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Newmarket Era and Express, 1 May 1952, p. 12

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T f J V HUGH MclKTYffi OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Cousins Drive Aurora Phone Aurora AURORA CITIZENS ASSOC A largely attended meeting of the Citizens Association We Vote Aurora was held on Sunday evening April 27 in Trinity hall A further meeting will take place on Sunday even ing May commencing at in Trinity hall when all in terested citizens are invited to attend Aurora News Page Page Thursday the first day of May nineteen hundred and fiftytwo RINK AFFAIRS By ORDER BOARD of ONTARIO Reg we have been in- strutted to discontinue the use of bottles for bottling MAY st all CREAM must be bottled in ptJ bottles and retailed at the following Prices as per schedule set by the MILK CONTROL BOARD Intrusion Of Aurora Social News Vandorf News Wesley United church Toronto spent the weekend with Association meeting will be held Billons parents Mr ami at the home of Mrs Grant ley on Wednesday May The motto is Our spiritual strength increases as we share it with others The devotional period will bo given by Mrs King- Mrs A Mr an James Wright Toronto had dinner last Monday with Mr and Mrs I A Swifter Mr and Mrs Clifford king SLEEP TONITE tafcin It way Indue In SI 00 fc and Mrs Annsley Graves of don an topic is by Mrs A Van Roll call is wltoon chlw a flower of the Bible Very considerable public interest has been aroused in recent weeks in the Arena and its management as a result of articles published in Aurora News Page and subsequent statements made at council and at the Rec reation commission It is understood that the chairman of the Arena board Mr Underbill will present a report to council It is hoped that such a report It is necessary that on Monday evening The Sidney spent Sunday with I will not only embrace concrete answers to criticisms but will also give a comprehensive over- TABLE CREAM 12 WHIPPING CREAM 12 AURORA DAIRY COUSINS DAIRY fei i a -a- all picture of activities at the rink which would include the present financial state of affairs it should be clearly stated that no one who has taken part in the dis cussions ever questioned the ability or suitability of the arena IT J manager and recreation director for the jobs to which he was ap pointed There was no good Club of the United church entertained the club meeting service and the male quartet sang two numbers which were very much enjoyed by the large attendance The guest speaker was Mrs who spoke on Czechoslovakia where her hus band was held prisoner during the war and her mother Mrs showed costumes of the the country After playing a number of games lunch was served The Ladies Guild of the Ang lican church entertained the Mens Club at a social evening on Tuesday The Home and School Associ ation are holding a tea on Sat urday afternoon from to in the public school Miss Dorothy Kilpatrick who Music is in charge of Mrs Robt Hostesses are Mrs White Mrs and Mrs Carr of Brant ford were Sunday guests of Mr anil Mis Jack Miss Marie of Ox bridge is spending a few days with her sister Mrs J Irwin Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The O D HESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel Emergency Calls Tel and that the report will be avail- son why Mr name able to the press for publication The real issues presented by Mr T F Swindle in his articles in Aurora News Page and sub sequent statements by Council lors Corbett and Murray have been confused by the introduc tion into the discussion of the i arena manager and recreation director Mr P PLAIN FACTS Aurora Beer and Liquor Stores in WOULD MEAN MORE drinking and MORE sales of alcoholic beverages In Ontario Beer Consumption gallons gallons up Liquor Consumption gals 5513210 gals up Ontarios Herniation increased in this period 12 MORE drunkenness Convictions For Offences Against In Ontario Drunkenness Liquor Control Act up up MORE reckless dangerous driving MORE accidents In Ontario Traffic Killed 198 up 11001 up As a result thore has been a tremendous increase in automobile insurance rales Prof Rogers expert of the Ontario says that liquor was involved in of all serious motor accidents which ho has investigated over a period of years MORE money spent on liquor less on necessary goods Govt From Liquor Hales up Consumers Costs In Ontario of VV up MORE money going out of town- All these outlets are as it were chain store operations By the law of averages the liquor outlets proposed for Aurora will take annually from Aurora residents alone the sum of and from the Aurora market area between and or one quarter of a million dollars This is all malt business Will the local business and professional people be left holding the bag MORE LIKELIHOOD of beverage rooms later on- Let Us not be fouled The establishment of a liquor store and brewers warehouse is the thin edge of the wedge the same interests would be hack for the rest later on Remember that in therm were no rtunna hi Ontario For years without liquor outlets Aurora citizens have enjoyed living conditions