Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era and Express, 3 Apr 1952, p. 4

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me Era Thursday April IKS I HOUSE FOR KESWICK house In good condition Attractive double lot good garden lovely trees good water near lake bathroom hardwood floors hydro Immediate possession Apply Joy 25T St Toronto or Frank Keswick c4w2 winterized cottage at Roches Point Lake double lot Good gar den land with raspberries Gap age Price Terms arranged Apply Arthur Mitchell phone Sutton v PROPERTY centrally located Frame building good condition Used as church Suitable for storey apartment or small acturing plant Write Era and Express box cr3wll GROUP of buildings to salvage best from Phone market lwl4j REAL ESTATE SALE SIXROOM frame house good location in Newmarket Poss ession- Terms available SIXROOM frame bath room edge of Newmarket hard wood throughout good high cation overlooking town Terms available MODERN new bungalow in New market with possession These are modern homes and well lo cated Charles E Boyd 17 Main St phone STOUTF AURORA Si Low- down payment Easy terms New very modern bungalow forced air oil heat landscaped Newmar ket Terms stucco in Aurora Large garage Breeze sunroom Several hundred raspberry and strawberry plants Lovely garden v CHOICE building lots In Aurora and Newmarket Ask for Bob Case Gordon Real Estate Brok er St phone Aurora 198 EXCHANGE WILL exchange room apart ment all conveniences for house or cottage or rooms Apply Main St Newmarket SiZ FOR RENT HEATED apartment Living rooni With fireplace modern kitchen Also Suit bus catfple Furnished optional ApplJr Main St phone requires or roomiHouse in pleasant district Willing to sign long term lease Phone 80 New markets AND BOARD or best offer Newmarket frame nicely dec orated electric central level lot good garden tenanted down V- Joseph broker Queen Newmarket pjipne J f V WILLIAM feOLLANbif REAL ESTATE College St Toronto 7000 modern bungalow on one acre lot heat ing bedrooms hardwood floors sun porch heavy wiring and garage Cash 5000 framehouse modern kitchen hardwood floors furnace heavy wiring acres with half aero straw berries and raspberries Poss ession immediately Cash S3 Also others from to Wright phone New market ROOM and board for gentleman Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket LARGE bright furnished bed- suitable for light house keeping Central location Phone Newmarket TWO furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping Apply Charles St or phone Newmarket- 2wl3 TWO fully furnished rooms Bedroom arid kitchen builtin cupboards sink continuous hot- water Suitable for business people Phone iwi4 TWO or unfurnished rooms Central location By elderly quiet couple by May Write Era and Express box EIGHT piece walnut dining room suite in good condition Phone 1035 Newmarket INTERNATIONAL H A De- Luxe refrigerator demonstrat or M A Wilson King phone King v WALNUT dining room suite ob long extension table nine pieces in excellent condition General Electric console radio with ex tension speaker also other furni ture Phone Newmarket Street DUNCAN table walnut top with cutlery drawer about closed and tended Phone range in good con- dition Bicycle cheap Ap ply Bob Peters Keswick phone 13171- MOFFAT electric range high grey and white In good condition Large size chesterfield chair Also annex for electric range Phone Newmarket- J ALL MAKES ALL PRICES FOR A BARGAIN see V SPILLETIES Main St Newmarket Phone MASON and piano up- Rates t STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents Word minimum of or Half prlco when Is on week word minimum enta cents for j 7 of Wedding end announcements Scent 8ecjita tt paid within week or iiij for insertion plus 5 cents line for of my be phoned into or left The Era wid Express office on Main Newmarket ISO mi to at Mi R King or with correspondent Advertisements accepted the mall where name of sender address Is clearly indicated get into over homes in North York 28 LIVESTOCK FOR TEN young pigs weeks oil Apply New- market or phone POLL Hereford bull months old Registered Apply Don con 3 East 2vl NINE eight weeks old Apply Hol land Landing second south or the Specialty Plant after pm weekdays y sows heavy in pig Phone Newmarket 2wl3 lb MERCHANDISE DAILY pickup and delivery of class of dry cleaning Smalt repairs free of charge Alterations and repairs at very low prices Free Maslor Clcarors Tailors Fur riers Timothy St phone Newmarket Rose MAIN STREET NEWMARKET -J- SSm ARTICLES WANTED J ANTIQUES Antiques of every description Highest prices paid Main St phone HELP WANTED ON Lake Simcoe couple operat ing office in residence and ad jacent business wish housekeep er to relieve wife for essential office duties miles north of Toronto equipped good home have two boys and 8 smoker preferred Write Mrs Art Dawson Keswick v -r- lWl4 EXPERIENCED plumber Write Era and Express box New- market GENERAL housework by the day or week Phone 1004 New markets TRANSPORTATION TRjVNSPORT to downtown Toronto from Mon day to Friday Phone Don Lang Newmarket TRANSPORTATION available daily to and from city Phone Newmarket IMPLEMENTS ARTICLES FOR SALE Venetian blinds aluminum or steel made- for all styles