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Newmarket Era and Express, 3 Apr 1952, p. 1

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s- fc I f AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE m m SECOND SECTION Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 NORTH YORK I00TH YEAR EXPRESSHERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 3 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH CENTRAL RADIO COMMUNICATIONS HANDLED IN NEW HEADQUARTERS v A May week for milk de liveries ended this week dairies in Newmarket dead to resume deliveries oil days The three dairies Hillsdale and have decided for the at least to leave oneda only Sunday without A drop in sales is the reason given lor resuming sixday set vice The change from a fcdAyi week to a 5day week at the beginning of the new year with a price rise from to cents a quart i The dairies management said that people without tors would find it difficult keep milk too long especially during the summer months They did not say whether they would go back to a 5day week next fall or not i J I A Vote in Aurora to determine whether liquor and beer stores opened there will be held on Tuesday May 27 as far the Liquor Licence Board of On tario is concerned Auroras town clerk Kenneth G Moses inform- Era and Express the date set by the board SKATING CLUB GIVES FUND AID Chairman of the Newmarket public school board Herbert Atkins announced his resignation at a meeting of the board last The board is to appoint a new member by the regular meeting in A chairman is to be appointed as WeH Mr Atkins said that he would The boards cut of 4000 in- be working in starting eluded an estimated for this month and that he intended projection room dark to there permanently froxnan estimate for his resignation front painting I the school board post trig repairs estimate and 1000 from -nemafiitr0r- the Prince Charles school Three jv teachers have- been receive the board and it is the last election j more teachers possibly six altogether may be v fhe board did not discuss a hew but the chair man said that it was customary in many city boards to appoint the defeated candidate with the in EXPECT LARGE TAX- INCREASE 1 is J f RED CROSS DRIVE I Red Cross campaign has raised 334384 to date with still to come in from Newmarket and the dis trict The bulk of this money was raised last Thursday night with a doortodoor campaign- Red Cross officials were very pleased with the result so far Gratitude for the assistance all those who participated in any way was expressed On Tuesday April Mrs A Mckenzie well known Red Cross worker and former chair man of branch programs will visit the Red Cross sewing meet and after lunch will give an informal talk to the members A large attendance is urged The meeting is held in the Red Cross Sunday school rooms A meeting of the Newmarket highest votes Figure Skating Club executive in such a case Mrs Nelson Ion was held in the Newmarket the only other candidate in arena on Monday Mar The the elections financial report board has cut its A motion by budget klqyvn by the Howard Br ice seconded by a mill oil the tax rate Keith Davis to donate a request by Town UP TO ftp the Fire Brigade Uniform CleA Wesley Brooks A corn j RAISES Over 100 was raised by the Newmarket Home and School association at Its annual spring Opportunity sale on Thursday March The entire proceeds will be used for Home and School work in the towns public schools The sale was well patronized WJth many coming from as far away as Bradford King City and other communities in the dis trict As well as good used clothing the sale sponsored a white elephant booth which was very popular The association wishes to thank who attended the sale the merchan dise as well as all who contrib uted the articles A similar sale will be held in the fall All are requested to put their childrens outgrown clothing and other suitable ar ticles aside for it FIVE HURT ON HIGHWAY Five district persons were in jured when the auto in which they were riding collided with another on St south of Richmond Hill early Wednesday morning The accident in the dense mist which over hung the highway Injured were William Hutchinson Kes wick fractured back Raymond Aurora Ivan Hills Donald Keswick and Harvey Link Roches Point feit 1 Mr A Beaver- ton will visit the Newmarket Bed Cross sewing meeting in Trinity United church on Tues day April and after lunch will give an informal address to the members A large attendance is requested Mrs is a well known and active worker the provincial Red Cross She is former branch chairman and a member of the management committee and executive com mitted feP i iiL Fund A motion Fred seconded by Mrs Larry to don- ate to the Hospital Aid Fund This was passed unanimously by the committee An open meeting will be held at the King George school on Monday April at pm for parents of the figure skating club Nominations- and election of an executive for next year will take place Every is was made by iildirit from Mrs A is rumored to be up chairman of the preeer- i- aeC pre- are all j estimates by council committees would you suggest wejsd the obliged by cutting W its committee that the i Efforts cudgel cut had all been taken property Ontario Provincial Police of district headquarters moved into town this week and occupied their new offices at the former municipal building at the corner of Main and Sts First equipment to be set up Monday was the police radio which THURSDAY APRIL Slides WEDNESDAY APRIL Flowers of Ontario Early market Wing Spring meeting Association dance at Legion hall Horticultural society Trinity United church pm Script- Mrs John Convention report Mrs Phil Hamilton Light refreshments Public cord ially invited to attend FRIDAY APR Euchre and cribbagc under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary at the Newmarket Legion Hall Refreshments Admission SATURDAY APRIL Bingo in Newmarket Town