GOOD business and SOUND progress WE VOTE is in the best interests of our community V e V ote N o J Chairman Don lass Vice Chairman K Lubbock Secretary Smith Treasurer should ever have been linked with criticisms that were direct ed to the arena board and not to any employee at the rink or the Recreation Commission The in- took charge of the service- Mrs father Mr Cox who is very ill in Toronto Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Sleeth were Mr Howard Long Mr John Jenkins of England Mr and Mrs Thomas and Mrs Frost of Toronto The Whitchurch Community Centre Board held a very suc cessful dance in Vandorf Hall on Friday evening Mrs A White Boh and Ruth Mrs Grant ley and Hi life Port on Friday Mr and Mrs H A have sold their home to Mr John of Toronto and Mr and Mrs have pur- BIG CHIEF LODGEi Or Mia Ont FOR A DELIGHTFUL VACATION AMID BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS OPENS FOR THE SEASON ON JUNE Write W A Cody Or Phone Orillia lias spent several years as mis- chased the home of Mr and in India was guest Mrs Aubrey Holmes on Mark St speaker at the United church on In Aurora Sunday morning and in the cning the Evening Auxiliary elusion of Mr name has in fact clouded the real is sues under discussion What are the Issues The reference made to Mr was purely inciden tal arising out of the dividing up of the work he did for the arena and the Recreation Com mission That point was how ever cleared up and Mr was given a vote of con fidence The real issues are concerned with the arena board itself as to whether or not it has done a good job The chairman of the board thinks it has and that is very natural But how does this personal opinion tally with state ments of other members of the board present and past It is not Aurora News Page which is on trial but the old board This paper in the public interest has published articles from Mr Swindle which have never been disproved and since he was a member of the arena board for two years his opinions cannot be discounted He resigned from the board in protest against what he alleged to be its inactivity a charge that has recently been made by Councillor Jim Murray Councillor Jim Murray has come in for a lot of criticism verging on abuse for the reason that he spoke his mind on the arena board which he described as inactive Having regard to Mr Swindles charge that the members of the hoard were so inactive that often a quorum I couldnt be made up proved the board to be inactive Since Mr Jim Murray was elected to council he has proved himself a very able respresenta- of the citizens of Aurora He Mr and Mis George of Miss Ada Woods of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs G White- law at the weekend Mr J Crahtree has return ed from England after a three weeks visit Mr and Mrs Stanley May and daughter Victoria have returned to their home at Mrs May and daughter have spent two weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs A Cody Mr Leslie Oliver has accept ed a position with the in Toronto- Mr Ronald Crabtree has ac cepted a position with the How ard Smith paper company at Cornwall Mrs held a very successful Trend tea at her home on Kennedy street west on Friday April 24 POTTAGEV1LLE Wo wish to express thanks to the neighbors and friends and the members of the Ratepayers Community Club association for the collection of groceries and foods for a family in the district in need of them as a result of Illness The also sponsored a euchre and bingo These proceeds we also donated to the family The held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Arnold Dove on Wednes day April There was a very good attendance and a quilt was worked during the day Mr and Mrs Fred and their daughter Betty and family who have just arrived from England were weekend guests Mr and Mrs PLAN HOLIDAYS NOW AT BEAUTIFUL WHITESTONE LAKE Sunny Bay Cabins Fishing Hunting in Unsurpassed Scenic Northland Housekeeping Cabins With Boat Full Information and Circulars Apply Dr P J Watson AURORA Ontario Box CANADA The wedding of Mr Olds J George West and Miss Grace Willis is an nounced to take place on May at Trinity Anglican church Au rora Mr Harold who has been on a visit to England for three weeks returned home last weekend AURORA ROTARY MOUNT Mr- Wellington twin brother of Mrs accompanied by Mrs son and family all of Peterborough visited at the home of Herb on Sun- day of last week The usual weekly meeting and Mr and Mrs Duncan lunch of the Aurora Rotary club I and Mi and Mrs Jim Duncan took place on Monday April when members entertained their youthful guests from the minor hockey team A fine photo graph of the team appeared in last weeks issue of the Era and Express taken by Sports edi tor George Mr former fa mous hockey player gave an in teresting talk for the juniors EXCELLENT 1IOLSTE1N is well read and wellinformed on municipal matters He is a Rag Apple bred of municipal literature and owned by Douglas Welles- j and knows a great deal about ley King is one of the few Hoi- local government much of it having been learned from his father arid a great deal from his own efforts Since