of windows Free estimates and Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box Ne Vacuum cleaners bought and sold and repaired Complete re pair service depot for all types of vacuum cleaners All work guaranteed Filter Queen Sales and Service 00 Andrew St phone Newmarket right good lines beautiful tone EXPERIENCED farm hand to Phone 51 wl Newmarket sman farm- Apply Osier 1 Newmarket SOLID oak diningroom suite ex cellent condition Also small in cubator Mrs Roy Coates phone 1100 gas water heater Equipped with thermostat and pilot light At condition Phone N CHILDS white steel crib Phone Newmarket COMPARE OUR ANYWHERE SALESLADY for dress goods and dry goods store Must be ambitious honest and a good worker Apply to Richard Sen- St Newmarket Af ij MORTGAGES Si second mortgage interest Discount on house lot in Sharon Write Era and Express box JIG LOTS FOR SALE SELECT corner building lot and Watson Ave Well fruits asparagus Phone or write PO Newmarket Zippers replaced alterations and repairs invisible mending relinihg cleaning and pressing Master Cleaners and Tailors Hmothy St- custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material tracks Pin on hooks lining weights tapes etc For information or appointment call Richard Sene ca J Main St phone Free estimates No oblig 4fl1 DONT BE la you ever high press- into buying something you dont want We your patronage but high pressure you Into buying But our overhead is small and we wUl meet any bodys price in the business Compare our regular prices against any sotailed sal- prices FURNITURE Newmarket Drop in and see for yourself that prices match any furniture store anywhere Terms in accordance with gov ernment regulations DYERS FURNITURE Call 1250 Newmarket ELDERLY woman or young girl to care for two children Perma nent home if desired Weekends free Friday till Monday Phone 207j3 or apply Mr 1 ROUTE salesman Reply to Beverages Ltd stating age nationality ami marital status 2wl3 m pony tractor with deptho hydraulic lift also plow disc and cultivator Complete 950 Reason for selling have ob tained more land Phone Richmond Hill rlwtl TANDEM disc harrow Harris In good shape new bear ings last year Price 75 Dennis Farm Aurora USED pony tract- or plough and Vowcrop disc harrow and Phone Newmarket IMPLEMENTS WANTED USED tractor with plow used fertilizer drill set of used discs or section of bar rows Apply Jack Sut ton West phone 12r5 LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses tor feed- Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone col tf 14 Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmarket or write PO box POULTRY WANTED All kinds of wanted Will pay above market at your door Phone Newmar ket Live poultry- quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Appleton Oak Ridges or phone King 59rl4 QUEENSViLLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANE AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES 10W COST HEARING i i to TV for The J Phone Newmarket FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World- SIAIN Phone NEWMARKET S Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to alt part of the world FUNERAL A Main St- v Phone Attend One of These SUNDAY SEED FOR SALE Street SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 14 Queen St Newmarket FOUNDATION A seed potatoes Ruth Best A Wilson phono Lieutenant Cameron Jf King Sunday far Douglas meeting pm Sundav school wj meeting Every Home League 150 bags potatoes certificate No 21956 J and Son phone 23 WORK WANTED CUSTOM plowing tor- House gardens a specialty Aurora FARM ITEMS CHOICE lots on and Bolton Ave Newmarket I- Willis phone in Idea I for summer cot age or small family Phone I Arm Baker building lots for sate on Avenue North of Main Phono Newmarket SINGLE brown enamel all if steel bed Willi splines and led mattress all in good Apply Eagle St itr phone Newmarket building lots Gotham and Maple Sowersand water Phone ft15 Newmarket IS PROPERTY Sl TWO ft lots on Newmarket Phone market PASTURE WANTIO pasture farm water supply J fmT PASTURE FOR ACRKS pasturcland with never jii a season or rent all at Phone Newmarket FARM PROPERTY FOR RENT 300ACRE farm acres of work land Rest bush and past ure Good brick house Apply C Noble Sutton phone short ie coal in coh4JIfon size years- Phone Roches Point ta GIRIS turquoise blue spring outfit slw in condition Phone elwJI good reasonable mil New market my in excellent wndltton Many accessories Apply itcrhsim Newmarket or New- market and Phone in and see for yourself that prices any store anywhere Terms in accordance vllh gov- regulations DYE FURNITURE Call Newmarket COAL and wood ivory en amel in perfect condition Phone Newmarket HaiPOINT electric stove in good condition warming oven and oven control Best offer accepted jess rotary sewing machine in condition full set of attachments Phone Aurora and Anderson chrome top high hack and shelf good oven Phone Newmarket furnace Also kit then cupboard Phone New market after pm suite apiece walnut chest of drawers mantel radio oak hall stand table desk sloping front annex coal heater laundry vooistove Quebec heater Jacket heater tables and rocker rwker radio cabinets Iceboxes occas ional chairs glass