Grew are con vening arrangements and the president Suzanne Grew is booth chairman The admission ticket includes afternoon tea convened by Mrs and Mrs Ivan A bevy of young wo men will assist and King City Bakery will cater Mrs H Weiss is arrang ing the decorative scheme of the sale The sale of draw tickets is very important Lady stated urging continued effort of this project Mrs Bob Ben son will convene this department on the day of the fair One of the draw prizes is a handsome quilt in red and white poinset tia design comprising pieces Mrs Harry Edwards chose the pattern and colors and has done the piecing The require two good to help them complete the quilt The quilt the hooked nylon rug smocked blouse handloomed bag leather purse and childs smocked dress will be drawn for on the grounds about pm New associate members of Kingcrafts are Mrs G Grierson of Maple Mrs P of Aurora Mrs W of To ronto The names of new active members are Mrs Grant King City Mrs Harold con and Mrs Jr Aurora The following announcements ore pertinent to Kingcrafters All handcraft work must be in the hands of group convenors by May 20 wrapped in cellophane bags and labelled Kingcrafts Conveners will bring this work to a conveners meeting at Kings on May A group of experienced wo men who have had their own handicraft shops will set the fi- price on all work They are Mrs of Kirkcrafts 1 Mrs and Mrs John Mrs A would like what proceeds have been collect- led from the sale of admission I tickets handed to her by May for her report on May 21 need magazines to fill Library Current issues of popular mag azines are needed for the library provided by the Newmarket Business and Professional Wo- mens club for the patients of York County hospital Maga zines may be left at Hookers stoic or Doris Ladles Wear Main St Members of the and P club are each to bring a current to each dinner meeting Hospital convener for the club is Mrs Seneca Cook Anyone wish- to donate magazines to the library is requested to contact Mrs Cook for further details IS CONVALESCING Mrs George An drew St who underwent a ma jor operation at York County hospital recently has returned to her home and is doing nicely tegular meeting of the U will be held at the home of Mrs 24 Court St on Tuesday May at pm Name Address HORT SOC FILLS EXECUTIVE POSTS W P Fish has been named first vice president of the New market Horticultural society The second vice president is Mrs John These appoint ments fill vacancies caused through the resignation of Herb ert Atkins and Leslie Barber Replacing Mr Fish as treas urer for the society is Miss Hel en ami Mrs Phi Ham ilton becomes a director for one year filling the office vacated by Mrs Kudelka when stop podup to vice presidency Other officers and directors remain un changed BIRTHDAY CLUB PIANO SOLOIST Miss Joan Rose was Instru mentalist at the April meeting of the Womens association Trinity United church Newmarket piano selections were greatly enjoyed by the members present today The Shredded Wheat Co ltd Niagara Falls Ontario Please send me one pair of Kitchen Shears for which I enclose and two Shredded Wheat Box Tops TAG DAY FOR THE BLIND ft Province THIS NIT IN CANADA J Canadians eat more WHEAT other A full life than existence for people depends on YOU Your donation to the Day for the Canadian National Insti tute for the Wind will aid in providing a blind person with employment or home instruction in Braille typing and handicrafts with reading materials and with financial assistance where tjiis is necessary to avert hardship When you receive your tag on Saturday PLEASE BR GENEROUS The campaign in Newmarket is under the sponsorship of the New market and District Advisory Committee Mrs J Morris Chairman The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Page Birthday wishes are extended this week to Carol years old on Friday Apr Carol Ridley King years old on Friday Apr John Nell Hamilton Newmar ket years old on Friday Apr Walter K Virginia 11 years old on Saturday Apr Howard Kenneth Win ona years old on Saturday Apr Lynda Ruth Koshel Newmar ket years old on Sunday Apr Barbara Ann years old on Monday Apr Kenneth 14 years old on Monday Apr Dorothy Ann May Newmarket years old on Monday Apr Shirley Marion years old on Tues day Apr Beverley Ann Boag Newmar ket years old on Tuesday Apr Be mice Gloria Harrison Ze phyr years old on Tuesday Apr Alice Johnston New market years old on Wednes day Apr Aubrey Arthur West Holland Landing years old on Wednes day Apr Richard Wayne Nichols King ston Nova Scotia years old on Thursday May Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club NEWTON CROOK the rectory of St