he does not without knowing what it is he is going to say and having steins in Canada granted the top rating of excellent for confor mation In addition she has proved her ability as a producer by having completed her ninth consecutive lactation on record thought out what he is going to jot performance test with a total say he can say it clearly and to production of lbs milk the point containing lbs fat In was sent by council to rep- of her achievements resent his colleagues on the arena board and he has not pus syfooted around He found the Arena board inactive and had the courage to say so He found that the treasurer had made no entries in the books from July 11151 to February when Councillor Tucker took over from Mr and in these circumstances bed as head- Mr Tuckers chore ache It appears that a few people including Hie chairman of the board would have bean bettor pleased with Mr Murray if he had kept his mouth shut If he had he wouldnt have been giv ing good service to the rate payers who elected him to coun cil That is not Mr Murrays way He is Under no obligation to anyone but the ratepayers who elected him to office Councillor Cliff at one time was a council repre sentative the board is what he said part at the last meeting of the lion Commission There was one thing I never did like about ho Arena Commission and that was the fact that committees were never set lip No mem ber of the commission outside of Mr Cousins Mr Mr were ever asked to do anything it is on record that on one occasion Mr called a meeting over the head of the chairman because of the failure of the board to get together Nothing to Refute At the Arena Hoard meeting held on April no attempt was reported in of Council lor Murrays charge that the Mr has been awarded a Blue Seal Certificate of Long time Production by the Association of Canada All of records have been made on milk ing Her highest individual yearly record was made as a sevenyearold when she pro duced tilt lbs fat from lbs milk- motored to Parry Sound on Sun day and spent the day with the Terrys Mr and Mrs Lloyd Decks and family Kitchener were week end visitors of the Norman Browns Sunday dinner guests of the were Mr and Mrs William Milne and family ronto Mr and Mrs Frank Teas- dale Aurora and Mrs William Mrs is re maining for a few days Mr and Mrs Jack Gamble s of Mrs Gamble at Richmond Hill on Sunday Welcome home to Mrs Bill Ash and son John Ernest who was born at the nursing home in Richmond Hill on Sundav April 20 Mrs is visiting her daughter Mrs les Smith and family for a few clays Mr nmi Mrs Kmmerion Stiles Toronto spent Monday of week with Mr and Mrs John Ash Mr and Mrs Harold Murray Kettleby Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Herb and famitv MEW FARMHOUSE AH ROOM A A NEW ROOF HOUSING FOR HIRED HANDS Perhaps can supply a good part of the necessary funds Talk over a Farm Improvement Loan with your nearest of M manager Bank of Montreal WORKING CANADIAMS IN OF last July until Councillor Tucker started entries in February this year If as appears the then secre tarytreasurer had not the time lo give to arena accounts it is not surprising that no report has been furnished to council of arena activities It would appear further that this failure was more an occasion for an expres sion of regret by those respon sible than the alternative chosen brandishing charges of un warranted criticism This tin warranted and un necessary criticism charge is reported to have been made by Mr Los at the last meeting of the Recreation Com mission meeting when hersaul he was disappointed in Aurora News- Page in not refut ing it Since we have heard no warranted and unnecessary we could hardly refute It anil Mr certainly did not illuminate us Provide the Answers most convincing steps the Arena Board could take would bo to provide concrete answers to the statements made by Coun cillors a Murray Neither of them can be charged with knocking the town Both hooks hail not been attended fori are trying to Improve it The the period mentioned which the Murray have been paying taxes Aurora Banner reported from the earlier council meeting in those words Ho Councillor Murray asserted that no entries to the town of Aurora for a joint period of years Councillor has served on council for many years and has render- had been made in them from service to the town BANTAM TR0YIR Garden Tractor fllfltt- RIDGES ONTARIO Phone UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED m EMPLOYERS Mease semi all unemployment insurance books for anil previous years immaliunly to the National Employment with you unless renewal have already been made They must be exchanged fur new hooks livfore in your insurance fiwifo make nolo of the date to which stamps are affixed so as to amid duplication in the new Renewal of hooks is important to you to your employ cos ami lo the Commission Please Ait THE INSURED Have you an insurance in It so please lake or riul it llw iieart It your your address so that von send ho yiw UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE C A MURCHISOM J R iKdf

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