hall Jack pot Sponsored by the Holy Name Society Time SATURDAY APRIL The annual meeting end election officers of the North York Womens Progressive Conseiva Association will be held in the Legion hall Aurora at An interesting program has neon arranged and tea will be served MONDAY APRIL At Pm in the Gospel Tabernacle New market the Child Evangelism fellowship of Toronto Is having a special meeting to acquaint you with their work MONDAY APRIL Scouts will provide program Scout- Guide Mothers auxiliary Scout Mall pm Talk on Scouting by Neil Lothian Scout Master Light refreshments TUESDAY APR Red Cross will quilt and sew at Trinity United Church Newmar ket from oclock to pm Lunch served WEDNESDAY APR Now- market Veterans Association am sponsoring a bingo in the Town hall at pm Prize- galore special games Attendance prize Door prize Jackpot 50 No charge for jackpot Proceeds for the Newmarket Trumpet Band Admission fames Draw for gents or ladys suit Value WEDNESDAY APRIL to Saturday April 12 inclusive conducted by University students from Toronto attending Bob Jones University Special music night Sponsored by Aurora Youth for Christ in Aurora church THURSDAY APRIL Sharon Junior Farmers arc a dance In Mount Albert hall to Norm orchestra Prizes and refreshments Admission THURSDAY APR Bingo Auxiliary Canadian Lo- gloh Aurora games specials Share the wealth Time In the Aurora hall FRIDAY APRIL llThc public cordially invited to attend the performance of the second and third parts of Handels Messiah tote- given by Trinity choir Newmarket as a Friday meditation on the passion of our Lord The performance will commence at pm in Trinity church WED SAT APR spring one- cent sale at the Best Drug Store Newmarket phone WEDNESDAY APR Dance at Sharon hall Good music by Hock ey club pm to I Admission a APRIL Used i cloth ing sale at the Parish Hall New- market under the auspices St Pauls Evening branch of the starts at oclock APRIL MAY 1 New market Lions Club minstrel show Town Hall Newmarket Particulars later THURSDAY MAY8 Annual blossom tea in Christian Bap tist Sunday School from to 6pm Homemade baking candy and aprons Tea FRIDAY MAY Firemens monster bingo ami old dance to be held in the Newmarket Memorial Arena Jackpot Door prize spec ial prizes Admission Dont forget this date All to go Into the new uniform fund EVERY DAY at am in Rochet Point Memorial Club- Admission Every Thursday at admission Every Fri day at pm pictures v THURSDAY Mingo ever Saturday Under auspices 14 EVERY SATURDAY In Mount Alhert hall to Norm and his orchestra Modern and old time dancing Jackpot and other prizes A time for nil On If WERY SATURDAY Dance to Jack Giles and his or chestra New River- view Inn Bradford Ladles cents Men cents tf controls communications the three county district of York Peel and Ontario As Morris right talks to police cruiser by radio in the new office moves pin representing position of a cruiser on a map of the district Police Move Into At Newmarket urged to attend Headquarters of the Ontario police provincial police district number five which have been in Aurora since opened new- offices in Newmarket this The Offices here larger than the former quarters at Au rora taking in the ground floor of the former clerks office Main and Botsford Sts and most of the rooms on the second floor The headquarters is an ad ministration office covering York Peel and Ontario counties Inspector Eric Hand is in charge Although no provincial constables on Highway duty work out of this office it is a nerve centre for the three coun ties A police radio station install ed on the ground floor of the new headquarters is the central point for all communications throughout the district Monday was moving day for the provincials Officers from outside detachments were on hand to help out moving files desks typewriters books guns and radio equipment from AUr to Newmarket The offices have brightly decorated rooms offering pleasant working condi tions for the staff Stationed here with Inspector Hand arc Sergeants Elli ott J J Palmer arid H Howell There are addition six provincial constables and two stenographers on the staff- The town rented the offices to the police headquarters re cently council voted 15000 to ward renovations and redecora tion at the old building Ex terior decorating has not been completed yet are still in the process of getting settled ar ranging office and sorting but files The first part of the headquarters to TAG SATURDAY FOR cRiPPtEp Children The- annual Easter Seal- radio show will be heard over radio stations on Sun day April 34 In the Easter Seal cam paign is being sponsored by the Lions club The Easter Seal cuts salarits sLp6 There several of v it some library If the rate is settliS music supplies and some mills it will mean an increase of teachers salaries- Mrs seven mills over -last- years rate urtis said of mills Town it A surplus at the end of the Town revenues included year of Newmarkets 35044 irom law enforcement riicipal business amounted to last year Parking meter rev The through magistrate campaign as means used by the according to the annual Ontario Society for Crippled auditors report by HB Children to raise funds for their tor at a meeting of tpwii council court fines which were viewed revenues work Monday night on the books by members of be set up and put into operation of course was the police radio Officers at headquarters and in cruisers say they are still in the habit of giving radio indenti- as Aurora and one even answered the phone with Ontario ftovincial Police Aurora But they will soon get used to Newmarket as home base LINEN STORE TO BE ipON A new store will be opened in a few days on Main St Newmar ket called the Silk and Linen Mrs Marie Redhead is opening the store at the corner of Main St and Millard Ave formerly occupied by Harrys Dry Goods i Mrs Redhead is well known in St She worked for the late Burke from the time he opened his store