china brass and silverware Numerous other articles Phone Queens- vllle coat satin lined in condition MAH Phone or apply J3 Main WINK folding haby carriage in good condition Phone and block laying by ex hand Phone Newmarket 2wl3 WEEKEND SPECIALS If A la rue fee vWth rolled edge mattress and up vavra hardwood natural finish 3250 v A I DOLL from up SI if table lamps wiih shades wide rejection special suite with solid gables dovetail drawers DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket YOUTH interested in a trade Would like serve apprentice Good honest worker Please contact Birch HAL Valley UNO CONTRACTS Free estimates Lew Noble Millard Ave or phone Newmarket Are you thinking of tiling kitchen or bathroom floor so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic plastic wall tile It J and Son Andrew St market Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric- Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New- If OAK Hit Plumbing AM work guaranteed son phone TRUCK FOR SALE Thames ton panel Hies like in good 9Wi or offer owner since new cut sldeioad up racks good tires Apply St Newmarket Phone clover Apply Lewis St BACKED Alfalfa also Clover hay per ton at bain Wheat straw 10 per ton at barn Dixon a King phone King clover Howard King phone King planter Willi fertilizer attachment Phone King per bus Walter Warren Mo tin Albert USED CARS THOROUGHBRED STALLION WOODFORD LAD out of is by Sir 111 Have room for some farm mates breed good jumpers Service fee to farmers at CARRIGAUNE FARMS Miss Phone s 1 1 OWN Kl lake less for your dead ami crip pled cows and horses when the Ontario ires more Phone any time collect Newmarket or Try first ft I mixed hay also straw for sab haled Apply Hoy- If else mi con Whit church or phone Stout villi 2wia SOW TOPGRADE SEED Reg No 1 Beaver oats bus No Beaver Clinton outs bus No Montcalm barley bus Ail the above- seed tieatetl No seed Red Clover Feed and Seed Mitt phone Don Smith prop FOUNDATION A seed potatoes phone King 4 WOOD FOR SALS PLENTY of oak slabs and round oak on hand for firewood fuel Phone Motuit Albert cCwS lengths Delivered Phone Mono Albert BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES plus stock About buys a business Room for expansion Wilt con- any reasonable offer- Write and Kxpress box W Everyone welcome TRINrtY UNITED CHURCH J Aiken i-f- Hurrte Organist It am Holy Communion METHODIST Reception of members E- Faster Gods Word to Man Church of the Life THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday it Senior School rWW ii Beginners am Primary Cl3ra pm The Lenten Hymns lit Divine Ride On Ride On In Famine iBati Plan to attend the Holy Week services CHURCH OF THE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Serine Greenwood n Choir Junior Mrs A Petersen Sunday Palm Sunday EVANGELISTIC with special mtsssages is song in each pi wilt Save Satisfy alt who THE GOSPEL Associated Gospel FIVE house on of yoo paixten land Conveniences On lilghwny at Luke cash Stilton West eUvll PRODUCE 1 1 Y Uitf I hone lttSr Newmarket LOST engaomeiil SI ami York lioplial Newmarket nuts from seed bus Also hay phone K eondition- radio very low mile Phone New- after Motor- In new healer Apply til St pi tone New- under One owner since new Carefully Wind and Very little ear in eondition Sell for it at ftl Prospect Ave p phono MOaVmCYCL metallic finish new Terms Can lie seen at fitj i units mid pumps all models All install and service Apply IM Weston y- Enfield like with soul Newmarket Alfalfa and Timothy hay haled siting pel hale lot phone iU Ross lliil Kini FOR SALE year old mare lain call months old Phone A Hum In Sutton v PAIR white skaiei vOii March 18 either in Hie or Stuart school Finder please He Weil pm Prayer meeting pm Junior meeting Church tms families are hap Alain Street Fred Organist Mrs J Cane am My Daily Business a Slier pm Sunday schiKi service Overcome Evil With Apr to Fit Apr Holy Week vices Is More Valuable to a Than Devotional Service 11 Service pm The will be speatittg pi VKL5T dV it an The Paster- la fc in the at showing nuAnrtgeoloreVtalie The faster invited ANDREWS Newmarket Minister Herman Fowler Organist It Morning worship iSil pm Sabbath school worship ward A It I border singers Apply till Main phone puppies ial Kes wick or phone K l AT Si Will II W 10 yen ai or it flannel sluetts drape hi own blue rey ANNOUNCEMENT t April IM l the CiiiM Kvangeiism to tovlnf meting to Acquaint you with their There will he display of as well as ideas which will bo helpful In or other childrens There will also he some fine musical numbers and a story Riven Is welcome Pome and encourage your friends to come loo Yorkshire sows hot nigs Clean stock Murray or phone Miami Al bert Working horse 7 years old lbs Mount A phone i i k fly pleats lap seam PHONK MASTER TAILORS PJeleup Delivery HAY mare years old Apply Fred Sharon AT INSLKVS- Small girls and hoys navy blue wool or lop coats size to I a rue hoys AT lioys and tills navy blue wool to hoys and lrls to 98 SI irS FILM TIME AT Youth for Christ Saturday April at Showing FIRST J Arthur Rank SPECIAL SINGING IF YOU WANT INSPIRATION TO THE FRIENDS CHURCH NEWMARKET 7 THE

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