Patricks Roman Catholic berg on Tuesday April Hel en Margaret daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Crook Ridge became the bride of Mel bourne Newton a Korean veter- son Mr and Mrs Thomas Newton of Aurora Rev Father Francis performed the ceremony The bride was becomingly at tired in a brown gabardine suit Ikmkc straw hat with brown trim and brown accessories She wore a corsage of yellow roses Harold Wood of Snow ball was her sisters attendant wearing gray gabardine suit pink straw hat black accessories and corsage of pink roses Rob ert Crook Jr was tho grooms- man taking the place of his brother William a soldier with the army in Korea whom it was thought would he home in time for he wedding of his sister After the ceremony the brides mother gave a wedding supper at her homce where the grooms parents and the brides sister Mrs James and hus band of Toronto were guests The couple left for a honey moon trip to Niagara Falls and are making their home in Aur ora Before her marriage the bride was honored with two showers one at Hie home of her friend Shirley Patrick of Snow ball ami the other at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Robert Crook when the Kin Ridge community joined to wish her happiness She received numerous lovely on both occasions One of these was a table lamp tho gift of fellow employees at Universal Insula tion plant at Aurora GREEN Saturday April was the scene of a quiet wedding when Audrey Peterson daughter of Mr and Mrs Mitchell was unit- in marriage to Mr David son of Mr and Mrs Mount Albeit Rev Ai ken of Trinity United church of ficiated Hie bride wore powder blue with navy accessories and carried bouquet of red roses and her attendant Mrs Gerald Code wore mauve with grey ac cessories carrying yellow roses Mr Code was best man The happy couple loft for a trip to eastern points They will re side in Newmarket AUXILIARY PLANS SALE IN MAY Mrs Bert Atkins led the de votional period at the Easter service of the Junior Evening auxiliary Trinity United church Newmarket The group met at the home of Miss Marg aret Bate on Tuesday April In absence of presi dent Mrs Bruce Mrs Donald presided A Buy and Sell sale will he held at the May meeting with each member bringing ah item to the meeting which can be sold to another member The auxiliary will receive the proceeds as a means of raising the group al location At the close of the business session refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Frank and Mrs Ernest Hill MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Senior Ladies Aid of the Christian Baptist church will be Christian Baptist church will be held on Thursday May at the home jf Mrs J Bond Queen St West at CHOICE 2 GERBERS BABY FOODS 3 ozViws DOMESTIC SHORTENING 27 BEEKIST AMBER HONEY feffi 29 CLOVER VALLEY LINK CHEESE 29 COFFEE FRESHLY GROUND of ARABIA POUND BAG Canada Coffee Value HIGH PARK COFFEE ROGERS GOLDEN CANE SYRUP v3 POWDER PINK SALMON TIN MB V9t a Mb TIM SPECIAL CHOCOLATE ROLL A The SEEDLESS 5 ooo JUICE ORANGES ASPARAGUS ICEBERG NEW CROP LARfiC SIZE FLORIDA PASCAL 2 GOOD SIS CALIFORNIA CRISP 2 LARGS SIZE BUNCHES 29 TASTE WOKE is C01H 31 APPLE 21 LARfit STANDARD PEAS SUYI TIN v TIMS MESA DEAL 2 REEF LOAF W 32 P0R1 REAMS 2 2 SALTED W22 COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT UNSLICED LOAF SLICED LOAF 14 15 MB PROS JAR TIN SPECIAL BISCUITS MB CELLO BAG CROSSE CHOCOLATE NUT TIN ASSORTED COLOURS SELF POLISH1HG JACK ft PEANUT RUTTER FOOD SAVER DISH SUCCESS WAX CHAN PASTE WAX MASTER COMPLETE DOG FOOD 2 DOGGIE TIDBITS SPRATTS DOG BISCUITS LOBLAW TOILET SOAP TOILET SOAP 2 BEAUTY SOAP 2 CASHMERE BOUQUET Toilet Soap 2 PRINCESS FLAKES BIG FIVE CLEANSER 2 AJAX CLEANSER TOOTH PASTE S Iff TAKE ADVANTAGE THE FREE OFFER IGE AA i FORMATION AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES JQ TOILET TISSUE JAR 35 ROLL BOX 34 OF 2 29 TIN MB TIN TINS 25 34 MB 18 CAKE CAKES REGULAR CAKES LARGE CAKES KEG CAKE LARGE TINS TIN GIANT TUBE IB GIANT ROLLS 29 FAMOUS ICECREAM BRICK 38 REMOTE SEEDS HIGHEST QUALITY FLOWER Pkg 5c GOVERNMENT STANDARD Vegetable SEEDS VERGREEN VIGORO CTN STORE HOURS and iiuk to iLiiv to Saturday to ALWAYS TENDER CHOICE FRESH BROILING or FRYING See Our Selection of Always Tender Choice 79 Wings 57c BACKS and NECKS CHOICE ALL WEIGHTS BOILING FOWL PREDRESSED POULTRY COSTS NO MORE NO FEET OR INSIDE WASTE IN WHAT YOU BUY BOILING FOWL CHOICE ALL WEIGHTS It PORK SHOULDER PORK BUTT ROAST ROAST FRESH LEAN HOCK OFF LEAN 53 UP TO LBS lb FROSTED SEAFOODS Ready to Cook fillets lb choice fillets lb 52c CHOICE FILLETS SOLE lb- CHOICE FILLETS SMOKED lb CHOICE lb CO PRICES MAY Sm p J jiLZ- SaM1 is v