and has been employed in the same store since under the management of Richard Senecal Seals have been mailed to Mayor Joseph Vale said that council as a welconfied surprise residents in Newmarket by the the figure showed explained the an- Lions with the request that the situation iri the towns finances report of Chief Constable wili contribute in re- but added that municipal costs Byron turn have been steadily Mr report lists On Saturday there will be a Newmarkets general assess- 1 cases of speeding 1062 stop life Childroii interested in for was street infractions although a taking for the are ask- with a tax rate of mills The small number of these had been to contact Mrs Fred Cass assessment is 4305400 withdrawn are In his report the police chief phone Prospect Contributions lb the fund can ing estimates to bring down the said During- the period for be mailed to George budget which is expected which I have served the town of or Bob Newmarket or to be settled at the next meet- Newmarket my policy has been left at any of the banks 265POUND RESCUE MADE AT LAKE SiMCOE to carry out police duties as humanely as possible We take drastic action a last resort and I feel the results have been more satisfactory m J Tonight in Trinity United church school room an open meeting of the Newmarket Hor ticultural society will be held beginning at An interest ing program has been arranged Light refreshments will be serv ed The public is cordially in vited to attend -vat- TELL HOG GROWERS SURE OF PRICE warning to hog producers to be sure that they are receiv ing the benefit of the gov ernments floor price of cents a weight was issued by the Ontario Hog Association this week The association warned that the price is paid only when the hogs are delivered to the On- stock yards Toronto and I does not apply when the hogs are delivered directly to the packing house Some packers association warns are not paying the full cent price 4 Ncdiqh0Pilrn Rfyeit JMtney Stowing Here The first feature length mo- J against such distinctive back- lion picture to be produced by j grounds as historic Quebec the the National Film Board Journey will he showing at Newmarkets Theatre for four days starting Monday The management is sending out in vitations to all disabled vcter veterans widows and pen sioners to see the picture There will be special matinee showings on Monday and Tues day afternoons for school child ren a matinee Wednesday for high school and adults The picture has won enthusias tic reports from other towns since its release on Christmas day Aside from the historic significance which shows the royal couple sweeping across the country Into the hearts of thou sands the picture portrays a new kind of Canada a country which has reached national ma turity The royal couple will be seen grandeur of Niagara Kails or the throb of Industry Breton steel mill Metropolitan cities the colorful west Interna tional touches with shots of Windsor taken against the De troit skyline and the visit to Washington provide colorful ex citing scenes Commentary is by Canadas Glover of the who Is relieved by a typical American commentator in the Washington scenes and other individuals both children and adults TOM KIRK NIGHT Tonight is the annual Tom Kirk night when the Newmarket arena wilt be open to youngsters of all ages At the Squirts will play off for the hockey championship the Pee Wees at pm After the games there will be free skating TRAILER DRIVER ft HAS CLOSE ESCAPE The driver of a transport truck had a narrow escape on the Holland Landing hill Tuesday morning- The driver Harold of Hamilton lost control of the truck on the slip pery road and skidded at foot of the hill running shoulder of the hill on the west side He escaped with a shaking A loud of heavy shingles strewn across the highway i NEW OWNERS AT NEWMARKET TAXI Norman and Wilfred Needier are the new managers of Newmarket Taxi which has been operated for eight years by Larry Needier and J In announcing the change In ownership this week Larry Needier said that he and Mr had given up the taxi business to devote more time to the Newmarket Bus Lines which operate a town bus route and school bus service AT RECEPTION A of Aurora On tario Legion president will tend the reception and luncheon being tendered by the City of Toronto to the GovernorGeneral of Canada His Excellency Hon Vincent tomorrow in Toronto CRIB TOURNAMENT Zone Canadian Legion are holding their annual crlbbage tournament at Aurora this even ing Teams from Sutton New market Mount Albert Aurora 1 w a and Richmond Hill will compete Alex McLean and Ray White are convening the event if RAISE RATE York County hospital has in creased its daily rates by one dollar effective April The Increase was made as a result of an operating deficit at the of 15000 Municipalities served by the hospital have also been asked to help make up the deficit in the form of grants based on the number of patients from each municipality vUwos hot tin c right to rescue his friend 2s5p6und Aubrey left also of Holt after he crashed through the ice Point Mon day heaved and tugged threw to and finally pulled him out They had walked in toward shore from a fishing shanty to see if there were any pike near a fish ho in a small bay was looking down a hole and walking a few yards away crashed through the Ice who slid in up to his waist then up to his neck said he dog paddled like mad and claimed he wouldnt have been saved If he hadnt He said the bay was supposed to be a bottomless swampy area where farmers cattle had often disappeared com pletely FUNERAL A double funeral was held on the Indian reserve last week for the two oldest Islanders James and Margaret Asquibe They were cousins and both died on the same day They were both born on Island and lived most of their lives there Mr Asquibe had been a caretaker on Snake Island tor several years overtook him

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